from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors from rdkit.Chem import rdMolDescriptors from rdkit.Chem import RDConfig import os import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join(RDConfig.RDContribDir, 'SA_Score')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(RDConfig.RDContribDir, 'NP_Score')) import sascorer import npscorer import pandas as pd import numpy as np from scopy.ScoFH import fh_filter class Metrics(): def __init__(self,smiles): #load filters and scores if not os.path.isfile('./wehi_pains.csv'): _pains = pd.read_csv('',names=['smarts', 'names']) else: _pains = pd.read_csv('./wehi_pains.csv', names=['smarts', 'names']) self._pains_filters = [Chem.MolFromSmarts(x) for x in _pains['smarts'].values] self.fscore = npscorer.readNPModel() # Decriptors self.smiles = smiles try: mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is None: raise ValueError('SMILES is not valid!') else: self.mol = mol self.h_mol = Chem.AddHs(self.mol) except ValueError as e: print(e) self.logp = Descriptors.MolLogP(self.mol) = Descriptors.ExactMolWt(self.mol) self.tpsa = Descriptors.TPSA(self.mol) self.n_hba = Descriptors.NumHAcceptors(self.mol) self.n_hbd = Descriptors.NumHDonors(self.mol) pass def ro5(self): # True is good """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) fulfills Lipinski's rule of five. Returns ------- int Number of rules fullfilled """ # Check if Ro5 conditions fulfilled conditions = [ <= 500, self.n_hba <= 10, self.n_hbd <= 5, self.logp <= 5, self.tpsa <= 140] ro5_fulfilled = sum(conditions) return ro5_fulfilled def pfizer_rule_passed(self): # True if pass, False if toxic """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) fulfills Pfizer Rule. Returns ------- bool Pfizer Rule compliance for input molecule. """ # Check if Pfizer Rule conditions fulfilled conditions = [self.logp > 3, self.tpsa < 75] pfizer_pased = not (sum(conditions) == 2) # Return False if 2 conditions are both fulfilled return pfizer_pased def gsk_rule_passed(self): # True for favorable ADMET """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) fulfills GSK Rule. Returns ------- bool GSK Rule compliance for input molecule. """ # Check if GSK Rule conditions fulfilled conditions = [ <= 400, self.logp <= 4] gsk_fulfilled = sum(conditions) == 2 # Return True if 2 conditions are fulfilled return gsk_fulfilled def goldentriangle_rule_passed(self): # True for favorable ADMET """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) fulfills GoldenTriangle Rule. Returns ------- bool GoldenTriangle Rule compliance for input molecule. """ # Check if GoldenTrianlge Rule conditions fulfilled conditions = [200 <= <= 450,-2 <= self.logp <= 5] goldentriangle_fulfilled = sum(conditions) == 2 # Return True if 2 conditions are fulfilled return goldentriangle_fulfilled def qed(self): """ Calculate QED Returns ------- numpy.float64 QED for input molecule """ # Calculate QED of input molecule qed = Chem.QED.qed(self.mol) return qed def qed_passed(self): # True if attractive """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) is 'attractive'. Returns ------- bool QED 'attractive'-ness. """ # Check if QED conditions fulfilled qed_excellent = self.qed() > 0.67 # Return True if condition is fulfilled return qed_excellent def sascore(self): """ Calculate sascore Returns ------- float SAscore for input molecule """ return sascorer.calculateScore(self.mol) def sascore_passed(self): # True if sa pass """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) is easy to synthesize. Returns ------- bool synthetic accessibility. """ SAscore_excellent = self.sascore() <= 6 # Return True if condition is fulfilled return SAscore_excellent def fsp3(self): """ Calculate Fsp3 Returns ------- float Fsp3 for input molecule """ return Chem.rdMolDescriptors.CalcFractionCSP3(self.mol) def fsp3_passed(self): # True if if input molecule (SMILES) has suitable Fsp3 value. """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) has suitable Fsp3 value. Returns ------- bool Fsp3 suitability. """ # Check if Fsp3 condition is fulfilled fsp3_excellent = self.fsp3() >= 0.42 # Return True if condition is fulfilled return fsp3_excellent def pains_filter(self, detail=False): # True if passed # Detail return bool, list name, list atoms """ PAINS filter for an input molecule (SMILES). Returns ------- [bool, list, list] [pains_accepted, pains_matched_name, pains_matched_atoms] Check if PAINS not violated and matched names, atoms. """ # Check PAINS pains = fh_filter.Check_PAINS(self.h_mol, detail = True) # pains_accepted = pains['Disposed'] == 'Accepted' # Return True if not violating PAINS # pains_matched_atoms = pains['MatchedAtoms'] # pains_matched_names = pains['MatchedNames'] # Return PAINS if detail: return pains else: return pains['Disposed'] # def pains_passed(self): # h_mol = Chem.AddHs(self.mol) # if any(h_mol.HasSubstructMatch(smarts) for smarts in self._pains_filters): # return False # else: # return True def mce18(self): """ Calculate MCE-18 Returns ------- float MCE-18 for input molecule """ # Calculate MCE-18 relevant properties AR = rdMolDescriptors.CalcNumAromaticRings(self.mol) > 0 NAR = rdMolDescriptors.CalcNumAliphaticRings(self.mol) > 0 CHIRAL = len(Chem.FindMolChiralCenters(self.mol, force = True, includeUnassigned = True)) > 0 SPIRO = rdMolDescriptors.CalcNumSpiroAtoms(self.mol) > 0 SP3 = self.fsp3() # Calculate Cyc and Acyc Csp3_cyclic = 0 Csp3_acyclic = 0 C_total = 0 CYC = 0 ACYC = 0 for atom in self.mol.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 6: C_total+=1 if sum([atom.GetAtomicNum() == 6, atom.IsInRing(), atom.GetHybridization() == Chem.HybridizationType.SP3]) == 3: Csp3_cyclic += 1 if sum([atom.GetAtomicNum() == 6, not atom.IsInRing(), atom.GetHybridization() == Chem.HybridizationType.SP3]) == 3: Csp3_acyclic += 1 if C_total>0: CYC = Csp3_cyclic/C_total ACYC = Csp3_acyclic/C_total # Calculate Q1 deltas=[x.GetDegree() for x in self.mol.GetAtoms()] M = sum(np.array(deltas)**2) N = self.mol.GetNumAtoms() Q1 = 3-2*N+M/2.0 # Calculate MCE-18 mce18 = (AR + NAR + CHIRAL + SPIRO + (SP3 + CYC - ACYC)/(1 + SP3))*Q1 return mce18 def mce18_passed(self): # True if interesting """ Test if input molecule (SMILES) is interesting. Returns ------- bool MCE-18 suitability. """ # Check if MCE-18 condition is fulfilled mce18_excellent = self.mce18() >= 45 # Return True if condition is fulfilled return mce18_excellent def npscore(self): # [-5,5], higher is more nature-like """ Calculate NPscore of molecule. Returns ------- float NPscore for input molecule. """ # Calculate NPscore of input molecule npscore = npscorer.scoreMol(self.mol, self.fscore) # Return NPscore return npscore def alarm_nmr_filter(self,detail=False): # True if passed # Detail return bool, list name, list atoms """ ALARM NMR filter for an input molecule (SMILES). Returns ------- [bool, list, list] [alarmnmr_accepted, alarmnmr_matched_names, alarmnmr_matched_atoms] Check if ALARM NMR not violated and matched names, atoms. """ # Check ALARM NMR alarmnmr = fh_filter.Check_Alarm_NMR(self.h_mol, detail = True) # alarmnmr_accepted = alarmnmr['Disposed'] == 'Accepted' # Return True if not violating ALARM NMR # alarmnmr_matched_atoms = alarmnmr['MatchedAtoms'] # alarmnmr_matched_names = alarmnmr['MatchedNames'] # Return ALARM NMR if detail: return alarmnmr else: return alarmnmr['Disposed'] def bms_filter(self,detail=False): # True if passed # Detail return bool, list name, list atoms """ BMS filter for an input molecule (SMILES). Returns ------- [bool, list, list] [bms_accepted, bms_matched_names, bms_matched_atoms] Check if BMS not violated and matched names, atoms. """ bms = fh_filter.Check_BMS(self.h_mol, detail = True) # bms_accepted = bms['Disposed'] == 'Accepted' # Return True if not violating BMS # bms_matched_atoms = bms['MatchedAtoms'] # bms_matched_names = bms['MatchedNames'] # Return BMS if detail: return bms else: return bms['Disposed'] def chelator_filter(self, detail=False): """ Chelator filter for an input molecule (SMILES). Returns ------- [bool, list, list] [chelator_accepted, chelator_matched_names, chelator_matched_atoms] Check if Chelator not violated and matched names, atoms. """ # Check Chelator chelator = fh_filter.Check_Chelating(self.h_mol, detail = True) # chelator_accepted = chelator['Disposed'] == 'Accepted' # Return True if not violating Chelator # chelator_matched_atoms = chelator['MatchedAtoms'] # chelator_matched_names = chelator['MatchedNames'] # Return Chelator if detail: return chelator else: return chelator['Disposed'] def calculate_all(self, descriptors = True,rules=True,scores = True,scores_passed = True,filters = True,detail = True): """ Calculate all rules. Parameters ---------- smiles : str SMILES for a molecule. descriptors : bool Extract molecular descriptors of molecule. Default is 'False'. Returns ------- pandas.Series All rules w/wo descriptors. """ # Calculate all rules of molecule result = dict() descrip_dict ={ 'logp':self.logp, 'mw', 'tpsa':self.tpsa, 'n_hba':self.n_hba, 'n_hbd':self.n_hbd } rule_dict = { 'ro5':self.ro5, 'pfizer_rule_passed':self.pfizer_rule_passed, 'gsk_rule_passed':self.gsk_rule_passed, 'goldentriangle_rule':self.goldentriangle_rule_passed } score_dict ={ 'qed':self.qed, 'sascore' : self.sascore, 'fsp3' : self.fsp3, 'mce18' : self.mce18, 'npscore' : self.npscore } score_pass_dict = { 'qed_passed' : self.qed_passed, 'sascore_passed' : self.sascore_passed, 'fsp3_passed' : self.fsp3_passed, 'mce18_passed' : self.mce18_passed } filter_dict = { 'pains_filter' : self.pains_filter, 'alarm_nmr_filter' : self.alarm_nmr_filter, 'bms_filter' : self.bms_filter, 'chelator_filter' : self.chelator_filter } if descriptors: for name, func in descrip_dict.items(): result[name] = func if rules: for name, func in rule_dict.items(): result[name] = func() if scores: for name, func in score_dict.items(): result[name] = func() if scores_passed: for name, func in score_pass_dict.items(): result[name] = func() if filters: for name, func in filter_dict.items(): result[name] = func(detail=detail) return result