aideml / aide /utils /
Dixing Xu
2fc6b05 unverified
Contains functions to manually generate a textual preview of some common file types (.csv, .json,..) for the agent.
import json
from pathlib import Path
import humanize
import pandas as pd
from genson import SchemaBuilder
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype
# these files are treated as code (e.g. markdown wrapped)
code_files = {".py", ".sh", ".yaml", ".yml", ".md", ".html", ".xml", ".log", ".rst"}
# we treat these files as text (rather than binary) files
plaintext_files = {".txt", ".csv", ".json", ".tsv"} | code_files
def get_file_len_size(f: Path) -> tuple[int, str]:
Calculate the size of a file (#lines for plaintext files, otherwise #bytes)
Also returns a human-readable string representation of the size.
if f.suffix in plaintext_files:
num_lines = sum(1 for _ in open(f))
return num_lines, f"{num_lines} lines"
s = f.stat().st_size
return s, humanize.naturalsize(s)
def file_tree(path: Path, depth=0) -> str:
"""Generate a tree structure of files in a directory"""
result = []
files = [p for p in Path(path).iterdir() if not p.is_dir()]
dirs = [p for p in Path(path).iterdir() if p.is_dir()]
max_n = 4 if len(files) > 30 else 8
for p in sorted(files)[:max_n]:
result.append(f"{' '*depth*4}{} ({get_file_len_size(p)[1]})")
if len(files) > max_n:
result.append(f"{' '*depth*4}... and {len(files)-max_n} other files")
for p in sorted(dirs):
result.append(f"{' '*depth*4}{}/")
result.append(file_tree(p, depth + 1))
return "\n".join(result)
def _walk(path: Path):
"""Recursively walk a directory (analogous to os.walk but for pathlib.Path)"""
for p in sorted(Path(path).iterdir()):
if p.is_dir():
yield from _walk(p)
yield p
def preview_csv(p: Path, file_name: str, simple=True) -> str:
"""Generate a textual preview of a csv file
p (Path): the path to the csv file
file_name (str): the file name to use in the preview
simple (bool, optional): whether to use a simplified version of the preview. Defaults to True.
str: the textual preview
df = pd.read_csv(p)
out = []
out.append(f"-> {file_name} has {df.shape[0]} rows and {df.shape[1]} columns.")
if simple:
cols = df.columns.tolist()
sel_cols = 15
cols_str = ", ".join(cols[:sel_cols])
res = f"The columns are: {cols_str}"
if len(cols) > sel_cols:
res += f"... and {len(cols)-sel_cols} more columns"
out.append("Here is some information about the columns:")
for col in sorted(df.columns):
dtype = df[col].dtype
name = f"{col} ({dtype})"
nan_count = df[col].isnull().sum()
if dtype == "bool":
v = df[col][df[col].notnull()].mean()
out.append(f"{name} is {v*100:.2f}% True, {100-v*100:.2f}% False")
elif df[col].nunique() < 10:
f"{name} has {df[col].nunique()} unique values: {df[col].unique().tolist()}"
elif is_numeric_dtype(df[col]):
f"{name} has range: {df[col].min():.2f} - {df[col].max():.2f}, {nan_count} nan values"
elif dtype == "object":
f"{name} has {df[col].nunique()} unique values. Some example values: {df[col].value_counts().head(4).index.tolist()}"
return "\n".join(out)
def preview_json(p: Path, file_name: str):
"""Generate a textual preview of a json file using a generated json schema"""
builder = SchemaBuilder()
with open(p) as f:
return f"-> {file_name} has auto-generated json schema:\n" + builder.to_json(
def generate(base_path, include_file_details=True, simple=False):
Generate a textual preview of a directory, including an overview of the directory
structure and previews of individual files
tree = f"```\n{file_tree(base_path)}```"
out = [tree]
if include_file_details:
for fn in _walk(base_path):
file_name = str(fn.relative_to(base_path))
if fn.suffix == ".csv":
out.append(preview_csv(fn, file_name, simple=simple))
elif fn.suffix == ".json":
out.append(preview_json(fn, file_name))
elif fn.suffix in plaintext_files:
if get_file_len_size(fn)[0] < 30:
with open(fn) as f:
content =
if fn.suffix in code_files:
content = f"```\n{content}\n```"
out.append(f"-> {file_name} has content:\n\n{content}")
result = "\n\n".join(out)
# if the result is very long we generate a simpler version
if len(result) > 6_000 and not simple:
return generate(
base_path, include_file_details=include_file_details, simple=True
return result