Pathfinder / templates /find_match.html
celise88's picture
add job posting scrape capability to find my match page
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<h1 class="pagetitle">Matching Jobs</h1>
{% if jobpostings %}
<h2 class="pagesubtitle">Here are the top 10 {{ jobtitle }} jobs in {{ state }} that are a great match for your skillset and interests!</h2>
<p class="form__login-label">(Hint: Click the links to find out more)</p>
<ul class="sectionlist">
{% for n in range(10) %}
<li class="sectionlist__item"><a style="color: #2c2161" href={{ linklist[n] }}>{{ jobpostings[n] }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<h2 class="pagesubtitle">We're sorry! This page is currently under construction.</h2>
<h2 class="pagesubtitle">Please check back soon to get {{ jobselection }} jobs that are a great match for your skillset and interests!</h2>
{% endif %}
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