import soundfile as sf import numpy as np from scipy import signal from pydub import AudioSegment import subprocess import os # ref. Hirst The analysis by synthesis of speech melody: from data to models # reaper requires wav file path input, # not audio data itself. # reaper does NOT require 16khz mono audio. def reaper_soundfile(sound_path, orig_filetype): aud_data = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_path, orig_filetype) curdir =["pwd"], capture_output=True, text=True) curdir = curdir.stdout.splitlines()[0] fname = sound_path.split('/')[-1].replace(orig_filetype,'') tmp_path = f'{curdir}/REAPER_TMP/{fname}tmp.wav' if not os.path.exists(f'{curdir}/REAPER_TMP'): os.mkdir(f'{curdir}/REAPER_TMP') aud_data.export(tmp_path, format="wav") wav_path = tmp_path return wav_path # returns f0 data as list of Time, F0 if exists, voicing indicator def get_reaper(wav_path, reaper_path, maxf0='700', minf0='50'): f0_data =[reaper_path, "-i", wav_path, '-f', '/dev/stdout', '-x', maxf0, '-m', minf0, '-a'],capture_output=True).stdout #print('PLAIN:',f0_data) f0_data = f0_data.decode() #print('DECODE-PITCH:',f0_data) f0_data = f0_data.split('EST_Header_End\n')[1].splitlines() #print(f0_data) f0_data = [l.split(' ') for l in f0_data] f0_data = [l for l in f0_data if len(l) == 3] # the last line or 2 lines are other info, different format f0_data = [ [float(t), float(f), float(v)] for t,v,f in f0_data] return f0_data # currently, # take the simplified list data from get_reaper_data, # with format Time F0Val only at times with existing F0Val, # and write that to a text file. # alternate would be letting reaper write its own files # instead of capturing the stdout... def save_pitch(f0_data, save_path,hed=False): with open(save_path,'w') as handle: if hed: handle.write('TIME\tF0\tVOICED\n') handle.write(''.join([f'{t}\t{f}\t{v}\n' for t,f,v in f0_data])) # 2 pass pitch estimation def estimate_pitch(sound_path,reaper_path = "REAPER/build/reaper"): orig_ftype = sound_path.split('.')[-1] if orig_ftype == '.wav': wav_path = sound_path else: tmp_path = reaper_soundfile(sound_path, orig_ftype) wav_path = tmp_path #print('REAPER FILE PATH:', wav_path) first_pass = get_reaper(wav_path,reaper_path) first_pass = [f for t,f,v in first_pass if float(v) ==1] q1 = np.quantile(first_pass,0.25) q3 = np.quantile(first_pass,0.75) pfloor = 0.75 * q1 pceil = 1.5 * q3 second_pass = get_reaper(wav_path,reaper_path, maxf0 = str(round(pceil)), minf0 = str(round(pfloor))) #if orig_ftype != '.wav': #["rm", tmp_path]) # don't remove it yet, need it for clustering too # therefore, actually change so reaper2pass is called from inside clusterprosody # before it wants to read the f0 file. # TODO return second_pass