d22cs051's picture
demo fixed docker file
1 python3 peer1.py
2 clear
3 python3 peer1.py
4 clear
5 python3 peer1.py
6 python3 tracker.py
7 clear
8 python3 tracker.py
9 cd /DATA1/
10 ls
11 cd planck_temp_backup/
12 ls
13 rm -rf anaconda3/
14 pwd
15 ssh [email protected]
16 ssh [email protected]
17 exit
18 ssh [email protected]
19 exit
20 cd /DATA1
21 cd rutvik_temp_backup/
22 ls
23 rm linuxbrew/
24 rm -r linuxbrew/
25 ls
26 sudo rm -rf linuxbrew/
27 df -du rutvik/
28 dh -du rutvik/
29 df rutvik/
30 clear
31 ls
32 sudo rm -rf rutvik/
33 ls
34 pwd
35 cd A1/
36 python peer1.py
37 clear
38 python peer1.py
39 clear
40 python peer1.py
41 clear
42 python peer1.py
43 clear
44 python peer1.py
45 clear
46 python peer1.py
47 clear
48 conda activate cs
49 python "peer1 copy.py"
50 clear
51 python "peer1 copy.py"
52 clear
53 python "peer1 copy.py"
54 clear
55 python "peer1 copy.py"
56 clear
57 python "peer1 copy.py"
58 clear
59 cd /DATA1/
60 ls
61 cd rutvik_temp_backup/
62 ls
63 cd rutvik/
64 ls
65 pwd
66 conda activate cs
67 conda activate cs
68 python -u "peer1 copy.py"
69 clear
70 python -u "peer1 copy.py"
71 clear
72 python -u "peer1 copy.py"
73 clear
74 python -u "peer1 copy.py"
75 clear
76 python -u "peer1 copy.py"
77 clear
78 python -u "peer1 copy.py"
79 clear
80 python -u "peer1 copy.py"
81 conda activate cs
82 cd A1/
83 python3 -u peer1.py
84 clear
85 python3 -u peer1.py
86 clear
87 python3 -u peer1.py
88 conda activate cs
89 cd A1/
90 python3 tracker.py
91 clear
92 python3 tracker.py
93 ps ax| grep python
94 clear
95 python3 tracker.py
96 clear
97 python3 tracker.py
98 clear
99 python3 tracker.py
100 clear
101 python3 tracker.py
102 conda env list
103 cd
104 cd /DATA1/shreshtha/synthetic_data/
105 unzip blender_v2.zip
106 unzip blender_obj.zip
107 conda activate cs
108 clear
109 python3 -u A1/tracker.py
110 conda activate cs
111 python3 tracker.py
112 clear
113 python3 -u "peer1 copy.py"
114 clear
115 python3 -u "peer1 copy.py"
116 clear
117 python3 -u "peer1 copy.py"
118 clear
119 python3 -u "peer1 copy.py"
120 conda activate cs
121 ps ax | grep python
122 clear
123 cd A1/
124 python -u peer1.py
125 clear
126 python -u peer1.py
127 clear
128 python -u peer1.py
129 clear
130 python -u peer1.py
131 clear
132 python -u peer1.py
133 ssh [email protected]
134 ifconfig
135 cd A1/
136 ls
137 clear
138 conda activate cs
139 clear
140 conda activate cs
141 python3 "peer1 copy.py"
142 clear
143 python3 "peer1 copy.py"
144 clear
145 python3 "peer1 copy.py"
146 clear
147 python3 "peer1 copy.py"
148 clear
149 python3 "peer1 copy.py"
150 conda activate cs
151 cd A1/
152 python3 peer1.py
153 clear
154 python3 peer1.py
155 conda activate cs
156 cd A1/
157 python3 peer1.py
158 clear
159 python3 peer1.py
160 clear
161 python3 peer1.py
162 conda activate cs
163 pip3 install "fastapi[all]"
164 clear
165 pip3 install uvicorn
166 clear
167 cd A1/
168 python apis.py
169 uvicorn apis:app --reload
170 clear
171 uvicorn apis:app --reload
172 clear
173 uvicorn apis:app --reload
174 clear
175 uvicorn apis:app --reload
176 clear
177 uvicorn apis:app --reload
178 conda activate cs
179 cd A1/
180 python3 tracker.py
181 clear
182 python3 tracker.py
183 conda activate cs
184 cd A1/
185 uvicorn apis:app --reload
186 conda activate cs
187 cd A1/
188 python apis.py
189 conda activate cs
190 python peer1
191 python peer1.py
192 clear
193 python peer1.py
194 ps ax | grep python
195 python peer1.py
196 python apis.py
197 conda activate cs
198 python apis.py
199 uvicorn apis:app --reload
200 conda activate cs
201 cd A1/
202 python3 peer1.py
203 conda activate cs
204 clear
205 python3 "peer1 copy.py"
206 conda activate cs
207 cd A1/
208 python3 tracker.py
209 conda activate cs
210 pip3 install PyQt5
211 conda activate cs
212 conda activate cs
213 clear
214 python "peer 1 copy.py"
215 ls
216 python 'peer 1 copy.py'
217 python peer1\ copy.py
218 clear
219 python peer1\ copy.py
220 conda activate cs
221 python tracker.py
222 conda activate cs
223 clear
224 python gui.py
225 ssh [email protected]
226 ssh [email protected]
227 sudo dpkg -i code_1.82.2-1694671812_amd64.deb
228 python peer1\ copy.py
229 python gui.py
230 python tracker.py
231 clear
232 cd /DATA1/
233 cd
234 cd Bikash/
235 ls
236 mkdir dinov2
237 cd dinov2/
238 git clone https://github.com/itsprakhar/Downstream-Dinov2
239 ls
240 cd Downstream-Dinov2/
241 code .
242 pactl list short sinks
243 conda activate cs
244 clear
245 python3 -u train_classifier.py
246 clear
247 python3 -u train_classifier.py
248 clear
249 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
250 conda activate cs
251 python3 A1/apis.py
252 conda activate cs
253 clear
254 python A1/tracker.py
255 ps ax | anydesk
256 ps ax | grep anydesk
257 kill -9 341555
258 ps ax | grep anydesk
259 kill -9 395114
260 clear
261 anydesk
262 python ~/Bikash/network_login.py
263 clear
264 cd Desktop/
265 ls
266 sudo ./ docker0_down.sh
267 ls
268 ./docker0_down.sh
269 sudo ./docker0_down.sh
270 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
271 git clone https://github.com/pmqs/Fix-OneDrive-Zip.git
272 cd Fix-OneDrive-Zip/
273 ls
274 ./fix-onedrive-zip OneDrive_1_14-9-2023.zip
275 anydesk
276 conda activate cs
277 python peer1/ copy.py
278 python A1/peer1/ copy.py
279 python A1/peer1\ copy.py
280 conda activate cs
281 clear
282 python A1/peer.py
283 clear
284 python A1/peer.py
285 conda activate cs
286 python A1/tracker.py
287 clear
288 python A1/tracker.py
289 sudo systemctl stop anydesk
290 sudo systemctl start anydesk
291 sudo systemctl status anydesk
292 anydesk --get-id
293 anydesk --get-status
294 anydesk --restart-service
295 anydesk --get-status
296 anydesk --stop-service
297 anydesk --restart-service
298 sudo killall anydesk
299 sudo apt install anydesk
300 anydesk --get-id
301 sudo anydesk --service
303 anydesk --get-id
304 anydesk --get-status
305 dpkg -l | grep -i docker
306 sudo apt-get purge -y docker-engine docker docker.io docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin
307 sudo apt-get autoremove -y --purge docker-engine docker docker.io docker-ce docker-compose-plugin
308 sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker /etc/docker
309 sudo rm /etc/apparmor.d/docker
310 sudo groupdel docker
311 sudo rm -rf /var/run/docker.sock
312 cd Desktop/
313 ls
314 sudo ./docker0_down.sh
315 clear
316 ls
317 anydesk --get-id
318 ip a
319 sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y;
320 sudo reboot
321 rm -rf .git
322 python3 train_segmentor.py
323 conda activate cs
324 python3 train_segmentor.py
325 clear
326 python3 train_segmentor.py
327 c;ear
328 clar
329 clear
330 python3 train_segmentor.py
331 clear
332 python3 train_segmentor.py
333 clear
334 python3 train_segmentor.py
335 clear
336 python3 train_segmentor.py
337 clear
338 python3 train_segmentor.py
339 clear
340 python3 train_segmentor.py
341 clear
342 python3 train_segmentor.py
343 conda activate cs
344 ipython
345 conda activate cs
346 python3 train_segmentor.py
347 clear
348 python3 train_segmentor.py
349 clear
350 python3 train_segmentor.py
351 clear
352 python3 train_segmentor.py
353 clear
354 python3 train_segmentor.py
355 clear
356 python3 train_segmentor.py
357 pip install xformers
358 clear
359 pip install xformers
360 clear
361 python3 train_segmentor.py
362 nohup python3 -u train_segmentor.py > train_seg_log.txt&
363 clear
364 watch -n 0 tail train_seg_log.txt
365 watch -n 1 tail train_seg_log.txt
366 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
367 conda activate cs
368 cd A1/
369 python3 apis.py
370 clear
371 ls
372 python3 gui.py
373 conda activate cs
374 cd A1/
375 python3 peer1\ copy.py
376 conda activate cs
377 cd A1/
378 python3 apis.py
379 conda activate cs
380 python3 A1/gui.py
381 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SDE/A1/
382 python3 gui.py
383 python3 A1/tracker.py
384 tail train_seg_log.txt
385 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
386 sudo apt autoremove
387 sudo apt autoclean
388 clear
389 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
390 cd Bikash/
391 git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme.git --depth=1
392 cd WhiteSur-gtk-theme/
393 ./install.sh -t red
394 cd ..
395 https://github.com/yeyushengfan258/Reversal-icon-theme.git
396 git clone https://github.com/yeyushengfan258/Reversal-icon-theme.git
397 mkdir ~./icons
398 mkdir -p ~./icons
399 mkdir -p ~./local/share/fonts
400 cd Reversal-icon-theme/
401 ./install.sh -red
402 cd ..
403 clear
404 ls
405 git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Vimix-cursors.git
406 cd Vimix-cursors/
407 ./install.sh
408 mv -r ~.local/share/icons/Vimic-cursors ~.icons
409 mv -r ~/.local/share/icons/Vimic-cursors ~/.icons
410 mv ~/.local/share/icons/Vimic-cursors ~/.icons
411 dconf load /org/gnome/shell/extensions/
412 cd ..
413 clear
414 dconf load /org/gnome/shell/extensions/ < all_extension_settings.conf
415 sudo apt install gnome-tweaks -y
416 gnome-tweaks
417 sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions -y
418 DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code="4/0AfJohXnze3nihHg5ynOdJsYeJekFUxhJn9Il79lPZM-hZjlrIg2Wmod8y795AHaLVX4C4A" --redirect-url="https://remotedesktop.google.com/_/oauthredirect" --name=$(hostname)
419 sudo apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential zlib1g-dev
420 sudo alien -vc *.rpm
421 sudo apt-get install ./adlmapps28_28.0.11-1_amd64.deb
422 sudo apt-get install ./adskflexnetserveripv6_11.18.0-1_amd64.deb
423 sudo apt-get install ./adskflexnetclient_11.18.0-1_amd64.deb
424 sudo apt-get install ./adsklicensing13.0.0.8122_0-1_amd64.deb
425 sudo systemctl status adsklicensing
426 sudo apt-get install ./maya2024-64_2024.1-4817_amd64.deb
427 /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper list
428 sudo /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper register -pk 657O1 -pv 2023.0.0.F -el EN_US -cf /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2023/MayaConfig.pit
429 sudo apt-get install ./mayausd2024-202304181210-131a6c1_0.23.1-2_amd64.deb
430 sudo apt-get upadte
431 sudo apt-get update
432 sudo apt-get install ./mayausd2024-202304181210-131a6c1_0.23.1-2_amd64.deb
433 sudo dpkg --configure -a
434 sudo apt-get install ./mayausd2024-202304181210-131a6c1_0.23.1-2_amd64.deb
435 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zeehio/libxp
436 sudo apt-get update
437 sudo apt-get install libxp6
438 sudo apt-get install libfam0 libcurl4 libpcre16-3 libjpeg62 libxm4 libgdbm-compat4 libmng2 libaudiofile-dev xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi
439 sudo apt-get install --reinstall libxcb-xinerama0
440 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdbm_compat.so.4 /usr/autodesk/maya2023/lib/libgdbm.so.4
441 sudo apt-get install ./maya2024-64_2024.1-4817_amd64.deb
442 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdbm_compat.so.4 /usr/autodesk/maya2024-64/lib/libgdbm.so.4
443 sudo /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper register -pk 657O1 -pv 2024.0.0.F -el EN_US -cf /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2024/MayaConfig.pit
444 sudo apt-get -y install yaru-theme-icon
445 sudo apt-get -y install yaru-theme-gtk
446 dconf reset -f /org/gnome/
447 cd Bikash/
448 dconf load /org/gnome/shell/extensions/ < all_extension_settings.conf
449 conda activate cs
450 clear
451 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
452 clear
453 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
454 conda activate cs
455 cd ~/anaconda3/envs/cs/
456 ls
457 cd bin/
458 ls
459 clear
460 ls
461 cd ..
462 ls
463 ln -s libnvrtc-*.so.11.2 libnvrtc.so
464 conda activate cs
465 celar
466 clear
467 wget https://github.com/facebookresearch/dinov2/blob/main/notebooks/semantic_segmentation.ipynb
468 conda activate cs
469 wget https://github.com/facebookresearch/dinov2/raw/main/notebooks/semantic_segmentation.ipynb
470 git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/dinov2/
471 conda activate cs
472 pip3 install mmseg
473 clear
474 cd dinov2/
475 ls
476 python3 setup.py
477 pip3 install -r requirements
478 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
479 conda create -n dinov2 python=3.10 -y
480 conda activate dinov2
481 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
482 pip3 install -r requirements-extras.txt
483 sudo pip3 install -r requirements-extras.txt
484 celar
485 clear
486 pip3 install mmsegmentation
487 MMCV_WITH_OPS=1 MMCV_CUDA_ARGS='-gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80' pip install -e .
488 clear
489 pip install -U openmim
490 mim install mmcv
491 python mmseg/utils/collect_env.py
492 conda activate cs
493 cd ../..
494 ls
495 conda activate cs
496 clear
497 python3 -u train_classifier.py
498 clear
499 python3 -u train_classifier.py
500 clear
501 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
502 clear
503 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
504 clear
505 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
506 clear
507 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
508 clear
509 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
510 clear
511 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
512 conda activate cs
513 clear
514 wget https://github.com/facebookresearch/dinov2/raw/main/notebooks/semantic_segmentation.ipynb https://github.com/purnasai/Dino_V2/raw/main/harryported_giffin_images/img1.jpg
515 conda activate cs
516 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
517 nvidia-smi
518 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
519 clear
520 conda activate cs
521 clear
522 python3 train_segmentor.py
523 clear
524 python3 train_segmentor.py
525 clear
526 python3 train_segmentor.py
527 clear
528 python3 train_segmentor.py
529 clear
530 python3 train_segmentor.py
531 clear
532 python3 train_segmentor.py
533 clear
534 python3 train_segmentor.py
535 clear
536 python3 train_segmentor.py
537 sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y;
538 ls
539 python3 peer.py
540 clear
541 python3 peer.py
542 clear
543 ls
544 python3 peer.py
545 python gui.py
546 python3 tracker.py
547 ssh [email protected]
549 clear
550 conda activate cs
551 python3 reconstruction.py
552 clear
553 python3 reconstruction.py
554 clear
555 python3 reconstruction.py
556 clear
557 python3 reconstruction.py
558 clear
559 python3 reconstruction.py
560 nohup python3 -u reconstruction.py > run_recons.txt &
561 conda activate cs
562 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
563 clear
564 python3 -u train_segmentor.py
565 python3 -V
566 history
567 nohup python3 -u reconstruction.py > run_recons.txt &
568 watch tail run_recons.txt
569 watch -n 0 tail run_recons.txt
570 python3 reconstruction.py
571 pip list
572 pip list | grep python
573 pip list | grep py
574 pip list | grep tor
575 pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
576 pip list | grep tor
577 python3 reconstruction.py
578 pip3 install tqdm
579 python3 reconstruction.py
580 pip3 install tqdm torchmetrics
581 python3 reconstruction.py
582 pip3 install tqdm torchmetrics wandb
583 python3 reconstruction.py
584 pip3 install tqdm torchmetrics wandb scipy
585 python3 reconstruction.py
586 pip3 install --upgrade requests
587 python3 reconstruction.py
589 clear
590 python3 reconstruction.py
591 clear
592 python3 reconstruction.py
593 clear
594 python3 reconstruction.py
595 sudo halt
596 clear
597 ls
598 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
599 btop
600 cleare
601 clear
602 python3 reconstruction.py
604 clear
605 python3 reconstruction.py
606 clear
607 python3 reconstruction.py
608 clear
609 python3 reconstruction.py
610 ip a
611 ip
612 ip -a
613 ip a
614 clear
615 celar
616 clear
617 python3 reconstruction.py
618 conda env
619 clear
620 mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
621 wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
622 bash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
623 rm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
624 ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
625 crontab -e
626 export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-X.X
627 nvcc --version
628 sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
629 nvcc --version
630 export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.5
631 conda update -n base -c defaults conda
632 conda env list
633 cd dinov2/
634 ls
635 conda create env -f conda-extras.yaml
636 conda env create -f conda-extras.yaml
637 conda env create -f conda.yaml
638 clear
639 conda env create -f conda-extras.yaml
640 conda env create -f conda-extras.yaml -U
641 conda env update -f conda-extras.yaml -U
642 conda env update -f conda-extras.yaml
643 conda env create -f conda.yaml
644 conda env update -f conda.yaml
645 conda env update -f conda-extras.yaml
646 clear
647 conda -v
648 conda _V
649 conda -V
650 conda env list
651 conda _Vclear
652 clear
653 python3 reconstruction.py
654 pip3 install wandb torchmetrics
655 pip3 install wandb torchmetrics scipy
656 python3 reconstruction.py
657 pip3 install wandb torchmetrics scipy matplotlib
658 python3 reconstruction.py
659 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/dinov2/bin/python
660 clear
661 python3 reconstruction.py
662 sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y;
663 which python
664 crontab -e
665 python3 ~/Bikash/network_login.py
666 clear
667 python3 reconstruction.py
668 ipython
669 python3
670 python3 reconstruction.py
671 clear
672 python3 reconstruction.py
673 sudo systemctl status anydesk
674 sudo systemctl restart anydesk
675 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/
676 micro a.cpp
677 g++ a.cpp
678 ./a.out
679 micro a.cpp
680 g++ a.cpp
681 ./a.out
682 btop
683 nvidia-smi
684 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
685 btop
686 clear
687 python3 reconstruction.py
688 clear
689 python3 reconstruction.py
690 cd PFL-Non-IID/
691 cd dataset/
692 ls
693 clear
694 cd mnist/
695 rm config.json
696 clear
697 cd ..
698 python3 generate_mnist.py iid - dir
699 clear
700 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 16 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data mnist -m cnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.1 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go dnn > mnist_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
701 ls
702 cd ../system/
703 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 16 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data mnist -m cnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.1 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go dnn > mnist_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
704 kill -9 2341141
705 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 16 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data mnist -m dnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.1 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go dnn > mnist_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
706 clear
707 git clone https://github.com/TsingZ0/PFL-Non-IID.git
708 cd PFL-Non-IID/
709 ls
710 clear
711 conda env create -f env_cuda_latest.yaml
712 clear
713 cd dataset/
714 conda activate fl
715 c;ear
716 clear
717 python3 generate_tiny_imagenet.py iid
718 python3 generate_tiny_imagenet.py iid
719 python3 generate_tiny_imagenet.py iid b
720 python3 generate_tiny_imagenet.py iid b +
721 clear
722 python generate_tiny_imagenet.py iid - dir
723 ls
724 clear
725 wget http://cs231n.stanford.edu/tiny-imagenet-200.zip
726 unzip tiny-imagenet-200.zip
727 clear
728 python generate_tiny_imagenet.py iid - dir
729 clear
730 python generate_tiny_imagenet.py iid - dir
731 clear
732 cd ..
733 cd system/
734 ls
735 clear
736 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 16 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data Tiny-imagenet -m cnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.1 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go cnn > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
737 ls
738 watch -n 0 tail tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out
739 pip3 install cvxpy
740 watch -n 0 tail tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out
741 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 16 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data Tiny-imagenet -m cnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.1 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go cnn > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
742 watch -n 0 tail tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out
743 history
744 clear
745 ps ax | grep python
746 kill -9 2345238
747 ps ax | grep python
748 history
749 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 16 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 10 -data mnist -m dnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.1 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go dnn > mnist_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
750 cd PFL-Non-IID/system/
751 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 16 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 10 -data mnist -m dnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.1 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go dnn > mnist_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
752 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 64 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 10 -data mnist -m dnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.01 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go dnn > mnist_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
753 ps ax | grep python
754 kill -9 2254936
755 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 64 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 10 -data Tiny-imagenet -m cnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.01 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go cnn > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
756 kill -9 3822913
757 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 64 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data Tiny-imagenet -m cnn -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.01 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go cnn > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
758 kill -9 3823541
759 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 64 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data Tiny-imagenet -m resnet -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.01 -bt 1 -lam 15 -go resnet > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
760 kill -9 3847544
761 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 64 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data Tiny-imagenet -m resnet -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.001 -bt 1 -lam 5 -go resnet > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
762 kill -9 3886790
763 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 128 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data Tiny-imagenet -m resnet -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.001 -bt 1 -lam 5 -go resnet > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
764 kill -9 3887528
765 nohup python -u main.py -lbs 128 -nc 20 -jr 1 -nb 200 -data Tiny-imagenet -m resnet -algo pFedMe -gr 2000 -did 0 -lrp 0.01 -bt 1 -lam 0.005 -go resnet > tiny_imagenet_pfedme.out 2>&1 &
766 ls
767 git clone https://github.com/smduan/Fed-TDA.git
768 conda activate /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/itds/.conda
769 clear
770 history
771 pwd
772 sudo update; sudo upgrade -y; reboot
773 sudo update; sudo upgrade -y;
774 sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y;
775 reboot
776 ip a
777 cd /DATA1/
778 cd bikash_dutta/CS/AML/
779 mkdir proj
780 git clone https://github.com/aladdinpersson/Machine-Learning-Collection.git
781 conda activate dinov2
782 cd Machine-Learning-Collection/ML/Pytorch/pytorch_lightning/8.\ Logging\ Tensorboard/
783 clear
784 python3 train.py
785 pip3 install pytorch_lightning
786 python3 train.py
787 pip install -U 'tensorboard'
788 python3 train.py
789 clear
790 python3 train.py
791 conda activate dinov2
792 python '/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/proj/Machine-Learning-Collection/ML/Pytorch/pytorch_lightning/5. DataModule/simple_fc.py'
793 '/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/proj/Machine-Learning-Collection/ML/Pytorch/pytorch_lightning/6. Restructuring/train.py'
794 python '/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/proj/Machine-Learning-Collection/ML/Pytorch/pytorch_lightning/6. Restructuring/train.py'
795 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/proj/Machine-Learning-Collection/ML/Pytorch/pytorch_lightning/6. Restructuring/
796 cd "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/proj/Machine-Learning-Collection/ML/Pytorch/pytorch_lightning/6. Restructuring/"
797 clear
798 ls
799 python model.py
800 python
801 python train.py
802 clear
803 python train.py
804 pip install torchmetrics -U
805 conda activate dinov2
806 cd "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/proj/Machine-Learning-Collection/ML/Pytorch/pytorch_lightning/6. Restructuring/"
807 python train.py
808 clear
809 python train.py
810 conda activate fl
811 pip3 install gdown
812 gdown -h
813 clear
814 pip install scikit-learn
815 pip install -U scikit-learn
816 clear
817 sudo dpkg -r anydesk
818 sudo dpkg -r teamviewer
819 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/
820 ls
821 cd .
822 ls
823 cd ..
824 l
825 cd Downloads/
826 ka
835 nvidia-smi
836 exi6
837 exit
838 nvidia-smi
840 nvidi-smi
841 nvidia-smi
842 history
843 sudo reboot 0
844 nvidia-smi
845 exit
846 nvidia-smi
847 exit
848 nvidia-smi
849 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
850 exit
851 nvidia-smi
852 clear
853 ip a
854 clear
855 sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y;
856 nvidia-smi
857 history
858 clear
859 ssh [email protected]
860 conda activate dinov2
861 pip install "diffusers[torch]" transformers
862 clear
863 python distill_unet.py
864 clear
865 python distill_unet.py
866 python distill_unet.py > unet_model_arch.txt
867 cd data/
868 ls
869 cd cube-seg/
870 ls
871 cd images/
872 ls
873 tree
874 cd..
875 clea
876 clear
877 cd ..
878 tree
879 tree .
880 tree -h
881 tree --help
882 tree -d
883 clear
884 tree --help
885 conda activate dinov2
886 clear
887 conda activate dinov2
888 class CubeSegDataset(Dataset):
889 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/dinov2/bin/python
890 conda activate dinov2
891 clear
892 python3 distl/dataset.py
893 clear
894 python3 distl/dataset.py
895 clear
896 python3 distl/dataset.py
897 clear
898 python3 distl/model.py
899 clear
900 python3 distl/model.py
901 ce;^[[2~^[[2~^?
902 clear
903 python3 distl/model.py
904 python3 distl/main.py
905 cd distl/
906 clear
907 python3 distl/main.py
908 python3 main.py
909 clear
910 python3 main.py
911 clear
912 python3 main.py
913 clear
914 python3 main.py
915 clear
916 python3 main.py
917 clear
918 python3 main.py
919 clear
920 python3 main.py
921 clear
922 python3 dataset.py
923 clear
924 python3 dataset.py
925 c;ear
926 cleara
927 clear
928 python3 dataset.py
929 clear
930 python3 dataset.py
931 clear
932 python3 dataset.py
933 clear
934 python3 dataset.py
935 clear
936 python3 dataset.py
937 clear
938 python3 dataset.py
939 clear
940 python3 dataset.py
941 conda activate dinov2
942 summary(model, (64,224,224,3),col_names=[])
943 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/dinov2/bin/python
944 conda activate dinov2
945 ls
946 clear
947 ls
948 cd distl/
949 clear
950 l
951 sclear
952 clear
953 python3 dataset.py
954 clear
955 python main.py
956 clear
957 pip install torch-summary
958 clear
959 clea
960 rclear
961 clear
962 python unet/unet_model.py
963 cd unet/
964 clear
965 python unet_model.py
966 clear
967 cd ..
968 python unet_model.py
969 clear
970 python unet_model.py
971 python unet/unet_model.py
972 clear
973 python unet/unet_model.py
974 clear
975 python unet/unet_model.py
976 clear
977 python unet/unet_model.py
978 clear
979 python unet/unet_model.py
980 clear
981 python unet/unet_model.py
982 clear
983 python unet/unet_model.py
984 clear
985 python unet/unet_model.py
986 clear
987 python unet/unet_model.py
988 clear
989 python unet/unet_model.py
990 clear
991 ls
992 clear
993 python3 main.py
994 clear
995 python3 main.py
996 clear
997 python3 main.py
998 ls
999 cd kshitiz
1000 ls
1001 cd exp_data/
1002 ls
1003 du -sh
1004 clear
1005 ls
1006 cd ..
1007 ls
1008 cd kshitiz
1009 cd exp_data/
1010 ls
1011 cd sshreshtha/
1012 ls
1013 cd ..
1014 ls
1015 cd sshreshtha/
1016 ls
1017 nvidia-smi
1018 exit
1019 cd kshitiz/
1020 ls
1021 conda env create -f environment_simple.yml
1022 nvidia-smi
1023 conda env list
1024 conda activate Bird-GCN-Pre-Former
1025 python
1026 conda install -c conda-forge timm
1027 python
1028 conda list
1029 python
1030 conda install -c pytorch torchvision
1031 conda update -n base -c defaults conda
1032 conda install -c pytorch torchvision
1033 python
1034 ls
1035 python
1036 ls
1037 cd exp_data/
1038 ls
1039 cd sshreshtha/
1040 ls
1041 mkdir BirdFormer
1042 ls
1043 cd BirdFormer/
1044 unzip code.zip
1045 cd code/
1046 ls
1047 python train.py --dataset shb --data-dir /home/curie/kshitiz/exp_data/sshreshtha/CraneAaai --device 0
1048 conda install -c pytorch pytorch
1049 nvcc-version
1050 nvcc --version
1051 nvitop
1052 pip install nvitop
1053 nvitop
1054 sudo bash
1055 clear
1056 nvidia-smi
1057 nvitop
1058 nvtop
1059 pip install nvitop
1060 clear
1061 nvitop
1062 pip install nvitop
1063 nvitop
1064 apt-get update
1065 sshfs
1066 sudo apt install sshfs
1067 nvidia-smi
1068 clear
1069 ls
1070 nvidia-smi
1071 clear
1072 ls
1073 gpustat
1074 sudo apt install gpustat
1075 gpustat
1076 clear
1077 ls
1078 cd kshitiz
1079 ls
1080 mkdir dataset
1081 cd dataset/
1082 pwd
1083 cd ..
1084 ls
1085 rm -rf dataset/
1086 mkdir exp_data
1087 cd exp_data/
1088 pwd
1089 cd ..
1090 ls
1091 sshfs [email protected]:/home/kshitiz/dataset /home/curie/kshitiz/exp_data
1092 ls
1093 cd exp_data/
1094 ls
1095 /DATA1
1096 ls
1097 cd kshitiz/
1098 ls
1099 cd exp_data/
1100 ls
1101 cd sshreshtha/
1102 ls
1103 nano text.txt
1104 ls
1105 nvidia-smi
1106 cd kshitiz/
1107 cd ss
1108 cd exp_data/
1109 cd sshreshtha/
1110 cd BirdFormer/
1111 conda env list
1112 conda activate Bird-GCN-Pre-Former
1113 nvitop
1114 pip install --upgrade nvitop
1115 nvdia-smi
1116 nvidia-smi
1117 conda install -c conda-forge nvitop
1118 nvitop
1119 git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/XuehaiPan/nvitop.git
1120 cd nvitop/
1121 pip3 install .
1122 nvitop
1123 conda install -c conda-forge tmux
1124 tmux new -s Bird-Former
1125 nvidia-smi
1126 tmux a -t Bird-Former
1127 cd kshitiz/
1128 conda env list
1129 conda activate Bird-GCN-Pre-Former
1130 cd kshitiz/exp_data/sshreshtha/BirdFormer/code
1131 tmux a -t Bird-Former
1132 nvitop
1133 nvidia-smi
1134 tmux a -t Bird-Former
1135 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
1136 ps ax | grep python
1137 nvidia-smi
1138 watch nvidia-smi
1139 systemctl --user status docker-desktop
1140 cd Downloads/
1141 ls
1142 wget https://desktop.docker.com/linux/main/amd64/docker-desktop-4.25.1-amd64.deb?utm_source=docker&utm_medium=webreferral&utm_campaign=docs-driven-download-linux-amd64
1143 ls
1144 clear
1145 wget "https://desktop.docker.com/linux/main/amd64/docker-desktop-4.25.1-amd64.deb?utm_source=docker&utm_medium=webreferral&utm_campaign=docs-driven-download-linux-amd64" -O docker-desktop.deb
1146 ls
1147 chmod +x docker-desktop.deb
1148 ls
1149 sudo apt install ./docker-desktop.deb
1150 systemctl --user status docker-desktop
1151 systemctl --user start docker-desktop
1152 systemctl --user status docker-desktop
1153 cd ~
1154 ls
1155 mkdir compose
1156 cd compose/
1157 mkdir mongodb
1158 cd mongodb/
1159 micro docker-compose.yml
1160 docker-compose up
1161 sudo apt install docker-compose -y
1162 clear
1163 docker-compose up
1164 pip3 install docker-compose
1165 sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
1166 docker compose version
1167 sudo apt-get update
1168 sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
1169 clear
1170 docker-compose up
1171 python ~/Bikash/autologin.py
1172 clear
1173 ping google.com
1174 docker-compose up
1175 docker pull mongo
1176 micro docker-compose.yml
1177 docker pull mongo-express
1178 clear
1179 docker-compose up
1180 ls
1181 sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
1182 which docker
1183 sudo chmod 666 /usr/local/bin/docker
1184 docker-compose up
1185 sudo service docker restart
1186 systemctl --user status docker-desktop
1187 systemctl --user restart docker-desktop
1188 docker-compose up
1189 docker run --name some-mongo -p 8081:8081 -d mongo
1190 sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/docker
1191 docker run --name some-mongo -p 8081:8081 -d mongo
1192 docker-compose up
1193 docker-compose -v
1194 sudo apt-get remove docker-compose
1195 sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
1196 pip uninstall docker-compose
1197 VERSION=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases/latest | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*\d')
1198 DESTINATION=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose
1199 sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${VERSION}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o $DESTINATION
1200 sudo chmod 755 $DESTINATION
1201 docker-compose -v
1202 pip install docker-compose
1203 sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
1204 docker-compose -v
1205 cd /usr/local/bin/docker-comose
1206 cd /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
1207 DESTINATION=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose
1208 VERSION=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases/latest | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*\d')
1210 echo $VERSION
1211 echo $DESTINATION
1212 sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${VERSION}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o $DESTINATION
1213 sudo chmod 755 $DESTINATION
1214 sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose
1215 cd /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
1216 ls
1217 clear
1218 wget "https://objects.githubusercontent.com/github-production-release-asset-2e65be/15045751/2d6ac8d0-da7c-4862-8ccf-8a0585c1f001?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20231116%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20231116T213151Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=9ecfe087ea14459a268b64e6eb13e4bc06146a0ef0dcdc25090a6b9626b9f637&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=15045751&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Ddocker-compose-linux-x86_64&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream"
1219 ls
1220 mv '2d6ac8d0-da7c-4862-8ccf-8a0585c1f001?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20231116%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20231116T213151Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=9ecfe087ea14459a268b64e' docker-compose
1221 ls
1222 clear
1223 docker ps
1224 docker-compose -v
1225 cd compose/mongodb/
1226 clear
1227 ls
1228 docker-compose up
1229 docker ps
1230 docker-compose down
1231 docker ps
1232 docker stop 46272994dac5
1233 docker rm 46272994dac5
1234 clear
1235 docker ps
1236 docker-compose up
1237 docker-compose up -d
1238 ifconfig
1239 docker ps
1240 micro docker-compose
1241 rm docker-compose.yml
1242 micro docker-compose.yml
1243 docker-compose down
1244 docker-compose up
1245 micro docker-compose.yml
1246 docker-compose up
1247 micro docker-compose.yml
1248 docker-compose up
1249 docker-compose up -d
1250 nvidia-smi
1251 conda activate cub
1252 cd face_cvpr/
1253 python cub_image.py
1254 nvidia-smi
1255 cd face_cvpr/
1256 ls
1257 unzip CUB_200_2011.tar
1258 untar CUB_200_2011.tar
1259 tar -xf CUB_200_2011.tar
1260 nano create_npy.py
1261 python create_npy.py
1262 conda env list
1263 conda activate dinov2
1264 python create_npy.py
1265 python cub_image.py
1266 pip install cv2
1267 conda create --name cub python=3.7
1268 conda activate cub
1269 python cub_image.py
1270 pip install torch
1271 python cub_image.py
1272 pip install tqdm
1273 python cub_image.py
1274 pip install numpy
1275 python cub_image.py
1276 pip install matplotlib
1277 python cub_image.py
1278 pip install torchvision
1279 python cub_image.py
1280 pip install opencv-python
1281 python cub_image.py
1282 pip insyall ftfy
1283 pip install ftfy
1284 pip insyall ftfy
1285 python cub_image.py
1286 pip install regex
1287 python cub_image.py
1288 python create_npy.py
1289 python cub_image.py
1290 conda activate cub
1291 cd face_cvpr/
1292 python cub_image.py
1293 conda activate cub
1294 cd face_cvpr/
1295 python cub_image.py
1296 git clone https://github.com/ZF4444/MMAL-Net.git
1297 ls
1298 cd MMAL-Net/
1299 python fine_new.py
1300 pip install skimage
1301 pip install scikit-image
1302 pip install skimage
1303 python fine_new.py
1304 cd ..
1305 python cub_image.py
1306 nvidia-smi
1307 exit
1308 df -h
1309 cd /DATA1/
1310 ls
1311 mkdir gaurav
1312 ls
1313 cd gaurav/
1314 cd ..
1315 mv gaurav gaurav_lasagne_backup
1316 ls
1317 cd gaurav_lasagne_backup/
1318 pwd
1319 ls
1320 cd gaurav/
1321 ls
1322 cd ..
1323 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/Bikash\ Dutta/Downloads/
1324 curl -l "https://5abf0ea9acc803a1830df6b0ba3a90aa.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/hub/Mission.Impossible.Dead.Reckoning.Part.One.2023.2160p.AMZN.WEB-DL.HIN-ENG-TAM-TEL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.265-Vegamovies.to.mkv?X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=43efa6ef0217c5fa18b6646533f56e2d%2F20231118%2Fauto%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20231118T103936Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=28800&X-Amz-Signature=a1a66e0c2fe5858f54489ff06a49ea7e9351556c41f6b91bc13e7e9d1f06ef20"
1325 curl -l "https://5abf0ea9acc803a1830df6b0ba3a90aa.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/hub/Mission.Impossible.Dead.Reckoning.Part.One.2023.2160p.AMZN.WEB-DL.HIN-ENG-TAM-TEL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.265-Vegamovies.to.mkv?X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=43efa6ef0217c5fa18b6646533f56e2d%2F20231118%2Fauto%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20231118T103936Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=28800&X-Amz-Signature=a1a66e0c2fe5858f54489ff06a49ea7e9351556c41f6b91bc13e7e9d1f06ef20" --output mi4.mkv
1326 8
1327 ls
1328 cd Bikash/
1329 docker ps
1330 ls
1331 cd /DATA1/
1332 ls
1333 cd ~
1334 ;s
1335 ls
1336 cd Bikash/
1337 ls
1338 cd cvat/
1339 ls
1340 micro jf.yml
1341 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/Bikash\ Dutta/Downloads/
1342 ls
1343 pwd
1344 cd ~/Bikash/cvat/
1345 micro jf.yml
1346 docker-compose up
1347 docker-compose up -f jf.yml
1348 docker-compose -f jf.yml up
1349 micro jf.yml
1350 docker-compose -f jf.yml up
1351 micro jf.yml
1352 docker-compose -f jf.yml up
1353 micro jf.yml
1354 docker-compose -f jf.yml up
1355 docker-compose -f jf.yml up -d
1356 ssh [email protected]
1357 rm -rf .ssh/known_hosts
1358 clear
1359 ssh [email protected]
1360 ssh [email protected]
1361 cd Bikash/cvat/
1362 docker-compose -f jf.yml down
1363 clear
1364 docker ps
1365 systemctl --user start docker
1366 docker ps
1367 clear
1368 docker ps
1369 sudo gsettings
1370 sudo settings
1371 sudo gsettings --help
1372 conda activate dinov2
1373 outputs
1374 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/dinov2/bin/python
1375 conda activate dinov2
1376 cd M3
1377 clear
1378 python train.py
1379 clear
1380 python train.py
1381 clear
1382 python train.py
1383 ping google.com
1384 clear
1385 python train.py
1386 clear
1387 pytho dataset
1388 pytho dataset.py
1389 python dataset.py
1390 clear
1391 python train.py
1392 clear
1393 python train.py
1394 clear
1395 python train.py
1396 clear
1397 python train.py
1398 clear
1399 python train.py
1400 clear
1401 python train.py
1402 clear
1403 python train.py
1404 clear
1405 python train.py
1406 lcaer
1407 clear
1408 python train.py
1409 clear
1410 python train.py
1411 clear
1412 python train.py
1413 clear
1414 python train.py
1415 clear
1416 python train.py
1417 clear
1418 python train.py
1419 clear
1420 python train.py
1421 clear
1422 python train.py
1423 clear
1424 python train.py
1425 clear
1426 python train.py
1427 clear
1428 python train.py
1429 clear
1430 python train.py
1431 clear
1432 python train.py
1433 clear
1434 python train.py
1435 clear
1436 python train.py
1437 clear
1438 python train.py
1439 clear
1440 python train.py
1441 clear
1442 python train.py
1443 clear
1444 python train.py
1445 python dataset.py
1446 clear
1447 python dataset.py
1448 python train.py
1449 clear
1450 python train.py
1451 clear
1452 python train.py
1453 tensorboard --log-dir=tb_logs
1454 tensorboard --logdir=tb_logs
1455 conda activate dinov2
1456 cd ..
1457 l
1458 ld
1459 ls
1460 ps ax | grep tensor
1461 ls M3
1462 le
1463 clear
1464 tensorboard --logdir=tb_logs
1465 conda activate dinov2
1466 tensorboard --logdir=tb_logs
1467 tensorboard dev upload --logdir tb_logs
1468 tensorboard --logdir tb_logs
1469 cd M3
1470 tensorboard --logdir tb_logs
1471 cd M3/
1472 python train.py
1473 conda activate dinov2
1474 cd M3/
1475 python train.py
1476 clear
1477 conda activate dinov2
1478 cd M#
1479 cd M3
1480 tensorbord --logdir tb_logs
1481 tensorboard --logdir tb_logs
1482 conda activate dinov2
1483 pip3 install ipykernel
1484 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
1485 pwd
1486 ls
1487 cd Bikash/
1488 ls
1489 cd cvat/
1490 ls
1491 cd jellyfin/
1492 ls
1493 cd ..
1494 ls
1495 docker compose up -f jf.yml -d
1496 docker compose -f jf.yml up -d
1497 mv /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/Major/fast\ 7.mkv /DATA1/bikash_dutta/Bikash\ Dutta/Downloads/
1498 ls
1499 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/Bikash\ Dutta/Downloads/
1500 l
1501 wget "https://2workerdevsimplelogicpoweredbyawsa.sonakshilohar.beauty/d/q6ocl6346uohr44korj5kflx2wqrnrxdnhfozjejrhclek5hfl2vkutzhfohayagz7yrbkt2/Sweet%20Home.720p.zip"
1502 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/Bikash\ Dutta/Downloads/
1503 l
1504 $F
1505 $F = "Sweet Home.720p.zip"
1506 for f in *.zip; do unzip "$f" -d "${f%.zip}"; done
1507 ls
1508 mkdir Shows
1509 ls
1510 mv "Sweet Home.720p" Shows/
1511 s
1512 l
1513 rm -rf "Sweet Home.720p.zip"
1514 cd Shows/
1515 ls
1516 mv Sweet\ Home.720p/ Sweet\ Home
1517 cd Sweet\ Home/
1518 ls
1519 cd Sweet\ Home.720p/
1520 ls
1521 cd ..
1522 ls
1523 mkdir "Season 1"
1524 mv "Sweet Home.720p"/* Season\ 1/
1525 cd Season\ 1/
1526 ls
1527 cd ..
1528 rm Sweet\ Home.720p/
1529 rm -rf Sweet\ Home.720p/
1530 ls
1531 clear
1532 cd ../..
1533 mv Shows/ ..
1534 ls
1535 cd ..
1536 ls
1537 conda activate dinov2
1538 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
1539 cd Major/
1540 ls
1541 git clone https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus.git
1542 cd Fooocus
1543 conda env create -f environment.yaml
1544 conda activate fooocus
1545 pip install -r requirements_versions.txt
1546 python3 entry_with_update.py
1547 clear
1548 python3 entry_with_update.py
1549 clear
1550 conda activate dinov2
1551 clear
1552 ls
1553 cd Major/Fooocus/models/
1554 ls
1555 cd checkpoints/
1556 ls
1557 wget
1558 wget "https://civitai-delivery-worker-prod.5ac0637cfd0766c97916cefa3764fbdf.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/model/2181562/textxl.M6q5.safetensors?X-Amz-Expires=86400&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22textxl.safetensors%22&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=e01358d793ad6966166af8b3064953ad/20231203/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20231203T201709Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=3426d60274aef73edc9f526616d7fc7ee21e270bc15d0c59e1b71e996dbe89bf" -O textxl.safetensors
1559 cd ..
1560 ls
1561 cd loras/
1562 ls
1563 wget "https://civitai-delivery-worker-prod.5ac0637cfd0766c97916cefa3764fbdf.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/model/2066781/neolin3.nmFg.safetensors?X-Amz-Expires=86400&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22neolin3.safetensors%22&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=e01358d793ad6966166af8b3064953ad/20231203/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20231203T222643Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=d4f5bfebb6bae5548ce4db2ed65872b713c182381d06c6a2de1b7b70b1cf7e4a" -O neolin3.safetensors
1564 pip3 install graphviz
1565 conda activate dinov2
1566 conda env list
1567 conda activate fooocus
1568 cd Major/
1569 clear
1570 python demo.py
1571 clear
1572 python demo.py
1573 python demo.py --reload
1574 pip install diffusers["torch"] transformers
1575 clear
1576 cd Demo/
1577 python demo.py
1578 clear
1579 python demo.py
1580 clear
1581 python demo.py
1582 clear
1583 python demo.py
1584 clear
1585 python demo.py
1586 clear
1587 python demo.py
1588 clear
1589 python demo.py
1590 clear
1591 python demo.py
1592 clear
1593 python demo.py
1594 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt
1595 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1596 conda activate fooocus
1597 watch -n - nvidia-smi
1598 conda activate fooocus
1599 cd Major/Demo/
1600 clear
1601 ls
1602 ps ax | grep python
1603 kill -9 240687
1604 ps ax | grep python
1605 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1606 ps ax | grep python
1607 kill -9 433854
1608 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1609 kill -9 433854
1610 ps ax | grep python
1611 kill -9 434777
1613 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1614 ps ax | grep python
1615 kill -9 435336
1616 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1617 ps ax | grep python
1618 kill -9 436402
1619 ps ax | grep python
1620 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1621 kill -9 436917
1622 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1623 kill -9 437213
1624 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1625 kill -9 438220
1626 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1627 kill -9 438606
1628 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1629 kill -9 439149
1630 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1631 kill -9 440032
1632 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1633 kil -9 441974
1634 kill -9 441974
1635 ps ax | grep python
1636 kill -9 439432
1637 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1638 cd ..
1639 ls
1640 cd Fooocus/
1641 ls
1642 ps ax | grep python
1643 kill -9 442439
1644 history | grep nohup
1645 history | grep python
1646 clear
1647 nohup python3 entry_with_update.py > run_logs.txt&
1648 conda activate fooocus
1649 cd Major/Demo/
1650 nohup python -u demo.py > run_logs.txt&
1651 kill -9 652575
1652 python -u demo.py
1653 clear
1654 python -u demo.py
1655 clear
1656 python -u demo.py
1657 sudo ./install.sh
1658 sudo reboot -y;
1659 sudo reboot
1660 sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y
1661 sudo settings
1662 sudo gnome-control-center
1663 cd Downloads/
1664 ls]
1665 ls
1666 wget "https://anydesk.com/en/downloads/thank-you?dv=deb_64" -o anydesk.deb
1667 ls
1668 chmod +x anydesk.deb
1669 sudo dpkg -i anydesk.deb
1670 sudo apt -i anydesk.deb
1671 sudo apt instll anydesk.deb
1672 sudo apt insatll anydesk.deb
1673 wget "https://download.anydesk.com/linux/anydesk_6.3.0-1_amd64.deb" -O anydesk.deb
1674 ls
1675 sudo apt -i anydesk.deb
1676 sudo dpkg -i anydesk.deb
1677 anydesk
1678 anydesk -h
1679 anydesk -getid
1680 anydesk --getid
1681 anydesk --get-id
1682 clear
1683 ls
1684 nvidia-smi
1685 clear
1686 ls
1687 clear
1688 nvidia-smi
1689 nvitop
1690 htop
1691 sudo apt install htop
1692 htop
1693 clear
1694 conda activate expm
1695 ls
1696 python
1697 conda list info
1698 numpy
1699 nvidia-smi
1700 ls
1701 pip install torch
1702 import torch
1703 python
1704 which python
1705 python
1706 exit()
1707 conda deactivate expm
1708 exit
1709 python
1710 conda create -n env python=3.8
1711 conda activate env
1712 pip3 install torch
1713 python
1714 python3
1715 python
1716 pip uninstall numpy
1717 pip install numpy
1718 python
1719 ls
1720 code.
1721 clear
1722 exit
1723 ls
1724 conda activate env
1725 cd kshitiz/
1726 cd assignment/
1727 git clone https://github.com/microsoft/SmartKC-A-Smartphone-based-Corneal-Topographer.git
1728 du -sh
1729 cd ..
1730 exit
1731 ls
1732 clear
1733 ls
1734 conda
1735 conda list info
1736 conda list envs
1737 conda create -n expm
1738 conda activate expms
1739 conda activate expm
1740 clear
1741 python
1742 clear
1743 pip install torch torchvision
1744 pip install torch
1745 python
1746 pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0
1747 clear
1748 python
1749 du -sh
1750 df -h
1751 pwd
1752 df -sh
1753 du -sh
1754 ls
1755 cd kshitiz
1756 ls
1757 clear
1758 ls
1759 mv Sid-Interview-Videos.zip cv_kerat/
1760 ls
1761 cd cv_kerat/
1762 ls
1763 unzip Sid-Interview-Videos.zip
1764 lls
1765 ls
1766 clear
1767 ls
1768 cd kshitiz
1769 ls
1770 cd cv_kerat/
1771 ls
1772 cd code
1773 ls
1774 conda activate env
1775 pip install opencv-python
1776 ls
1777 pip install numpy
1778 clear
1779 ls
1780 clear
1781 python3 find.py
1782 ls
1783 cd kshitiz/cv_kerat/code/
1784 ls
1785 clear
1786 vim
1787 ls
1788 cd ..
1790 sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade -y; reboot
1791 sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade -y;
1792 sudo apt upgrade -y;
1793 reboot
1794 ls
1795 cd Downloads
1796 ls
1797 cd ..
1798 cd .
1799 ls
1800 cd DATA1
1801 cd /DATA1/
1802 ls
1803 cd sshreshtha
1804 ls
1805 cd ..
1806 ls
1807 cd ..
1808 cd .
1809 ls
1810 cd ../
1811 cd../../
1812 cd .
1813 ls
1814 cd DATA1
1815 ls
1816 cd .
1817 cd ..
1818 ls
1819 ls -a
1820 cd .
1821 cd ...
1822 cd /DATA1/
1823 ls
1824 mkdir dhyan
1825 scp [email protected]:/home/bcca/Music/task_2.py /DATA1/dhyan/
1826 cd ..
1827 ls
1828 rm -rf dhyan
1829 ls
1830 cd /DATA1/
1831 ls
1832 cd dhyan
1833 ls
1834 cd ..
1835 cd sshreshtha
1836 ls
1837 cd DSLR
1838 ls
1839 cd ..
1840 ls
1841 cd yasmeena
1842 ls
1843 cd ..
1844 ls
1845 cd sshreshtha
1846 ls
1847 cd ..
1848 ls
1849 cd /DATA1/
1850 ls
1851 cd Yas
1852 cd yasmeena/
1853 ls
1854 cd Dataset_folder/
1855 ls
1856 cd ..
1857 ls
1858 cd MIMIC_CXR/
1859 ls
1860 cd physionet.org/files/mimic-cxr-jpg/2.0.0/
1861 ls
1862 cd files/
1863 ls
1864 cd
1865 find chest
1866 cd Data1
1867 cd DATA1
1868 cd /DATA1/
1869 LS
1870 ls
1871 cd Downloads/
1872 ls
1873 cd ..
1874 cd yasmeena/
1875 ls
1876 cd Dataset_folder/
1877 LS
1878 ls
1879 cd ..
1880 cd Neurips2022/
1881 ls
1882 cd /DATA1/
1883 ls
1884 cd yasmeena
1885 ls
1886 cd silico_svs
1887 ls
1888 sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
1889 sudo systemctl restart smb
1890 sudo systemctl restart smbd.service
1891 celar
1892 clear
1893 ls
1894 cd profiles/
1895 ls
1896 cd ..
1897 cd /DATA1/
1898 ls
1899 cd bikash_dutta/
1900 ls
1901 pwd
1902 ls
1903 conda activate df
1904 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
1905 btop
1906 docker images
1907 docker ps
1908 streamlit run frontend/main.py
1909 streamlit run frontend/test.py
1910 streamlit run frontend/test.py --relaod
1911 streamlit run frontend/test.py
1912 streamlit run frontend/main.py
1913 conda env list
1914 conda create -n df python=3.10 -y
1915 conda activate df
1916 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1917 conda deactivate
1918 conda env -h
1919 conda env remove dl
1920 conda env remove df
1921 conda remove df
1922 conda remove -n df --all
1923 conda create -n df python=3.7 -y
1924 conda activate df
1925 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1926 conda remove -n df --all
1927 conda deactivate
1928 conda create -n df python=3.8 -y
1929 conda activate df
1930 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1931 conda deactivate
1932 conda remove -n df --all
1933 conda create -n df python=3.6 -y
1934 conda activate df
1935 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1936 pip install fastapi
1937 pip install "uvicorn[standard]"
1938 python dependable_ai.py
1939 clear
1940 uvicorn backend:app --reload
1941 pip install python-multipart
1942 python models.py
1943 uvicorn backend:app --reload
1944 clear
1945 uvicorn backend:app --reload
1946 clear
1947 uvicorn backend:app --reload
1948 clear
1949 uvicorn backend:app --reload
1950 clear
1951 uvicorn backend:app --reload
1952 clear
1953 pip3 install streamlit
1954 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
1955 pip3 install ffmpeg
1956 clear
1957 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
1958 pip install ffprobe
1959 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
1960 docker-compose up
1961 pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
1962 docker-compose up
1963 conda activate df
1964 python dependable_ai.py
1965 cd /DATA1/
1966 ls
1967 cd bikash_dutta/
1968 ls
1969 cd DetectionTool_Updated/
1970 ;s
1971 ls
1972 pwd
1973 cd BPRnD\ samples/
1974 pwd
1975 ls
1976 sudo rm -r /media/usb_extra/
1977 ls
1978 clear
1979 cd /media/curie/usb_extra/
1980 l
1981 ls -lart
1982 cd ..
1983 ls
1984 cd bikash/
1985 ls
1986 sudo cd bikash/
1987 sudo su
1988 ls
1989 pwd
1990 sudo su
1991 cd /media/curie/
1992 ls
1993 rm -rf usb_extra/
1994 ls
1995 sudo chmod 777 usb/
1996 clear
1997 ls
1998 python dependable_ai.py
1999 conda activate df
2000 python dependable_ai.py
2001 clear
2002 conda activate df
2003 which python
2004 conda activate df
2005 conda -v
2006 conda activate df
2007 conda init zsh
2008 conda activate df
2009 which python
2010 clear
2011 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2012 python dependable_ai.py
2013 conda activate df
2014 python dependable_ai.py
2015 cd /media/curie/usb
2016 ls
2017 cd Downloads
2018 wget "https://video-downloads.googleusercontent.com/ADGPM2mQA8s2JjMZ6ZzpHO6LKcv6jyvJ0JMnfgr-agsma0mw77J-xVEKiKhgjqY-qy1uiddsGLwb333RtVuW0nD5L6vxpi95pY5pWod1upaNUECQDsfdu4QuVnpqVQHBDPS_NUztPa5CXaopIgXH3XxKx0iU6yq_qFSFl9lxW_ag-lLZSEl8RjvOKCBVvufcIWkspKOH6AuTFyZHdCUsKaS5_MQw_OAsj0Bj1-fKY1fP27Boq3wXVkui3MQcz7ZtLmiuLA-Wo1YDUwJgHBbSQ1MyEo1vF-o3BJMIAT7aYjCFR5Gy8EIgsULJo2h4ld-s0X4KRs20oYvbGl9_N_XOaEJIwrMRWn7R80rs0RuqMV02n0d4Y-CKy1_LdWHcAA1N5ioE4sFIgVlLnonA4Aw3-iLrvBwTzlHa4XYpKZAOFAN7EoD4iY5PB47F6NOk4_D-I2DVFMaeJPsB85MFk6nG_q4lm81nh4CT9Y73pz91NTGJEm928AQc1HQkWi4wmDICEf9gLw8YD73Tu37WI9UKb14HzkNw5TPaJRTaEqatYx3bCFM2_PwiSwuqiQtKb7MjdYacPhMehqD_mbLGis1glnHv9g_dNeyv_T7aRVOKAB8B_90bbOi5KMNph9to_0fMuzcVFDLI0h17hylP5qfi1-69pzkjb5YVk_NLmFzHU2a5KTKq1aTVJTlEiy3qeQcLL5p3XvN6_lxBzmX-8n_mS81Y5peJd8m9Uq4Ba8dToZJ_Seus_TFfd-ukvxY2TUR8G7VzHi1hr8jO_ILU2-d4ChdfBnwpidcvYoSQBnzdd-B81I8GCp-Cb2A9h9OdcdDwtE7Mh0ptDo5cGyPs6LtDL9l1DYStmSzamFQ0u4DPHbpzHMJ_yEwbkPuY_icMrPNk8rf-vuZ5tvIVTM-CceWFTQ3AHp28vug1Ugr1TOMeCrEwsRzDj_5MqfrZNUxSUSHwjctp0Zqg-ZtqmFrRCr0nFhMnl3XDY3G4evG9eTClHwbtqKQYHoPMRNAK1v9XZs6aRklghTdeq2xVWrQPXnrwf4n3EsH1Hpfzw7-ZgqwyKNa0q5yZLjzpEQl24p1ObBXLjLYzQ3qQ4MR6K7aW5SgCc63tkCBt-j4mA4URz1VqoTBXSlkxmR_uBGQNLu0-SiUa2Mk6lk8W4p3P"
2019 ls
2020 mv ADGPM2mQA8s2JjMZ6ZzpHO6LKcv6jyvJ0JMnfgr-agsma0mw77J-xVEKiKhgjqY-qy1uiddsGLwb333RtVuW0nD5L6vxpi95pY5pWod1upaNUECQDsfdu4QuVnpqVQHBDPS_NUztPa5CXaopIgXH3XxKx0iU6yq_qFSFl9lxW_ag-lLZSEl8RjvOKCBVvufcIWkspKOH6AuTFyZHdCUsKaS5_MQw_OAsj0Bj1-fKY1fP "You.Dont.Mess.with.the.Zohan.2008.1080p.BluRay.x264.Hindi.Eng.Vegamovies.to.mkv"
2021 ls
2022 clear
2023 ls
2024 wget
2025 wget "https://video-downloads.googleusercontent.com/ADGPM2kkKWjUf12dyIWaZL9IXKVCqWwU_1YvaH6enNAwCsBwGUQENNjLVCVDef4eUTtSyuDAA2AOvHheVBBSJqy25WGVQ0k60Czy894-nzTftq6dBhnnVIEb_-RMXwVpctpOsdZ9zZbuyGFtBwEMB2AmTWdNK_jyC1EexTVX-l5i8TLxhSQ6hRSbu3tz6QzGipYttCBheY20Yakxkj3ux35FGUCN7UD6UC9lbk1WfGpB2Zn0Pu2S5h-UKk6BgM40QFdh8vcRYHTbGiXw9tiODu140Dn3GPVgzVPIDF6C84fzeNbi34KQtTNucoYb-tHeADpq6W_PlV3nKKTY7kh34ivL756zIhu_uL7RGXVWrMHb6kDNDrvCYGQlf0409OicehF7-8FLBigf9T4vXaKeOo8FIGOg77o7X0VTuiI6EQI_Yxw2GtgigiaMw-M1MOFjWMmSJIhCqffOZBOhsTZUsL6WM36ZphTn589A97qMyb1_ThicSn3_sE8Flz76ps20-n0QXbRkEBUdSJJx5d6S94YOOJlnSNxPTgmUIpc-CHubyVq9ZV8RZGXdAE1WVUeRB4d7SV6nVtIV2z65hzdxgTZ8LLfzIfmaEugd7qYy5h8BLzSxZ5XPFuALgckoetl5jvv8g09ePNUuXDATfsEyHtTXbwJJjnEUHIcc8F7q2yH__rOSDTXX63UrS9jXB1IHtetlfi6qWiltRwxbXR6nmAluM4-4hKZW4OkPeY6CLxpuM9Ym7xXYDcaq_cHt_TQmneHjTPamBzVqSGMa0O9oy5PpPNv8t_l5xc5NSlPnuziOvaxGsJQW39p6midWByFmCnxF84FgBMbXwk4oTjGdBP3mrYFvppJo9OeLAPQzyTUp_02Ge_Fq_rrCSsPeaVE6BVqFWZLThLscWwKEbyEycRglVHeE8woFpATFYu6N8kqW2imudiwdReKuFO7_6FSZQYe6aRa8N-_Z8zEMdeImcbPXdoZjeQ5cz7LylNyTywsR2o8eDqODWot7sN7p-oqsAoBPaozwnOJCzE9fEywh2TqON70Vyb272YE9OZNo6PToeUVJ0052ZibLh1ntMI6OojLloyfFuzty0lszSE0sf6NehPc2fwEpHD9BsOYbbRiwL50vegavgABxXsaw6tv1ibCOlJwz3mzv" -O The.Dictator.2012.1080p.Hindi-English.[Vegamovies.NL].mkv
2026 wget "https://video-downloads.googleusercontent.com/ADGPM2kkKWjUf12dyIWaZL9IXKVCqWwU_1YvaH6enNAwCsBwGUQENNjLVCVDef4eUTtSyuDAA2AOvHheVBBSJqy25WGVQ0k60Czy894-nzTftq6dBhnnVIEb_-RMXwVpctpOsdZ9zZbuyGFtBwEMB2AmTWdNK_jyC1EexTVX-l5i8TLxhSQ6hRSbu3tz6QzGipYttCBheY20Yakxkj3ux35FGUCN7UD6UC9lbk1WfGpB2Zn0Pu2S5h-UKk6BgM40QFdh8vcRYHTbGiXw9tiODu140Dn3GPVgzVPIDF6C84fzeNbi34KQtTNucoYb-tHeADpq6W_PlV3nKKTY7kh34ivL756zIhu_uL7RGXVWrMHb6kDNDrvCYGQlf0409OicehF7-8FLBigf9T4vXaKeOo8FIGOg77o7X0VTuiI6EQI_Yxw2GtgigiaMw-M1MOFjWMmSJIhCqffOZBOhsTZUsL6WM36ZphTn589A97qMyb1_ThicSn3_sE8Flz76ps20-n0QXbRkEBUdSJJx5d6S94YOOJlnSNxPTgmUIpc-CHubyVq9ZV8RZGXdAE1WVUeRB4d7SV6nVtIV2z65hzdxgTZ8LLfzIfmaEugd7qYy5h8BLzSxZ5XPFuALgckoetl5jvv8g09ePNUuXDATfsEyHtTXbwJJjnEUHIcc8F7q2yH__rOSDTXX63UrS9jXB1IHtetlfi6qWiltRwxbXR6nmAluM4-4hKZW4OkPeY6CLxpuM9Ym7xXYDcaq_cHt_TQmneHjTPamBzVqSGMa0O9oy5PpPNv8t_l5xc5NSlPnuziOvaxGsJQW39p6midWByFmCnxF84FgBMbXwk4oTjGdBP3mrYFvppJo9OeLAPQzyTUp_02Ge_Fq_rrCSsPeaVE6BVqFWZLThLscWwKEbyEycRglVHeE8woFpATFYu6N8kqW2imudiwdReKuFO7_6FSZQYe6aRa8N-_Z8zEMdeImcbPXdoZjeQ5cz7LylNyTywsR2o8eDqODWot7sN7p-oqsAoBPaozwnOJCzE9fEywh2TqON70Vyb272YE9OZNo6PToeUVJ0052ZibLh1ntMI6OojLloyfFuzty0lszSE0sf6NehPc2fwEpHD9BsOYbbRiwL50vegavgABxXsaw6tv1ibCOlJwz3mzv" -O "The.Dictator.2012.1080p.Hindi-English.[Vegamovies.NL].mkv"
2027 ls
2028 clear
2029 cd ~/Bikash/cvat/
2030 ls
2031 nano j
2032 nano jf.yml
2033 docker-compose down
2034 systemctl --user start docker
2035 anydesk --get-id
2036 anydesk
2037 anydesk --get-id
2038 sudo reboot
2039 clear
2040 anydesk --get-id
2041 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2042 comnda activate df
2043 conda activate df
2044 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2045 conda activate df
2046 streamlit run frontend/main.py
2047 pip install ffprob
2048 pip install mediapipe==0.10.1\n
2049 pip3 install mediapipe==0.10.1\n
2050 pip3 install mediapipe
2051 anydesk --get-id
2052 python ~/Bikash/autologin.py
2053 ping google.com
2054 cd ~/Bikash/cvat/
2055 docker-compose -f jf.yml up -d
2056 conda activate df
2057 python --version
2058 clear
2059 which python
2060 pip3 install mediapipe
2061 pip install mediapipe
2062 py -m pip install mediapipe
2063 python -m pip install mediapipe
2064 conda activate df
2065 conda remove -n df --all
2066 conda deactivate
2067 conda remove -n df --all
2068 conda create -n df python=3.10 -y
2069 conda activate df
2070 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2071 which python
2072 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2073 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2074 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2075 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2076 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2077 conda activate df
2078 docker run -it --gpus=all --rm nvidia/cuda:11.4.2-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi
2079 docker pull nvidia/cuda
2080 docker ps
2081 ls
2082 micro dc.yml
2083 docker-compose -f dc.yml up
2084 docker run -it --gpus=all --rm nvidia/cuda:12.3.1-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi
2085 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2086 sudo apt install ffmpeg
2087 clear
2088 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2089 conda activate df
2090 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/df/bin/python /DATA1/bikash_dutta/DetectionTool_Updated/trill_feat.py
2091 clear
2092 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/df/bin/python /DATA1/bikash_dutta/DetectionTool_Updated/trill_feat.py
2093 clear
2094 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2095 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2096 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2097 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2098 cd /DATA1
2099 ls
2100 cd bikash_dutta
2101 ls
2102 cd Bikash\ Dutta
2103 ls
2104 cd ..
2105 ls
2106 cd DetectionTool_Updated
2107 ls
2108 pwd
2109 clear
2110 conda activate df
2111 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2113 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2114 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2115 clear
2116 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2117 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2118 pip3 remove wandb
2119 pip3 uninstall wandb
2120 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2122 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2123 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2124 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2125 pip install facenet-pytorch
2126 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2127 conda deactivate
2128 conda create -n df_old python=3.6 -y
2129 conda activate df_old
2130 pip3 install -r requirements_back.txt
2131 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2132 clear
2133 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2134 pip3 install -r requirements_back.txt
2135 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2136 pip uninstall typing_extensions\n
2137 pip uninstall fastapi\n
2138 pip3 install -r requirements_back.txt
2139 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2140 pip uninstall typing_extensions\npip uninstall fastapi\npip install --no-cache fastapi
2141 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2142 cd ~/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints
2143 ls
2144 rm -rf alexnet-owt-7be5be79.pth densenet121-a639ec97.pth dinov2_vitb14_pretrain.pth dinov2_vits14_pretrain.pth resnet18-f37072fd.pth resnet34-b627a593.pth resnet50-0676ba61.pth vgg11-8a719046.pth vgg16-397923af.pth vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth WIDERFace_DSFD_RES152.pth
2145 clear
2146 ls
2147 cd ..
2148 conda activate df_old
2149 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2150 clear
2151 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2152 ipython
2153 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2154 conda deactivate
2155 conda activate df
2156 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2157 clear
2158 docker-compose -f dc.yml up
2159 docker-compose up
2160 python ~/Bikash/autologin.py
2161 sudo reboot
2162 python ~/Bikash/autologin.py
2163 docker-compose up
2164 conda activate df_old
2165 tensorflow --version
2166 ipython
2167 docker kill $(docker ps -q)\ndocker_clean_ps\ndocker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
2168 docker system prune -a
2169 clear
2170 docker-compose up
2171 conda activate df
2172 df
2173 pip freeze
2174 docker-compose up
2175 cd Bikash/cvat
2176 docker-compose up -f jf.yml -d
2177 docker-compose -f jf.yml up -d
2178 docker-compose up
2179 df
2180 docker-compose up
2181 docker-compose -f jf.yml up -d
2182 docker-compose up
2183 docker ps
2184 docker images
2185 docker-compose up -d
2186 clear
2187 docker-compose up -d
2188 docker system prune -a
2189 docker-compose up -d
2190 docker ps
2191 docker-compose up -d
2192 docker-compose up -d --build
2193 docker log 226db97818e6d56125460013bd775ffa58cf1308d589ba79bb586aa6be97f66a
2194 docker logs tail 226db97818e6d56125460013bd775ffa58cf1308d589ba79bb586aa6be97f66a
2195 docker logs --help
2196 docker logs -t 1000 226db97818e6d56125460013bd775ffa58cf1308d589ba79bb586aa6be97f66a
2197 docker logs -t 226db97818e6d56125460013bd775ffa58cf1308d589ba79bb586aa6be97f66a
2198 docker-compose up -d --build
2199 streamlit run frontend/main.py
2200 conda activate df
2201 conda create -n df python=3.10 -y
2202 conda activate df
2203 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2204 streamlit run frontend/main.py
2205 pip3 install matplotlib
2206 streamlit run frontend/main.py
2207 pip3 install pip install fastapi-jwt-auth
2208 clear
2209 docker-compose down
2210 clear
2211 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2212 conda activate df
2213 nohup uvicorn backend:app --reload --host > run_logs_backend.txt&
2214 nohup streamlit run frontend/main.py > run_logs_frontend.txt&
2215 kill -9 257278
2216 nohup streamlit run frontend/main.py --server.address= --server.port=8501 > run_logs_frontend.txt&
2217 conda activate df
2218 docker-compose up -d
2219 touch info.txt
2220 wget
2221 wget "https://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/CompleteAnnotations_2016-07-11.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/Splits_2016-07-11.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/BAILa.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/DAMOa.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/GEORa.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/HALFb.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/HALFc.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/LOCKb.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/MAIVb.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/MAIVc.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/NEKOa.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/NEKOb.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/NEKOc.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/PETEc.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/PETEd.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/PETEe.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/PETEf.tgz\nhttps://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/SPIGa.tgz"
2222 wget "https://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/penguins/CompleteAnnotations_2016-07-11.tgz\n"
2223 reboot
2224 sudo reboot
2225 clear
2226 anydesk --get-id
2227 htop
2228 btop
2229 btop --utf-force
2230 nohup streamlit run frontend/main.py --server.address= --server.port=8501 > run_logs_frontend.txt&
2231 conda activate df
2232 nohup streamlit run frontend/main.py --server.address= --server.port=8888 > run_logs_frontend.txt&
2233 nohup uvicorn backend:app --reload --host > run_logs_backend.txt&
2234 nohup streamlit run frontend/main.py --server.address= --server.port=8888 > run_logs_frontend.txt&
2235 nohup streamlit run frontend/main.py --server.address= --server.port=8081 > run_logs_frontend.txt&
2236 streamlit run frontend/main.py --server.address=
2237 nohup streamlit run frontend/main.py --server.address= --server.port=8888 > run_logs_frontend.txt&
2238 ls
2239 cd /DATA1
2240 ls
2241 scp -r gaurav_lasagne_backup [email protected]:/home/gaurav
2242 rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts
2243 scp -r gaurav_lasagne_backup [email protected]:/home/gaurav
2244 python dependable_ai.py
2245 codnda activate df
2246 python dependable_ai.py
2247 conda activate df
2248 python dependable_ai.py
2249 pip3 install PyQt5
2250 python dependable_ai.py
2251 conda activate df
2252 python dependable_ai.py
2253 conda env list
2254 conda create -n df_old python=3.6 -y
2255 conda activate df_old
2256 which python
2257 pip3 install -r requirements_back.txt
2258 python dependable_ai.py
2259 pip3 install -r requirements_back.txt
2260 python dependable_ai.py
2261 ipython
2262 which python
2263 pip3 install tensorflow==2.6.0
2264 which python
2265 conda activate df_old
2266 which python
2267 python dependable_ai.py
2268 clear
2269 ls
2270 conda activate df
2271 which python
2272 python dependable_ai.py
2273 code .
2274 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2275 du -h gaurav_lasagne_backup
2276 rm -r gaurav_lasagne_backup
2277 ls
2278 exit
2279 conda activate df
2280 ps ax | grep uvicron
2281 ps ax | grep python
2282 ps ax | grep Uvicorn
2283 clear
2284 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2285 ls
2286 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2287 ls
2288 htop
2289 clear
2290 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2291 which python
2292 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2293 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2294 pip install passlib
2295 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2296 pip install "python-jose[cryptography]"
2297 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2298 clear
2299 nohup uvicorn backend:app --reload --host > run_logs_backend.txt&
2300 ipython
2301 clear
2302 conda activate df
2303 ipython
2304 python
2305 cd /DATA1
2306 ls
2307 du -h .
2308 df -H
2309 cd /DATA1
2310 du -h /DATA1/chiranjeev
2311 ls
2312 cd chiranjeev
2313 ls
2314 ls -l
2315 cd Downloads
2316 ls -l
2317 ls
2318 cd ..
2319 ls
2320 ls -l
2321 ls -l\\n
2322 ls -l
2323 cd ..
2324 ls
2325 du -h /DATA1/chiranjeev
2326 du -h chiranjeev
2327 conda activate df
2328 docker ps
2329 systemctl --user stop docker
2330 docker-compose up -d
2331 conda activate df
2332 pip install pymongo
2333 conda activate df
2334 uvicorn temp_backend:app --reload --host --port 8080
2335 conda activate df
2336 cd Bikash
2337 ls
2338 cd .
2339 ls
2340 cd ..
2341 ls
2342 mkdir svs
2343 cd svs
2344 ls
2345 code .
2346 python -V
2347 python3 -m venv zelta
2348 source zelta/bin/activate
2349 deactivate
2350 source zelta/bin/activate
2351 ls
2352 cd zelta
2353 cd .
2354 cd ..
2355 pip install pandas_ta
2356 pip install pandas
2357 pip install numpy
2358 pip install plotly
2359 pip install yfinance
2360 pip install scikit-learn
2361 pip install --upgrade pip
2362 pip install tensorflow
2363 pip install keras
2364 pip install nohup
2365 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_1.txt
2366 pip install matplotlib
2367 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_2.txt
2368 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_3.txt
2369 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_4.txt
2370 pip install torch
2371 ls
2372 cd .
2373 cd ..
2374 ls
2375 cd ..
2376 ls
2377 cd DATA1
2378 ls
2379 cd svs
2380 ls
2381 code .
2382 source o
2383 source zelta/bin/activate
2384 nvidia-smi
2385 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_5.txt
2386 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_6.txt
2387 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_7.txt
2388 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_8.txt
2389 pip install --upgrade tensorflow
2390 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_9.txt
2391 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_10.txt
2392 python datavisualisation2.py
2393 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_11.txt
2394 nohup python -u datavisualisation2.py > run_12.txt
2395 nohup python -u datavisualisation2.py > run_13.txt
2396 nohup python -u datavisualisation2.py > run_14.txt
2397 nohup python -u datavisualisation2.py > run_15.txt
2398 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_16.txt
2399 nvidia-smi
2400 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_12.txt
2401 nvidia-smi
2402 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_13.txt
2403 pip install --upgrade tensorflow
2404 nvcc --version
2405 ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcudnn*
2406 locate libcudnn
2407 source zelta/bin/activate
2408 nohup python -u lstm.py > run_15.txt
2409 source zelta/bin/activate
2410 nohup python -u xgb.py > run.txt
2411 pip install xgboost
2412 pip install datetime
2413 pip install plotly
2414 nohup python -u xgb.py > run1.txt
2415 nohup python -u xgb.py > run2.txt
2416 nohup python -u xgb.py > run3.txt
2417 ssh [email protected]
2418 exit
2419 deactivate
2420 source zelta/bin/activate
2421 nohup python -u xgb.py > run99.txt
2422 nohup python -u xgb.py > run991.txt
2423 nohup python -u xgb.py > run111.txt
2424 nohup python -u har.py > run888.txt
2425 nohup python -u har.py > run777.txt
2426 nohup python -u har.py > run797.txt
2427 nohup python -u har.py > run7997.txt
2428 nohup python -u har.py > runuzair.txt
2429 nohup python -u har.py > rundhyan.txt
2430 nohup python -u lstm.py > running.txt
2431 nohup python -u clt.py > runninglast.txt
2432 ls
2433 docker ps
2434 ip a
2435 ls
2436 whoami
2437 conda activate df
2438 btop
2439 btop --utf-force
2440 uvicorn temp_backend:app --reload --host --port 8080
2441 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2442 conda activate df
2443 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/df/bin/python
2444 cd Bikash/
2445 ls
2446 pwd
2447 crontab -e
2448 btop --utf-force
2449 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2450 nohup uvicorn backend:app --reload --host > run_logs_backend.txt&
2451 btop --utf-force
2452 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2453 code .
2454 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2455 which python
2456 conda env list
2457 code .
2458 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2459 pip3 install ipykernel
2460 pip3 install diffusers["torch"]
2461 pip3 install "diffusers[torch]"
2462 pip3 install "diffusers"
2463 which python
2464 ^[[200~pip
2465 pip install transformers
2466 pip install transformers matplotlib
2467 cd Fooocus/
2468 ls
2469 python webui.py
2470 pip install transformers matplotlib gradio
2471 python webui.py
2472 ls
2473 pip install -r requirements_versions.txt
2474 python webui.py
2475 python entry_with_update.py
2476 which python
2477 nvidia-smi
2478 pip3 install Cython\n
2479 pip3 install sympy
2480 cd animal_ds/Animal_Image_Dataset_90_Different_Animals/GroundingDINO
2481 python setup.py build.py\npython setup.py install.py
2482 ls
2483 python setup.py install.py\n\n
2484 python setup.py install
2485 python setup.py build
2486 code .
2487 ^[[200~python entry_with_update.py~
2488 python entry_with_update.py
2489 ls
2490 cd Fooocus
2491 python entry_with_update.py
2492 nvidia-smi
2493 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
2494 ps ax | grep python
2495 btop
2496 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
2497 ps ax | grep python
2498 nvidia-smi
2499 kill -9 12793
2500 nvidia-smi
2501 kill -9 12799
2502 nvidia-smi
2503 clear
2504 ip a
2505 btop
2506 btop --utf-force
2507 ps ax | grep python
2508 nvidia-smi
2509 kill -9 193908
2510 nvidia-smi
2511 conda env list
2512 which python
2513 python3 --version
2514 conda env export > sdxl_env.yml
2515 cd /DATA1
2516 ls
2517 cd bikash_dutta
2518 ls
2519 cd animal_ds
2520 ls
2521 cd Animal_Image_Dataset_90_Different_Animals
2522 ls
2523 cat 'name of the animals.txt'
2524 conda activate df
2525 clear
2526 which python
2527 history | grep uvi
2528 nohup uvicorn backend:app --reload --host > run_logs_backend.txt&
2529 ip a
2530 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2531 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2532 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2533 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2534 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2535 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2536 ps ax | grep python
2537 docker ps
2538 docker-compose down
2539 docker ps
2540 docker system prune
2541 clear
2542 docker-compose up
2543 ps ax | grep python
2544 kill -9 202076
2545 ps ax | grep python
2546 docker-compose up
2547 ps ax | grep python
2548 docker ps
2549 clear
2550 docker ps
2551 docker-compose up
2552 netstat -nlp|grep 8000
2553 kill -9 247909
2554 netstat -nlp|grep 8000
2555 docker-compose up
2556 docker ps
2557 docker-compose up
2558 docker-compose up --build
2559 df -H
2560 df -H /
2561 sudo df -H /
2562 docker system prune
2563 df -H /
2564 docker-compose up
2565 docker-compose down --remove-orphans\n
2566 docker system prune
2567 docker-compose up
2568 docker-compose down --remove-orphans\n
2569 docker-compose up --build
2570 btop --utf-force
2571 docker-compose up --build
2572 sudo df -H /
2573 docker-compose down --remove-orphans\n
2574 clear
2575 cd ..
2576 which python
2577 ls
2578 tar -czvf df_tool.tar.gz DetectionTool_Updated
2579 sudo tar -czvf df_tool.tar.gz DetectionTool_Updated
2580 ls
2581 docker-compose down --remove-orphans\n
2582 ls
2583 clear
2584 cd ..
2585 cd bikash_dutta
2586 mkdir demo_bird_seg
2587 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2588 conda env list
2589 cd content/OneFormer
2590 ls
2591 conda activate df
2592 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2593 python3 demo.py
2594 cd ..
2595 python3 demo.py
2596 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2597 pip install 'transformers[torch]'
2598 python3 demo.py
2599 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2600 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2601 pip install gradio
2602 cd content/OneFormer
2603 clear
2604 ls
2605 python3 app.py
2606 python app.py
2607 which python
2608 conda activate df
2609 pip install gradio
2610 clear
2611 cd content/OneFormer
2612 ls
2613 python app.py
2614 pip install --upgrade gradio\n
2615 clear
2616 python app.py
2617 python demo_app.py
2618 pip install httpx==0.24.1
2619 clear
2620 python demo_app.py
2621 cd ..
2622 python demo_app.py
2623 clear
2624 python demo_app.py
2625 cd OneFormer
2626 python demo_app.py
2627 cd ..
2628 python demo_app.py
2629 tree ..
2630 tree .
2631 tree . --depth=1
2632 tree . --L 1
2633 tree --L 1
2634 tree --L=1
2635 tree -L 1
2636 tree -L 2
2637 python demo_app.py
2638 pip install detectron2 -f https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/wheels/cpu/index.html\n
2639 ls
2640 cd OneFormer
2641 python demo_app.py
2642 cleer
2643 cd ..
2644 ls
2645 cd OneFormer
2646 clear
2647 python demo_app.py
2648 python pp.py
2649 pip3 install -r requirements.txt install natten -f https://shi-labs.com/natten/wheels/cu113/torch1.10.1/index.html --quiet
2650 cd ..
2651 python temp.py
2652 ls
2653 clear
2654 cd temps
2655 mkdir temps
2656 cd temps
2657 git lfs install\ngit clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/shi-labs/OneFormer
2658 cd temps
2659 ls
2660 cd OneFormer
2661 ls
2662 docker ps
2663 ls
2664 docker build . -t bird-demo
2665 cd /
2666 ls -l
2667 clear
2668 docker build . -t bird-demo
2669 cd 'temps/OneFormer/'
2670 conda create -n bird python=3.8 -y
2671 conda activate bird
2672 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2673 python -m pip install -U pip
2674 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2675 ls
2676 docker system prune
2677 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2678 clear
2679 python gradio_app.py
2680 sh make.sh
2681 sh make
2682 cd oneformer/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops
2683 sh make.sh
2684 cd ../../..
2685 cd ..
2686 python gradio_app.py
2687 cd /usr/bin\nsudo rm gcc\nsudo rm g++\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-5 gcc\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-5 g++\n\ncd /usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin\nsudo rm gcc\nsudo rm g++\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-5 gcc\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-5 g++
2688 cd temps/OneFormer
2689 ls
2690 clear
2691 python gradio_app.py
2692 conda activate bird
2693 python gradio_app.py
2694 cd oneformer/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops
2695 sh make.sh
2696 which g++
2697 sudo apt install gcc
2698 sudo apt install g++
2699 which g++
2700 sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-5 gcc\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-5 g++\n
2701 cd /usr/local/cuda-11.7/bin
2702 cd /usr/local/cuda-11.7
2703 sudo rm gcc\nsudo rm g++\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-5 gcc\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-5 g++
2704 sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-5 gcc\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-5 g++
2705 cd /usr/bin
2706 sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-5 gcc\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-5 g++
2707 CUDA_HOST_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-5 python setup.py build develop
2708 cd OneFormer/
2709 cd ..
2710 cd temps/OneFormer
2711 clear
2712 conda activate bird
2713 python gradio_app.py
2714 cd oneformer/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops
2715 sh make.sh
2716 g++ --version
2717 sudo apt install g++
2718 reboot
2719 sudo reboot
2720 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2721 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2722 sudo apt install g++
2723 cd oneformer/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops
2724 sh make.sh
2725 conda activate bird
2726 cd temps/OneFormer
2727 python gradio_app.py
2728 cd oneformer/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops
2729 sh make.sh
2730 which g++
2731 sudo apt-get install build-essential
2732 apt install gcc-c++
2733 sudo apt install gcc-c++
2734 sudo apt install g++
2735 sudo apt remove g++
2736 sudo apt install g++
2737 which g++
2738 conda activate bird
2739 cd oneformer/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops
2740 cd temps/OneFormer
2741 cd oneformer/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops
2742 sh make.sh
2743 sudo apt reinstall gcc
2744 sh make.sh
2745 docker ps
2746 docker system prune
2747 cd temps/OneFormer
2748 docker build . -t bird-demo
2749 docker system prune -a
2750 clear
2751 cd /D1
2752 cd /DATA1
2753 ls
2754 docker image load --input demo-image.tar
2755 watch -n 0 df -H
2756 btop --utf-force
2757 docker system prune -a
2758 cd /DATA1
2759 docker image load --input demo-image.tar
2760 docker system prune -a
2761 sudo reboot
2762 btop --utf-force
2763 docker system prune -a
2764 clear
2765 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2766 ls
2767 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2768 conda env list
2769 conda init zsh
2770 which python
2771 which conda
2772 conda
2773 clear
2774 cd ~
2775 mkdir -p ~/miniconda3\nwget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh\nbash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3\nrm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
2776 ping google.com
2777 python
2778 cd ..
2779 ls
2780 cd Bikash
2781 ls
2782 cp autologin.py ~/Bikash/
2783 cd ~/Bikash
2784 ls
2785 ping google.com
2786 clear
2787 ls
2788 python autologin.py
2789 python3 autologin.py
2790 ping google.com
2791 mkdir -p ~/miniconda3\nwget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh\nbash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3\nrm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
2792 cd ..
2793 ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh
2794 conda init zsh
2795 pip3 install --upgrade pip
2796 pip3 install packaging
2797 conda init zsh
2798 conda env list
2799 which python3
2800 apt-get remove python3-pip
2801 sudo apt-get remove python3-pip
2802 sudo apt-get install python3-pip
2803 pip3 install packaging
2804 conda env list
2805 conda init zsh
2806 cd /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages\nmv pkg_resources/ pkg_resources_bak/
2807 wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py\nsudo python get-pip.py
2808 wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py\nsudo python3 get-pip.py
2809 nano ~/.zshrc
2810 python2
2811 python
2812 conda init zsh
2813 rm -r ~/miniconda3/
2814 rm -rf ~/.condarc ~/.conda ~/.continuum
2815 mkdir -p ~/miniconda3\nwget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh\nbash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3\nrm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
2816 ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh
2817 clear
2818 which python3
2819 which python
2820 clear
2821 conda create -n df python=3.10 -y
2822 conda activate df
2823 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2824 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2825 ip a
2826 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2827 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.0/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.0/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2828 clear
2829 which python
2830 which python3
2831 clear
2832 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2833 clear
2834 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2835 ls
2836 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2837 clear
2838 ls
2839 conda deactivate
2840 conda remove -n df --all
2841 conda deactivate
2842 conda remove -n df --all
2843 clear
2844 conda create -n df python=3.10 -y
2845 conda activate df
2846 which python3
2847 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2848 which python3
2849 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2850 cd ~
2851 cd compose
2852 ls
2853 cd mongodb
2854 ls
2855 docker ps
2856 docker compose up -d
2857 clear
2858 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2859 conda activate df
2860 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2861 clear
2862 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2863 clear
2864 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
2865 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
2866 clear
2867 conda activate df
2868 python dependable_ai.py
2869 pip3 install pyqt5
2870 python dependable_ai.py
2871 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2872 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.0/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.0/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2873 echo /usr/bin/zsh
2874 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.0/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.0/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2875 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2876 conda env list
2877 conda create -n sdxl python=3.10
2878 conda env create -f '/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/sdxl_env.yml'
2879 cond env remove sdxl_env
2880 conda remove -n sdxl_env --all
2881 conda env create -f '/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/AML/sdxl_env.yml'
2882 conda env list
2883 conda activate sdxl_env
2884 pip3 install torch torchvision
2885 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2886 pip3 install matplotlib
2887 clear
2888 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
2889 clear
2890 ls
2891 python3 data_gen_xlt.py
2892 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
2893 clear
2894 python3 data_gen_xlt.py
2895 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2896 python3 data_gen_xlt.py
2897 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
2898 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xl.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2899 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2900 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2901 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2902 which python3
2903 conda activate sdxl_env
2904 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2905 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2906 python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py
2907 ls
2908 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
2909 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2910 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2911 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2912 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2913 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2914 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2915 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2916 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2917 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
2918 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2919 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &\n
2920 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
2921 clear
2922 ls
2923 which python3
2924 conda activate sdxl_env
2925 clear
2926 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &\n
2927 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt
2928 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2929 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt
2930 conda env list
2931 which python3
2932 conda activate sdxl_env
2933 clear
2934 ls
2935 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
2936 clear
2937 ls
2938 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
2939 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt
2940 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
2941 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
2942 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt
2943 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2944 ls
2945 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
2946 cleara
2947 clear
2948 conda activate sdxl_env
2949 clear
2950 ls
2951 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2952 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2953 kill -9 1435599
2954 clar
2955 clear
2956 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2957 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2958 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2959 kill -9 1436308
2960 clear
2961 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2962 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2963 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
2964 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
2965 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt
2966 kill -9 1470488]
2967 kill -9 1470488
2968 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2969 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2970 kill -9 1474930
2971 kill -9 1474529
2972 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2973 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2974 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
2975 kill -9 1477713
2976 clear
2977 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
2978 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt
2979 kill -9 1563012
2980 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
2981 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt
2982 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
2983 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 data_gen_runlogs.txt
2984 sudo apt-get install -y python3-opencv
2985 which python3
2986 pip install PytorchWildlife
2987 conda create -n pytorch-wildlife python=3.8 -y
2988 conda activate pytorch-wildlife
2989 pip install PytorchWildlife
2990 pip install ipykernel jupyter
2991 conda activate sdxl_env
2992 pip install ipykernel jupyter
2993 btop
2994 btop --utf-force
2995 which python3
2996 pip install \\n --extra-index-url=https://pypi.nvidia.com \\n cudf-cu12==23.12.* dask-cudf-cu12==23.12.* cuml-cu12==23.12.* \\n cugraph-cu12==23.12.* cuspatial-cu12==23.12.* cuproj-cu12==23.12.* \\n cuxfilter-cu12==23.12.* cucim-cu12==23.12.* pylibraft-cu12==23.12.* \\n raft-dask-cu12==23.12.*
2997 conda activate sdxl_env
2998 conda create --solver=libmamba -n rapids-23.12 -c rapidsai -c conda-forge -c nvidia \\n rapids=23.12 python=3.10 cuda-version=12.0
2999 conda env list
3000 conda activate rapids-23.12
3001 pip install ipykernel jupyter
3002 ps ax | grep python
3003 kill -9 1889967
3004 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3005 cd DetectionTool_Updated
3006 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta
3007 cdlear
3008 clear
3009 cd DetectionTool_Updated
3010 clear
3011 clea
3012 rclear
3013 clear
3014 ls
3015 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
3016 conda env list
3017 conda activate df
3018 clear
3019 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
3020 ip a
3021 a
3022 ;s
3023 ls
3024 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta
3025 cd DetectionTool_Updated
3026 clear
3027 ls
3028 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
3029 conda activate df
3030 uvicorn backend:app --reload --host
3031 conda activate df
3032 python3 dependable_ai.py
3033 conda create -n df_old python=3.6 -y
3034 conda activate df_old\n
3035 pip3 install -r requirements_back.txt
3036 python3 dependable_ai.py
3037 df -h
3038 ifconfig | grep 10.6.
3039 scp archive.zip [email protected]:/raid/home/kartik/DU/
3040 exit
3041 clear
3042 fdisk -l
3043 sudo fdisk -l
3044 clear
3045 sudo mount /sdc1 /mnt/curie/USB
3046 sudo mount /sdc1 /mnt/curie/
3047 sudo mount /sdc1 /mnt
3048 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3049 conda env list
3050 conda activate pytorch-wildlife
3051 clear
3052 conda activate pytorch-wildlife
3053 ifconfig | grep 10.6.
3054 cd Downloads
3055 ls
3056 cd /DATA1
3057 ls
3058 cd Downloads
3059 ls
3060 cd ../bikash_dutta
3061 ls
3062 cd ../Downloads
3063 ls
3064 scp archive.zip [email protected]:/raid/home/kartik/DU/
3065 ls
3066 rm archive.zip
3067 exit
3068 conda activate pytorch-wildlife
3069 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3070 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
3071 ls
3072 clear
3073 python3 detect_and_segement.py
3074 nvidia-smi
3075 python3 detect_and_segement.py
3076 code .
3077 python ~/Bikash/autologin.py
3078 sudo python ~/Bikash/autologin.py
3079 sudo python3 ~/Bikash/autologin.py
3080 python ~/Bikash/autologin.py
3081 ip a]
3082 ip a
3083 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3084 nvidia-smi
3085 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3086 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3087 kill -9 236033
3088 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3089 cd ~
3090 sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install git g++ cmake make qtdeclarative5-dev
3091 builtin cd -- venv/trial/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scikit_learn.libs
3092 clear
3093 dpkg -i rclone-v1.65.2-linux-amd64.deb
3094 sudo dpkg -i rclone-v1.65.2-linux-amd64.deb
3095 rclone init
3096 rclone --help
3097 rclone
3098 rclone authorize
3099 rclone authorize --auth-no-open-browser
3100 clear
3101 rclone config
3102 btop
3103 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3104 ip a
3105 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3106 cd Encoder
3107 conda activate sdxl_env
3108 python3 create_points_data.py
3109 python3 dataset.py
3110 pip3 install Pyarrow
3111 clear
3112 python3 dataset.py
3113 clear
3114 python3 train.py
3115 clear
3116 python3 train.py
3117 clear
3118 python3 train.py
3119 clear
3120 python3 predictions.py
3121 python3 preds.py
3122 clear
3123 python3 sdv2.py
3124 clear
3125 python3 sdv2.py
3126 clear
3127 python3 sdv2.py
3128 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3129 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3130 cd animal_ds/GeneratedSDXL-T
3131 ls
3132 cd results_10_steps_lykon
3133 ls -1
3134 ls -1 | wc -l
3135 ls -2 | wc -l
3136 ls -1 | wc -l
3137 ls -1 "*/*" | wc -l
3138 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3139 ls -1 * | wc -l
3140 ls -1 *
3141 ls -1 */*
3142 clear
3143 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3144 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
3145 cd ..
3146 ls
3147 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
3148 conda activate sdxl_env
3149 clear
3150 nohup python3 -u data_gen_dream_xlv2.py > data_gen_dream_runlogs.txt &
3151 clear
3152 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
3153 kill -9 2357824
3154 ps ax | grep python
3155 nohup python3 -u data_gen_xlt.py > data_gen_runlogs.txt &\n
3156 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.0.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3157 anydesk --get-id
3158 anydesk
3159 anydesk --get-id
3160 anydesk
3161 anydesk --get-id
3162 anydesk
3163 anydesk --get-id
3164 systemctl --user start anydesk
3165 sudo systemctl status anydesk
3166 sudo systemctl start anydesk
3167 anydesk --get-id
3168 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/animal_ds
3169 ls
3170 cd MOCA/MoCA/Masks
3171 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3172 cd ..
3173 ls
3174 cd ..
3175 ls
3176 cd Animal_Image_Dataset_90_Different_Animals/animals/animals/
3177 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3178 cd ../../..
3179 cd GeneratedSDXL-T
3180 cd results_500_steps/
3181 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3182 ls
3183 cd ..
3184 ls
3185 clear
3186 ls
3187 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3188 cd results_500_steps/
3189 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3190 cd ..
3191 cd results_10_steps_lykon
3192 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3193 cd ../..
3194 ls
3195 cd Animal_Image_Dataset_90_Different_Animals/animals/animals/
3196 ls
3197 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3198 cd ../..
3199 ls
3200 cd ../..
3201 ls
3202 cd animal
3203 cd animal_ds
3204 clear
3205 ls
3206 cd MOCA/MoCA/Masks
3207 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3208 cd ../../..
3209 cd GeneratedSDXL-T/results_10_steps_lykon
3210 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3211 cd ../..
3212 cd Animal_Image_Dataset_90_Different_Animals/animals/animals/
3213 ls -1 */* | wc -l
3214 tmux ls
3215 tmux a -t Bird-Former
3216 ls
3217 cd Desktop
3218 ls
3219 cd Kshitiz
3220 ls
3221 cd ..
3222 l
3223 scd ..
3224 clear
3225 ls
3226 cd ..
3227 ls
3228 cd Downloads
3229 ls
3230 cd ..
3231 ls
3232 cd Documents
3233 ls
3234 cd ..
3235 cd ezsh
3236 ls
3237 cd ..
3238 clear
3239 last
3240 ls
3241 cd ..
3242 ls
3243 cd curie
3244 ls
3245 ^[[200~cat /home/username/.bash_history
3246 ~
3247 ls
3248 cd Desktop
3249 pwd
3250 cat /home/curie/.bash_history >/home/curie/Desktop/Logs.txt
3251 cd Desktop
3252 ls
3253 cd /home/curie/Desktop
3254 ls
3255 grep "tmux" /home/curie/Desktop/Logs.txt
3256 cd kshitiz/exp_data
3257 l
3258 clear
3259 cd kshitiz/exp_data/sshreshtha/BirdFormer/code\n
3260 ifconfig | grep 10.6.
3261 clear
3262 ls
3263 cd /kshitiz
3264 ls
3265 find / -type d -name "sshreshtha" 2>/dev/null
3266 cd /DATA1
3267 ls
3268 cd kshitiz
3269 ks
3270 ls
3271 cd exp_data
3272 ls
3273 cd ssh
3274 cd ..
3275 cd assignment
3276 cd ..
3277 ls
3278 cd sshreshtha
3279 ls
3280 cd ..
3281 du -h sshreshtha
3282 ls
3283 ssh [email protected]
3284 cd sshreshtha
3285 ls
3286 clear
3287 curie
3288 ls
3289 tmux
3290 tmux ls
3291 tmux new -s bird_data_transfer
3292 ls
3293 cd ..
3294 ls
3295 scp -r ./sshreshtha [email protected]:/home/kshitiz/march_transfer\n
3296 tmux ls
3297 tmux a -t bird_data_transfer
3298 ssh [email protected]
3299 ls
3300 clear
3301 screen -ls
3302 sudo apt install screen
3303 screen -ls
3304 screen -S transfer
3305 screen -ls
3306 screen -r transfer
3307 sudo apt update
3308 screen -r transfer
3309 ssh [email protected]
3310 ssh [email protected]
3311 ssh [email protected]
3312 screen -r transfer
3313 ssh [email protected]
3314 chiranjeev
3315 clear
3316 ssh [email protected]
3317 ssh [email protected]
3318 screen -r transfer
3319 ssh [email protected]
3320 ssh [email protected]
3321 clear
3322 ssh [email protected]
3323 tmux
3324 tmux a -t bird_data_transfer
3325 sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y
3326 pwd
3327 cd /DAta1
3328 cd /DATA1
3329 ls
3330 cd Kartik
3331 ls
3332 cd ArtGuru
3333 ls | wc -l
3334 ls
3335 nvidia-smi
3336 rm -r cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-11-7-local_11.7.0-515.43.04-1_amd64.deb
3337 ;s
3338 ls
3339 cd /DATA1
3340 ls
3341 btop
3342 btop --utf-force
3343 ls | wc -l
3344 clear
3345 ifconfig| grep 10.6
3346 nvidia-smi
3347 clear
3348 python /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3349 ls
3350 conda info
3351 conda create -n kshcode python=3.8
3352 conda activate kshcode
3353 ls
3354 cd Desktop
3355 ls
3356 cd kshitizcode
3357 ls
3358 clear
3359 pip install jupyterlab
3360 jupyter lab
3361 clear
3362 conda activate kshcode
3363 pip install jupyterlab
3364 ls
3365 python /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3366 conda activate kshcode
3367 pip install pandas
3368 cd kshitizcode
3369 ls
3370 run code.ipynb
3371 jupyter lab
3372 watch nvidia-smi
3373 clear
3374 python
3375 pip install tensorflow==2.13.*
3376 pip install tensorflow
3377 python
3378 pip uninstall tensorflow
3379 cd kshitizcode
3380 ls
3381 cd Desktop/kshitizcode
3382 conda activate kshcode
3383 nvcc --version
3384 ls /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn*.h\n
3385 ls /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn*.h
3386 ls /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudnn*
3387 \n
3388 ls /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudnn*
3389 python3 -m venv tf-gpu-env
3390 source tf-gpu-env/bin/activate
3391 pip install tensorflow-gpu
3392 conda install anaconda::tensorflow-gpu\n
3393 python3 -m pip install tensorflow[and-cuda]\n# Verify the installation:\npython3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))"
3394 conda install tensorflow-gpu
3395 pip install tensorflow==2.10.0
3396 git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
3397 ping
3398 ping google.com
3399 cd Desktop/kshitizcode
3400 conda create --name tfgpu python=3.10
3401 conda activate tfgpu
3402 clear
3403 ls
3404 conda activate tfgpu
3405 conda install tensorflow
3406 ls
3407 du -sh
3408 cd ..
3409 du -sh
3410 du -h
3411 df -h
3412 cd /DATA1
3413 ls
3414 cd kshitiz
3415 ls
3416 mkdir expm1
3417 cd expm1
3418 clear
3419 conda create --name tfg1
3420 conda activate tfg1
3421 conda install tensorflow
3422 clear
3423 python /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3424 python
3425 pip install numpy
3426 python
3427 which python3
3428 conda env list
3429 conda create -n sp python=3.8 -y
3430 conda activate sp
3431 cd SP
3432 ls
3433 clear
3434 cd
3435 cd SP/A2
3436 git clone https://github.com/microsoft/UniSpeech.git
3437 cd UniSpeech/downstreams
3438 ls
3439 cd speaker_verification
3440 ls
3441 pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt\n
3442 git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq\ncd fairseq\npip install --editable ./\n\n# on MacOS:\n# CFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" pip install --editable ./\n\n# to install the latest stable release (0.10.x)\n# pip install fairseq
3443 which python3
3444 conda activate sp
3445 pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt\n
3446 git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq\ncd fairseq\npip install --editable ./\n\n# on MacOS:\n# CFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" pip install --editable ./\n\n# to install the latest stable release (0.10.x)\n# pip install fairseq
3447 cd ../..
3448 ls
3449 rm -rf fairseq
3450 clear
3451 pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt\n
3452 git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq\ncd fairseq\npip install --editable ./\n\n# on MacOS:\n# CFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" pip install --editable ./\n\n# to install the latest stable release (0.10.x)\n# pip install fairseq
3453 rm -rf fairseq
3454 cd ..
3455 ls
3456 clear
3458 rm -rf fairseq
3459 git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq\ncd fairseq\npip install --editable ./\n\n# on MacOS:\n# CFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" pip install --editable ./\n\n# to install the latest stable release (0.10.x)\n# pip install fairseq
3460 pip install fairseq
3461 clear
3462 cd downstreams/speaker_verification
3463 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
3464 clear
3465 cd ../..
3466 clear
3467 ls
3468 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/data/vox1_dev_txt.zip"
3469 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/data/vox1_dev_txt.zip" --no-check-certificate
3470 cd SP/A2
3471 cd UniSpeech
3472 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/data/vox1_test_txt.zip" --no-check-certificate
3473 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/data/vox1_dev_txt.zip" --no-check-certificate
3474 ls
3475 clear
3476 unzip vox1_dev_txt.zip
3477 ls
3478 unzip vox1_test_txt.zip
3479 clear
3480 rm -rf txt
3481 clear
3482 wget "https://valle.blob.core.windows.net/share/wavlm/sv_fix/wavlm_large_nofinetune.pth\?sv\=2020-08-04\&st\=2023-03-01T07%3A51%3A05Z\&se\=2033-03-02T07%3A51%3A00Z\&sr\=c\&sp\=rl\&sig\=QJXmSJG9DbMKf48UDIU1MfzIro8HQOf3sqlNXiflY1I%3D"
3483 curl -l "https://valle.blob.core.windows.net/share/wavlm/sv_fix/wavlm_large_nofinetune.pth\?sv\=2020-08-04\&st\=2023-03-01T07%3A51%3A05Z\&se\=2033-03-02T07%3A51%3A00Z\&sr\=c\&sp\=rl\&sig\=QJXmSJG9DbMKf48UDIU1MfzIro8HQOf3sqlNXiflY1I%3D"
3484 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3485 clear
3486 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/meta/list_test_hard.txt"
3487 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/meta/list_test_hard.txt" --no-check-certificate
3488 clear
3489 unzip vox1_test_txt.zip -d data/test
3490 unzip vox1_test_txt.zip -d data/test/txt
3491 unzip vox1_test_txt.zip
3492 unzip vox1_dev_txt.zip -d data/VoxCeleb/dev
3493 cd data
3494 clear
3495 ls
3496 cd VoxCeleb
3497 ls
3498 clear
3499 cd dev
3500 ls
3501 wget "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa"
3502 curl -l "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa"
3503 clear
3504 wget "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa"
3505 wget "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa" -O vox1_devA
3506 wget "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa" -O vox1_dev_wav_partaa
3507 clear
3508 curl -l "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa"
3509 curl -o "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa"
3510 curl -O "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa"
3511 curl "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa" -o vox1_dev_wav_partaa
3512 curl "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa" -o vox1_dev_wav_partaa
3513 cd ..
3514 clear
3515 ls
3516 curl -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36" https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa
3517 curl -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36" https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa -O vox1_dev_wav_partaa
3518 curl -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36" "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_dev_wav_partaa" -O vox1_dev_wav_partaa
3519 wget "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_test_wav.zip"
3520 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3521 cat vox1_dev* > vox1_dev_wav.zip
3522 unzip vox1_dev_wav.zip
3523 cleer
3524 clear
3525 ls
3526 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/meta/list_test_hard.txt" --no-check-certificate
3527 sudo apt-get install sox
3528 which python3
3529 pip install sox
3530 pip3 install tensorboard
3531 clear
3532 which python3
3533 pip install fairseq\npip install setuptools==59.5.0\n
3534 clear
3535 python3 -m pip install setuptools==59.5.0\n\n
3536 clear
3537 pip3 install speechbrain
3538 pip3 install speechbrain resampy
3539 pip install sed_eval\n
3540 clear
3541 pip install more-itertools
3542 pip install utility-helper\n
3543 pip install s3prl\n
3544 clear
3545 cat /home/curie/.cache/torch/hub/s3prl_s3prl_master/hubconf.py
3546 which python3
3547 pip install s3prl[all]\n
3548 pip install "s3prl[all]"
3549 pip install ".[dev]"
3550 cd ..
3551 clear
3552 ls
3553 git clone https://github.com/s3prl/s3prl.git\ncd s3prl\npip install -e .
3554 pip --force-reinstall omegaconf==2.0
3555 pip -i omegaconf==2.0
3556 pip -I omegaconf==2.0
3557 pip omegaconf==2.0 --force-reinstall
3558 pip install omegaconf==2.0 --force-reinstall
3559 pip install antlr4-python3-runtime==4.8 --force-reinstall
3560 pip install omegaconf==2.0 --force-reinstall
3561 pip uninstall hydra-core s3prl
3562 pip install omegaconf==2.0 --force-reinstall
3563 pip uninstall hydra-core s3prl fairseq
3564 pip install omegaconf==2.0 --force-reinstall
3565 pip install -e .
3566 pip install fairseq
3567 pip uninstall hydra-core s3prl fairseq
3568 pip install -e .
3569 pip install fairseq --no-deps
3570 pip install setuptools==59.5.0
3571 pip install hydra --no-deps
3572 pip install hydra-core --no-deps
3573 pip3 install torch torchaudio
3574 pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio\n
3575 nvidia-smi
3576 pip3 remove torch torchvision torchaudio\n
3577 pip3 uninstall torch torchvision torchaudio\n
3578 pip3 install torchaudio==0.9.0
3579 pip install --force-reinstall torch==1.12.1+cu113 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/ --no-deps\n
3580 pip uninstall --force-reinstall torch==1.12.1+cu113 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/ --no-deps\n
3581 pip uninstall --force-reinstall torch==1.9.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/ --no-deps\n
3582 pip install --force-reinstall torch==1.9.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/ --no-deps\n
3583 pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html --no-deps --force-reinstall
3584 cd ..
3585 ls
3586 cd data
3587 ls
3588 cd VoxCeleb
3589 ls
3590 cd test
3591 ;s
3592 ls
3593 cd vox1_test_wav
3594 ls
3595 mv wav/* ../../wav/ls
3596 ls
3597 cd ../..
3598 ls
3599 cd ..
3600 ls
3601 wget "https://indic-asr-public.objectstore.e2enetworks.net/indic-superb/kathbath/clean/testkn_audio.tar"
3602 tar -xvf testkn_audio.tar
3603 clear
3604 ssh [email protected]
3605 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3606 clear
3607 which python3
3608 conda activate sp
3609 pip install ffprobe\n
3610 pip install pydub\n
3611 pip3 install tqdm
3612 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3613 conda activate sp
3614 clear
3615 cd SP/A2
3616 ls
3617 cd UniSpeech/data
3618 ls
3619 unzip meta_data.zip
3620 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3621 cd ..
3622 cd downstreams/speaker_verification
3623 ls
3624 cler
3625 clear
3626 nohup python3 -u make_csv.py > make_csv_run_logs.log &
3627 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3628 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3629 which python3
3630 which python
3631 clear
3632 conda activate sp
3633 pip install ipywidgets
3634 ps ax | grep python
3635 kill -9 1208034
3636 clear
3637 nohup python3 -u make_csv.py > make_csv_run_logs.log &
3638 clear
3639 cd downstreams/speaker_verification
3640 cd SP/A2
3641 cd downstreams/speaker_verification
3642 cd UniSpeech/
3643 cd downstreams/speaker_verification
3644 clear
3645 python make_csv_hindi.py
3646 clear
3647 nohup python3 -u make_csv_hindi.py > make_csv_hindi_run_logs.log &
3648 clear
3649 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3650 nohup python3 -u make_csv.py > make_csv_run_logs.log &
3651 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3652 cd SP/A2
3653 wget "https://www.openslr.org/resources/12/test-clean.tar.gz"
3654 tar -xvf test-clean.tar.gz
3655 git clone https://github.com/JorisCos/LibriMix.git
3656 conda create -n librimix python=3.8 -y
3657 conda activate librimix
3658 cd Libri
3659 cd LibriMix
3660 ls
3661 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
3662 clear
3663 ls
3664 bash generate_librimix.sh
3665 ls
3666 chmod +x generate_librimix.sh
3667 ls
3668 ./generate_librimix.sh
3669 clear
3670 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3671 btop --utf-force
3672 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3673 clear
3674 conda activate librimix
3675 cd SP/A2
3676 cd LibriMix
3677 ls
3678 ./generate_librimix.sh
3679 ckear
3680 clear
3681 ckear
3682 ./generate_librimix.sh
3683 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3684 ps ax | grep python
3685 kill -9 1213635
3686 clear
3687 ps ax | grep python
3688 clear
3689 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3690 which python
3691 which python3
3692 conda activate sp
3693 clear
3694 cd SP/A2
3695 cd UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
3696 ls
3697 clear
3698 python make_csv_hindi.py
3699 clear
3700 python make_csv.py
3701 clear
3702 python make_csv.py
3703 clear
3704 python make_csv.py
3705 clear
3706 python make_csv.py
3707 clear
3708 python make_csv.py
3709 clear
3710 python make_csv.py
3711 clear
3712 python make_csv.py
3713 clear
3714 python make_csv.py
3715 clear
3716 python make_csv.py
3717 clear
3718 python make_csv.py
3719 clear
3720 python make_csv.py
3721 clear
3722 python make_csv.py
3723 clear
3724 python make_csv.py
3725 clear
3726 python make_csv.py
3727 ckear
3728 clear
3729 python make_csv.py
3730 clear
3731 python make_csv.py
3732 clear
3733 python make_csv.py
3734 clear
3735 python make_csv.py
3736 clear
3737 python make_csv.py
3738 clear
3739 python make_csv.py
3740 clear
3741 python make_csv.py
3742 clear
3743 python make_csv.py
3744 clear
3745 python make_csv.py
3746 clear
3747 python make_csv.py
3748 clear
3749 python make_csv.py
3750 clear
3751 python make_csv.py
3752 clear
3753 nohup python3 -u make_csv.py > make_csv_run_logs.log &
3754 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 512 make_csv_run_logs.log
3755 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3756 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 1024 make_csv_run_logs.log
3757 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 2048 make_csv_run_logs.log
3758 ls
3759 pwd
3760 cd ..
3761 ls
3762 clear
3763 ls
3764 rm -rf test-clean.tar.gz
3765 ls
3766 clear
3767 git clone https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain/\n
3768 ls
3769 cd speechbrain
3770 ls
3771 cd recipes/WHAMandWHAMR/separation
3772 ls
3773 pwd
3774 which python3
3775 pip install -r ../extra_requirements.txt
3776 python train.py hyperparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/Libri2Mix/wav16k/max --test_only
3777 pip3 install torchaudio
3778 python train.py hyperparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/Libri2Mix/wav16k/max --test_only
3779 pip3 install speechbrain
3780 python train.py hyperparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/Libri2Mix/wav16k/max --test_only
3781 ls
3782 cd ..
3783 ls
3784 cd ..
3785 ls
3786 cd WSJ0Mix
3787 ls
3788 clear
3789 cd separation
3790 ls
3791 python train.py hyperparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/Libri2Mix/wav16k/max" --test_only
3792 python train.py /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/speechbrain/recipes/WSJ0Mix/separation/hparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/Libri2Mix/wav16k/max" --test_only
3793 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/Libri2Mix
3794 ls
3795 tree .
3796 tree . --L 2
3797 tree . -L 2
3798 tree . -L 3
3799 tree . -L 4
3800 ls
3801 cd..
3802 cd ..
3803 ls
3804 touch conv_to_wsj0.py
3805 clear
3806 python3 conv_to_wsj0.py
3807 clear
3808 python3 conv_to_wsj0.py
3809 clear
3810 cd ..
3811 ls
3812 cd recipes/WHAMandWHAMR/separation
3813 cd speechbrain
3814 cd recipes/WHAMandWHAMR/separation
3815 cd ..
3816 ls
3817 cd WSJ0Mix
3818 ls
3819 cd separation
3820 ls
3821 python train.py /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/speechbrain/recipes/WSJ0Mix/separation/hparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/wsj0-2mix" --test_only
3822 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/Libri2Mix
3823 clear
3824 ls
3825 conda activate sp
3826 clear
3827 conda activate librimix
3828 ls
3829 clear
3830 cd ..
3831 ls
3832 rm -rf wsj0-2mix
3833 python3 conv_to_wsj0.py
3834 ls
3835 clear
3836 python3 conv_to_wsj0.py
3837 clear
3838 python3 conv_to_wsj0.py
3839 clear
3840 python train.py /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/speechbrain/recipes/WSJ0Mix/separation/hparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/wsj0-2mix" --test_only
3841 python train.py /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/speechbrain/recipes/WSJ0Mix/separation/hparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/wsj0-2speakers" --test_only
3842 python3 conv_to_wsj0.py
3843 clear
3844 python3 conv_to_wsj0.py
3845 python train.py /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/speechbrain/recipes/WSJ0Mix/separation/hparams/sepformer.yaml --data_folder "/DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/LibriMix/wsj0-2mix" --test_only
3846 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3847 cd SP/A2
3848 code .
3849 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3850 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3851 kill -9 1212459
3852 clear
3853 cd SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
3854 clear
3855 ls
3856 nohup python3 -u make_csv_hindi.py > make_csv_hindi_run_logs.log &
3857 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3858 conda activate sp
3859 nohup python3 -u make_csv_hindi.py > make_csv_hindi_run_logs.log &
3860 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3861 clear
3862 nohup python3 -u make_csv_hindi.py > make_csv_hindi_run_logs.log &
3863 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3864 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3865 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data
3866 ls
3867 wget https://indic-asr-public.objectstore.e2enetworks.net/indic-superb/kathbath/clean/valid_audio.tar
3868 ls
3869 tar -xvf valid_audio.tar
3870 btop --utf-force
3871 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3872 pip3 install wandb
3873 which python3
3874 conda activate sp
3875 clear
3876 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3877 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
3878 ls
3879 conda activate sp
3880 clear
3881 python -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py
3882 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
3883 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3884 kill -9 95351
3885 clear
3886 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
3887 kill -9 103942
3888 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
3889 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3890 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3891 kill -9 106681
3892 clear
3893 ip a
3894 clear
3895 conda activate sp
3896 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
3897 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
3898 clear
3899 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
3900 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3901 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
3902 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3903 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3904 kill -9 1507747
3905 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3906 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
3907 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
3908 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
3909 watch -n 0.25 tail -c 2048 finetunning_runlogs.log
3910 clear
3911 ls
3912 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta
3913 ls
3914 cd Bikash
3915 ls
3916 cd ..
3917 ls
3918 tree . | grep extra
3919 find extract.py
3920 ls
3921 clear
3922 python /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3923 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data
3924 clear
3925 ls
3926 python make_vox_subset.py
3927 clear
3928 python make_vox_subset.py
3929 clear
3930 python make_vox_subset.py
3931 clear
3932 python make_vox_subset.py
3933 clear
3934 python make_vox_subset.py
3935 clear
3936 python make_vox_subset.py
3937 tar --help
3938 tar -czvf VoxCeleb1_subset
3939 tar -czvf --directory=VoxCeleb1_subset VoxCeleb1_subset.tar.gz
3940 tar -czvf VoxCeleb1_subset.tar.gz VoxCeleb1_subset
3941 clear
3942 python make_vox_subset.py
3943 clear
3944 python make_vox_subset.py
3945 clear
3946 ls
3947 rm -rf VoxCeleb1_subset
3948 python make_vox_subset.py
3949 clear
3950 python make_vox_subset.py
3951 clear
3952 python make_vox_subset.py
3953 clear
3954 python make_vox_subset.py
3955 clear
3956 python make_vox_subset.py
3957 clear
3958 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
3959 clear
3960 python make_vox_subset.py
3961 ls
3962 sudo rm -rf usb_extra
3963 ls
3964 sudo rm -rf curie
3965 ls
3966 unzip vox1_dev_wav.zip -d "bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data/"
3967 ls
3968 wget "https://cn01.mmai.io/download/voxceleb\?key\=8978316fe80e7aac4ad6ad92eb32baeac73533203577d79b32b605be0c82bd85ff6f7136043fe62321e81ab74c77f19308ea3cfaf0c192dceffa0866dd68eba55f573b963342ab0a19d0b7819e1e393e46b57f5f61f980e21ae19ffa7366963b8bad9b4cf827a9e480c64e52afbaed4844ec3539f8a3e80b43764c9199b3ec94\&file\=vox1_test_wav.zip" -O "vox1_test_wav.zip"
3969 wget "https://thor.robots.ox.ac.uk/\~vgg/data/voxceleb/vox1a/vox1_test_wav.zip"
3970 ls
3971 mkdir VoxCeleb
3972 mkdir -p VoxCeleb/dev
3973 mv wav VoxCeleb/dev
3974 mkdir -p VoxCeleb/test
3975 cd VoxCeleb
3976 ls
3977 wget "https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/meta/list_test_hard.txt" --no-check-certificate
3978 unzip vox1_test_wav.zip -d "bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data/VoxCeleb/"
3979 clear
3980 cd ..
3981 ls
3982 clear
3983 tree . -L 3
3984 celar
3985 clear
3986 python make_vox_subset.py
3987 clear
3988 ls
3989 rm -r VoxCeleb1_subset
3990 clear
3991 python make_vox_subset.py
3992 tar -czvf VoxCeleb1_subset.tar.gz VoxCeleb1_subset
3993 rm -r VoxCeleb1_subset
3994 ls
3995 clear
3996 python make_vox_subset.py
3997 rm -r VoxCeleb1_subset
3998 ls
3999 clear
4000 python make_vox_subset.py
4001 tar -czvf VoxCeleb1_subset.tar.gz VoxCeleb1_subset
4002 clear
4003 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4004 rm -r VoxCeleb1_subset
4005 python make_vox_subset.py
4006 clear
4007 python make_vox_subset.py
4008 tar -czvf VoxCeleb1_subset.tar.gz VoxCeleb1_subset
4009 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4010 clear
4011 ls
4012 cd ..
4013 ls
4014 cd ..
4015 ls
4016 cd LibriMix
4017 ls
4018 python test.py
4019 conda activate sp
4020 clear
4021 conda activate sp
4022 python test.py
4023 conda activate librimix
4024 python test.py
4025 pip3 install torchmetrics
4026 clear
4027 python test.py
4028 pip install speechbrain\n
4029 clear
4030 python test.py
4031 pip3 install torchmetrics torchvision
4032 clear
4033 python test.py
4034 clear
4035 python test.py
4036 ls
4037 clear
4038 git clone https://huggingface.co/speechbrain/sepformer-whamr
4039 ls
4040 cd sepformer-whamr
4041 ls
4042 clear
4043 python test.py
4044 cd ..
4045 python test.py
4046 cd ..
4047 conda create -n sb python=3.10 -y
4048 conda activate sb
4049 clear
4050 pip3 install speechbrain
4051 pip3 install torchmetrics torchvision
4052 pip3 uninstall torchmetrics torchvision
4053 conda remove -n sb --all
4054 conda deactivate
4055 conda remove -n sb --all
4056 clear
4057 conda create -n sb python=3.10 -y
4058 conda activate sb
4059 pip3 install speechbrain
4060 python test.py
4061 cd LibriMix
4062 ls
4063 python test.py
4064 clear
4065 python test.py
4066 pip3 install torchmetrics torchvision --no-deps
4067 clear
4068 python test.py
4069 pip3 uninstall torchvision
4070 python test.py
4071 clear
4072 python test.py
4073 clear
4074 python test.py
4075 pip3 install pandas --no-deps
4076 python test.py
4077 pip3 install pandas pytz dateutil --no-deps
4078 pip3 install pandas
4079 python test.py
4080 clear
4081 python test.py
4082 cd SP/A2/Libri
4083 cd SP/A2/LibriMix
4084 conda activate sb
4085 clear
4086 python test.py
4087 clear
4088 python test.py
4089 clear
4090 python test.py
4091 clear
4092 python test.py
4093 clear
4094 python test.py
4095 clear
4096 python test.py
4097 clear
4098 python test.py
4099 clear
4100 python test.py
4101 clear
4102 python test.py
4103 clear
4104 python test.py
4105 clear
4106 python test.py
4107 clear
4108 python test.py
4109 clear
4110 python test.py
4111 clear
4112 python test.py
4113 clear
4114 python test.py
4115 clear
4116 python test.py
4117 clear
4118 python test.py
4119 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
4120 clear
4121 python test.py
4122 clear
4123 python test.py
4124 clear
4125 python test.py
4126 clear
4127 python test.py
4128 clear
4129 python test.py
4130 clear
4131 python test.py
4132 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4133 conda activate sb
4134 cd SP/A2/LibriMix
4135 python test.py
4136 clear
4137 python test.py
4138 clear
4139 python test.py
4140 pip3 install wandb
4141 clear
4142 python test.py
4143 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
4144 clear
4145 python test.py
4146 clear
4147 python test.py
4148 clear
4149 python test.py
4150 clear
4151 python test.py
4152 clear
4153 python test.py
4154 clear
4155 python test.py
4156 clear
4157 python test.py
4158 clear
4159 python test.py
4160 clear
4161 python test.py
4162 clear
4163 python test.py
4164 clear
4165 python test.py
4166 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4167 cd SP/A2/LibriMix
4168 python test.py
4169 conda activate sb
4170 clear
4171 python test.py
4172 clear
4173 python test.py
4174 clear
4175 python test.py
4176 clear
4177 python test.py
4178 clear
4179 python test.py
4180 clear
4181 python test.py
4182 clear
4183 python test.py
4184 clear
4185 python test.py
4186 clear
4187 python test.py
4188 clear
4189 python test.py
4190 clear
4191 python test.py
4192 clear
4193 python test.py
4194 clear
4195 python test.py
4196 clear
4197 python test.py
4198 clear
4199 python test.py
4200 clear
4201 python test.py
4202 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
4203 clear
4204 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
4205 python test.py
4206 clear
4207 python test.py
4208 clear
4209 python test.py
4210 clear
4211 python test.py
4212 clear
4213 python test.py
4214 clear
4215 python test.py
4216 clear
4217 python test.py
4218 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/sp/bin/python
4219 clear
4220 python test.py
4221 clear
4222 python test.py
4223 clear
4224 pip install soundfile --no-deps
4225 python test.py
4226 pip install soundfile
4227 python test.py
4228 clear
4229 python test.py
4230 clear
4231 python test.py
4232 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/sp/bin/python
4233 clear
4234 python test.py
4235 clear
4236 nohup python3 -u fine-tune-wavelm-base-plus.py > finetunning_runlogs.log&
4237 tail finetunning_runlogs.log
4238 clear
4239 nohup python3 -u test-and-finetune.py > libri2mix-finetune.log&
4240 tail libri2mix-finetune.log
4241 ls
4242 clear
4243 tail libri2mix-finetune.log
4244 kill -9 1697955
4245 clear
4246 nohup python3 -u test-and-finetune.py > libri2mix-finetune.log&
4247 tail libri2mix-finetune.log
4248 ssh [email protected]
4249 tail libri2mix-finetune.log
4250 clear
4251 nohup python3 -u test-and-finetune.py > libri2mix-finetune.log&
4252 ip a | grep 10.6
4253 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4254 tail libri2mix-finetune.log
4255 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4256 clear
4257 nohup python3 -u test-and-finetune.py > libri2mix-finetune.log&
4258 tail libri2mix-finetune.log
4259 nohup python3 -u test-and-finetune.py > libri2mix-finetune.log&
4260 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
4261 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4262 ls
4263 cd SP
4264 ls
4265 clear
4266 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4267 conda activate librimix
4268 which python3
4269 pip3 install pyaudio
4270 pip install PyAudio
4271 sudo apt install portaudio19-dev\n
4272 pip install PyAudio
4273 clear
4274 cd SP/M2
4275 clear
4276 python Q1.py
4277 clear
4278 python Q1.py
4279 clear
4280 python Q1.py
4281 clear
4282 python Q1.py
4283 clear
4284 python gen_data.py
4285 clear
4286 python gen_data.py
4287 clear
4288 python gen_data.py
4289 clear
4290 python gen_data.py
4291 which python3
4292 pip install librosa
4293 clear
4294 python plot_sepctogram.py
4295 clear
4296 python plot_sepctogram.py
4297 clear
4298 python plot_sepctogram.py
4299 clear
4300 python plot_sepctogram.py
4301 c;ear
4302 clear
4303 c;ear
4304 python plot_sepctogram.py
4305 c;ear
4306 python plot_sepctogram.py
4307 clear
4308 python plot_sepctogram.py
4309 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/librimix/bin/python
4310 clear
4311 /home/curie/miniconda3/envs/librimix/bin/python
4312 clear
4313 python plot_sepctogram.py
4314 clear
4315 python plot_sepctogram.py
4316 clear
4317 python gen_data.py
4318 python plot_sepctogram.py
4319 clear
4320 python gen_data.py
4321 python plot_sepctogram.py
4322 clear
4323 python plot_sepctogram.py
4324 python train.py
4325 clear
4326 python train.py
4327 clear
4328 python train.py
4329 clear
4330 ls
4331 rm -r data
4332 python gen_data.py
4333 python train.py
4334 python plot_sepctogram.py
4335 python train.py
4336 clear
4337 python train.py
4338 clear
4339 python train.py
4340 clear
4341 python train.py
4342 clear
4343 python train.py
4344 clear
4345 python train.py
4346 clear
4347 python train.py
4348 clear
4349 python train.py
4350 clear
4351 python train.py
4352 clear
4353 python train.py
4354 clear
4355 python train.py
4356 clear
4357 python train.py
4358 clear
4359 python train.py
4360 cclear
4361 clear
4362 cclear
4363 clear
4364 cclear
4365 clear
4366 python train.py
4367 clear
4368 python train.py
4369 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
4370 clear
4371 watch -n 0 nvidia-smi
4372 python train.py
4373 clear
4374 python train.py
4375 clear
4376 python train.py
4377 clear
4378 python train.py
4379 clear
4380 python train.py
4381 clear
4382 python train.py
4383 clear
4384 python train.py
4385 conda activate librimix
4386 python train.py
4387 pip3 install wandb
4388 clear
4389 pip3 install wandb
4390 python train.py
4391 clear
4392 python train.py
4393 c;ear
4394 clear
4395 python train.py
4396 c;ear
4397 clear
4398 python train.py
4399 clear
4400 python train.py
4401 clear
4402 python train.py
4403 c;ear
4404 clear
4405 python train.py
4406 clear
4407 python train.py
4408 c;ear
4409 python train.py
4410 clear
4411 python train.py
4412 c;ear
4413 clear
4414 python train.py
4415 clear
4416 python train.py
4417 clear
4418 python train.py
4419 clear
4420 python train.py
4421 clear
4422 python train.py
4423 clear
4424 python train.py
4425 clea
4426 python plot_sepctogram.py
4427 c;ear
4428 c;clear
4429 python plot_sepctogram.py
4430 clear
4431 python plot_sepctogram.py
4432 clear
4433 python plot_sepctogram.py
4434 clea
4435 rclear
4436 clear
4437 ls
4438 wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/kaggle-data-sets/2001998/3320243/bundle/archive.zip\?X-Goog-Algorithm\=GOOG4-RSA-SHA256\&X-Goog-Credential\=gcp-kaggle-com%40kaggle-161607.iam.gserviceaccount.com%2F20240324%2Fauto%2Fstorage%2Fgoog4_request\&X-Goog-Date\=20240324T073754Z\&X-Goog-Expires\=259200\&X-Goog-SignedHeaders\=host\&X-Goog-Signature\=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" -O "archive (1).zip\n"
4439 wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/kaggle-data-sets/2001998/3320243/bundle/archive.zip" -O "archive.zip"
4440 clear
4441 unzip archive.zip -d "data/"
4442 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4443 clear
4444 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4445 conda activate librimix
4446 cd
4447 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/M2
4448 ls
4449 clear
4450 conda activate librimix
4451 python q2.py
4452 cl;ear
4453 cleart
4454 celat
4455 clear
4456 python q2.py
4457 clear
4458 python q2.py
4459 clear
4460 python q2.py
4461 clear
4462 python q2.py
4463 clear
4464 python q2.py
4465 clear
4466 python q2.py
4467 clar
4468 clear
4469 python q2.py
4470 clear
4471 python q2.py
4472 clear
4473 python q2.py
4474 clear
4475 python q2.py
4476 clear
4477 python q2.py
4478 clear
4479 python q2.py
4480 clear
4481 python q2.py
4482 clear
4483 python q2.py
4484 clear
4485 python q2.py
4486 clear
4487 python q2.py
4488 clear
4489 python q2.py
4490 clear
4491 python q2.py
4492 clear
4493 python q2.py
4494 clear
4495 python q2.py
4496 clear
4497 python q2.py
4498 clear
4499 python q2.py
4500 clear
4501 python q2.py
4502 python q2.pyclear
4503 clear
4504 python q2.pyclear
4505 python q2.py
4506 clear
4507 python q2.py
4508 clear
4509 python q2.py
4510 clear
4511 python q2.py
4512 clear
4513 python q2.py
4514 clear
4515 python q2.py
4516 clear
4517 python q2.py
4518 clear
4519 python q2.py
4520 clear
4521 python q2.py
4522 clear
4523 python q2.py
4524 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4525 clear
4526 cd
4527 cd /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/M2
4528 python q2-p1.py
4529 conda activate librimix
4530 python q2-p1.py
4531 clear
4532 pip3 install transformers
4533 clear
4534 python q2py
4535 python q2.py
4536 clear
4537 python q2.py
4538 clear
4539 python q2.py
4540 clear
4541 python q2.py
4542 clear
4543 python q2.py
4544 clear
4545 python q2.py
4546 clear
4547 python q2.py
4548 clear
4549 python q2.py
4550 clear
4551 python q2.py
4552 clear
4553 python q2.py
4554 clear
4555 python q2.py
4556 clear
4557 python q2.py
4558 clear
4559 python q2.py
4560 clear
4561 python q2.py
4562 clear
4563 python q2.py
4564 clear
4565 python q2.py
4566 clear
4567 python q2.py
4568 clear
4569 python q2.py
4570 clear
4571 python q2.py
4572 clear
4573 python q2.py
4574 clear
4575 python q2.py
4576 clear
4577 python q2.py
4578 clear
4579 python q2.py
4580 clear
4581 python q2.py
4582 c;ear
4583 clear
4584 python q2.py
4585 clear
4586 python q2.py
4587 clear
4588 python q2.py
4589 3clear
4590 clear
4591 3clear
4592 python q2.py
4593 python q2-p1.py
4594 clear
4595 python q2-p1.py
4596 python q2.py
4597 ls
4598 python q2-p3.py
4599 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4600 cd SP/A2/LibriMix
4601 python demo.py
4602 conda activate librimix
4603 python demo.py
4604 pip3 install gradio
4605 clear
4606 python demo.py
4607 ckear
4608 clear
4609 python demo.py
4610 which python3
4611 python demo.py
4612 python test-and-finetune.py
4613 pip3 install speechbrain
4614 pip3 install speechbrain -U
4615 python demo.py
4616 pip3 uninstall speechbrain
4617 pip3 install speechbrain
4618 python demo.py
4619 clear
4620 python demo.py
4621 clear
4622 python demo.py
4623 clear
4624 python demo.py
4625 clear
4626 python demo.py
4627 clear
4628 python demo.py
4629 clear
4630 python demo.py
4631 clear
4632 python demo.py
4633 clear
4634 python demo.py
4635 clear
4636 python demo.py
4637 clear
4638 python demo.py
4639 clear
4640 python demo.py
4641 clear
4642 python demo.py
4643 clear
4644 python demo.py
4645 clear
4646 python demo.py
4647 pip3 freeze
4648 ls
4649 git clone git clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/d22cs051/Speech-Sepration-A2
4650 git clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/d22cs051/Speech-Sepration-A2
4651 ls
4652 cp requirements.txt Speech-Sepration-A2
4653 cp demo.py Speech-Sepration-A2/app.py
4654 cp fine_tuned_sepformer-wsj03mix-7sec.ckpt Speech-Sepration-A2
4655 git status
4656 cd Speech-Sepration-A2
4657 git status
4658 git add app.py fine_tuned_sepformer-wsj03mix-7sec.ckpt requirements.txt
4659 git commit -m "Add application file"
4660 git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
4661 git config --global user.name "Bikash Dutta"
4662 git commit -m "Add application file"
4663 git push
4664 ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
4665 $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
4666 ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
4667 cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
4668 cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
4669 $ ssh -T [email protected]
4670 ssh -T [email protected]
4671 clear
4672 git push
4673 cd ..
4674 pip3 freeze
4675 clear
4676 rm -rf Speech-Sepration-A2
4677 git clone [email protected]:spaces/d22cs051/Speech-Sepration-A2
4678 cp fine_tuned_sepformer-wsj03mix-7sec.ckpt Speech-Sepration-A2
4679 cp demo.py Speech-Sepration-A2/app.py
4680 cp requirements.txt Speech-Sepration-A2
4681 cd Speech-Sepration-A2
4682 git add app.py fine_tuned_sepformer-wsj03mix-7sec.ckpt requirements.txt
4683 git commit -m "Add application file"
4684 git push
4685 git lfs install
4686 sudo apt-get install git-lfs\n
4687 git lfs install
4688 git lfs track "*.ckpt"
4689 git add .gitattributes
4690 git status
4691 git push
4692 git status
4693 git log
4694 git checkout 6ffa81b8e821c694366067244d212ab5cc0c1358
4695 clear
4696 git status
4697 git log
4698 git status
4699 git add .gitattributes
4700 git push
4701 cp requirements.txt Speech-Sepration-A2
4702 cd ..
4703 cp requirements.txt Speech-Sepration-A2
4704 cp demo.py Speech-Sepration-A2/app.py
4705 cp fine_tuned_sepformer-wsj03mix-7sec.ckpt Speech-Sepration-A2
4706 cd S
4707 cd Speech-Sepration-A2
4708 ls
4709 git status
4710 git lfs install
4711 git status
4712 git lfs track "*.ckpt"
4713 git add .gitattributes\n
4714 git status
4715 git add .
4716 git commit -m "Add application file"
4717 git push
4718 git remote -v
4719 git push origin
4720 git push origin main
4721 huggingface-cli lfs-enable-largefiles .
4722 git push origin main
4723 # Create any files you like! Then...\ngit add .\ngit commit -m "First model version" # You can choose any descriptive message\ngit push
4724 git status
4725 # Create any files you like! Then...\ngit add .\ngit commit -m "First model version" # You can choose any descriptive message\ngit push origin main
4726 cd ..
4727 rm -rf Speech-Sepration-A2
4728 git clone [email protected]:spaces/d22cs051/Speech-Sepration-A2
4729 cp fine_tuned_sepformer-wsj03mix-7sec.ckpt Speech-Sepration-A2
4730 cp demo.py Speech-Sepration-A2/app.py
4731 cp requirements.txt Speech-Sepration-A2
4732 cd Speech-Sepration-A2
4733 git lfs install
4734 huggingface-cli lfs-enable-largefiles .
4735 clear
4736 git status
4737 git add .
4738 git commit -m "Add application file"
4739 git push origin main
4740 git add .
4741 git status
4742 git commit -m "Add model file"
4743 git push origin main
4744 git add requirements.txt
4745 git commit -m "Adding librosa"
4746 git push origin main
4747 git status
4748 git add app.py
4749 git commit -m "removing unused imports"
4750 git push origin main
4751 git add app.py
4752 git commit -m "fixing map location for torch load"
4753 git push origin main
4754 git add app.py
4755 git commit -m "fixing map location for torch load"
4756 git push origin main
4757 git commit -m "fixing map location for torch load setting deafult to cpu"
4758 git add app.py
4759 git commit -m "fixing map location for torch load setting deafult to cpu"
4760 git push origin main
4761 git add app.py
4762 git commit -m "fixing map location for torch load setting deafult to cpu"
4763 git push origin main
4764 git add app.py
4765 git commit -m "adding examples"
4766 git add app.py examples/
4767 git commit -m "adding examples"
4768 git push origin main
4769 cd ../..
4770 cd UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
4771 ls
4772 clear
4773 git clone [email protected]:spaces/d22cs051/Speaker-Verification-A2
4774 cd Speaker-Verification-A2
4775 ls
4776 git lfs install
4777 cp ../fine-tuning-wavlm-base-plus-checkpoint.ckpt .
4778 cp ../requirements.txt .
4779 ls
4780 cp ../verification.py .
4781 conda activate sp
4782 which python3
4783 ls
4784 clear
4785 python app.py
4786 pip3 install gradio
4787 python app.py
4788 cp ../models .
4789 clear
4790 ls
4791 cp -r ../models .
4792 clear
4793 python app.py
4794 ls
4795 mkdir samples
4796 cp /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data/kb_data_clean_m4a/hindi/test_known/wav/844424933481805-705-m.wav samples
4797 cp /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data/kb_data_clean_m4a/hindi/test_known/wav/844424932691175-645-f.wav samples
4798 cp /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data/kb_data_clean_m4a/hindi/test_known/wav/844424931281875-277-f.wav samples
4799 cp /DATA1/bikash_dutta/CS/SP/A2/UniSpeech/data/kb_data_clean_m4a/hindi/test_known/wav/844424930801214-277-f.wav samples
4800 clear
4801 python app.py
4802 clear
4803 python app.py
4804 clear
4805 git status
4806 touch .gitignore
4807 clear
4808 git status
4809 git lfs install
4810 clear
4811 git add .
4812 git status
4813 git commit -m "add app for speaker verifcation"
4814 git push origin main
4815 git status
4816 ls
4817 clear
4818 git status
4819 git add requirements.txt
4820 git commit -m "adding fairseq"
4821 git push
4822 git add requirements.txt
4823 git commit -m "adding fairseq"
4824 git push
4825 git commit -m "adding scipy"
4826 git add requirements.txt
4827 git commit -m "adding scipy"
4828 git push
4829 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4830 git add requirements.txt
4831 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4832 git push
4833 git add requirements.txt
4834 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4835 git push
4836 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4837 git add requirements.txt
4838 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4839 git push
4840 git add requirements.txt
4841 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4842 git push
4843 git add requirements.txt
4844 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4845 git add requirements.txt
4846 git push
4847 python3 --version
4848 lf
4849 ls
4850 cd ..
4851 git clone [email protected]:spaces/d22cs051/Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
4852 cp -r Speaker-Verification-A2/* Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
4853 cd Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
4854 git lfs install
4855 clear
4856 git status
4857 touch .gitignore
4858 clear
4859 git status
4860 python3 --version
4861 git add .
4862 git commit -m "trying deploying with docker on hf"
4863 git push
4864 git add .
4865 git commit -m "trying deploying with docker on hf"
4866 git push
4867 pip freeze
4868 pip freeze > requirements.txt
4869 git add requirements.txt
4870 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4871 git push
4872 git add requirements.txt
4873 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4874 git push
4875 git add requirements.txt
4876 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4877 git push
4878 clear
4879 git status
4880 git add .
4881 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4882 git push
4883 git status
4884 git add .
4885 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4886 git push
4887 git add .
4888 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4889 git push
4890 git add .
4891 git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"
4892 git push
4893 git add .; git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt"; git push
4894 git add .; git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt adding deps"; git push
4895 git add .; git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt adding sox"; git push
4896 docker ps
4897 ls
4898 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4899 docker ps
4900 docker image ls
4901 docker run -d speaker-verify -p 7860:7860
4902 docker run -it -p 7860:7860 speaker-verify
4903 docker images
4904 docker run -it -p 7860:7860 bc1f4781697e
4905 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4906 docker image ls
4907 docker run -it -p 7860:7860 999590989ab2
4908 docker image rm *
4909 docker image ls
4910 docker image rm bc1f4781697e 999590989ab2
4911 docker ps
4912 docker image rm bc1f4781697e 999590989ab2 -f
4913 docker system prune -a
4914 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4915 pip freeze | grep numpy
4916 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4917 docker system prune -a
4918 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4919 docker image ls
4920 docker run -it -p 7860:7860 a8851307f213
4921 docker system prune -a
4922 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4923 docker system prune -a
4924 systemctl --user restart docker-desktop
4925 docker image ls
4926 docker system prune -a
4927 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4928 git add .; git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt adding sox"; git push
4929 docker system prune -a
4930 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4931 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
4932 pip freeze | grep fair
4933 which python3
4934 docker system prune -a
4935 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4936 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
4937 clear
4938 cd SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
4939 ls
4940 cd Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
4941 ls
4942 conda env list
4943 conda create -n sp-gradio python=3.8 -y
4944 conda activate sp-gradio
4945 which python3
4946 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
4947 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4948 clear
4949 ls
4950 python app.py pp.py
4951 python app.py
4952 clear
4953 python app.py
4954 pip install --no-cache-dir fairseq==0.12.2
4955 python app.py
4956 clear
4957 python app.py
4958 clear
4959 python app.py
4960 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
4961 docker system prune -a
4962 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4963 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
4964 conda activate sp-gradio
4965 python app.py
4966 c,ear
4967 clear
4968 which python3
4969 ipython
4970 python
4971 pip install tensorboard
4972 python app.py
4973 pip3 install setuptools==59.5.0
4974 python app.py
4975 conda activate sp
4976 pip freeze > requirements.txt
4977 cleare
4978 cleaer
4979 clear
4980 docker image ls
4981 docker image rm 6ecbe49006ec
4982 docker image rm 6ecbe49006ec -f
4983 clear
4984 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4985 clear
4986 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4987 docker system prune -a
4988 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4989 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
4990 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4991 btop --utf-force
4992 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4993 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
4994 git add .; git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt adding sox"; git push
4995 /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
4996 docker ps
4997 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
4998 cd SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification
4999 cd Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
5000 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5001 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5002 conda activate sp-gradio
5003 which python3
5004 pip install -r requirements.txt
5005 python app.py
5006 conda activate sp
5007 python app.py
5008 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5009 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5010 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5011 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5012 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5013 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5014 python app.py
5015 pip freeze
5016 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5017 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5018 docker system prune -a
5019 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5020 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5021 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5022 docker system prune -a
5023 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5024 systemctl --user restart docker-desktop
5025 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5026 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5027 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5028 docker run -it speaker-verify:test
5029 conda activate sp
5030 conda env export > sp.yml
5031 ls
5032* /usr/bin/python3 /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/printEnvVariablesToFile.py /home/curie/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.2.1/pythonFiles/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt
5033 sp SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification/Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
5034 cd SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification/Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
5035 ls
5036 clear
5037 docker system prune -a
5038 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5039* cd SP/A2/UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_verification/Speaker-Verification-A2-Docker
5040* ls
5041* git add .; git commit -m "modifying reqs.txt-> sp.yml using conda"; git push
5042 docker system prune -a
5043 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5044 clear
5045 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5046 docker system prune -a
5047 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5048 docker system prune -a
5049 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test
5050 docker system prune -a
5051 docker system prune -a -f
5052 docker build . -t speaker-verify:test