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<title>JSDoc: Class: FfmpegCommand</title> |
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<div id="main"> |
<h1 class="page-title">Class: FfmpegCommand</h1> |
<section> |
<header> |
<h2> |
FfmpegCommand |
</h2> |
</header> |
<article> |
<div class="container-overview"> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="FfmpegCommand"><span class="type-signature"></span>new FfmpegCommand<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">input</span>, <span class="optional">options</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Create an ffmpeg command</p> |
<p>Can be called with or without the 'new' operator, and the 'input' parameter |
may be specified as 'options.source' instead (or passed later with the |
addInput method).</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>input</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">ReadableStream</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input file path or readable stream</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>command options</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>logger</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
<no logging> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>logger object with 'error', 'warning', 'info' and 'debug' methods</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>niceness</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
0 |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>ffmpeg process niceness, ignored on Windows</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>priority</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
0 |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>alias for <code>niceness</code></p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>presets</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
"fluent-ffmpeg/lib/presets" |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>directory to load presets from</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>preset</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
"fluent-ffmpeg/lib/presets" |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>alias for <code>presets</code></p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>stdoutLines</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
100 |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>maximum lines of ffmpeg output to keep in memory, use 0 for unlimited</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>timeout</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
<no timeout> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>ffmpeg processing timeout in seconds</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>source</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">ReadableStream</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
<no input> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>alias for the <code>input</code> parameter</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="fluent-ffmpeg.js.html">fluent-ffmpeg.js</a>, <a href="fluent-ffmpeg.js.html#line31">line 31</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</div> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="audio-methods"></a>Audio methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="audioBitrate"><span class="type-signature"></span>audioBitrate<span class="signature">(bitrate)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify audio bitrate</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>bitrate</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>audio bitrate in kbps (with an optional 'k' suffix)</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_audio.js.html">options/audio.js</a>, <a href="options_audio.js.html#line48">line 48</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withAudioBitrate |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="audioChannels"><span class="type-signature"></span>audioChannels<span class="signature">(channels)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify audio channel count</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>channels</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>channel count</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_audio.js.html">options/audio.js</a>, <a href="options_audio.js.html#line65">line 65</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withAudioChannels |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="audioCodec"><span class="type-signature"></span>audioCodec<span class="signature">(codec)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify audio codec</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>codec</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>audio codec name</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_audio.js.html">options/audio.js</a>, <a href="options_audio.js.html#line30">line 30</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withAudioCodec |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="audioFilter"><span class="type-signature"></span>audioFilter<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioFilters">FfmpegCommand#audioFilters</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="audioFilters"><span class="type-signature"></span>audioFilters<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify custom audio filter(s)</p> |
<p>Can be called both with one or many filters, or a filter array.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filters</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<String></span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<Object></span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>audio filter strings, string array or |
filter specification array, each with the following properties:</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filter</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter name</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<String></span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter option string, array, or object</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_audio.js.html">options/audio.js</a>, <a href="options_audio.js.html#line116">line 116</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Examples:</h5> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.audioFilters('filter1');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.audioFilters('filter1', 'filter2=param1=value1:param2=value2');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.audioFilters(['filter1', 'filter2']);</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.audioFilters([ |
{ |
filter: 'filter1' |
}, |
{ |
filter: 'filter2', |
options: 'param=value:param=value' |
} |
]);</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.audioFilters( |
{ |
filter: 'filter1', |
options: ['value1', 'value2'] |
}, |
{ |
filter: 'filter2', |
options: { param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2' } |
} |
);</code></pre> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withAudioFilter</li> |
<li>withAudioFilters</li> |
<li>audioFilter</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="audioFrequency"><span class="type-signature"></span>audioFrequency<span class="signature">(freq)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify audio frequency</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>freq</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>audio frequency in Hz</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_audio.js.html">options/audio.js</a>, <a href="options_audio.js.html#line82">line 82</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withAudioFrequency |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="audioQuality"><span class="type-signature"></span>audioQuality<span class="signature">(quality)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify audio quality</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>quality</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>audio quality factor</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_audio.js.html">options/audio.js</a>, <a href="options_audio.js.html#line99">line 99</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withAudioQuality |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="noAudio"><span class="type-signature"></span>noAudio<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Disable audio in the output</p> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_audio.js.html">options/audio.js</a>, <a href="options_audio.js.html#line12">line 12</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withNoAudio |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAudioBitrate"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAudioBitrate<span class="signature">(bitrate)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioBitrate">FfmpegCommand#audioBitrate</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAudioChannels"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAudioChannels<span class="signature">(channels)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioChannels">FfmpegCommand#audioChannels</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAudioCodec"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAudioCodec<span class="signature">(codec)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioCodec">FfmpegCommand#audioCodec</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAudioFilter"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAudioFilter<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioFilters">FfmpegCommand#audioFilters</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAudioFilters"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAudioFilters<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioFilters">FfmpegCommand#audioFilters</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAudioFrequency"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAudioFrequency<span class="signature">(freq)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioFrequency">FfmpegCommand#audioFrequency</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAudioQuality"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAudioQuality<span class="signature">(quality)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#audioQuality">FfmpegCommand#audioQuality</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withNoAudio"><span class="type-signature"></span>withNoAudio<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#noAudio">FfmpegCommand#noAudio</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="capabilities-methods"></a>Capabilities methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="availableCodecs"><span class="type-signature"></span>availableCodecs<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Query ffmpeg for available codecs</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>callback</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type"><a href="FfmpegCommand.html#~codecCallback">FfmpegCommand~codecCallback</a></span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>callback function</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line343">line 343</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
getAvailableCodecs |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="availableEncoders"><span class="type-signature"></span>availableEncoders<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Query ffmpeg for available encoders</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>callback</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type"><a href="FfmpegCommand.html#~encodersCallback">FfmpegCommand~encodersCallback</a></span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>callback function</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line445">line 445</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
getAvailableEncoders |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="availableFilters"><span class="type-signature"></span>availableFilters<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Query ffmpeg for available filters</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>callback</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type"><a href="FfmpegCommand.html#~filterCallback">FfmpegCommand~filterCallback</a></span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>callback function</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line287">line 287</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
getAvailableFilters |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="availableFormats"><span class="type-signature"></span>availableFormats<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Query ffmpeg for available formats</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>callback</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type"><a href="FfmpegCommand.html#~formatCallback">FfmpegCommand~formatCallback</a></span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>callback function</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line501">line 501</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
getAvailableFormats |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="getAvailableCodecs"><span class="type-signature"></span>getAvailableCodecs<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#availableCodecs">FfmpegCommand#availableCodecs</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="getAvailableEncoders"><span class="type-signature"></span>getAvailableEncoders<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#availableEncoders">FfmpegCommand#availableEncoders</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="getAvailableFilters"><span class="type-signature"></span>getAvailableFilters<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#availableFilters">FfmpegCommand#availableFilters</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="getAvailableFormats"><span class="type-signature"></span>getAvailableFormats<span class="signature">(callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#availableFormats">FfmpegCommand#availableFormats</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="custom-options-methods"></a>Custom options methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addInputOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>addInputOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputOptions">FfmpegCommand#inputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addInputOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>addInputOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputOptions">FfmpegCommand#inputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>addOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>addOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addOutputOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>addOutputOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addOutputOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>addOutputOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="complexFilter"><span class="type-signature"></span>complexFilter<span class="signature">(spec, <span class="optional">map</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify a complex filtergraph</p> |
<p>Calling this method will override any previously set filtergraph, but you can set |
as many filters as needed in one call.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>spec</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filtergraph string or array of filter specification |
objects, each having the following properties:</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filter</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter name</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>inputs</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>(array of) input stream specifier(s) for the filter, |
defaults to ffmpeg automatically choosing the first unused matching streams</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>outputs</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>(array of) output stream specifier(s) for the filter, |
defaults to ffmpeg automatically assigning the output to the output file</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter options, can be omitted to not set any options</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>map</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Array</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>(array of) stream specifier(s) from the graph to include in |
ffmpeg output, defaults to ffmpeg automatically choosing the first matching streams.</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_custom.js.html">options/custom.js</a>, <a href="options_custom.js.html#line127">line 127</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Examples:</h5> |
<p class="code-caption">Overlay an image over a video (using a filtergraph string)</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code> ffmpeg() |
.input('video.avi') |
.input('image.png') |
.complexFilter('[0:v][1:v]overlay[out]', ['out']);</code></pre> |
<p class="code-caption">Overlay an image over a video (using a filter array)</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code> ffmpeg() |
.input('video.avi') |
.input('image.png') |
.complexFilter([{ |
filter: 'overlay', |
inputs: ['0:v', '1:v'], |
outputs: ['out'] |
}], ['out']);</code></pre> |
<p class="code-caption">Split video into RGB channels and output a 3x1 video with channels side to side</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code> ffmpeg() |
.input('video.avi') |
.complexFilter([ |
// Duplicate video stream 3 times into streams a, b, and c |
{ filter: 'split', options: '3', outputs: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }, |
// Create stream 'red' by cancelling green and blue channels from stream 'a' |
{ filter: 'lutrgb', options: { g: 0, b: 0 }, inputs: 'a', outputs: 'red' }, |
// Create stream 'green' by cancelling red and blue channels from stream 'b' |
{ filter: 'lutrgb', options: { r: 0, b: 0 }, inputs: 'b', outputs: 'green' }, |
// Create stream 'blue' by cancelling red and green channels from stream 'c' |
{ filter: 'lutrgb', options: { r: 0, g: 0 }, inputs: 'c', outputs: 'blue' }, |
// Pad stream 'red' to 3x width, keeping the video on the left, and name output 'padded' |
{ filter: 'pad', options: { w: 'iw*3', h: 'ih' }, inputs: 'red', outputs: 'padded' }, |
// Overlay 'green' onto 'padded', moving it to the center, and name output 'redgreen' |
{ filter: 'overlay', options: { x: 'w', y: 0 }, inputs: ['padded', 'green'], outputs: 'redgreen'}, |
// Overlay 'blue' onto 'redgreen', moving it to the right |
{ filter: 'overlay', options: { x: '2*w', y: 0 }, inputs: ['redgreen', 'blue']}, |
]);</code></pre> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
filterGraph |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="filterGraph"><span class="type-signature"></span>filterGraph<span class="signature">(spec, <span class="optional">map</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#complexFilter">FfmpegCommand#complexFilter</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="inputOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>inputOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputOptions">FfmpegCommand#inputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="inputOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>inputOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Add custom input option(s)</p> |
<p>When passing a single string or an array, each string containing two |
words is split (eg. inputOptions('-option value') is supported) for |
compatibility reasons. This is not the case when passing more than |
one argument.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<repeatable><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>option string(s) or string array</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_custom.js.html">options/custom.js</a>, <a href="options_custom.js.html#line12">line 12</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Examples:</h5> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.inputOptions('option1');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.inputOptions('option1', 'option2');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.inputOptions(['option1', 'option2']);</code></pre> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>addInputOption</li> |
<li>addInputOptions</li> |
<li>withInputOption</li> |
<li>withInputOptions</li> |
<li>inputOption</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="outputOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>outputOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="outputOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>outputOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Add custom output option(s)</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<repeatable><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>option string(s) or string array</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_custom.js.html">options/custom.js</a>, <a href="options_custom.js.html#line72">line 72</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Examples:</h5> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.outputOptions('option1');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.outputOptions('option1', 'option2');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.outputOptions(['option1', 'option2']);</code></pre> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>addOutputOption</li> |
<li>addOutputOptions</li> |
<li>addOption</li> |
<li>addOptions</li> |
<li>withOutputOption</li> |
<li>withOutputOptions</li> |
<li>withOption</li> |
<li>withOptions</li> |
<li>outputOption</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withInputOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>withInputOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputOptions">FfmpegCommand#inputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withInputOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>withInputOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputOptions">FfmpegCommand#inputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>withOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>withOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withOutputOption"><span class="type-signature"></span>withOutputOption<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withOutputOptions"><span class="type-signature"></span>withOutputOptions<span class="signature">(options)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#outputOptions">FfmpegCommand#outputOptions</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="input-methods"></a>Input methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addInput"><span class="type-signature"></span>addInput<span class="signature">(source)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#input">FfmpegCommand#input</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="fpsInput"><span class="type-signature"></span>fpsInput<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFps">FfmpegCommand#inputFps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="fromFormat"><span class="type-signature"></span>fromFormat<span class="signature">(format)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFormat">FfmpegCommand#inputFormat</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="input"><span class="type-signature"></span>input<span class="signature">(source)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Add an input to command</p> |
<p>Also switches "current input", that is the input that will be affected |
by subsequent input-related methods.</p> |
<p>Note: only one stream input is supported for now.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>source</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Readable</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input file path or readable stream</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_inputs.js.html">options/inputs.js</a>, <a href="options_inputs.js.html#line11">line 11</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>mergeAdd</li> |
<li>addInput</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="inputFormat"><span class="type-signature"></span>inputFormat<span class="signature">(format)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify input format for the last specified input</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>format</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input format</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_inputs.js.html">options/inputs.js</a>, <a href="options_inputs.js.html#line63">line 63</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withInputFormat</li> |
<li>fromFormat</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="inputFps"><span class="type-signature"></span>inputFps<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify input FPS for the last specified input |
(only valid for raw video formats)</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>fps</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input FPS</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_inputs.js.html">options/inputs.js</a>, <a href="options_inputs.js.html#line85">line 85</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withInputFps</li> |
<li>withInputFPS</li> |
<li>withFpsInput</li> |
<li>withFPSInput</li> |
<li>inputFPS</li> |
<li>inputFps</li> |
<li>fpsInput</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="inputFPS"><span class="type-signature"></span>inputFPS<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFps">FfmpegCommand#inputFps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="inputFps"><span class="type-signature"></span>inputFps<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFps">FfmpegCommand#inputFps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="loop"><span class="type-signature"></span>loop<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">duration</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Loop over the last specified input</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>duration</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>loop duration in seconds or as a '[[hh:]mm:]ss[.xxx]' string</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_inputs.js.html">options/inputs.js</a>, <a href="options_inputs.js.html#line156">line 156</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="mergeAdd"><span class="type-signature"></span>mergeAdd<span class="signature">(source)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#input">FfmpegCommand#input</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="native"><span class="type-signature"></span>native<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Use native framerate for the last specified input</p> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_inputs.js.html">options/inputs.js</a>, <a href="options_inputs.js.html#line113">line 113</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmmegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>nativeFramerate</li> |
<li>withNativeFramerate</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="nativeFramerate"><span class="type-signature"></span>nativeFramerate<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#native">FfmpegCommand#native</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="seek"><span class="type-signature"></span>seek<span class="signature">(seek)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify output seek time</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>seek</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>seek time in seconds or as a '[hh:[mm:]]ss[.xxx]' string</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_output.js.html">options/output.js</a>, <a href="options_output.js.html#line79">line 79</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
seekOutput |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="seekInput"><span class="type-signature"></span>seekInput<span class="signature">(seek)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify input seek time for the last specified input</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>seek</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>seek time in seconds or as a '[hh:[mm:]]ss[.xxx]' string</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_inputs.js.html">options/inputs.js</a>, <a href="options_inputs.js.html#line134">line 134</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>setStartTime</li> |
<li>seekTo</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="seekOutput"><span class="type-signature"></span>seekOutput<span class="signature">(seek)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#seek">FfmpegCommand#seek</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="seekTo"><span class="type-signature"></span>seekTo<span class="signature">(seek)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#seekInput">FfmpegCommand#seekInput</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setStartTime"><span class="type-signature"></span>setStartTime<span class="signature">(seek)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#seekInput">FfmpegCommand#seekInput</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withFpsInput"><span class="type-signature"></span>withFpsInput<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFps">FfmpegCommand#inputFps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withFPSInput"><span class="type-signature"></span>withFPSInput<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFps">FfmpegCommand#inputFps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withInputFormat"><span class="type-signature"></span>withInputFormat<span class="signature">(format)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFormat">FfmpegCommand#inputFormat</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withInputFPS"><span class="type-signature"></span>withInputFPS<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFps">FfmpegCommand#inputFps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withInputFps"><span class="type-signature"></span>withInputFps<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#inputFps">FfmpegCommand#inputFps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withNativeFramerate"><span class="type-signature"></span>withNativeFramerate<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#native">FfmpegCommand#native</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="metadata-methods"></a>Metadata methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="ffprobe"><span class="type-signature"></span>ffprobe<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">index</span>, <span class="optional">options</span>, callback)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Run ffprobe on last specified input</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>index</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
<nullable><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>0-based index of input to probe (defaults to last input)</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Array.<String></span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
<nullable><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>array of output options to return</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>callback</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type"><a href="FfmpegCommand.html#~ffprobeCallback">FfmpegCommand~ffprobeCallback</a></span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>callback function</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="ffprobe.js.html">ffprobe.js</a>, <a href="ffprobe.js.html#line85">line 85</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="miscellaneous-methods"></a>Miscellaneous methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="preset"><span class="type-signature"></span>preset<span class="signature">(preset)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Use preset</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>preset</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">function</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>preset name or preset function</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_misc.js.html">options/misc.js</a>, <a href="options_misc.js.html#line11">line 11</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
usingPreset |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="usingPreset"><span class="type-signature"></span>usingPreset<span class="signature">(preset)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#preset">FfmpegCommand#preset</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="other-methods"></a>Other methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="clone"><span class="type-signature"></span>clone<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Clone an ffmpeg command</p> |
<p>This method is useful when you want to process the same input multiple times. |
It returns a new FfmpegCommand instance with the exact same options.</p> |
<p>All options set <em>after</em> the clone() call will only be applied to the instance |
it has been called on.</p> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="fluent-ffmpeg.js.html">fluent-ffmpeg.js</a>, <a href="fluent-ffmpeg.js.html#line84">line 84</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Example:</h5> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>var command = ffmpeg('/path/to/source.avi') |
.audioCodec('libfaac') |
.videoCodec('libx264') |
.format('mp4'); |
command.clone() |
.size('320x200') |
.save('/path/to/output-small.mp4'); |
command.clone() |
.size('640x400') |
.save('/path/to/output-medium.mp4'); |
command.save('/path/to/output-original-size.mp4');</code></pre> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setFfmpegPath"><span class="type-signature"></span>setFfmpegPath<span class="signature">(ffmpegPath)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Manually define the ffmpeg binary full path.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>ffmpegPath</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>The full path to the ffmpeg binary.</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line25">line 25</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setFfprobePath"><span class="type-signature"></span>setFfprobePath<span class="signature">(ffprobePath)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Manually define the ffprobe binary full path.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>ffprobePath</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>The full path to the ffprobe binary.</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line38">line 38</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setFlvtoolPath"><span class="type-signature"></span>setFlvtoolPath<span class="signature">(flvtool)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Manually define the flvtool2/flvmeta binary full path.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>flvtool</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>The full path to the flvtool2 or flvmeta binary.</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line51">line 51</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="output-methods"></a>Output methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="addOutput"><span class="type-signature"></span>addOutput<span class="signature">(target, <span class="optional">pipeopts</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#output">FfmpegCommand#output</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="duration"><span class="type-signature"></span>duration<span class="signature">(duration)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Set output duration</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>duration</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>duration in seconds or as a '[[hh:]mm:]ss[.xxx]' string</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_output.js.html">options/output.js</a>, <a href="options_output.js.html#line96">line 96</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withDuration</li> |
<li>setDuration</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="flvmeta"><span class="type-signature"></span>flvmeta<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Run flvtool2/flvmeta on output</p> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_output.js.html">options/output.js</a>, <a href="options_output.js.html#line148">line 148</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
updateFlvMetadata |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="format"><span class="type-signature"></span>format<span class="signature">(format)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Set output format</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>format</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output format name</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_output.js.html">options/output.js</a>, <a href="options_output.js.html#line114">line 114</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>toFormat</li> |
<li>withOutputFormat</li> |
<li>outputFormat</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="map"><span class="type-signature"></span>map<span class="signature">(spec)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Add stream mapping to output</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>spec</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>stream specification string, with optional square brackets</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_output.js.html">options/output.js</a>, <a href="options_output.js.html#line133">line 133</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="output"><span class="type-signature"></span>output<span class="signature">(target, <span class="optional">pipeopts</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Add output</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>target</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Writable</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>target file path or writable stream</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>pipeopts</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
{} |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>pipe options (only applies to streams)</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_output.js.html">options/output.js</a>, <a href="options_output.js.html#line12">line 12</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
addOutput |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="outputFormat"><span class="type-signature"></span>outputFormat<span class="signature">(format)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#format">FfmpegCommand#format</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setDuration"><span class="type-signature"></span>setDuration<span class="signature">(duration)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#duration">FfmpegCommand#duration</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="toFormat"><span class="type-signature"></span>toFormat<span class="signature">(format)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#format">FfmpegCommand#format</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="updateFlvMetadata"><span class="type-signature"></span>updateFlvMetadata<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#flvmeta">FfmpegCommand#flvmeta</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withDuration"><span class="type-signature"></span>withDuration<span class="signature">(duration)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#duration">FfmpegCommand#duration</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withOutputFormat"><span class="type-signature"></span>withOutputFormat<span class="signature">(format)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#format">FfmpegCommand#format</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="processing-methods"></a>Processing methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="concat"><span class="type-signature"></span>concat<span class="signature">(target, <span class="optional">options</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Merge (concatenate) inputs to a single file</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>target</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Writable</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output file or writable stream</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>pipe options (only used when outputting to a writable stream)</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="recipes.js.html">recipes.js</a>, <a href="recipes.js.html#line408">line 408</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>concatenate</li> |
<li>mergeToFile</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="concatenate"><span class="type-signature"></span>concatenate<span class="signature">(target, <span class="optional">options</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#concat">FfmpegCommand#concat</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="exec"><span class="type-signature"></span>exec<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#run">FfmpegCommand#run</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="execute"><span class="type-signature"></span>execute<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#run">FfmpegCommand#run</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="kill"><span class="type-signature"></span>kill<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">signal</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Kill current ffmpeg process, if any</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>signal</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>signal name</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line640">line 640</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="mergeToFile"><span class="type-signature"></span>mergeToFile<span class="signature">(target, <span class="optional">options</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#concat">FfmpegCommand#concat</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="pipe"><span class="type-signature"></span>pipe<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">stream</span>, <span class="optional">options</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Execute ffmpeg command and save output to a stream</p> |
<p>If 'stream' is not specified, a PassThrough stream is created and returned. |
'options' will be used when piping ffmpeg output to the output stream |
(@see http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_pipe_destination_options)</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>stream</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">stream.Writable</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output stream</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
{} |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>pipe options</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="recipes.js.html">recipes.js</a>, <a href="recipes.js.html#line33">line 33</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>Output stream</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>stream</li> |
<li>writeToStream</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="renice"><span class="type-signature"></span>renice<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">niceness</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Renice current and/or future ffmpeg processes</p> |
<p>Ignored on Windows platforms.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>niceness</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
0 |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>niceness value between -20 (highest priority) and 20 (lowest priority)</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line593">line 593</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="run"><span class="type-signature"></span>run<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Run ffmpeg command</p> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line381">line 381</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>exec</li> |
<li>execute</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="save"><span class="type-signature"></span>save<span class="signature">(output)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Execute ffmpeg command and save output to a file</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>output</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>file path</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="recipes.js.html">recipes.js</a>, <a href="recipes.js.html#line16">line 16</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
saveToFile |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="saveToFile"><span class="type-signature"></span>saveToFile<span class="signature">(output)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#save">FfmpegCommand#save</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="screenshot"><span class="type-signature"></span>screenshot<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">config</span>, <span class="optional">folder</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#screenshots">FfmpegCommand#screenshots</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="screenshots"><span class="type-signature"></span>screenshots<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">config</span>, <span class="optional">folder</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Generate images from a video</p> |
<p>Note: this method makes the command emit a 'filenames' event with an array of |
the generated image filenames.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>config</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
1 |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>screenshot count or configuration object with |
the following keys:</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>count</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>number of screenshots to take; using this option |
takes screenshots at regular intervals (eg. count=4 would take screens at 20%, 40%, |
60% and 80% of the video length).</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>folder</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
'.' |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output folder</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filename</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
'tn.png' |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output filename pattern, may contain the following |
tokens:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>'%s': offset in seconds</li> |
<li>'%w': screenshot width</li> |
<li>'%h': screenshot height</li> |
<li>'%r': screenshot resolution (same as '%wx%h')</li> |
<li>'%f': input filename</li> |
<li>'%b': input basename (filename w/o extension)</li> |
<li>'%i': index of screenshot in timemark array (can be zero-padded by using it like <code>%000i</code>)</li> |
</ul></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>timemarks</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Array.<Number></span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<String></span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>array of timemarks to take screenshots |
at; each timemark may be a number of seconds, a '[[hh:]mm:]ss[.xxx]' string or a |
'XX%' string. Overrides 'count' if present.</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>timestamps</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Array.<Number></span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<String></span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>alias for 'timemarks'</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>fastSeek</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>use fast seek (less accurate)</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>size</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>screenshot size, with the same syntax as <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#size">FfmpegCommand#size</a></p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>folder</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output folder (legacy alias for 'config.folder')</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="recipes.js.html">recipes.js</a>, <a href="recipes.js.html#line69">line 69</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>takeScreenshots</li> |
<li>thumbnail</li> |
<li>thumbnails</li> |
<li>screenshot</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="stream"><span class="type-signature"></span>stream<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">stream</span>, <span class="optional">options</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#pipe">FfmpegCommand#pipe</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="takeScreenshots"><span class="type-signature"></span>takeScreenshots<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">config</span>, <span class="optional">folder</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#screenshots">FfmpegCommand#screenshots</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="thumbnail"><span class="type-signature"></span>thumbnail<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">config</span>, <span class="optional">folder</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#screenshots">FfmpegCommand#screenshots</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="thumbnails"><span class="type-signature"></span>thumbnails<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">config</span>, <span class="optional">folder</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#screenshots">FfmpegCommand#screenshots</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="writeToStream"><span class="type-signature"></span>writeToStream<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">stream</span>, <span class="optional">options</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#pipe">FfmpegCommand#pipe</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="video-methods"></a>Video methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="fps"><span class="type-signature"></span>fps<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify output FPS</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>fps</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output FPS</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_video.js.html">options/video.js</a>, <a href="options_video.js.html#line141">line 141</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withOutputFps</li> |
<li>withOutputFPS</li> |
<li>withFpsOutput</li> |
<li>withFPSOutput</li> |
<li>withFps</li> |
<li>withFPS</li> |
<li>outputFPS</li> |
<li>outputFps</li> |
<li>fpsOutput</li> |
<li>FPSOutput</li> |
<li>FPS</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="FPS"><span class="type-signature"></span>FPS<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="fpsOutput"><span class="type-signature"></span>fpsOutput<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="FPSOutput"><span class="type-signature"></span>FPSOutput<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="frames"><span class="type-signature"></span>frames<span class="signature">(frames)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Only transcode a certain number of frames</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>frames</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>frame count</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_video.js.html">options/video.js</a>, <a href="options_video.js.html#line168">line 168</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>takeFrames</li> |
<li>withFrames</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="noVideo"><span class="type-signature"></span>noVideo<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Disable video in the output</p> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_video.js.html">options/video.js</a>, <a href="options_video.js.html#line12">line 12</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withNoVideo |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="outputFps"><span class="type-signature"></span>outputFps<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="outputFPS"><span class="type-signature"></span>outputFPS<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="takeFrames"><span class="type-signature"></span>takeFrames<span class="signature">(frames)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#frames">FfmpegCommand#frames</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="videoBitrate"><span class="type-signature"></span>videoBitrate<span class="signature">(bitrate, <span class="optional">constant</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify video bitrate</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>bitrate</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>video bitrate in kbps (with an optional 'k' suffix)</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>constant</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
false |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>enforce constant bitrate</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_video.js.html">options/video.js</a>, <a href="options_video.js.html#line48">line 48</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withVideoBitrate |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="videoCodec"><span class="type-signature"></span>videoCodec<span class="signature">(codec)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify video codec</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>codec</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>video codec name</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_video.js.html">options/video.js</a>, <a href="options_video.js.html#line31">line 31</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Alias:</h5> |
withVideoCodec |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="videoFilter"><span class="type-signature"></span>videoFilter<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#videoFilters">FfmpegCommand#videoFilters</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="videoFilters"><span class="type-signature"></span>videoFilters<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Specify custom video filter(s)</p> |
<p>Can be called both with one or many filters, or a filter array.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filters</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<String></span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<Object></span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>video filter strings, string array or |
filter specification array, each with the following properties:</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filter</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter name</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>options</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Array.<String></span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter option string, array, or object</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_video.js.html">options/video.js</a>, <a href="options_video.js.html#line76">line 76</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Examples:</h5> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.videoFilters('filter1');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.videoFilters('filter1', 'filter2=param1=value1:param2=value2');</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.videoFilters(['filter1', 'filter2']);</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.videoFilters([ |
{ |
filter: 'filter1' |
}, |
{ |
filter: 'filter2', |
options: 'param=value:param=value' |
} |
]);</code></pre> |
<pre class="prettyprint"><code>command.videoFilters( |
{ |
filter: 'filter1', |
options: ['value1', 'value2'] |
}, |
{ |
filter: 'filter2', |
options: { param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2' } |
} |
);</code></pre> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withVideoFilter</li> |
<li>withVideoFilters</li> |
<li>videoFilter</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withFPS"><span class="type-signature"></span>withFPS<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withFps"><span class="type-signature"></span>withFps<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withFPSOutput"><span class="type-signature"></span>withFPSOutput<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withFpsOutput"><span class="type-signature"></span>withFpsOutput<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withFrames"><span class="type-signature"></span>withFrames<span class="signature">(frames)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#frames">FfmpegCommand#frames</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withNoVideo"><span class="type-signature"></span>withNoVideo<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#noVideo">FfmpegCommand#noVideo</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withOutputFps"><span class="type-signature"></span>withOutputFps<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withOutputFPS"><span class="type-signature"></span>withOutputFPS<span class="signature">(fps)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#fps">FfmpegCommand#fps</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withVideoBitrate"><span class="type-signature"></span>withVideoBitrate<span class="signature">(bitrate, <span class="optional">constant</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#videoBitrate">FfmpegCommand#videoBitrate</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withVideoCodec"><span class="type-signature"></span>withVideoCodec<span class="signature">(codec)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#videoCodec">FfmpegCommand#videoCodec</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withVideoFilter"><span class="type-signature"></span>withVideoFilter<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#videoFilters">FfmpegCommand#videoFilters</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withVideoFilters"><span class="type-signature"></span>withVideoFilters<span class="signature">(filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#videoFilters">FfmpegCommand#videoFilters</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title"><a name="video-size-methods"></a>Video size methods</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="applyAutoPad"><span class="type-signature"></span>applyAutoPad<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="applyAutopad"><span class="type-signature"></span>applyAutopad<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="applyAutoPadding"><span class="type-signature"></span>applyAutoPadding<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="applyAutopadding"><span class="type-signature"></span>applyAutopadding<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="aspect"><span class="type-signature"></span>aspect<span class="signature">(aspect)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Set output aspect ratio</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>aspect</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>aspect ratio (number or 'X:Y' string)</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_videosize.js.html">options/videosize.js</a>, <a href="options_videosize.js.html#line218">line 218</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withAspect</li> |
<li>withAspectRatio</li> |
<li>setAspect</li> |
<li>setAspectRatio</li> |
<li>aspectRatio</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="aspectRatio"><span class="type-signature"></span>aspectRatio<span class="signature">(aspect)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#aspect">FfmpegCommand#aspect</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="autopad"><span class="type-signature"></span>autopad<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Enable auto-padding the output</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>pad</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
true |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>enable/disable auto-padding</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>color</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="default"> |
'black' |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>pad color</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_videosize.js.html">options/videosize.js</a>, <a href="options_videosize.js.html#line253">line 253</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>applyAutopadding</li> |
<li>applyAutoPadding</li> |
<li>applyAutopad</li> |
<li>applyAutoPad</li> |
<li>withAutopadding</li> |
<li>withAutoPadding</li> |
<li>withAutopad</li> |
<li>withAutoPad</li> |
<li>autoPad</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="autoPad"><span class="type-signature"></span>autoPad<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="keepDAR"><span class="type-signature"></span>keepDAR<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Keep display aspect ratio</p> |
<p>This method is useful when converting an input with non-square pixels to an output format |
that does not support non-square pixels. It rescales the input so that the display aspect |
ratio is the same.</p> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_videosize.js.html">options/videosize.js</a>, <a href="options_videosize.js.html#line155">line 155</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>keepPixelAspect</li> |
<li>keepDisplayAspect</li> |
<li>keepDisplayAspectRatio</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="keepDisplayAspect"><span class="type-signature"></span>keepDisplayAspect<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#keepDAR">FfmpegCommand#keepDAR</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="keepDisplayAspectRatio"><span class="type-signature"></span>keepDisplayAspectRatio<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#keepDAR">FfmpegCommand#keepDAR</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="keepPixelAspect"><span class="type-signature"></span>keepPixelAspect<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#keepDAR">FfmpegCommand#keepDAR</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setAspect"><span class="type-signature"></span>setAspect<span class="signature">(aspect)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#aspect">FfmpegCommand#aspect</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setAspectRatio"><span class="type-signature"></span>setAspectRatio<span class="signature">(aspect)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#aspect">FfmpegCommand#aspect</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="setSize"><span class="type-signature"></span>setSize<span class="signature">(size)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#size">FfmpegCommand#size</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="size"><span class="type-signature"></span>size<span class="signature">(size)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Set output size</p> |
<p>The 'size' parameter can have one of 4 forms:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>'X%': rescale to xx % of the original size</li> |
<li>'WxH': specify width and height</li> |
<li>'Wx?': specify width and compute height from input aspect ratio</li> |
<li>'?xH': specify height and compute width from input aspect ratio</li> |
</ul> |
<p>Note: both dimensions will be truncated to multiples of 2.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>size</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>size string, eg. '33%', '320x240', '320x?', '?x240'</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="options_videosize.js.html">options/videosize.js</a>, <a href="options_videosize.js.html#line188">line 188</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
<h5>Returns:</h5> |
<div class="param-desc"> |
<p>FfmpegCommand</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Aliases:</h5> |
<ul> |
<li>withSize</li> |
<li>setSize</li> |
</ul> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAspect"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAspect<span class="signature">(aspect)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#aspect">FfmpegCommand#aspect</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAspectRatio"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAspectRatio<span class="signature">(aspect)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#aspect">FfmpegCommand#aspect</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAutoPad"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAutoPad<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAutopad"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAutopad<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAutopadding"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAutopadding<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withAutoPadding"><span class="type-signature"></span>withAutoPadding<span class="signature">(<span class="optional">pad</span>, <span class="optional">color</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#autopad">FfmpegCommand#autopad</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="withSize"><span class="type-signature"></span>withSize<span class="signature">(size)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
Alias for <a href="#size">FfmpegCommand#size</a> |
</div> |
<dl class="details"> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title">Type Definitions</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="~codecCallback"><span class="type-signature"></span>codecCallback<span class="signature">(err, codecs)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>A callback passed to <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#availableCodecs">FfmpegCommand#availableCodecs</a>.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>err</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Error</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>error object or null if no error happened</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>codecs</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>codec object with codec names as keys and the following |
properties for each codec (more properties may be available depending on the |
ffmpeg version used):</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>description</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>codec description</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>canDecode</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the codec is able to decode streams</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>canEncode</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the codec is able to encode streams</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line330">line 330</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="~encodersCallback"><span class="type-signature"></span>encodersCallback<span class="signature">(err, encoders)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>A callback passed to <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#availableEncoders">FfmpegCommand#availableEncoders</a>.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>err</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Error</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>error object or null if no error happened</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>encoders</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>encoders object with encoder names as keys and the following |
properties for each encoder:</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>description</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>codec description</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>type</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>"audio", "video" or "subtitle"</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>frameMT</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the encoder is able to do frame-level multithreading</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>sliceMT</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the encoder is able to do slice-level multithreading</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>experimental</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the encoder is experimental</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>drawHorizBand</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the encoder supports draw_horiz_band</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>directRendering</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the encoder supports direct encoding method 1</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line429">line 429</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="~ffprobeCallback"><span class="type-signature"></span>ffprobeCallback<span class="signature">(err, ffprobeData)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>A callback passed to the <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#ffprobe">FfmpegCommand#ffprobe</a> method.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>err</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Error</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>error object or null if no error happened</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>ffprobeData</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>ffprobe output data; this object |
has the same format as what the following command returns:</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>`ffprobe -print_format json -show_streams -show_format INPUTFILE`</code></pre> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>streams</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Array</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>stream information</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>format</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>format information</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="ffprobe.js.html">ffprobe.js</a>, <a href="ffprobe.js.html#line71">line 71</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="~filterCallback"><span class="type-signature"></span>filterCallback<span class="signature">(err, filters)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>A callback passed to <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#availableFilters">FfmpegCommand#availableFilters</a>.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>err</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Error</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>error object or null if no error happened</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filters</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter object with filter names as keys and the following |
properties for each filter:</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>description</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>filter description</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>input</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input type, one of 'audio', 'video' and 'none'</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>multipleInputs</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the filter supports multiple inputs</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>output</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>output type, one of 'audio', 'video' and 'none'</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>multipleOutputs</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the filter supports multiple outputs</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line273">line 273</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="~formatCallback"><span class="type-signature"></span>formatCallback<span class="signature">(err, formats)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>A callback passed to <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#availableFormats">FfmpegCommand#availableFormats</a>.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>err</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Error</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>error object or null if no error happened</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>formats</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>format object with format names as keys and the following |
properties for each format:</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>description</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>format description</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>canDemux</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the format is able to demux streams from an input file</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>canMux</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Boolean</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>whether the format is able to mux streams into an output file</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="capabilities.js.html">capabilities.js</a>, <a href="capabilities.js.html#line489">line 489</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
<h3 class="subsection-title">Events</h3> |
<dl> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="event:codecData">codecData</h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Emitted when ffmpeg reports input codec data</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>codecData</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>codec data object</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>format</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input format name</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>audio</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input audio codec name</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>audio_details</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input audio codec parameters</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>video</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input video codec name</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>video_details</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>input video codec parameters</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line58">line 58</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="event:end">end</h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Emitted when a command finishes processing</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>filenames|stdout</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Array</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>generated filenames when taking screenshots, ffmpeg stdout when not outputting to a stream, null otherwise</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>stderr</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>ffmpeg stderr</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line79">line 79</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="event:error">error</h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Emitted when an error happens when preparing or running a command</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>error</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Error</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>error object</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>stdout</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>ffmpeg stdout, unless outputting to a stream</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>stderr</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
| |
<span class="param-type">null</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>ffmpeg stderr</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line70">line 70</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="event:progress">progress</h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Emitted when ffmpeg reports progress information</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>progress</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Object</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>progress object</p> |
<h6>Properties</h6> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Argument</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>frames</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>number of frames transcoded</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>currentFps</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>current processing speed in frames per second</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>currentKbps</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>current output generation speed in kilobytes per second</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>targetSize</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>current output file size</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>timemark</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>current video timemark</p></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>percent</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">Number</span> |
</td> |
<td class="attributes"> |
<optional><br> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>processing progress (may not be available depending on input)</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line38">line 38</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="event:start">start</h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Emitted just after ffmpeg has been spawned.</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>command</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>ffmpeg command line</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line31">line 31</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
<dt> |
<h4 class="name" id="event:stderr">stderr</h4> |
</dt> |
<dd> |
<div class="description"> |
<p>Emitted when ffmpeg outputs to stderr</p> |
</div> |
<h5>Parameters:</h5> |
<table class="params"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th class="last">Description</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td class="name"><code>line</code></td> |
<td class="type"> |
<span class="param-type">String</span> |
</td> |
<td class="description last"><p>stderr output line</p></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<dl class="details"> |
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> |
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li> |
<a href="processor.js.html">processor.js</a>, <a href="processor.js.html#line51">line 51</a> |
</li></ul></dd> |
</dl> |
</dd> |
</dl> |
</article> |
</section> |
</div> |
<nav> |
<h2><a href="index.html">Index</a></h2><ul><li><a href="index.html#installation">Installation</a></li><ul></ul><li><a href="index.html#usage">Usage</a></li><ul><li><a href="index.html#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li><li><a href="index.html#creating-an-ffmpeg-command">Creating an FFmpeg command</a></li><li><a href="index.html#specifying-inputs">Specifying inputs</a></li><li><a href="index.html#input-options">Input options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#audio-options">Audio options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#video-options">Video options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#video-frame-size-options">Video frame size options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#specifying-multiple-outputs">Specifying multiple outputs</a></li><li><a href="index.html#output-options">Output options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#miscellaneous-options">Miscellaneous options</a></li><li><a href="index.html#setting-event-handlers">Setting event handlers</a></li><li><a href="index.html#starting-ffmpeg-processing">Starting FFmpeg processing</a></li><li><a href="index.html#controlling-the-ffmpeg-process">Controlling the FFmpeg process</a></li><li><a href="index.html#reading-video-metadata">Reading video metadata</a></li><li><a href="index.html#querying-ffmpeg-capabilities">Querying ffmpeg capabilities</a></li><li><a href="index.html#cloning-an-ffmpegcommand">Cloning an FfmpegCommand</a></li></ul><li><a href="index.html#contributing">Contributing</a></li><ul><li><a href="index.html#code-contributions">Code contributions</a></li><li><a href="index.html#documentation-contributions">Documentation contributions</a></li><li><a href="index.html#updating-the-documentation">Updating the documentation</a></li><li><a href="index.html#running-tests">Running tests</a></li></ul><li><a href="index.html#main-contributors">Main contributors</a></li><ul></ul><li><a href="index.html#license">License</a></li><ul></ul></ul><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="FfmpegCommand.html">FfmpegCommand</a></li><ul><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#audio-methods">Audio methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#capabilities-methods">Capabilities methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#custom-options-methods">Custom options methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#input-methods">Input methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#metadata-methods">Metadata methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#miscellaneous-methods">Miscellaneous methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#other-methods">Other methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#output-methods">Output methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#processing-methods">Processing methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#video-methods">Video methods</a></li><li> <a href="FfmpegCommand.html#video-size-methods">Video size methods</a></li></ul></ul> |
</nav> |
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