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l\u00f6gerfingjar.", "before": "Skylduerfingjar eru hins vegar a\u00f0eins", "after": "og ni\u00f0jar arfleifanda, ekki a\u00f0rir l\u00f6gerfingjar." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 3.18, "target_word_end": 3.700445536544918, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "m", "start": 3.18, "end": 3.268803927351646 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 3.268803927351646, "end": 3.4645759009828905 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "c", "start": 3.4645759009828905, "end": 3.6 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 3.18, "target_word_end": 3.73, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "m", "start": 3.18, "end": 3.26 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 3.26, "end": 3.42 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "c", "start": 3.42, "end": 3.6 } ] } }, { "recording": "030399-3260748", "collection": "samromur_unverified_22.07", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "maki", "target_context": { "original": "H\u00e9r er s\u00e1 me\u00f0virki maki, \u00e6ttingi e\u00f0a g\u00f3\u00f0ur vinur \u00feess sem 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samb\u00fa\u00f0.", "before": "", "after": "\u00ed skilningi \u00feessara lagagreina er \u00e1vallt a\u00f0ili \u00ed hj\u00f3nabandi e\u00f0a v\u00edg\u00f0ri samb\u00fa\u00f0." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 0.5, "target_word_end": 1.09, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "m", "start": 0.5, "end": 0.6 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 0.6, "end": 0.83 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "c", "start": 0.83, "end": 0.92 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 0.5, "target_word_end": 1.09, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "m", "start": 0.5, "end": 0.6 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 0.6, "end": 0.83 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "c", "start": 0.83, "end": 0.92 } ] } }, { "recording": "008597-0193497", "collection": "samromur_unverified_22.07", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "maki", "target_context": { "original": "Maki hins l\u00e1tna grei\u00f0ir engan erf\u00f0afj\u00e1rskatt.", "before": "", "after": "hins l\u00e1tna grei\u00f0ir engan 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kl\u00f3setti.", "before": "M\u00e1 \u00e9g koma me\u00f0? kalla\u00f0i", "after": "hinn tv\u00edburinn innan af kl\u00f3setti." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 2.86, "target_word_end": 3.23, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "p\u02b0", "start": 2.86, "end": 2.96 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a", "start": 2.96, "end": 3.01 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 3.01, "end": 3.16 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 2.86, "target_word_end": 3.23, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "p\u02b0", "start": 2.86, "end": 2.96 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a", "start": 2.96, "end": 3.01 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 3.01, "end": 3.16 } ] } }, { "recording": "016559-0849919", "collection": "samromur_unverified_22.07", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "palla", "target_context": { "original": "Perurnar Palla og Poddi valhoppa inn \u00e1 svi\u00f0i\u00f0.", "before": "Perurnar", "after": "og Poddi valhoppa inn \u00e1 svi\u00f0i\u00f0." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 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nenntum \u00feessu ekki.", "before": "Vi\u00f0 vorum h\u00e6ttir a\u00f0", "after": "saman \u00fev\u00ed vi\u00f0 nenntum \u00feessu ekki." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 0.87, "target_word_end": 1.1235445998674893, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "t\u02b0", "start": 0.87, "end": 0.95 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 0.95, "end": 1.03 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 1.03, "end": 1.08 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 0.87, "target_word_end": 1.11, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "t\u02b0", "start": 0.87, "end": 0.95 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 0.95, "end": 1.03 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 1.03, "end": 1.08 } ] } }, { "recording": "012933-0842385", "collection": "samromur_unverified_22.07", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "tala", "target_context": { "original": "S\u00fa tala fer \u00f3tr\u00falega n\u00e6rri \u00feeirri t\u00f6lu sem gagnagrunnur \u00cdslendingab\u00f3kar segir til um.", "before": "S\u00fa", 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\u00edslenska l\u00f6greglan meiri reynslu af Lalla Johns en Enron.", "before": "Og vissulega hefur \u00edslenska l\u00f6greglan meiri reynslu af", "after": "Johns en Enron." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 3.13, "target_word_end": 3.6, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 3.13, "end": 3.2549331284006304 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a", "start": 3.2549331284006304, "end": 3.33 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 3.33, "end": 3.52 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 3.13, "target_word_end": 3.6, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 3.13, "end": 3.27 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a", "start": 3.27, "end": 3.33 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "l", "start": 3.33, "end": 3.52 } ] } }, { "recording": "019197-1354205", "collection": "samromur_unverified_22.07", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "lalla", "target_context": { "original": "H\u00fan braust um \u00ed fanginu \u00e1 Lalla, svo a\u00f0 hann sleppti henni.", "before": "H\u00fan braust um \u00ed fanginu 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"Andr\u00e9s", "after": "almannatengill: A\u00f0 hva\u00f0a leyti eru \u00fea\u00f0 eftir\u00e1 sk\u00fdringar?" }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 1.4527518627389335, "target_word_end": 1.99, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "j", "start": 1.4527518627389335, "end": 1.4878843922912475 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "ou", "start": 1.4878843922912475, "end": 1.59 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "n", "start": 1.59, "end": 1.66 }, { "phone": "s", "start": 1.66, "end": 1.75 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 1.44, "target_word_end": 1.99, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "j", "start": 1.44, "end": 1.48 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "ou", "start": 1.48, "end": 1.59 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "n", "start": 1.59, "end": 1.66 }, { "phone": "s", "start": 1.66, "end": 1.75 } ] } }, { "recording": "025879-2417643", "collection": "samromur_unverified_22.07", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "hausinn", "target_context": { "original": "\u00dea\u00f0 er erfitt fyrir hann \u00fev\u00ed hann var 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\u00far glasinu.", "before": "N\u00fa er \u00fea\u00f0", "after": "sem hvolfir \u00ed sig \u00far glasinu." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 1.23, "target_word_end": 1.84, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 1.23, "end": 1.33 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 1.33, "end": 1.55 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 1.55, "end": 1.66 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 1.66, "end": 1.67 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 1.23, "target_word_end": 1.84, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 1.23, "end": 1.33 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 1.33, "end": 1.55 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 1.55, "end": 1.66 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 1.66, "end": 1.67 } ] } }, { "recording": "006319-0050107", "collection": "samromur_21.05", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "katr\u00edn", "target_context": { "original": "Katr\u00edn var eiginlega bjargv\u00e6tturinn minn.", "before": "", "after": "var eiginlega bjargv\u00e6tturinn 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dregi\u00f0 af nafninu Katarina eins og nafni\u00f0", "after": "" }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 4.8, "target_word_end": 5.32, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 4.8, "end": 4.96 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 4.96, "end": 5.05 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 5.05, "end": 5.190106393769693 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 5.190106393769693, "end": 5.22 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 4.8, "target_word_end": 5.32, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 4.8, "end": 4.96 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 4.96, "end": 5.05 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 5.05, "end": 5.21 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 5.21, "end": 5.22 } ] } }, { "recording": "000609-0004293", "collection": "samromur_21.05", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "katr\u00edn", "target_context": { "original": "Hann er kv\u00e6ntur \u00deorger\u00f0ur Katr\u00edn Gunnarsd\u00f3ttir, fyrrum stj\u00f3rnm\u00e1lamanni.", "before": "Hann er kv\u00e6ntur \u00deorger\u00f0ur", "after": "Gunnarsd\u00f3ttir, fyrrum stj\u00f3rnm\u00e1lamanni." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 3.14, "target_word_end": 3.7, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 3.14, "end": 3.25 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 3.25, "end": 3.38 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 3.38, "end": 3.53 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 3.53, "end": 3.54 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 3.14, "target_word_end": 3.7, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 3.14, "end": 3.25 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 3.25, "end": 3.38 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 3.38, "end": 3.53 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 3.53, "end": 3.54 } ] } }, { "recording": "003328-0025263", "collection": "samromur_21.05", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "katr\u00edn", "target_context": { "original": "Katr\u00edn er n\u00e1l\u00e6gt h\u00f3ropternum og \u00fev\u00ed a\u00f0 \u00f6llum l\u00edkindum inni \u00e1 sv\u00e6\u00f0i Panums.", "before": "", "after": "er n\u00e1l\u00e6gt h\u00f3ropternum og \u00fev\u00ed a\u00f0 \u00f6llum l\u00edkindum inni \u00e1 sv\u00e6\u00f0i Panums." }, "gold_annotation": { "target_word_start": 0.85, "target_word_end": 1.5, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 0.85, "end": 0.95 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 0.95, "end": 1.16 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 1.16, "end": 1.24 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 1.24, "end": 1.25 } ] }, "mfa_annotation": { "target_word_start": 0.85, "target_word_end": 1.5, "prevowel": [ { "phone": "k\u02b0", "start": 0.85, "end": 0.95 } ], "vowel": [ { "phone": "a\u02d0", "start": 0.95, "end": 1.16 } ], "postvowel": [ { "phone": "t", "start": 1.16, "end": 1.24 }, { "phone": "r", "start": 1.24, "end": 1.25 } ] } }, { "recording": "002553-0019139", "collection": "samromur_21.05", "speaker_lang": "L1", "word": "katr\u00edn", "target_context": { "original": "Katr\u00edn J\u00fal\u00edusd\u00f3ttir er 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