# import nbimporter
import nbimporter
from Text2List import text_to_list
def convert_to_list(text, text_list):
    matched_words = []
    unmatched_text = ''  # To accumulate unmatched characters

    # Sort text_list by length in descending order to prioritize longest matches first
    text_list_sorted = sorted(text_list, key=len, reverse=True)

    while text:
        matched = False
        for word in text_list_sorted:
            if text.startswith(word):
                # Add any accumulated unmatched text before appending the matched word
                if unmatched_text:
                    unmatched_text = ''  # Reset unmatched text accumulator

                text = text[len(word):]  # Remove the matched part from text
                matched = True

        if not matched:
            # Accumulate unmatched characters
            unmatched_text += text[0]
            text = text[1:]

    # If there's any remaining unmatched text, add it to the result
    if unmatched_text:

    # Join matched words and unmatched text with a space
    result = ' '.join(matched_words)
    return result