import os import sys import streamlit as st from st_aggrid import AgGrid, DataReturnMode current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) parent = os.path.dirname(current) sys.path.append(parent) from helpers import apply_style, get_idx_column, read_csv_from_web, read_json_from_web apply_style() codebook = {} # TODO: Anonymize for paper st.markdown( """ # Codebook Creation/Edition Tool based on the PR-ENT Approach. ### *Rethinking the Event Coding Pipeline with Prompt Entailment* ### ARXIV LINK HERE ### Clément Lefebvre (Swiss Data Science Center) ### Niklas Stoehr (ETH Zürich, ##### Version: 1.0 """ ) st.markdown("***********") st.markdown( """ ## Data Loading """ ) st.markdown( """ ### Upload a CSV of event descriptions. """ ) uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a csv file containing event descriptions") if uploaded_file is not None: = read_csv_from_web(uploaded_file) if "data" in st.session_state: # Filter will be reset if the page is left and then used again loading_df = st.text("Loading data display...") st.write( """ The below display of the data can be used to filter the data. Click on the *3 bars logo* when hovering over a column name and the filtering tool will appear. Filters are kept in memory on the whole dashboard as long as the `Reset Filters` button is not clicked. Current limitation: If a filter is set and the user change page. Then it can not be modified anymore and needs to be reset. """ ) if "filtered_df" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.filtered_df = if st.button("Reset Filters"): st.session_state.filtered_df = st.session_state.filtered_df = AgGrid( st.session_state.filtered_df, height=400, data_return_mode=DataReturnMode.FILTERED, update_mode="MANUAL", )["data"] if "text_column_design_perm" not in st.session_state: st.session_state[ "text_column_design_perm" ] = st.session_state.filtered_df.columns[0] def callback_function(mod, key): st.session_state[mod] = st.session_state[key] st.write("Select the column which contains the event descriptions.") st.selectbox( "Select the event description column:", st.session_state.filtered_df.columns, key="text_column_design", on_change=callback_function, args=("text_column_design_perm", "text_column_design"), index=get_idx_column( st.session_state["text_column_design_perm"], list(st.session_state.filtered_df.columns), ), ) loading_df.text("") # Remove NaN Texts if st.button("Remove Empty Event Descriptions"): st.session_state.filtered_df = st.session_state.filtered_df.dropna( subset=[st.session_state["text_column_design_perm"]] ) st.write("********") st.markdown("## Optional Upload") st.markdown( """ ### Upload a codebook if available. It needs to be in the format used in this dashboard. """ ) uploaded_codebook = st.file_uploader("Upload a codebook if available (OPTIONAL)") if uploaded_codebook is not None: codebook = read_json_from_web(uploaded_codebook) st.session_state.codebook = codebook st.markdown( """ ### Upload a validated dataset (accept, reject, ignored) in the format of this dashboard. """ ) uploaded_validated_data = st.file_uploader( "Upload a json file containing validated data (OPTIONAL)" ) if uploaded_validated_data is not None: st.session_state.validated_data = read_json_from_web(uploaded_validated_data)