import streamlit as st import io import pickle import pretty_midi import numpy as np from music21 import instrument, note, stream, chord from keras.saving import load_model from import wavfile from PIL import Image lstm ="assets/music_lstm.png") @st.cache_resource def load_notes(): with st.spinner(f"Fetching Notes"): notes_filepath = 'models/music_notes.pkl' with open(notes_filepath, 'rb') as filepath: notes = pickle.load(filepath) pitchnames = pickle.load(filepath) n_vocab = pickle.load(filepath) return (notes, pitchnames, n_vocab) @st.cache_resource def model_load(): with st.spinner(f"Fetching Model"): model_filepath = 'models/music_model.keras' model = load_model(model_filepath) return model @st.cache_data def prepare_sequences(notes, pitchnames, n_vocab, sequence_length=100): note_to_int = dict((note, number) for number, note in enumerate(pitchnames)) network_input = [] for i in range(0, len(notes) - sequence_length, 1): sequence_in = notes[i:i + sequence_length] sequence_out = notes[i + sequence_length] network_input.append([note_to_int[char] for char in sequence_in]) return network_input def generate_notes(model, network_input, pitchnames, n_vocab, nlength, istart=-1): # pick a random sequence from the input as a starting point for the prediction if istart < 0 or istart > len(network_input) - 1: start = np.random.randint(0, len(network_input) - 1) print(f"Starting Position = {start}") else: start = istart int_to_note = dict((number, note) for number, note in enumerate(pitchnames)) pattern = network_input[start] prediction_output = [] # generate nlength notes for note_index in range(nlength): prediction_input = np.reshape(pattern, (1, len(pattern), 1)) prediction_input = prediction_input / float(n_vocab) prediction = model.predict(prediction_input, verbose=0) index = np.argmax(prediction) result = int_to_note[index] prediction_output.append(result) pattern.append(index) pattern = pattern[1:len(pattern)] return prediction_output def create_midi(prediction_output, output_filepath): offset = 0 output_notes = [] # create note and chord objects based on the values generated by the model for pattern in prediction_output: # pattern is a chord if ('.' in pattern) or pattern.isdigit(): notes_in_chord = pattern.split('.') notes = [] for current_note in notes_in_chord: new_note = note.Note(int(current_note)) new_note.storedInstrument = instrument.Piano() notes.append(new_note) new_chord = chord.Chord(notes) new_chord.offset = offset output_notes.append(new_chord) # pattern is a note else: new_note = note.Note(pattern) new_note.offset = offset new_note.storedInstrument = instrument.Piano() output_notes.append(new_note) # increase offset each iteration so that notes do not stack offset += 0.5 # Write notes to a MIDI file midi_stream = stream.Stream(output_notes) midi_stream.write('midi', fp='output.mid') def generate(model, network_input, pitchnames, n_vocab, nlength=500, istart=-1): output_filepath = 'output.mid' if nlength < 1: print(f"Song length must be at least one note, defaulting to 250 notes") nlength = 500 if nlength > 500: print(f"Cannot exceed 500 notes for song length") nlength = 500 prediction_output = generate_notes(model, network_input, pitchnames, n_vocab, nlength, istart) create_midi(prediction_output, output_filepath) return output_filepath st.header('Generative Music', divider='green') st.markdown("#### What are Recurrent Neural Networks?") st.markdown("A recurrent neural network is a class of artificial neural networks that make use of sequential information. They are called recurrent because they perform the same function for every single element of a sequence, with the result being dependent on previous computations. Whereas outputs are independent of previous computations in traditional neural networks.") st.markdown("In this project we will use a **Long Short-Term Memory** (LSTM) network. They are a type of Recurrent Neural Network that can efficiently learn via gradient descent. Using a gating mechanism, LSTMs are able to recognise and encode long-term patterns. LSTMs are extremely useful to solve problems where the network has to remember information for a long period of time as is the case in music and text generation.") st.markdown("#### Data") st.markdown("The data that our model will be trained on will consist of piano MIDI files of Final Fantasy soundtracks, but any set of MIDI files consisting of a single instrument would work.") st.markdown("The sequence of notes and chords from the MIDI files are broken down into increments of 100, which are used to predict the next note or chord.") st.markdown("#### Model") st.markdown("For this project we will use a network consisting of three LSTM layers, three Dropout layers, two Dense layers and one activation layer.") st.image(lstm, caption = 'Music Generation Model', height = 250) st.markdown("It may be possible to improve this model by playing around with the the structure of the network, or adding new categories (e.g. varying note duration, rest periods between notes, etc). However, to achieve satisfying results with more classes we would also have to increase the depth of the LSTM network.") st.markdown("*This is based off the tutorial by Sigurður Skúli [How to Generate Music using a LSTM Neural Network in Keras](*") st.divider() # Load notes notes, pitchnames, n_vocab = load_notes() # Prepare note sequences network_input = prepare_sequences(notes, pitchnames, n_vocab) # Load model model = model_load() midi_file = None generated_midi = None sample_midi = None st.markdown("You can select one of the samples below") sample_midi = st.selectbox( 'Select a sample MIDI file to play', ('assets/sample_01.mid', 'assets/sample_02.mid', 'assets/sample_03.mid'), index=None, placeholder="Please select a sample...", ) st.markdown("Or generate a new sample by clicking the generate button") n_notes = st.slider("How many notes do you want?", 1, 500, 250) start_pos = st.slider("Where do you want to start? Negative will start at a random position.", -1, len(network_input) - 1, -1) if st.button('Generate'): with st.spinner(f"Generating a new MIDI file"): generated_midi = generate(model, network_input, pitchnames, n_vocab, n_notes, start_pos) st.divider() if generated_midi: midi_file = generated_midi sample_midi = None elif sample_midi: midi_file = sample_midi if midi_file: with st.spinner(f"Transcribing to FluidSynth"): midi_data = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI(midi_file) audio_data = midi_data.fluidsynth() audio_data = np.int16( audio_data / np.max(np.abs(audio_data)) * 32767 * 0.9 ) # -- Normalize for 16 bit audio virtualfile = io.BytesIO() wavfile.write(virtualfile, 44100, audio_data) st.markdown("Download the audio by right-clicking on the media player") else: st.markdown("Either generate a new MIDI file, or select one of the samples")