import gradio as gr import requests import pandas as pd import io from docx import Document import tempfile import os os.system("pip install python-docx") API_BASE_URL = "" global_df = None # Global variable to store search results for export def fetch_pubmed_articles(query, max_results=10, page=1, sort_by="Year", filter_journal="All", min_year=None, max_year=None): """ Fetches PubMed articles and applies sorting and filtering. """ try: url = f"{API_BASE_URL}?query={query}&max_results={max_results}&page={page}" response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code != 200: return f"⚠️ API Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}", None articles = response.json() if not articles: return "No articles found for this query.", None for article in articles: try: article["Year"] = int(article["Year"]) except: article["Year"] = 0 # Apply journal filtering if filter_journal and filter_journal != "All": articles = [a for a in articles if filter_journal.lower() in a['Journal'].lower()] # Apply year filtering if min_year: articles = [a for a in articles if a["Year"] >= int(min_year)] if max_year: articles = [a for a in articles if a["Year"] <= int(max_year)] # Apply sorting if sort_by == "Year": articles.sort(key=lambda x: x["Year"], reverse=True) elif sort_by == "Title": articles.sort(key=lambda x: x["Title"]) elif sort_by == "Journal": articles.sort(key=lambda x: x["Journal"]) # Format results formatted_results = [] for article in articles: formatted_results.append( f"## 📰 {article['Title']}\n" f"📖 **{article['Journal']}** ({article['Year']})\n" f"👨‍🔬 **{article['Authors']}**\n" f"🔗 [Read on PubMed]({article['PubMed_URL']})\n\n" f"
📄 **Show Abstract**\n{article['Abstract']}\n
" f"\n---\n" ) df = pd.DataFrame(articles) return "\n\n".join(formatted_results), df except Exception as e: return f"⚠️ Error fetching data: {str(e)}", None def export_results(df, format_type): """ Exports search results as a CSV or DOCX file. - Returns the file path instead of BytesIO to avoid TypeError in Gradio. """ if df is None or df.empty: return None temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=f".{format_type.lower()}") temp_file_path = # Store the temporary file path if format_type == "CSV": df.to_csv(temp_file_path, index=False) elif format_type == "DOCX": doc = Document() doc.add_heading("PubMed Search Results", level=1) for _, row in df.iterrows(): doc.add_heading(row["Title"], level=2) doc.add_paragraph(f"📖 Journal: {row['Journal']} ({row['Year']})") doc.add_paragraph(f"👨‍🔬 Authors: {row['Authors']}") doc.add_paragraph(f"🔗 Link: {row['PubMed_URL']}") doc.add_paragraph(f"📄 Abstract: {row['Abstract']}") doc.add_paragraph("---") temp_file.close() # Close the file before returning the path return temp_file_path # Return file path instead of BytesIO with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown(""" # 🔍 **PubMed Search Tool with Advanced Features** ## 📖 **How to Use This App** 1️⃣ **Enter a Search Query** *(e.g., "Deep Learning in Psychiatry")* 2️⃣ **Set the Number of Results & Page Number** *(Default: 10 results per page)* 3️⃣ **Choose Sorting Option** *(Year, Title, or Journal - Default: Year)* 4️⃣ **(Optional) Filter by Journal Name** *(e.g., "Nature", "JAMA")* 5️⃣ **(Optional) Filter by Year Range** *(Set min & max year, e.g., 2015 - 2023)* 6️⃣ **Click "🔍 Search" to fetch results** 7️⃣ **Click "📂 Export as CSV" or "📄 Export as Word DOCX" to save articles** 8️⃣ **Click "📄 Show Abstract" under each result to expand full abstract** ## ⚠️ **Important Notes** - **Sorting & Filtering can be combined** *(e.g., show only "Nature" articles from 2020-2024, sorted by Title)* """) with gr.Row(): query_input = gr.Textbox(label="🔎 Search Query", placeholder="Enter topic (e.g., 'Neural Networks in Psychiatry')", lines=1) with gr.Row(): max_results_input = gr.Slider(1, 50, value=10, step=1, label="📄 Number of Results per Page") page_input = gr.Slider(1, 200, value=1, step=1, label="📄 Page Number") with gr.Row(): sort_input = gr.Dropdown(choices=["Year", "Title", "Journal"], value="Year", label="🔄 Sort By") journal_filter_input = gr.Textbox(label="🎯 Filter by Journal (Optional)", placeholder="Enter journal name or leave blank") with gr.Row(): min_year_input = gr.Number(label="📅 Min Year", value=None) max_year_input = gr.Number(label="📅 Max Year", value=None) with gr.Row(): search_button = gr.Button("🔍 Search") export_csv_button = gr.Button("📂 Export as CSV") export_docx_button = gr.Button("📄 Export as Word DOCX") results_output = gr.HTML() export_csv_output = gr.File(label="Download CSV") export_docx_output = gr.File(label="Download Word DOCX") def search_and_display(query, max_results, page, sort_by, journal_filter, min_year, max_year): global global_df result_text, df = fetch_pubmed_articles(query, max_results, page, sort_by, journal_filter, min_year, max_year) global_df = df return result_text def export_csv(): if global_df is not None: return export_results(global_df, "CSV") def export_docx(): if global_df is not None: return export_results(global_df, "DOCX"), inputs=[query_input, max_results_input, page_input, sort_input, journal_filter_input, min_year_input, max_year_input], outputs=results_output), outputs=export_csv_output), outputs=export_docx_output) if __name__ == "__main__": app.launch(inbrowser=True)