import streamlit as st |
import spacy |
from transformers import pipeline |
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") |
def preprocess_text(text): |
doc = nlp(text.lower()) |
tokens = [token.text for token in doc if not token.is_punct] |
return tokens |
qa_model = pipeline("question-answering", model="distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad") |
def answer_question(question, context): |
result = qa_model(question=question, context=context) |
return result['answer'] |
st.title("Question Answering App") |
st.write("Upload a text file, ask a question, and get an answer from the text!") |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a text file", type=["txt"]) |
if uploaded_file is not None: |
data = uploaded_file.read().decode('utf-8') |
st.write("### File Content") |
st.write(data) |
processed_data = preprocess_text(data) |
question = st.text_input("Enter your question") |
if st.button("Get Answer"): |
if question: |
answer = answer_question(question, data) |
st.write(f"**Answer:** {answer}") |
else: |
st.write("Please enter a question.") |