#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ------------------------------------------------- @File Name: utils.py @Author: Luyao.zhang @Date: 2023/5/16 @Description: ------------------------------------------------- """ from ultralytics import YOLO import streamlit as st import cv2 from PIL import Image import tempfile def _display_detected_frames(conf, model, st_frame, image): """ Display the detected objects on a video frame using the YOLOv8 model. :param conf (float): Confidence threshold for object detection. :param model (YOLOv8): An instance of the `YOLOv8` class containing the YOLOv8 model. :param st_frame (Streamlit object): A Streamlit object to display the detected video. :param image (numpy array): A numpy array representing the video frame. :return: None """ # Resize the image to a standard size image = cv2.resize(image, (720, int(720 * (9 / 16)))) # Predict the objects in the image using YOLOv8 model res = model.predict(image, conf=conf) # Plot the detected objects on the video frame res_plotted = res[0].plot() st_frame.image(res_plotted, caption='Detected Video', channels="BGR", use_column_width=True ) @st.cache_resource def load_model(model_path): """ Loads a YOLO object detection model from the specified model_path. Parameters: model_path (str): The path to the YOLO model file. Returns: A YOLO object detection model. """ model = YOLO(model_path) return model def infer_uploaded_image(conf, model): """ Execute inference for uploaded image :param conf: Confidence of YOLOv8 model :param model: An instance of the `YOLOv8` class containing the YOLOv8 model. :return: None """ source_img = st.sidebar.file_uploader( label="Choose an image...", type=("jpg", "jpeg", "png", 'bmp', 'webp') ) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: if source_img: uploaded_image = Image.open(source_img) # adding the uploaded image to the page with caption st.image( image=source_img, caption="Uploaded Image", use_column_width=True ) if source_img: if st.button("Detect"): with st.spinner("Running..."): res = model.predict(uploaded_image, conf=conf) boxes = res[0].boxes dclasses = boxes.cls.numpy(force=True) names = res[0].names dnames = [] ndetected = {} for cid in dclasses: if names[cid] in ndetected: count = ndetected[names[cid]] else: count = 0 ndetected.update( {names[cid]:count+1} ) dnames.append(names[cid]) res_plotted = res[0].plot()[:, :, ::-1] with col2: st.image(res_plotted, caption="{} classes detected".format(len(dnames)), use_column_width=True) try: with st.expander("Detection Results"): #for box in boxes: # st.write(box.xywh) for cname in ndetected: st.write("{} x{}".format(cname, ndetected[cname])) except Exception as ex: st.write("No image is uploaded yet!") st.write(ex) def infer_uploaded_video(conf, model): """ Execute inference for uploaded video :param conf: Confidence of YOLOv8 model :param model: An instance of the `YOLOv8` class containing the YOLOv8 model. :return: None """ source_video = st.sidebar.file_uploader( label="Choose a video..." ) if source_video: st.video(source_video) if source_video: if st.button("Detect"): with st.spinner("Running..."): try: tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() tfile.write(source_video.read()) vid_cap = cv2.VideoCapture( tfile.name) st_frame = st.empty() while (vid_cap.isOpened()): success, image = vid_cap.read() if success: _display_detected_frames(conf, model, st_frame, image ) else: vid_cap.release() break except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading video: {e}") def infer_uploaded_webcam(conf, model): """ Execute inference for webcam. :param conf: Confidence of YOLOv8 model :param model: An instance of the `YOLOv8` class containing the YOLOv8 model. :return: None """ try: flag = st.button( label="Stop running" ) vid_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # local camera st_frame = st.empty() while not flag: success, image = vid_cap.read() if success: _display_detected_frames( conf, model, st_frame, image ) else: vid_cap.release() break except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading video: {str(e)}")