from fam.llm.fast_inference import TTS |
import string |
import json |
from glob import glob |
import torch |
import os |
import torchaudio |
import subprocess |
import shutil |
import soundfile as sf |
import pyloudnorm as pyln |
import noisereduce as nr |
from moviepy import * |
from pydub import AudioSegment |
from fam.llm.adapters import FlattenedInterleavedEncodec2Codebook, TiltedEncodec |
from fam.llm.decoders import Decoder, EncodecDecoder |
from fam.llm.enhancers import BaseEnhancer, get_enhancer |
from fam.llm.model import GPT, GPTConfig |
from fam.llm.utils import ( |
check_audio_file, |
get_default_dtype, |
normalize_text, |
) |
from fam.quantiser.audio.speaker_encoder.model import SpeakerEncoder |
from fam.quantiser.text.tokenise import TrainedBPETokeniser |
import tyro |
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download |
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union |
import dataclasses |
import hashlib |
import json |
import os |
import pathlib |
from contextlib import nullcontext |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
import tqdm |
import tqdm.contrib.concurrent |
import tempfile |
import textwrap |
def remove_punctuation(sentence): |
translator = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation) |
sentence = sentence.translate(translator) |
sentence = sentence.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '') |
return sentence |
def run_audio_generation_v2(new_text, accent=None): |
new_text = new_text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '') |
new_text_mod = remove_punctuation(new_text) |
new_text_split = new_text_mod.split() |
for word in new_text_split: |
if len(word)>=2 and word.isupper(): |
new_text = new_text.replace(word, " ".join([*word])) |
print(new_text) |
if len(new_text)<=220: |
sampling_config = SamplingControllerConfig(spk_cond_path="./tmp/audio/input_src/0.wav", text=new_text, output_dir='./tmp/audio/', output_name='generated-custom.wav') |
metavoice_gen(sampling_config) |
else: |
new_texts = new_text.split('. ') |
new_texts = [txt +"." for txt in new_texts] |
output_names = [] |
for idx, new_text in enumerate(new_texts): |
output_name = "-{}.".format(idx).join('generated-custom.wav'.split('.')) |
output_names.append(output_name) |
sampling_config = SamplingControllerConfig(spk_cond_path="./tmp/audio/input_src/0.wav", text=new_text, output_dir='./tmp/audio/multiple/', output_name=output_name) |
metavoice_gen(sampling_config) |
audio_files = ['./tmp/audio/multiple/'+'/'+ aud for aud in output_names] |
print(audio_files) |
clips = [(AudioFileClip(clip)) for clip in audio_files] |
final_clip = concatenate_audioclips(clips) |
final_clip.write_audiofile('./tmp/audio/generated-custom.wav') |
data, rate = sf.read("./tmp/audio/input_audio.wav") |
meter = pyln.Meter(rate) |
loudness_target = meter.integrated_loudness(data) |
mod_data, mod_rate = sf.read("./tmp/audio/generated-custom.wav") |
mod_meter = pyln.Meter(mod_rate) |
loudness_gen = mod_meter.integrated_loudness(mod_data) |
loudness_normalized_gen = pyln.normalize.loudness(mod_data, loudness_gen, loudness_target) |
sf.write('./tmp/audio/generated-custom.wav', loudness_normalized_gen, mod_rate) |
@dataclass |
class InferenceConfig: |
ckpt_path: str |
output_dir: str |
num_samples: int = 10 |
seed: int = 1337 |
device: str = "cuda" |
dtype: str = "bfloat16" |
compile: bool = False |
init_from: str = "resume" |
def __str__(self): |
field_strs = [] |
for field in dataclasses.fields(self): |
value = getattr(self, field.name) |
field_strs.append(f" {field.name}: {value}") |
return "InferenceConfig:\n" + "\n".join(field_strs) |
class Model: |
def __init__( |
self, |
config: InferenceConfig, |
tokenizer_cls: Type[TrainedBPETokeniser], |
decoder_cls: Type[Decoder], |
data_adapter_fn, |
use_kv_cache= None, |
): |
self._encodec_codes_pad_token = 1024 |
self._num_encodec_codebooks = 8 |
self.config = config |
self.use_kv_cache = use_kv_cache |
torch.manual_seed(config.seed) |
torch.cuda.manual_seed(config.seed) |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True if config.dtype != "float32" else False |
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True if config.dtype != "float32" else False |
device_type = "cuda" if "cuda" in config.device else "cpu" |
self.ptdtype = { |
"float32": torch.float32, |
"tfloat32": torch.float32, |
"bfloat16": torch.bfloat16, |
"float16": torch.float16, |
}[config.dtype] |
self._ctx = ( |
nullcontext() if device_type == "cpu" else torch.amp.autocast(device_type=device_type, dtype=self.ptdtype) |
) |
self.use_bpe_tokenizer = False |
self.load_meta = None |
self.speaker_cond = None |
self.meta = None |
self.model = None |
self.checkpoint_config = None |
self.vocab_sizes = None |
self.smodel = None |
self._init_model() |
self.tokenizer = tokenizer_cls(**self.meta["tokenizer"]) |
self.decoder = decoder_cls( |
tokeniser_decode_fn=self.tokenizer.decode, |
output_dir=self.config.output_dir, |
data_adapter_fn=data_adapter_fn, |
) |
def _init_model(self): |
if self.config.init_from == "resume": |
checkpoint = torch.load(self.config.ckpt_path, map_location=self.config.device) |
self.vocab_sizes = checkpoint["model_args"]["vocab_sizes"] |
self.load_meta = False |
self.speaker_cond = False |
if "config" in checkpoint: |
self.checkpoint_config = checkpoint["config"] |
self.meta = checkpoint["meta"] |
load_meta = True |
if load_meta: |
self.use_bpe_tokenizer = "stoi" not in self.meta or "itos" not in self.meta |
self.speaker_cond = self.meta.get("speaker_cond") |
if self.speaker_cond: |
speaker_emb_size = self.meta["speaker_emb_size"] |
model_args = checkpoint["model_args"] |
if "causal" in self.checkpoint_config and self.checkpoint_config["causal"] is False: |
self._encodec_ctx_window = model_args["block_size"] |
gptconf = GPTConfig(**model_args) |
self.model = GPT(gptconf, speaker_emb_dim=speaker_emb_size if self.speaker_cond else None) |
state_dict = checkpoint["model"] |
unwanted_prefix = "_orig_mod." |
for k, v in list(state_dict.items()): |
if k.startswith(unwanted_prefix): |
state_dict[k[len(unwanted_prefix) :]] = state_dict.pop(k) |
self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict) |
self.model.eval() |
self.model.to(self.config.device) |
if self.config.compile: |
from einops._torch_specific import allow_ops_in_compiled_graph |
allow_ops_in_compiled_graph() |
self.model = torch.compile(self.model) |
if self.use_kv_cache is not None: |
if "causal" in self.checkpoint_config and self.checkpoint_config["causal"] is False: |
raise Exception("kv_cache not supported for non-causal models!") |
if self.use_kv_cache == "flash_decoding": |
self.model.enable_kv_cache() |
for block in self.model.transformer.h: |
block.attn.attn_kernel_type = "fd" |
elif self.use_kv_cache == "vanilla": |
self.model.enable_kv_cache() |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"kv_cache type {self.use_kv_cache} not implemented!") |
def causal_sample( |
self, |
*, |
texts: list[str], |
batch_size: int, |
max_new_tokens: int, |
temperature: Optional[float], |
top_k: Optional[int], |
top_p: Optional[float], |
speaker_embs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
guidance_scale: Optional[float] = None, |
) -> list[torch.Tensor]: |
""" |
Returns list of torch.Tensors of tokens. Each tensor is of shape (1, c, t) where c is the number of codebooks. |
Any flattening / inteleaving / tilting gets reversed before the output is returned. |
""" |
if speaker_embs is not None: |
assert len(texts) == len(speaker_embs) |
encoded_texts = [self.tokenizer.encode(text) for text in texts] |
seq_lens = [] |
xs = [] |
for i, encoded_text in enumerate(encoded_texts): |
encoded_text = torch.tensor([encoded_text], dtype=torch.long, device=self.config.device) |
xs.append( |
torch.cat( |
[encoded_text, *[torch.ones_like(encoded_text) * 1024] * (len(self.vocab_sizes) - 1)], |
dim=0, |
).unsqueeze(0) |
) |
seq_lens.append(xs[-1].shape[-1]) |
max_len = max(seq_lens) |
assert len(xs) == len(seq_lens) |
x = torch.zeros((len(encoded_texts), xs[0].shape[1], max_len), dtype=torch.long, device=self.config.device) |
for i, _xs in enumerate(xs): |
assert _xs.shape[-1] == seq_lens[i] |
x[i, :, : seq_lens[i]] = _xs |
for i in range(x.shape[0]): |
assert x[i, 0, : seq_lens[i]].tolist() == encoded_texts[i] |
if x.shape[1] > 1: |
assert set(x[i, 1, : seq_lens[i]].tolist()) == set([1024]) |
assert x.shape[0] == speaker_embs.shape[0] if speaker_embs is not None else True |
if self.speaker_cond is False: |
speaker_embs = None |
with torch.no_grad(): |
with self._ctx: |
to_return = [] |
for k in range(self.config.num_samples): |
assert seq_lens is not None |
assert batch_size is not None |
if max(seq_lens) + max_new_tokens >= self.model.config.block_size: |
raise Exception( |
f"max_new_tokens {max_new_tokens} too large! Choose {self.model.config.block_size - max(seq_lens) - 1} instead." |
) |
y = self.model.generate( |
x, |
max_new_tokens, |
seq_lens=seq_lens, |
temperature=temperature, |
top_k=top_k, |
top_p=top_p, |
speaker_embs=speaker_embs, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
guidance_scale=guidance_scale, |
dtype=self.ptdtype, |
end_of_audio_token=self.tokenizer.offset - 1, |
end_of_text_token=self.tokenizer.eot_token, |
) |
for i in range(len(y)): |
to_return.append(self.decoder.decode(tokens=y[i].tolist(), causal=True)) |
return to_return |
def non_causal_sample( |
self, |
*, |
texts: list[str], |
encodec_tokens: list[torch.Tensor], |
batch_size: int, |
top_k: Optional[int], |
temperature: Optional[float], |
speaker_embs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
) -> list[str]: |
""" |
Returns paths to saved audio files. |
""" |
if speaker_embs is not None: |
assert len(texts) == len(speaker_embs) |
encoded_texts = [self.tokenizer.encode(text) for text in texts] |
padded_hierarchies_inputs = [] |
for encoded_text, encodec_token in zip(encoded_texts, encodec_tokens): |
x = torch.tensor(encoded_text, dtype=torch.long, device=self.config.device)[ |
None, None, ... |
] |
assert encodec_token.shape[0] == 1 |
encodec_token = encodec_token[0].tolist() |
assert len(encodec_token) >= 1 and len(encodec_token) <= self._num_encodec_codebooks |
text_tokens = encoded_text |
hierarchies_in = [] |
hierarchies_in.append(text_tokens + encodec_token[0] + [self._encodec_codes_pad_token]) |
hierarchies_in.append( |
[self._encodec_codes_pad_token] * len(text_tokens) + encodec_token[1] + [self._encodec_codes_pad_token] |
) |
padded_hierarchies_input = [] |
for _, t_hierarchy in enumerate(hierarchies_in): |
assert len(t_hierarchy) == len(hierarchies_in[0]) |
if len(t_hierarchy) < self._encodec_ctx_window: |
padded_hierarchies_input.append( |
t_hierarchy + [self._encodec_codes_pad_token] * (self._encodec_ctx_window - len(t_hierarchy)) |
) |
elif len(t_hierarchy) > self._encodec_ctx_window: |
padded_hierarchies_input.append(t_hierarchy[: self._encodec_ctx_window]) |
else: |
padded_hierarchies_input.append(t_hierarchy) |
padded_hierarchies_inputs.append(padded_hierarchies_input) |
in_x = torch.tensor(padded_hierarchies_inputs, dtype=torch.long, device=self.config.device) |
assert in_x.shape[0] == speaker_embs.shape[0] if speaker_embs is not None else True |
if self.speaker_cond is False: |
speaker_embs = None |
with torch.no_grad(): |
with self._ctx: |
to_return = [] |
for k in range(self.config.num_samples): |
y = self.model.generate( |
in_x, |
None, |
temperature=temperature, |
top_k=top_k, |
top_p=None, |
speaker_embs=speaker_embs, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
guidance_scale=None, |
) |
b_tokens = torch.cat([in_x, y], dim=1) |
for tokens in b_tokens: |
try: |
to_return.append(self.decoder.decode(tokens=tokens.tolist(), causal=False)) |
except Exception as e: |
print("failed to run MBD.") |
print(f"reason: {str(e)}") |
to_return.append(None) |
return to_return |
def __call__( |
self, |
*, |
texts: list[str], |
batch_size: int, |
max_new_tokens: Optional[int], |
top_k: Optional[int], |
top_p: Optional[float], |
temperature: Optional[float], |
encodec_tokens: Optional[list[torch.Tensor]] = None, |
speaker_embs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
guidance_scale: Optional[float] = None, |
): |
if self.checkpoint_config.get("causal", True): |
return self.causal_sample( |
texts=texts, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
speaker_embs=speaker_embs, |
guidance_scale=guidance_scale, |
max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, |
top_k=top_k, |
top_p=top_p, |
temperature=temperature, |
) |
else: |
assert encodec_tokens is not None |
assert guidance_scale is None |
assert max_new_tokens is None |
assert top_p is None |
return self.non_causal_sample( |
texts=texts, |
encodec_tokens=encodec_tokens, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
speaker_embs=speaker_embs, |
top_k=top_k, |
temperature=temperature, |
) |
def save_result_metadata(wav_path, ref_path, text, first_stage_ckpt_path, second_stage_ckpt_path): |
if first_stage_ckpt_path is None or second_stage_ckpt_path is None: |
return |
json.dump( |
{ |
"speaker": ref_path, |
"text": text, |
}, |
pathlib.Path(str(wav_path) + ".json").open("w"), |
) |
def get_cached_file(file_or_uri: str): |
""" |
If it's an s3 file, download it to a local temporary file and return that path. |
Otherwise return the path as is. |
""" |
is_uri = file_or_uri.startswith("http") |
cache_path = None |
if is_uri: |
ext = pathlib.Path(file_or_uri).suffix |
_cache_name = "audio_" + hashlib.md5(file_or_uri.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() + ext |
os.makedirs(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/fam/"), exist_ok=True) |
cache_path = os.path.expanduser(f"~/.cache/fam/{_cache_name}") |
if not os.path.exists(cache_path): |
command = f"curl -o {cache_path} {file_or_uri}" |
subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True) |
else: |
if os.path.exists(file_or_uri): |
cache_path = file_or_uri |
else: |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {file_or_uri} not found!") |
return cache_path |
def get_cached_embedding(local_file_path: str, spkemb_model): |
if not os.path.exists(local_file_path): |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {local_file_path} not found!") |
_cache_name = "embedding_" + hashlib.md5(local_file_path.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() + ".pt" |
os.makedirs(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/fam/"), exist_ok=True) |
cache_path = os.path.expanduser(f"~/.cache/fam/{_cache_name}") |
if not os.path.exists(cache_path): |
spk_emb = spkemb_model.embed_utterance_from_file(local_file_path, numpy=False).unsqueeze(0) |
torch.save(spk_emb, cache_path) |
else: |
spk_emb = torch.load(cache_path) |
return spk_emb |
def _sample_utterance_batch( |
texts: list[str], |
spk_cond_paths: list[Optional[str]], |
spkemb_model, |
first_stage_model, |
second_stage_model, |
enhancer: Optional[Union[Literal["df"], BaseEnhancer]], |
first_stage_ckpt_path: str, |
second_stage_ckpt_path: str, |
guidance_scale: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], |
max_new_tokens: int, |
top_k: Optional[int], |
top_p: Optional[float], |
temperature: Optional[float], |
output_name: str, |
output_dir: str, |
batch_size: int = 128, |
) -> List[str]: |
speaker_embs = [] |
refs = spk_cond_paths.copy() |
spk_cond_paths = tqdm.contrib.concurrent.thread_map( |
get_cached_file, spk_cond_paths, desc="getting cached speaker ref files" |
) |
for i, (text, spk_cond_path) in tqdm.tqdm( |
enumerate(zip(texts, spk_cond_paths)), total=len(texts), desc="calculating speaker embeddings" |
): |
texts[i] = normalize_text(text) |
speaker_embs.append(get_cached_embedding(spk_cond_path, spkemb_model) if spk_cond_path else None) |
b_speaker_embs = torch.cat(speaker_embs, dim=0) |
b_tokens = first_stage_model( |
texts=texts, |
speaker_embs=b_speaker_embs, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
guidance_scale=guidance_scale, |
top_p=top_p, |
top_k=top_k, |
temperature=temperature, |
max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, |
) |
wav_files = second_stage_model( |
texts=texts, |
encodec_tokens=b_tokens, |
speaker_embs=b_speaker_embs, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
guidance_scale=None, |
top_p=None, |
top_k=top_k, |
temperature=temperature, |
max_new_tokens=None, |
) |
for text, tokens, speaker_embs, ref_name, wav_file in zip(texts, b_tokens, b_speaker_embs, refs, wav_files): |
if wav_file is None: |
continue |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav") as enhanced_tmp: |
if enhancer is not None: |
enhancer = get_enhancer(enhancer) if isinstance(enhancer, str) else enhancer |
enhancer(str(wav_file) + ".wav", enhanced_tmp.name) |
print(f"copying enhanced file from {enhanced_tmp.name} to {str(wav_file) + '.wav'}.") |
shutil.copy2(enhanced_tmp.name, str(wav_file) + ".wav") |
shutil.copy2(str(wav_file) + ".wav", os.path.join(output_dir, output_name)) |
save_result_metadata( |
wav_file, |
ref_name, |
text, |
first_stage_ckpt_path, |
second_stage_ckpt_path, |
) |
return [str(w) + ".wav" if not str(w).endswith(".wav") else str(w) for w in wav_files] |
def sample_utterance( |
text: str, |
spk_cond_path: Optional[str], |
spkemb_model, |
first_stage_model, |
second_stage_model, |
enhancer: Optional[Union[Literal["df"], BaseEnhancer]], |
first_stage_ckpt_path: str, |
second_stage_ckpt_path: str, |
guidance_scale: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], |
max_new_tokens: int, |
top_k: Optional[int], |
top_p: Optional[float], |
temperature: Optional[float], |
output_name: str, |
output_dir: str, |
) -> str: |
MAX_CHARS = 220 |
if len(text) > MAX_CHARS: |
print( |
f"\n***WARNING: Max {MAX_CHARS} characters supported. Provided: {len(text)}. Truncating and generating speech...Can lead to unpredictable speech at the end.***" |
) |
return _sample_utterance_batch( |
texts=[text], |
spk_cond_paths=[spk_cond_path], |
spkemb_model=spkemb_model, |
first_stage_model=first_stage_model, |
second_stage_model=second_stage_model, |
enhancer=enhancer, |
first_stage_ckpt_path=first_stage_ckpt_path, |
second_stage_ckpt_path=second_stage_ckpt_path, |
batch_size=1, |
guidance_scale=guidance_scale, |
max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, |
top_k=top_k, |
top_p=top_p, |
temperature=temperature, |
output_name = output_name, |
output_dir = output_dir |
)[0] |
def build_models(config_first_stage, config_second_stage, model_dir, device, use_kv_cache): |
smodel = SpeakerEncoder( |
weights_fpath=os.path.join(model_dir, "speaker_encoder.pt"), device=device, eval=True, verbose=False |
) |
data_adapter = FlattenedInterleavedEncodec2Codebook(end_of_audio_token=1024) |
llm_first_stage = Model( |
config_first_stage, |
TrainedBPETokeniser, |
EncodecDecoder, |
data_adapter_fn=data_adapter.decode, |
use_kv_cache=use_kv_cache, |
) |
data_adapter_second_stage = TiltedEncodec(end_of_audio_token=1024) |
llm_second_stage = Model( |
config_second_stage, TrainedBPETokeniser, EncodecDecoder, data_adapter_fn=data_adapter_second_stage.decode |
) |
return smodel, llm_first_stage, llm_second_stage |
def get_first_stage_path(model_dir: str): |
"""Absolute path to checkpoint for the first stage model.""" |
return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(model_dir), "first_stage.pt") |
def get_second_stage_path(model_dir: str): |
"""Absolute path to checkpoint for the second stage model.""" |
return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(model_dir), "second_stage.pt") |
@dataclass |
class SamplingControllerConfig: |
""" |
Sample from a trained model. |
""" |
spk_cond_path: str |
"""Path to speaker reference file. Min. 30s of audio required. Supports both local paths & public URIs. Audio formats: wav, flac & mp3""" |
huggingface_repo_id: str = "metavoiceio/metavoice-1B-v0.1" |
"""Absolute path to the model directory.""" |
text: str = ( |
"This is a demo of text to speech by MetaVoice-1B, an open-source foundational audio model by MetaVoice." |
) |
"""Text to synthesise.""" |
num_samples: int = 1 |
"""Number of samples to generate from each model.""" |
max_new_tokens: int = 864 * 2 |
"""Maximum number of new tokens to generate from the first stage model.""" |
temperature: float = 1.0 |
"""Temperature for sampling applied to both models.""" |
top_k: Optional[int] = 200 |
"""Top k for sampling applied to both models.""" |
top_p: Optional[float] = None |
"""Top p for sampling applied to first-stage model.""" |
seed: int = 1337 |
"""Random seed for sampling.""" |
device: Literal["cuda", "cpu"] = "cuda" |
"""Device to use for sampling.""" |
dtype: Literal["bfloat16", "float16", "float32", "tfloat32"] = get_default_dtype() |
"""Data type to use for sampling.""" |
compile: bool = False |
"""Whether to compile the model using PyTorch 2.0.""" |
enhancer: Optional[Literal["df"]] = "df" |
"""Enhancer to use for post-processing.""" |
init_from: str = "resume" |
"""Either 'resume' (from an out_dir) or a gpt2 variant (e.g. 'gpt2-xl').""" |
use_kv_cache: Optional[None] = None |
output_dir: str = "samples/" |
"""Relative path to output directory""" |
guidance_scale: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (3.0, 1.0) |
"""Guidance scale for sampling: (speaker conditioning guidance_scale, prompt conditioning guidance scale).""" |
batch_size: int = 128 |
"""Batch size to use for sampling. Note that the batch size gets doubled when guidance is used. For H100, and 1B model, |
1 w/ guidance and 1 w/o guidance work well (without kv-caching). With kv-caching, 128 (w/o guidance) and |
64 (w/ guidance) works well.""" |
output_name:str = "generated-custom.wav" |
def metavoice_gen(sampling_config): |
sampling_config = sampling_config |
check_audio_file(sampling_config.spk_cond_path) |
model_dir = snapshot_download(repo_id=sampling_config.huggingface_repo_id) |
first_stage_ckpt_path = get_first_stage_path(model_dir) |
second_stage_ckpt_path = get_second_stage_path(model_dir) |
config_first_stage = InferenceConfig( |
ckpt_path=first_stage_ckpt_path, |
num_samples=sampling_config.num_samples, |
seed=sampling_config.seed, |
device=sampling_config.device, |
dtype=sampling_config.dtype, |
compile=sampling_config.compile, |
init_from=sampling_config.init_from, |
output_dir=sampling_config.output_dir, |
) |
config_second_stage = InferenceConfig( |
ckpt_path=second_stage_ckpt_path, |
num_samples=sampling_config.num_samples, |
seed=sampling_config.seed, |
device=sampling_config.device, |
dtype=sampling_config.dtype, |
compile=sampling_config.compile, |
init_from=sampling_config.init_from, |
output_dir=sampling_config.output_dir, |
) |
smodel, llm_first_stage, llm_second_stage = build_models( |
config_first_stage, |
config_second_stage, |
model_dir=model_dir, |
device=sampling_config.device, |
use_kv_cache=sampling_config.use_kv_cache, |
) |
sample_utterance( |
sampling_config.text, |
os.path.expanduser(sampling_config.spk_cond_path), |
smodel, |
llm_first_stage, |
llm_second_stage, |
sampling_config.enhancer, |
first_stage_ckpt_path, |
second_stage_ckpt_path, |
sampling_config.guidance_scale, |
max_new_tokens=sampling_config.max_new_tokens, |
top_k=sampling_config.top_k, |
top_p=sampling_config.top_p, |
temperature=sampling_config.temperature, |
output_name = sampling_config.output_name, |
output_dir=sampling_config.output_dir, |
) |