import torch from ultralytics import YOLO from PIL import Image import io import base64 device = 'cuda' from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import numpy as np import networkx as nx # import cv2 font_path = "./util/arial.ttf" class MarkHelper: def __init__(self): self.markSize_dict = {} self.font_dict = {} self.min_font_size = 20 # 1 in v1 self.max_font_size = 30 self.max_font_proportion = 0.04 # 0.032 in v1 def __get_markSize(self, text, image_height, image_width, font): im ='RGB', (image_width, image_height)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) _, _, width, height = draw.textbbox((0, 0), text=text, font=font) return height, width def _setup_new_font(self, image_height, image_width): key = f"{image_height}_{image_width}" # print(f"Setting up new font for image size: {key}") # setup the font fontsize = self.min_font_size font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, fontsize) # font = ImageFont.load_default(size=fontsize) while min(self.__get_markSize("555", image_height, image_width, font)) < min(self.max_font_size, self.max_font_proportion * min(image_height, image_width)): # iterate until the text size is just larger than the criteria fontsize += 1 font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, fontsize) # font = ImageFont.load_default(size=fontsize) self.font_dict[key] = font # setup the markSize dict markSize_3digits = self.__get_markSize('555', image_height, image_width, font) markSize_2digits = self.__get_markSize('55', image_height, image_width, font) markSize_1digit = self.__get_markSize('5', image_height, image_width, font) self.markSize_dict[key] = { 1: markSize_1digit, 2: markSize_2digits, 3: markSize_3digits } def get_font(self, image_height, image_width): key = f"{image_height}_{image_width}" if key not in self.font_dict: self._setup_new_font(image_height, image_width) return self.font_dict[key] def get_mark_size(self, text_str, image_height, image_width): """Get the font size for the given image dimensions.""" key = f"{image_height}_{image_width}" if key not in self.markSize_dict: self._setup_new_font(image_height, image_width) largest_size = self.markSize_dict[key].get(3, None) text_h, text_w = self.markSize_dict[key].get(len(text_str), largest_size) # default to the largest size if the text is too long return text_h, text_w def __calculate_iou(box1, box2, return_area=False): """ Calculate the Intersection over Union (IoU) of two bounding boxes. :param box1: Tuple of (y, x, h, w) for the first bounding box :param box2: Tuple of (y, x, h, w) for the second bounding box :return: IoU value """ y1, x1, h1, w1 = box1 y2, x2, h2, w2 = box2 # Calculate the intersection area y_min = max(y1, y2) x_min = max(x1, x2) y_max = min(y1 + h1, y2 + h2) x_max = min(x1 + w1, x2 + w2) intersection_area = max(0, y_max - y_min) * max(0, x_max - x_min) # Compute the area of both bounding boxes box1_area = h1 * w1 box2_area = h2 * w2 # Calculate the IoU # iou = intersection_area / box1_area + box2_area - intersection_area iou = intersection_area / (min(box1_area, box2_area) + 0.0001) if return_area: return iou, intersection_area return iou def __calculate_nearest_corner_distance(box1, box2): """Calculate the distance between the nearest edge or corner of two bounding boxes.""" y1, x1, h1, w1 = box1 y2, x2, h2, w2 = box2 corners1 = np.array([ [y1, x1], [y1, x1 + w1], [y1 + h1, x1], [y1 + h1, x1 + w1] ]) corners2 = np.array([ [y2, x2], [y2, x2 + w2], [y2 + h2, x2], [y2 + h2, x2 + w2] ]) # Calculate pairwise distances between corners distances = np.linalg.norm(corners1[:, np.newaxis] - corners2, axis=2) # Find the minimum distance min_distance = np.min(distances) return min_distance def _find_least_overlapping_corner(bbox, bboxes, drawn_boxes, text_size, image_size): """Find the corner with the least overlap with other bboxes. Args: bbox: (y, x, h, w) The bounding box to place the text on. bboxes: [(y, x, h, w)] The list of bounding boxes to compare against. drawn_boxes: [(y, x, h, w)] The list of bounding boxes that have already been drawn on. text_size: (height, width) The size of the text to be drawn. image_size: (height, width) The size of the image. """ y, x, h, w = bbox h_text, w_text = text_size image_height, image_width = image_size corners = [ # top-left (y - h_text, x), # top-right (y - h_text, x + w - w_text), # right-top (y, x + w), # right-bottom (y + h - h_text, x + w), # bottom-right (y + h, x + w - w_text), # bottom-left (y + h, x), # left-bottom (y + h - h_text, x - w_text), # left-top (y, x - w_text), ] best_corner = corners[0] max_flag = float('inf') for corner in corners: corner_bbox = (corner[0], corner[1], h_text, w_text) # if the corner is out of the image, skip if corner[0] < 0 or corner[1] < 0 or corner[0] + h_text > image_height or corner[1] + w_text > image_width: continue max_iou = - (image_width + image_height) # 找到关于这个角最差的 case # given the current corner, find the larget iou with other bboxes. for other_bbox in bboxes + drawn_boxes: if np.array_equal(bbox, other_bbox): continue iou = __calculate_iou(corner_bbox, other_bbox, return_area=True)[1] max_iou = max(max_iou, iou - 0.0001 * __calculate_nearest_corner_distance(corner_bbox, other_bbox)) # the smaller the max_IOU, the better the corner # 取最差的值 相对最好的那个角 if max_iou < max_flag: max_flag = max_iou best_corner = corner return best_corner def plot_boxes_with_marks( image: Image.Image, bboxes, # (y, x, h, w) mark_helper: MarkHelper, linewidth=2, alpha=0, edgecolor=None, fn_save=None, normalized_to_pixel=True, add_mark=True ) -> np.ndarray: """Plots bounding boxes on an image with marks attached to the edges of the boxes where no overlap with other boxes occurs. Args: image: The image to plot the bounding boxes on. bboxes: A 2D int array of shape (num_boxes, 4), where each row represents a bounding box: (y_top_left, x_top_left, box_height, box_width). If normalized_to_pixel is True, the values are float and are normalized with the image size. If normalized_to_pixel is False, the values are int and are in pixel. """ # Then modify the drawing code draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # draw boxes on the image image_width, image_height = image.size if normalized_to_pixel: bboxes = [(int(y * image_height), int(x * image_width), int(h * image_height), int(w * image_width)) for y, x, h, w in bboxes] for box in bboxes: y, x, h, w = box draw.rectangle([x, y, x + w, y + h], outline=edgecolor, width=linewidth) # Draw the bounding boxes with index at the least overlapping corner drawn_boxes = [] for idx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes): text = str(idx) text_h, text_w = mark_helper.get_mark_size(text, image_height, image_width) corner_y, corner_x = _find_least_overlapping_corner( bbox, bboxes, drawn_boxes, (text_h, text_w), (image_height, image_width)) # Define the index box (y, x, y + h, x + w) text_box = (corner_y, corner_x, text_h, text_w) if add_mark: # Draw the filled index box and text draw.rectangle([corner_x, corner_y, corner_x + text_w, corner_y + text_h], # (x, y, x + w, y + h) fill="red") font = mark_helper.get_font(image_height, image_width) draw.text((corner_x, corner_y), text, fill='white', font=font) # Update the list of drawn boxes drawn_boxes.append(np.array(text_box)) if fn_save is not None: # PIL image return image def plot_circles_with_marks( image: Image.Image, points, # (x, y) mark_helper: MarkHelper, linewidth=2, edgecolor=None, fn_save=None, normalized_to_pixel=True, add_mark=True ) -> np.ndarray: """Plots bounding boxes on an image with marks attached to the edges of the boxes where no overlap with other boxes occurs. Args: image: The image to plot the bounding boxes on. bboxes: A 2D int array of shape (num_boxes, 4), where each row represents a bounding box: (y_top_left, x_top_left, box_height, box_width). If normalized_to_pixel is True, the values are float and are normalized with the image size. If normalized_to_pixel is False, the values are int and are in pixel. """ # draw boxes on the image image_width, image_height = image.size if normalized_to_pixel: bboxes = [(int(y * image_height), int(x * image_width), int(h * image_height), int(w * image_width)) for y, x, h, w in bboxes] draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for point in points: x, y = point, y), radius=5, outline=edgecolor, width=linewidth) if fn_save is not None: # PIL image return image markhelper = MarkHelper() BBOX_DEDUPLICATION_IOU_PROPORTION = 0.5 BBOX_GROUPING_VERTICAL_THRESHOLD = 20 BBOX_GROUPING_HORIZONTAL_THRESHOLD = 20 BBOX_AUG_TARGET = 2.0 def _is_boxes_same_line_or_near(bbox1, bbox2, vertical_threshold, horizontal_threshold): """check if two boxes are in the same line or close enough to be considered together""" y1, x1, h1, w1 = bbox1 y2, x2, h2, w2 = bbox2 # Check if the boxes are close horizontally (consider the edge case where the boxes are touching) horizontally_close = (x1 <= x2 and x2 - x1 <= w1 + horizontal_threshold) or (x2 <= x1 and x1 - x2 <= w2 + horizontal_threshold) # Check if the boxes are close vertically (consider the edge case where the boxes are touching) vertically_close = (y1 <= y2 and y2 - y1 <= h1 + vertical_threshold) or (y2 <= y1 and y1 - y2 <= h2 + vertical_threshold) # Consider the boxes to be in the same line if they are vertically close and either overlap or are close horizontally return vertically_close and horizontally_close def _build_adjacency_matrix(bboxes, vertical_threshold, horizontal_threshold): """Build the adjacency matrix based on the merging criteria.""" num_boxes = len(bboxes) A = np.zeros((num_boxes, num_boxes), dtype=int) for i in range(num_boxes): for j in range(i + 1, num_boxes): if _is_boxes_same_line_or_near(bboxes[i], bboxes[j], vertical_threshold, horizontal_threshold): A[i, j] = 1 A[j, i] = 1 # Symmetric matrix return A def merge_connected_bboxes(bboxes, text_details, vertical_threshold=BBOX_GROUPING_VERTICAL_THRESHOLD, horizontal_threshold=BBOX_GROUPING_HORIZONTAL_THRESHOLD ): """Merge bboxes based on the adjacency matrix and return merged bboxes. Args: bboxes: A 2D array of shape (num_boxes, 4), where each row represents a bounding box: (y, x, height, width). text_details: A list of text details for each bounding box. vertical_threshold: The maximum vertical distance between two boxes to be considered in the same line. horizontal_threshold: The maximum horizontal distance between two boxes to be considered close. """ # return if there are no bboxes if len(bboxes) <= 1: return bboxes, text_details # Convert bboxes (x1, y1, x2, y2) to (y, x, height, width) format bboxes = np.array(bboxes) bboxes = np.array([bboxes[:, 1], bboxes[:, 0], bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1], bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0]]).T # Build adjacency matrix A = _build_adjacency_matrix(bboxes, vertical_threshold, horizontal_threshold) # Create graph from adjacency matrix G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) # Find connected components components = list(nx.connected_components(G)) # Convert bboxes to (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max) format corners = np.copy(bboxes) corners_y, corners_x, corners_h, corners_w = corners[:, 0], corners[:, 1], corners[:, 2], corners[:, 3] corners_y_max = corners_y + corners_h corners_x_max = corners_x + corners_w # Merge bboxes for each connected component merged_bboxes = [] merged_text_details = [] for component in components: indices = list(component) # e.g., [32, 33, 34, 30, 31] indices = sorted(indices) # merge the text details merged_text_details.append(' '.join([text_details[i] for i in indices])) # merge the bboxes y_min = min(corners_y[i] for i in indices) x_min = min(corners_x[i] for i in indices) y_max = max(corners_y_max[i] for i in indices) x_max = max(corners_x_max[i] for i in indices) merged_bboxes.append((y_min, x_min, y_max - y_min, x_max - x_min)) # Convert merged_bbox back to (y, x, height, width) format # convert (y, x, height, width) to (x1, y1, x2, y2) format without np.array merged_bboxes = [(bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[1] + bbox[3], bbox[0] + bbox[2]) for bbox in merged_bboxes] return merged_bboxes, merged_text_details