File size: 9,715 Bytes
435ca1c 168e76d 3c5d33d 168e76d cad0b30 168e76d 435ca1c 168e76d 074ddb2 168e76d e88f9d6 168e76d cad0b30 168e76d e88f9d6 3c5d33d 168e76d cad0b30 168e76d cad0b30 f0897ae d34b927 168e76d d34b927 3c5d33d 08405a6 2778789 3c5d33d 168e76d d34b927 11ee393 168e76d f6825c2 11ee393 168e76d f7f2122 168e76d f7f2122 168e76d f7f2122 168e76d f7f2122 168e76d cad0b30 168e76d f7f2122 168e76d 11ee393 168e76d cad0b30 168e76d cad0b30 168e76d facede3 d34b927 facede3 168e76d 3d1e933 168e76d 3d1e933 168e76d |
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2023 Dmitry Ustalov
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
__author__ = 'Dmitry Ustalov'
__license__ = 'Apache 2.0'
import csv
import os
import re
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import cast, BinaryIO, Optional
import gradio as gr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.pyplot import Figure # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if 'MCL_BIN' in os.environ and os.path.isfile(os.environ['MCL_BIN']) and os.access(os.environ['MCL_BIN'], os.X_OK):
MCL: Optional[str] = os.environ['MCL_BIN']
MCL = None
class Algorithm:
name: str
mode: Optional[str] = None
local_name: Optional[str] = None
local_params: Optional[str] = None
global_name: Optional[str] = None
global_params: Optional[str] = None
bin: Optional[str] = None
def args_clustering(self) -> list[str]:
args = []
if self.mode:
args.extend(['--mode', self.mode])
if self.global_name:
args.extend(['--global', self.global_name])
if self.global_params:
args.extend(['--global-params', self.global_params])
if self.bin:
args.extend(['--bin', self.bin])
return args
def args_graph(self) -> list[str]:
args = []
if self.local_name:
args.extend(['--local', self.local_name])
if self.local_params:
args.extend(['--local-params', self.local_params])
return args
ALGORITHMS: dict[str, Algorithm] = {
'CW_top': Algorithm('cw', 'top'),
'CW_lin': Algorithm('cw', 'lin'),
'CW_log': Algorithm('cw', 'log'),
'MaxMax': Algorithm('maxmax'),
'Watset[CW_top, CW_top]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=top', 'cw', 'mode=top'),
'Watset[CW_lin, CW_top]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=lin', 'cw', 'mode=top'),
'Watset[CW_log, CW_top]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=log', 'cw', 'mode=top'),
'Watset[MCL, CW_top]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'mcl', None, 'cw', 'mode=top'),
'Watset[CW_top, CW_lin]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=top', 'cw', 'mode=lin'),
'Watset[CW_lin, CW_lin]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=lin', 'cw', 'mode=lin'),
'Watset[CW_log, CW_lin]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=log', 'cw', 'mode=lin'),
'Watset[MCL, CW_lin]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'mcl', None, 'cw', 'mode=lin'),
'Watset[CW_top, CW_log]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=top', 'cw', 'mode=log'),
'Watset[CW_lin, CW_log]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=lin', 'cw', 'mode=log'),
'Watset[CW_log, CW_log]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=log', 'cw', 'mode=log'),
'Watset[MCL, CW_log]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'mcl', None, 'cw', 'mode=log'),
if MCL:
'Watset[CW_top, MCL]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=top', 'mcl-bin', 'bin=' + MCL),
'Watset[CW_lin, MCL]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=lin', 'mcl-bin', 'bin=' + MCL),
'Watset[CW_log, MCL]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'cw', 'mode=log', 'mcl-bin', 'bin=' + MCL),
'Watset[MCL, MCL]': Algorithm('watset', None, 'mcl', None, 'mcl-bin', 'bin=' + MCL),
'MCL': Algorithm('mcl-bin', bin=MCL)
SENSE = re.compile(r'^(?P<item>\d+)#(?P<sense>\d+)$')
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def visualize(G: 'nx.Graph[str]', seed: int = 0) -> Figure:
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=seed)
fig = plt.figure(dpi=240)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, alpha=.15)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos)
return fig
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def watset(G: 'nx.Graph[str]', algorithm: str, seed: int = 0,
jar: str = 'watset.jar', timeout: int = 10) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional['nx.Graph[str]']]:
with (NamedTemporaryFile() as graph,
NamedTemporaryFile(mode='rb') as clusters,
NamedTemporaryFile(mode='rb') as senses):
nx.write_edgelist(G,, delimiter='\t', data=['weight'])
result =['java', '-jar', jar,
'--input',, '--output',, '--seed', str(seed),
capture_output=True, text=True, timeout=timeout)
if result.returncode != 0:
raise gr.Error(f'Clustering error (code {result.returncode}): {result.stderr}')
except subprocess.SubprocessError as e:
raise gr.Error(f'Clustering error: {e}')
df_clusters = pd.read_csv(clusters, sep='\t', names=('cluster', 'size', 'items'),
dtype={'cluster': int, 'size': int, 'items': str})
df_clusters['items'] = df_clusters['items'].str.split(', ')
if ALGORITHMS[algorithm].name == 'watset':
result =['java', '-jar', jar,
'--input',, '--output',, '--seed', str(seed),
'graph', *ALGORITHMS[algorithm].args_graph()],
capture_output=True, text=True, timeout=timeout)
if result.returncode != 0:
raise gr.Error(f'Graph error (code {result.returncode}): {result.stderr}')
except subprocess.SubprocessError as e:
raise gr.Error(f'Graph error: {e}')
G_senses = nx.read_edgelist(, delimiter='\t', comments='\n', data=[('weight', float)])
return df_clusters, G_senses
return df_clusters, None
def handler(file: BinaryIO, algorithm: str, seed: int) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, Figure]:
if file is None:
raise gr.Error('File must be uploaded')
if algorithm not in ALGORITHMS:
raise gr.Error(f'Unknown algorithm: {algorithm}')
with open( as f:
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
delimiter = dialect.delimiter
except csv.Error:
delimiter = ','
G: 'nx.Graph[str]' = nx.read_edgelist(, delimiter=delimiter, comments='\n', data=[('weight', float)])
mapping: dict[str, int] = {}
reverse: dict[int, str] = {}
for i, node in enumerate(G):
mapping[node] = i
reverse[i] = node
nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping, copy=False)
df_clusters, G_senses = watset(G, algorithm=algorithm, seed=seed)
nx.relabel_nodes(G, reverse, copy=False)
df_clusters['items'] = df_clusters['items'].apply(lambda items: sorted(reverse[int(item)] for item in items))
if G_senses is None:
fig = visualize(G, seed=seed)
sense_mapping = {node: f'{reverse[int(match["item"])]}#{match["sense"]}' # type: ignore
for node in G_senses for match in (SENSE.match(node),)}
nx.relabel_nodes(G_senses, sense_mapping, copy=False)
fig = visualize(G_senses, seed=seed)
return df_clusters, fig
def main() -> None:
iface = gr.Interface(
file_types=['.tsv', '.csv'],
choices=cast(list[str], ALGORITHMS),
value='Watset[MCL, CW_lin]',
headers=['cluster', 'size', 'items'],
['java.tsv', 'Watset[MCL, CW_lin]', 0],
['java.tsv', 'MaxMax', 0],
['bank.tsv', 'Watset[MCL, MCL]', 0],
['bank.tsv', 'MCL', 0],
title='Structure Discovery with Watset',
**Watset** is a powerful algorithm for structure discovery in undirected graphs.
By capturing the ambiguity of nodes in a graph, Watset efficiently finds clusters in the input data.
As the input, this tool expects [edge list]( as a comma-separated (CSV) file without header.
Each line of the file should contain three columns:
- `source`: edge source
- `target`: edge target
- `weight`: edge weight
Whether you're working with linguistic data or other networks, Watset is the go-to solution for unlocking hidden patterns and structures.
**More Watset:**
- Paper: <> ([arXiv](
- Implementation: <>
- Maven Central: <>
- conda-forge: <>
if __name__ == '__main__':