import { __internal_sha256 as shaUnbundledRegular } from "@huggingface/hub-unbundled-regular"; import { __internal_sha256 as shaUnbundled } from "@huggingface/hub-unbundled"; import { __internal_sha256 as shaRegular } from "@huggingface/hub-regular"; import { __internal_sha256 as shaEsm } from "@huggingface/hub-esm"; import { __internal_sha256 as sha } from "@huggingface/hub"; const lfsContent = "0123456789".repeat(1_000_000); const shas = { "hub-unbundled-regular": shaUnbundledRegular, "hub-unbundled": shaUnbundled, "hub-regular": shaRegular, "hub-esm": shaEsm, "hub": sha } async function test(id) { const blob = new Blob([lfsContent]); try { const iterator = shas[id](blob, { useWebWorker: { minSize: 1 } }); // Get return value of the generator while (1) { const { done, value } = await; if (done) { console.log("one", value); document.getElementById(id).textContent = value; const builtInResult = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", await blob.arrayBuffer()); const hex = builtInResult instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(builtInResult).reduce((acc, i) => acc + i.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"), "") : builtInResult; console.log("two", hex); break; } } } catch (err) { document.getElementById(id).textContent = err.message; } } window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { test("hub-unbundled-regular"); test("hub-unbundled"); test("hub-regular"); test("hub-esm"); test("hub"); });