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<h1 class="page-title">Source: options/custom.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/*jshint node:true*/
'use strict';
var utils = require('../utils');
*! Custom options methods
module.exports = function(proto) {
* Add custom input option(s)
* When passing a single string or an array, each string containing two
* words is split (eg. inputOptions('-option value') is supported) for
* compatibility reasons. This is not the case when passing more than
* one argument.
* @example
* command.inputOptions('option1');
* @example
* command.inputOptions('option1', 'option2');
* @example
* command.inputOptions(['option1', 'option2']);
* @method FfmpegCommand#inputOptions
* @category Custom options
* @aliases addInputOption,addInputOptions,withInputOption,withInputOptions,inputOption
* @param {...String} options option string(s) or string array
* @return FfmpegCommand
proto.addInputOption =
proto.addInputOptions =
proto.withInputOption =
proto.withInputOptions =
proto.inputOption =
proto.inputOptions = function(options) {
if (!this._currentInput) {
throw new Error('No input specified');
var doSplit = true;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
options = [].slice.call(arguments);
doSplit = false;
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
options = [options];
this._currentInput.options(options.reduce(function(options, option) {
var split = option.split(' ');
if (doSplit &amp;&amp; split.length === 2) {
options.push(split[0], split[1]);
} else {
return options;
}, []));
return this;
* Add custom output option(s)
* @example
* command.outputOptions('option1');
* @example
* command.outputOptions('option1', 'option2');
* @example
* command.outputOptions(['option1', 'option2']);
* @method FfmpegCommand#outputOptions
* @category Custom options
* @aliases addOutputOption,addOutputOptions,addOption,addOptions,withOutputOption,withOutputOptions,withOption,withOptions,outputOption
* @param {...String} options option string(s) or string array
* @return FfmpegCommand
proto.addOutputOption =
proto.addOutputOptions =
proto.addOption =
proto.addOptions =
proto.withOutputOption =
proto.withOutputOptions =
proto.withOption =
proto.withOptions =
proto.outputOption =
proto.outputOptions = function(options) {
var doSplit = true;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
options = [].slice.call(arguments);
doSplit = false;
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
options = [options];
this._currentOutput.options(options.reduce(function(options, option) {
var split = option.split(' ');
if (doSplit &amp;&amp; split.length === 2) {
options.push(split[0], split[1]);
} else {
return options;
}, []));
return this;
* Specify a complex filtergraph
* Calling this method will override any previously set filtergraph, but you can set
* as many filters as needed in one call.
* @example &lt;caption>Overlay an image over a video (using a filtergraph string)&lt;/caption>
* ffmpeg()
* .input('video.avi')
* .input('image.png')
* .complexFilter('[0:v][1:v]overlay[out]', ['out']);
* @example &lt;caption>Overlay an image over a video (using a filter array)&lt;/caption>
* ffmpeg()
* .input('video.avi')
* .input('image.png')
* .complexFilter([{
* filter: 'overlay',
* inputs: ['0:v', '1:v'],
* outputs: ['out']
* }], ['out']);
* @example &lt;caption>Split video into RGB channels and output a 3x1 video with channels side to side&lt;/caption>
* ffmpeg()
* .input('video.avi')
* .complexFilter([
* // Duplicate video stream 3 times into streams a, b, and c
* { filter: 'split', options: '3', outputs: ['a', 'b', 'c'] },
* // Create stream 'red' by cancelling green and blue channels from stream 'a'
* { filter: 'lutrgb', options: { g: 0, b: 0 }, inputs: 'a', outputs: 'red' },
* // Create stream 'green' by cancelling red and blue channels from stream 'b'
* { filter: 'lutrgb', options: { r: 0, b: 0 }, inputs: 'b', outputs: 'green' },
* // Create stream 'blue' by cancelling red and green channels from stream 'c'
* { filter: 'lutrgb', options: { r: 0, g: 0 }, inputs: 'c', outputs: 'blue' },
* // Pad stream 'red' to 3x width, keeping the video on the left, and name output 'padded'
* { filter: 'pad', options: { w: 'iw*3', h: 'ih' }, inputs: 'red', outputs: 'padded' },
* // Overlay 'green' onto 'padded', moving it to the center, and name output 'redgreen'
* { filter: 'overlay', options: { x: 'w', y: 0 }, inputs: ['padded', 'green'], outputs: 'redgreen'},
* // Overlay 'blue' onto 'redgreen', moving it to the right
* { filter: 'overlay', options: { x: '2*w', y: 0 }, inputs: ['redgreen', 'blue']},
* ]);
* @method FfmpegCommand#complexFilter
* @category Custom options
* @aliases filterGraph
* @param {String|Array} spec filtergraph string or array of filter specification
* objects, each having the following properties:
* @param {String} spec.filter filter name
* @param {String|Array} [spec.inputs] (array of) input stream specifier(s) for the filter,
* defaults to ffmpeg automatically choosing the first unused matching streams
* @param {String|Array} [spec.outputs] (array of) output stream specifier(s) for the filter,
* defaults to ffmpeg automatically assigning the output to the output file
* @param {Object|String|Array} [spec.options] filter options, can be omitted to not set any options
* @param {Array} [map] (array of) stream specifier(s) from the graph to include in
* ffmpeg output, defaults to ffmpeg automatically choosing the first matching streams.
* @return FfmpegCommand
proto.filterGraph =
proto.complexFilter = function(spec, map) {
if (!Array.isArray(spec)) {
spec = [spec];
this._complexFilters('-filter_complex', utils.makeFilterStrings(spec).join(';'));
if (Array.isArray(map)) {
var self = this;
map.forEach(function(streamSpec) {
self._complexFilters('-map', streamSpec.replace(utils.streamRegexp, '[$1]'));
} else if (typeof map === 'string') {
this._complexFilters('-map', map.replace(utils.streamRegexp, '[$1]'));
return this;
<h2><a href="index.html">Index</a></h2><ul><li><a href="index.html#installation">Installation</a></li><ul></ul><li><a href="index.html#usage">Usage</a></li><ul><li><a href="index.html#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li><li><a href="index.html#creating-an-ffmpeg-command">Creating an FFmpeg command</a></li><li><a href="index.html#specifying-inputs">Specifying inputs</a></li><li><a href="index.html#input-options">Input options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#audio-options">Audio options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#video-options">Video options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#video-frame-size-options">Video frame size options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#specifying-multiple-outputs">Specifying multiple outputs</a></li><li><a href="index.html#output-options">Output options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#miscellaneous-options">Miscellaneous options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#setting-event-handlers">Setting event handlers</a></li><li><a href="index.html#starting-ffmpeg-processing">Starting FFmpeg processing</a></li><li><a href="index.html#controlling-the-ffmpeg-process">Controlling the FFmpeg process</a></li><li><a href="index.html#reading-video-metadata">Reading video metadata</a></li><li><a href="index.html#querying-ffmpeg-capabilities">Querying ffmpeg capabilities</a></li><li><a href="index.html#cloning-an-ffmpegcommand">Cloning an FfmpegCommand</a></li></ul><li><a href="index.html#contributing">Contributing</a></li><ul><li><a href="index.html#code-contributions">Code contributions</a></li><li><a href="index.html#documentation-contributions">Documentation contributions</a></li><li><a href="index.html#updating-the-documentation">Updating the documentation</a></li><li><a href="index.html#running-tests">Running tests</a></li></ul><li><a href="index.html#main-contributors">Main contributors</a></li><ul></ul><li><a href="index.html#license">License</a></li><ul></ul></ul><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="FfmpegCommand.html">FfmpegCommand</a></li><ul><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#audio-methods">Audio methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#capabilities-methods">Capabilities methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#custom-options-methods">Custom options methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#input-methods">Input methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#metadata-methods">Metadata methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#miscellaneous-methods">Miscellaneous methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#other-methods">Other methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#output-methods">Output methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#processing-methods">Processing methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#video-methods">Video methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#video-size-methods">Video size methods</a></li></ul></ul>
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Documentation generated by <a href="https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc">JSDoc 3.3.0-alpha5</a> on Tue Jul 08 2014 21:22:19 GMT+0200 (CEST)
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