aideml / aide /utils /
Dixing Xu
2fc6b05 unverified
"""Export journal to HTML visualization of tree + code."""
import json
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from igraph import Graph
from ..journal import Journal
def get_edges(journal: Journal):
for node in journal:
for c in node.children:
yield (node.step, c.step)
def generate_layout(n_nodes, edges, layout_type="rt"):
"""Generate visual layout of graph"""
layout = Graph(
y_max = max(layout[k][1] for k in range(n_nodes))
layout_coords = []
for n in range(n_nodes):
layout_coords.append((layout[n][0], 2 * y_max - layout[n][1]))
return np.array(layout_coords)
def normalize_layout(layout: np.ndarray):
"""Normalize layout to [0, 1]"""
layout = (layout - layout.min(axis=0)) / (layout.max(axis=0) - layout.min(axis=0))
layout[:, 1] = 1 - layout[:, 1]
layout[:, 1] = np.nan_to_num(layout[:, 1], nan=0)
layout[:, 0] = np.nan_to_num(layout[:, 0], nan=0.5)
return layout
def strip_code_markers(code: str) -> str:
"""Remove markdown code block markers if present."""
code = code.strip()
if code.startswith("```"):
# Remove opening backticks and optional language identifier
first_newline = code.find("\n")
if first_newline != -1:
code = code[first_newline:].strip()
if code.endswith("```"):
code = code[:-3].strip()
return code
def cfg_to_tree_struct(cfg, jou: Journal):
edges = list(get_edges(jou))
layout = normalize_layout(generate_layout(len(jou), edges))
# metrics = np.array([n.metric.value_npsafe for n in jou])
# metrics = (metrics - np.nanmin(metrics)) / (np.nanmax(metrics) - np.nanmin(metrics))
# metrics = np.nan_to_num(metrics, nan=1)
# metrics[:] = 0
metrics = np.array([0 for n in jou])
return dict(
plan=[textwrap.fill(n.plan, width=80) for n in jou.nodes],
code=[strip_code_markers(n.code) for n in jou],
term_out=[n.term_out for n in jou],
analysis=[n.analysis for n in jou],
def generate_html(tree_graph_str: str):
template_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "viz_templates"
with open(template_dir / "template.js") as f:
js =
js = js.replace("<placeholder>", tree_graph_str)
with open(template_dir / "template.html") as f:
html =
html = html.replace("<!-- placeholder -->", js)
return html
def generate(cfg, jou: Journal, out_path: Path):
tree_graph_str = json.dumps(cfg_to_tree_struct(cfg, jou))
html = generate_html(tree_graph_str)
with open(out_path, "w") as f: