from pathlib import Path import torch from st_on_hover_tabs import on_hover_tabs import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(layout="wide") import sys, os import rdkit import rdkit.Chem as Chem from rdkit.Chem.Draw import MolToImage from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors import sascorer import networkx as nx from stqdm import stqdm import base64, io os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK']='True' sys.path.append('%s/fast_jtnn/' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) from mol_tree import Vocab, MolTree from jtprop_vae import JTPropVAE from molbloom import buy css=''' [data-testid="metric-container"] { width: fit-content; margin: auto; } [data-testid="metric-container"] > div { width: fit-content; margin: auto; } [data-testid="metric-container"] label { width: fit-content; margin: auto; } ''' st.markdown(f'',unsafe_allow_html=True) def img_to_bytes(img_path): img_bytes = Path(img_path).read_bytes() encoded = base64.b64encode(img_bytes).decode() return encoded def img_to_html(img_path): img_html = "".format( img_to_bytes(img_path) ) return img_html def penalized_logp_standard(mol): logP_mean = 2.4399606244103639873799239 logP_std = 0.9293197802518905481505840 SA_mean = -2.4485512208785431553792478 SA_std = 0.4603110476923852334429910 cycle_mean = -0.0307270378623088931402396 cycle_std = 0.2163675785228087178335699 log_p = Descriptors.MolLogP(mol) SA = -sascorer.calculateScore(mol) # cycle score cycle_list = nx.cycle_basis(nx.Graph(Chem.rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(mol))) if len(cycle_list) == 0: cycle_length = 0 else: cycle_length = max([len(j) for j in cycle_list]) if cycle_length <= 6: cycle_length = 0 else: cycle_length = cycle_length - 6 cycle_score = -cycle_length # print(logP_mean) standardized_log_p = (log_p - logP_mean) / logP_std standardized_SA = (SA - SA_mean) / SA_std standardized_cycle = (cycle_score - cycle_mean) / cycle_std return standardized_log_p + standardized_SA + standardized_cycle lg = rdkit.RDLogger.logger() lg.setLevel(rdkit.RDLogger.CRITICAL) st.markdown("

Junction Tree Variational Autoencoder for Molecular Graph Generation (JTVAE)

",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("

Wengong Jin, Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola

",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown('', unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.sidebar: # st.header('+') st.markdown("
",unsafe_allow_html=True) tabs = on_hover_tabs(tabName=['Optimize a molecule', 'Optimize batch', 'About'], iconName=['science', 'batch_prediction', 'info'], default_choice=0) if tabs == 'About': descrip = ''' We seek to automate the design of molecules based on specific chemical properties. In computational terms, this task involves continuous embedding and generation of molecular graphs. Our primary contribution is the direct realization of molecular graphs, a task previously approached by generating linear SMILES strings instead of graphs. Our junction tree variational autoencoder generates molecular graphs in two phases, by first generating a tree-structured scaffold over chemical substructures, and then combining them into a molecule with a graph message passing network. This approach allows us to incrementally expand molecules while maintaining chemical validity at every step. We evaluate our model on multiple tasks ranging from molecular generation to optimization. Across these tasks, our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art baselines by a significant margin. [](''' st.markdown(descrip) st.markdown("

"+ img_to_html('about.png')+ "

", unsafe_allow_html=True) elif tabs == 'Optimize a molecule': st.markdown("

Optimize a molecule

",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.text_input('Enter a SMILES string:','CNC(=O)C1=NC=CC(=C1)OC2=CC=C(C=C2)NC(=O)NC3=CC(=C(C=C3)Cl)C(F)(F)F',key='smiles') mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(st.session_state.smiles) if mol is None: st.markdown("

SMILES is invalid. Please enter a valid SMILES.

",unsafe_allow_html=True) else: score = penalized_logp_standard(mol) # with st.columns(3)[1]: # st.markdown("",unsafe_allow_html=True) imgByteArr = io.BytesIO() MolToImage(mol,size=(400,400)).save(imgByteArr,format='PNG') st.markdown("

"+ f""+ "

", unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.image(MolToImage(mol,size=(300,300))) st.metric('Penalized logP score', '%.5f' % (score)) if mol is not None: # col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) st.slider('Choose learning rate: ',0.0,10.0,0.4,key='lr') st.slider('Choose similarity cutoff: ',0.0,3.0,0.4,key='sim_cutoff') st.slider('Choose number of iterations: ',1,100,80,key='n_iter') vocab = [x.strip("\r\n ") for x in open('./vocab.txt')] vocab = Vocab(vocab) if st.button('Optimize'): # st.write('Testing') # with st.columns(3)[1]: with st.spinner("Operation in progress. Please wait."): model = JTPropVAE(vocab, 450, 56, 20, 3) model.load_state_dict(torch.load('./model.iter-685000',map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) new_smiles,sim = model.optimize(st.session_state.smiles, sim_cutoff=st.session_state.sim_cutoff,, num_iter=st.session_state.n_iter) del model if new_smiles is None: st.markdown("

Cannot optimize! Please choose another setting.

",unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown("New SMILES",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.code(new_smiles) new_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(new_smiles) if new_mol is None: st.markdown("

New SMILES is invalid! Please choose another setting.

",unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.write('New SMILES is invalid.') else: # st.write('New SMILES molecule:') imgByteArr = io.BytesIO() MolToImage(new_mol,size=(400,400)).save(imgByteArr,format='PNG') st.markdown("

"+ f""+ "

", unsafe_allow_html=True) new_score = penalized_logp_standard(new_mol) # st.write('New penalized logP score: %.5f' % (new_score)) st.metric('New penalized logP score','%.5f' % (new_score), '%.5f'%(new_score-score)) st.metric('Similarity','%.5f' % (sim)) # st.write('Caching ZINC20 if necessary...') with st.spinner("Caching ZINC20 if necessary..."): if buy(new_smiles, catalog='zinc20',canonicalize=True): st.write('This molecule exists.') st.markdown("

This molecule exists.

",unsafe_allow_html=True) else: # st.write('THIS MOLECULE DOES NOT EXIST!') st.markdown("


",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("

Checked using molbloom

",unsafe_allow_html=True) elif tabs == 'Optimize batch': st.write('Incoming...')