brestok's picture
class CalculationPrompts:
competitive = """## Task
Think about whether this supplier is essential for buying company day-to-day operations, answer on the question below and set a score.
How dependent is buying company business on this supplier for critical operations?
## Data
**Buying Company**:
## JSON Response format
"score": integer
- [score]: Numerical score between 1 and 4. 1 = Many, 4 = Very few."""
supplier = """## Task
Evaluate whether this supplier faces competition or has significant market control, answer on the question below and set a score.
How competitive is the market where this supplier operates?
## Data
**Buying Company**:
## JSON Response format
"score": integer
- [score]: Numerical score between 1 and 4. 1 = Highly competitive, 4 = Monopoly/Oligopoly."""
business = """## Task
Reflect on how important buying company business is to this supplier’s overall revenue, answer on the question below and set a score.
How dependent is the supplier on buying company organization for their revenue?
## Data
**Buying Company**:
## JSON Response format
"score": integer
- [score]: Numerical score between 1 and 4. 1 = Not dependent, 4 = Highly dependent."""
critical = """## Task
Think about whether this supplier provides something that others cannot easily replicate, answer on the question below and set a score.
How critical is this supplier for delivering unique or differentiated products/services?
## Data
**Buying Company**:
## JSON Response format
"score": integer
- [score]: Numerical score between 1 and 4. Think about whether this supplier provides something that others cannot easily replicate."""