Macedonian-ASR /
cigol123's picture
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2.18 kB
import gradio as gr
import torch
from transformers import WhisperProcessor, WhisperForConditionalGeneration
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import os
# Set the cache directory to a writable location
cache_dir = "/tmp/.cache"
os.environ["TRANSFORMERS_CACHE"] = cache_dir
os.environ["HF_DATASETS_CACHE"] = cache_dir
os.environ["TORCH_HOME"] = cache_dir # Set PyTorch cache directory
# Ensure the cache directory exists and is writable
os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Load the fine-tuned Macedonian-ASR Whisper model and processor
def load_model():
print("Loading fine-tuned Macedonian-ASR Whisper model and processor...")
processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained("Macedonian-ASR/whisper-large-v3-macedonian-asr")
model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("Macedonian-ASR/whisper-large-v3-macedonian-asr")
print("✓ Model and processor loaded successfully!")
return processor, model
processor, model = load_model()
def process_audio(audio_path):
# Load and resample to 16kHz using scipy
waveform, sr =
if len(waveform.shape) > 1: # Convert stereo to mono
waveform = waveform.mean(axis=1)
if sr != 16000: # Resample if necessary
num_samples = int(len(waveform) * 16000 / sr)
waveform = signal.resample(waveform, num_samples)
# Process the audio
inputs = processor(waveform, sampling_rate=16000, return_tensors="pt")
predicted_ids = model.generate(**inputs, language="mk")
transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]
return transcription
# Gradio interface
demo = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Audio(sources=["microphone", "upload"], type="filepath"),
title="Македонско препознавање на говор / Macedonian Speech Recognition",
description="Качете аудио или користете микрофон за транскрипција на македонски говор / Upload audio or use microphone to transcribe Macedonian speech"
if __name__ == "__main__":