import streamlit as st |
import os |
import runpy |
token = os.getenv('token') |
weather_token = os.getenv('weather_token') |
horoscope_token = os.getenv("horoscope_token") |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="My Multi-Page App") |
def set_env_variable(key, value): |
os.environ[key] = value |
def home_page(): |
st.header("欢迎来到首页") |
global token, weather_token, horoscope_token |
if not token: |
token = st.text_input("请输入浦语 token:", type="password", key="token") |
if not weather_token: |
weather_token = st.text_input("请输入和风天气 token:", type="password", key="weather_token") |
if not horoscope_token: |
horoscope_token = st.text_input("请输入星座运势 token:", type="password", key="horoscope_token") |
if st.button("保存并体验 agent"): |
if token and weather_token and horoscope_token: |
set_env_variable("token", token) |
set_env_variable("weather_token", weather_token) |
set_env_variable("horoscope_token", horoscope_token) |
st.session_state.token_entered = True |
st.rerun() |
else: |
st.error("请输入所有 token") |
if 'token_entered' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.token_entered = bool(token and weather_token and horoscope_token) |
if not st.session_state.token_entered: |
home_page() |
else: |
page = st.sidebar.radio("选择页面", ["天气和星座助手", "博客写作助手"]) |
if page == "天气和星座助手": |
runpy.run_path("examples/agent_api_web_demo.py", run_name="__main__") |
elif page == "博客写作助手": |
runpy.run_path("examples/multi_agents_api_web_demo.py", run_name="__main__") |