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import os
import torch
from transformers import pipeline
# Loading the TTS and Vocoder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
from transformers import SpeechT5Processor, SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech, SpeechT5HifiGan
from datasets import load_dataset
processor = SpeechT5Processor.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts")
model_default = SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts")
vocoder = SpeechT5HifiGan.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_hifigan")
# sending the model to device
# Loading speaker embedings
embeddings_dataset = load_dataset("Matthijs/cmu-arctic-xvectors", split="validation")
speaker_embeddings = torch.tensor(embeddings_dataset[7306]["xvector"]).unsqueeze(0)
# The LLM Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from huggingface_hub import HfFolder
from openai import OpenAI
api_key = os.getenv("API_KEY")
if api_key is None:
raise ValueError("API_KEY is not set in the environment variables.")
print("API key successfully loaded.")
# Initialize OpenAI client for Hugging Face Inference Endpoint
client = OpenAI(
base_url="", #",
def generate_llm_response(text, model_id="ccibeekeoc42/Llama3.1-8b-base-SFT-2024-11-09"):
full_response = []
chat_completion =
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a very BRIEF AND DIRECT assistant. As part of a speech pipeline so keep your responses short (under 60 words), fluent, and straight to the point. Avoid markdown or digits in responses."},
{"role": "user", "content": text}
for chunk in chat_completion:
if chunk.choices[0].delta.content:
return "".join(full_response)
except Exception as e:
# If the error has a response with status code 503, assume the GPU is booting up.
if hasattr(e, 'response') and e.response is not None and e.response.status_code == 503:
return "The GPU is currently booting up. Please wait about 10 minutes and try again."
raise e
# generate_llm_response("Explain Deep Learning in Igbo")
# Loading the ST Model (Whisper) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pipe = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model="okezieowen/whisper-small-multilingual-naija-11-03-2024", device=device)
# Take audio and return translated text
def transcribe(audio):
outputs = pipe(audio, max_new_tokens=256, generate_kwargs={"task": "transcribe"})
return outputs["text"]
# Helper Functions to Cleanup LLM Texts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Replacement rules
import re
# Language-specific replacements
ig_replacements = [('a', 'ah'), ('e', 'eh'), ('i', 'ee'), ('ị', 'ih'), ('ṅ', 'nn'), ('o','oh'), ('ọ','aw'), ('u','oo'), ('ụ','uh')]
yo_replacements = [('á', 'ah'), ('é', 'eh'), ('ẹ', 'e'), ('ó', 'oh'), ('ọ', 'aw'), ('ṣ', 'sh')]
# Overall Replacements Rules
replacements = [
('²','squared'), ('½','square-root'), ('¾','one quarter'), ('¼','cubeed-root'),
('ā','a'), ('â', 'a'), ('å','a'), ('á', 'a'), ('à', 'a'), ('ả', 'a'), ('ã', 'a'),
('č', 'c'), ('ç', 'c'),
('ë','e'), ('ẹ̀','e'), ('ẹ́','e'), ('é', 'e'), ('è', 'e'), ('ẻ', 'e'), ('ẽ', 'e'), ('ẹ', 'e'), ('ė', 'e'), ('ē', 'e'), ('ę', 'e'),
('ï', 'i'), ('ì', 'i'), ('ị', 'i'), ('ỉ', 'i'), ('ĩ', 'i'), ('í', 'i'), ('ī', 'i'),
('ń', 'n'), ('ň', 'n'), ('ń', 'n'), ('ṅ', 'n'), ('ñ', 'n'), ('ǹ', 'n'),
('ö','o'), ('ọ̀','o'), ('ò', 'o'), ('ó', 'o'), ('ô', 'o'), ('ọ', 'o'), ('ò','o'), ('ó','o'), ('ò','o'), ('õ','o'), ('ō','o'),
('ṣ', 's'), ('š', 's'),
('ụ', 'u'), ('ü', 'u'), ('ú', 'u'), ('ǔ', 'u'), ('ù', 'u'), ('ū', 'u'), ('ũ', 'u'),
('ω','omega'), ('θ','theta'), ('ł','w'),
('α','alpha'), ('β','beta'), ('γ','gamma'), ('δ','delta'), ('ε','epsilon'), ('ζ','zeta'), ('η','eta'), ('θ','theta'),
('ι','iota'), ('κ','kappa'), ('λ','lambda'), ('μ','mu'), ('ν','nu'), ('ξ','xi'), ('ο','omicron'), ('π','pi'),
('_',' '),
# Function to clean up text
def cleanup_text(example, lng="en"):
example = example.lower()
if lng == "ig":
for src, dst in ig_replacements:
example = example.replace(src, dst)
elif lng == "yo":
for src, dst in yo_replacements:
example = example.replace(src, dst)
for src, dst in replacements:
example = example.replace(src, dst) # Update text directly
return example
# Normalizing the text
def normalize_text(text):
text = text.lower() # Convert to lowercase
text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s\']', '', text) # Remove punctuation (except apostrophes)
text = ' '.join(text.split()) # Remove extra whitespace
return text
# Language-specific number words
number_words = {
"en": { # English
0: "zero", 1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three", 4: "four", 5: "five", 6: "six", 7: "seven", 8: "eight", 9: "nine",
10: "ten", 11: "eleven", 12: "twelve", 13: "thirteen", 14: "fourteen", 15: "fifteen", 16: "sixteen",
17: "seventeen", 18: "eighteen", 19: "nineteen", 20: "twenty", 30: "thirty", 40: "forty", 50: "fifty",
60: "sixty", 70: "seventy", 80: "eighty", 90: "ninety", 100: "hundred", 1000: "thousand"
"yo": { # Yoruba
0: "ódo", 1: "ọ̀kan", 2: "méjì", 3: "mẹ́ta", 4: "mẹ́rin", 5: "márùn", 6: "mẹ́fà", 7: "mẹ̀je", 8: "mẹ̀jọ", 9: "mẹ́sàn",
10: "ẹ́wa", 11: "ọọkànlá", 12: "méjìlá", 13: "mẹ́tàlá", 14: "mẹ́rìnlá", 15: "árundínlógún", 16: "ẹ́rindínlógún", 17: "ẹ́rindínlógún",
18: "ẹ́rindínlógún", 19: "ẹ́rindínlógún", 20: "ogún", 30: "ọgbọ̀n", 40: "ogójì", 50: "àádọ́ta", 60: "ọgọ́ta", 70: "àádọ́rin",
80: "ọgọ́rin", 90: "àádọ́run", 100: "ọgọ́run", 1000: "ẹgbẹ̀rún"
"ig": { # Igbo
0: "nọọ", 1: "otu", 2: "abụọ", 3: "atọ", 4: "anọ", 5: "ise", 6: "isii", 7: "asaa", 8: "asatọ", 9: "itoolu",
10: "iri", 11: "iri na otu", 12: "iri na abụọ", 13: "iri na atọ", 14: "iri na anọ", 15: "iri na ise",
16: "iri na isii", 17: "iri na asaa", 18: "iri na asatọ", 19: "iri na itoolu", 20: "iri abụọ",
30: "iri atọ", 40: "iri anọ", 50: "iri ise", 60: "iri isii", 70: "iri asaa", 80: "iri asatọ", 90: "iri itoolu",
100: "nari", 1000: "puku"
# Number to words function
def number_to_words(number, lang="en"):
words = number_words[lang]
if number < 20:
return words[number]
elif number < 100:
tens, unit = divmod(number, 10)
return words[tens * 10] + (" " + words[unit] if unit else "")
elif number < 1000:
hundreds, remainder = divmod(number, 100)
return (words[hundreds] + " " + ("hundred" if lang == "en" else
"ọgọ́rùn" if lang == "yo" else "nari") if hundreds > 1 else
"hundred" if lang == "en" else "ọgọ́rùn" if lang == "yo" else "nari") + \
(" " + number_to_words(remainder, lang) if remainder else "")
elif number < 1000000:
thousands, remainder = divmod(number, 1000)
return (number_to_words(thousands, lang) + " " + ("thousand" if lang == "en" else
"ẹgbẹ̀rún" if lang == "yo" else "puku")) + \
(" " + number_to_words(remainder, lang) if remainder else "")
elif number < 1000000000:
millions, remainder = divmod(number, 1000000)
return number_to_words(millions, lang) + " " + ("million" if lang == "en" else
"mílíọ̀nù" if lang == "yo" else "nde") + \
(" " + number_to_words(remainder, lang) if remainder else "")
elif number < 1000000000000:
billions, remainder = divmod(number, 1000000000)
return number_to_words(billions, lang) + " " + ("billion" if lang == "en" else
"bílíọ̀nù" if lang == "yo" else "ijeri") + \
(" " + number_to_words(remainder, lang) if remainder else "")
return str(number)
# Replace numbers in text
def replace_numbers_with_words(text, lang="en"):
def replace(match):
number = int(
return number_to_words(number, lang)
# Replace all numbers in the text
return re.sub(r'\b\d+\b', replace, text)
# llm_response = generate_llm_response("Explain Deep Learning in Igbo")
# llm_response_cleaned = normalize_text(cleanup_text(replace_numbers_with_words(llm_response, "yo"), "yo"))
# print(f"LLM Response: {llm_response}")
# print(f"LLM Response Cleaned: {llm_response_cleaned}")
# returning spech from text (and bringing to CPU)
def synthesise(text):
inputs = processor(text=text, return_tensors="pt")
speech = model_default.generate_speech(
inputs["input_ids"].to(device),, vocoder=vocoder
return speech.cpu()
# putting the ST and TTS system together
import numpy as np
target_dtype = np.int16
max_range = np.iinfo(target_dtype).max # Maximum value for 16-bit PCM audio conversion
# Modified speech-to-speech translation with textbox
def speech_to_speech_translation(audio):
# Speech to Text
transcribed_text = transcribe(audio)
print(f"Transcribed: {transcribed_text}")
# Generate LLM Response
print("Now making LLM Call ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
llm_response = generate_llm_response(transcribed_text)
llm_response_cleaned = normalize_text(cleanup_text(replace_numbers_with_words(llm_response, "yo"), "yo"))
print(f"LLM Response: {llm_response}")
print(f"LLM Response Cleaned: {llm_response_cleaned}")
# Text to Speech
print("Synthesizing Speech ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
synthesised_speech = synthesise(llm_response_cleaned)
synthesised_speech = (synthesised_speech.numpy() * max_range).astype(np.int16)
print("Speech Synthesis Completed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
return transcribed_text, (16000, synthesised_speech), llm_response
# Gradio Demo
import gradio as gr
demo = gr.Blocks()
mic_translate = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Audio(sources="microphone", type="filepath"),
gr.Textbox(label="Transcribed Text", interactive=True),
gr.Textbox(label="LLM Enhanced Response", interactive=False), # New Markdown output
gr.Audio(label="Generated Speech", type="numpy")
# gr.Markdown(label="LLM Enhanced Response") # New Markdown output
file_translate = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Audio(sources="upload", type="filepath"),
gr.Textbox(label="Transcribed Text", interactive=True),
gr.Textbox(label="LLM Enhanced Response", interactive=False), # New Markdown output
gr.Audio(label="Generated Speech", type="numpy")
# gr.Markdown(label="LLM Enhanced Response") # New Markdown output
with demo:
gr.TabbedInterface([mic_translate, file_translate], ["Microphone", "Audio File"])