import logging import shutil import zipfile from pathlib import Path logger = logging.getLogger("aide") def copytree(src: Path, dst: Path, use_symlinks=True): """ Copy contents of `src` to `dst`. Unlike shutil.copytree, the dst dir can exist and will be merged. If src is a file, only that file will be copied. Optionally uses symlinks instead of copying. Args: src (Path): source directory dst (Path): destination directory """ assert dst.is_dir() if src.is_file(): dest_f = dst / assert not dest_f.exists(), dest_f if use_symlinks: (dest_f).symlink_to(src) else: shutil.copyfile(src, dest_f) return for f in src.iterdir(): dest_f = dst / assert not dest_f.exists(), dest_f if use_symlinks: (dest_f).symlink_to(f) elif f.is_dir(): shutil.copytree(f, dest_f) else: shutil.copyfile(f, dest_f) def clean_up_dataset(path: Path): for item in path.rglob("__MACOSX"): if item.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(item) for item in path.rglob(".DS_Store"): if item.is_file(): item.unlink() def extract_archives(path: Path): """ unzips all .zip files within `path` and cleans up task dir [TODO] handle nested zips """ for zip_f in path.rglob("*.zip"): f_out_dir = zip_f.with_suffix("") # special case: the intended output path already exists (maybe data has already been extracted by user) if f_out_dir.exists(): logger.debug( f"Skipping {zip_f} as an item with the same name already exists." ) # if it's a file, it's probably exactly the same as in the zip -> remove the zip # [TODO] maybe add an extra check to see if zip file content matches the colliding file if f_out_dir.is_file() and f_out_dir.suffix != "": zip_f.unlink() continue logger.debug(f"Extracting: {zip_f}") f_out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_f, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(f_out_dir) # remove any unwanted files clean_up_dataset(f_out_dir) contents = list(f_out_dir.iterdir()) # special case: the zip contains a single dir/file with the same name as the zip if len(contents) == 1 and contents[0].name == sub_item = contents[0] # if it's a dir, move its contents to the parent and remove it if sub_item.is_dir(): logger.debug(f"Special handling (child is dir) enabled for: {zip_f}") for f in sub_item.rglob("*"): shutil.move(f, f_out_dir) sub_item.rmdir() # if it's a file, rename it to the parent and remove the parent elif sub_item.is_file(): logger.debug(f"Special handling (child is file) enabled for: {zip_f}") sub_item_tmp = sub_item.rename(f_out_dir.with_suffix(".__tmp_rename")) f_out_dir.rmdir() sub_item_tmp.rename(f_out_dir) zip_f.unlink() def preproc_data(path: Path): extract_archives(path) clean_up_dataset(path)