library(shiny) |
library(leaflet) |
library(mapboxapi) |
library(tidyverse) |
library(tidycensus) |
library(sf) |
library(DT) |
library(RColorBrewer) |
library(terra) |
library(data.table) |
library(mapview) |
library(sjPlot) |
library(sjlabelled) |
mapbox_token <- "pk.eyJ1Ijoia3dhbGtlcnRjdSIsImEiOiJjbHc3NmI0cDMxYzhyMmt0OXBiYnltMjVtIn0.Thtu6WqIhOfin6AykskM2g" |
mb_access_token(mapbox_token, install = FALSE) |
osm_greenspace <- st_read("data/greenspaces_osm_nad83.shp", quiet = TRUE) %>% |
st_transform(4326) |
if (!"name" %in% names(osm_greenspace)) { |
osm_greenspace$name <- "Unnamed Greenspace" |
} |
ndvi <- rast("data/SF_EastBay_NDVI_Sentinel_10.tif") |
load("data/sf_gbif.Rdata") |
load('data/cbg_vect_sf.Rdata') |
if (!"unique_species" %in% names(cbg_vect_sf)) { |
cbg_vect_sf$unique_species <- cbg_vect_sf$n_species |
} |
if (!"n_observations" %in% names(cbg_vect_sf)) { |
cbg_vect_sf$n_observations <- cbg_vect_sf$n |
} |
if (!"median_inc" %in% names(cbg_vect_sf)) { |
cbg_vect_sf$median_inc <- cbg_vect_sf$medincE |
} |
if (!"ndvi_mean" %in% names(cbg_vect_sf)) { |
cbg_vect_sf$ndvi_mean <- cbg_vect_sf$ndvi_sentinel |
} |
biodiv_hotspots <- st_read("data/hotspots.shp", quiet = TRUE) %>% st_transform(4326) |
biodiv_coldspots <- st_read("data/coldspots.shp", quiet = TRUE) %>% st_transform(4326) |
ui <- fluidPage( |
titlePanel("San Francisco Biodiversity Access Decision Support Tool"), |
fluidRow( |
column( |
width = 12, align = "center", |
tags$img(src = "UC Berkeley_logo.png", |
height = "120px", style = "margin:10px;"), |
tags$img(src = "California_academy_logo.png", |
height = "120px", style = "margin:10px;"), |
tags$img(src = "Reimagining_San_Francisco.png", |
height = "120px", style = "margin:10px;") |
) |
), |
fluidRow( |
column( |
width = 12, |
br(), |
p("This application demonstrates an approach for exploring biodiversity access in San Francisco..."), |
) |
), |
br(), |
fluidRow( |
column( |
width = 12, |
br(), |
tags$b("App Summary (Fill out with RSF data working group):"), |
p(" |
This application allows users to either click on a map or geocode an address (in progress) |
to generate travel-time isochrones across multiple transportation modes (e.g., pedestrian, cycling, driving, driving during traffic). |
It retrieves socio-economic data from precomputed Census variables, calculates NDVI, |
and summarizes biodiversity records from GBIF. We explore what biodiversity access means |
Users can explore information that we often relate to biodiversity in urban environments including greenspace coverage, population estimates, and species diversity within each isochrone."), |
tags$b("Reimagining San Francisco (Fill out with CAS):"), |
p("Reimagining San Francisco is an initiative aimed at integrating ecological, social, |
and technological dimensions to shape a sustainable future for the Bay Area. |
This collaboration unites diverse stakeholders to explore innovations in urban planning, |
conservation, and community engagement. The Reimagining San Francisco Data Working Group has been tasked with identifying and integrating multiple sources of socio-ecological biodiversity information in a co-development framework."), |
tags$b("Why Biodiversity Access Matters (Polish this):"), |
p(" |
# Ensuring equitable access to biodiversity is essential for human well-being, |
# ecological resilience, and global policy decisions related to conservation. |
# Areas with higher biodiversity can support ecosystem services including pollinators, moderate climate extremes, |
# and provide cultural, recreational, and health benefits to local communities. |
Recognizing that cities are particularly complex socio-ecological systems facing both legacies of sociocultural practices as well as current ongoing dynamic human activities and pressures. |
Incorporating multiple facets of biodiversity metrics alongside variables employed by city planners, human geographers, and decision-makers into urban planning will allow a more integrative lens in creating a sustainable future for cities and their residents."), |
tags$b("How We Calculate Biodiversity Access Percentile:"), |
p("Total unique species found within the user-generated isochrone. |
We then compare that value to the distribution of unique species counts across all census block groups, |
converting that comparison into a percentile ranking (Polish this, look at the 15 Minute city). |
A higher percentile indicates greater biodiversity within the chosen area, |
relative to other parts of the city or region."), |
tags$b("Created by:"), |
p(strong("Diego Ellis Soto", "Carl Boettiger, Rebecca Johnson, Christopher J. Schell")), |
p("Contact Information", |
strong("diego.ellissoto@berkeley.edu")), |
tags$b("Next Steps:"), |
tags$ul( |
tags$li("Add impervious surface"), |
tags$li("National walkability score"), |
tags$li("Social vulnerability score"), |
tags$li("NatureServe biodiversity maps"), |
tags$li("Calculate cold-hotspots within ggregation of H6 bins instead of by census block group: Ask Carl"), |
tags$li("Species range maps"), |
tags$li("Add common name GBIF"), |
tags$li("Partner orgs"), |
tags$li("Optimize speed -> store variables -> H-ify the world?"), |
tags$li("Brainstorm and co-develop the biodiversity access score"), |
tags$li("For the GBIF summaries, add an annotated GBIF_sf with environmental variables so we can see landcover type association across the biodiversity within the isochrone.") |
) |
) |
), |
br(), |
tabsetPanel( |
tabPanel("Isochrone Explorer", |
sidebarLayout( |
sidebarPanel( |
radioButtons( |
"location_choice", |
"Select how to choose your location:", |
choices = c("Address (Geocode)" = "address", |
"Click on Map" = "map_click"), |
selected = "map_click" |
), |
conditionalPanel( |
condition = "input.location_choice == 'address'", |
textInput( |
"user_address", |
"Enter Address:", |
value = "", |
placeholder = "e.g., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA" |
) |
), |
checkboxGroupInput( |
"transport_modes", |
"Select Transportation Modes:", |
choices = list("Driving" = "driving", |
"Walking" = "walking", |
"Cycling" = "cycling", |
"Driving with Traffic"= "driving-traffic"), |
selected = c("driving", "walking") |
), |
checkboxGroupInput( |
"iso_times", |
"Select Isochrone Times (minutes):", |
choices = list("5" = 5, "10" = 10, "15" = 15), |
selected = c(5, 10) |
), |
actionButton("generate_iso", "Generate Isochrones"), |
actionButton("clear_map", "Clear") |
), |
mainPanel( |
leafletOutput("isoMap", height = 600), |
fluidRow( |
column(12, |
br(), |
uiOutput("bioScoreBox"), |
uiOutput("closestGreenspaceUI") |
) |
), |
br(), |
DTOutput("dataTable"), |
br(), |
fluidRow( |
column(12, |
plotOutput("bioSocPlot", height = "400px") |
) |
), |
br(), |
fluidRow( |
column(12, |
plotOutput("collectionPlot", height = "300px") |
) |
) |
) |
) |
), |
tabPanel( |
"GBIF Summaries", |
sidebarLayout( |
sidebarPanel( |
selectInput( |
"class_filter", |
"Select a GBIF Class to Summarize:", |
choices = c("All", sort(unique(sf_gbif$class))), |
selected = "All" |
), |
selectInput( |
"family_filter", |
"Filter by Family (optional):", |
choices = c("All", sort(unique(sf_gbif$family))), |
selected = "All" |
) |
), |
mainPanel( |
DTOutput("classTable"), |
br(), |
h3("Observations vs. Species Richness"), |
plotOutput("obsVsSpeciesPlot", height = "400px"), |
p("This plot displays the relationship between the number of observations and the species richness. Use this visualization to understand data coverage and biodiversity trends.") |
) |
) |
) |
) |
) |
server <- function(input, output, session) { |
chosen_point <- reactiveVal(NULL) |
output$isoMap <- renderLeaflet({ |
pal_cbg <- colorNumeric("YlOrRd", cbg_vect_sf$medincE) |
pal_rich <- colorNumeric("YlOrRd", domain = cbg_vect_sf$unique_species) |
pal_data <- colorNumeric("Blues", domain = cbg_vect_sf$n_observations) |
leaflet() %>% |
addTiles(group = "Street Map (Default)") %>% |
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery, group = "Satellite (ESRI)") %>% |
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "CartoDB.Positron") %>% |
addPolygons( |
data = cbg_vect_sf, |
group = "Income", |
fillColor = ~pal_cbg(medincE), |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
color = "white", |
weight = 1, |
label = "Income" |
) %>% |
addPolygons( |
data = osm_greenspace, |
group = "Greenspace", |
fillColor = "darkgreen", |
fillOpacity = 0.3, |
color = "green", |
weight = 1, |
label = ~name, |
highlightOptions = highlightOptions( |
weight = 5, |
color = "blue", |
fillOpacity = 0.5, |
bringToFront = TRUE |
), |
labelOptions = labelOptions( |
style = list("font-weight" = "bold", "color" = "blue"), |
textsize = "12px", |
direction = "auto" |
) |
) %>% |
addPolygons( |
data = biodiv_hotspots, |
group = "Hotspots (KnowBR)", |
fillColor = "firebrick", |
fillOpacity = 0.2, |
color = "firebrick", |
weight = 2, |
label = "Biodiversity Hotspot" |
) %>% |
addPolygons( |
data = biodiv_coldspots, |
group = "Coldspots (KnowBR)", |
fillColor = "navyblue", |
fillOpacity = 0.2, |
color = "navyblue", |
weight = 2, |
label = "Biodiversity Coldspot" |
) %>% |
addPolygons( |
data = cbg_vect_sf, |
group = "Species Richness", |
fillColor = ~pal_rich(unique_species), |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
color = "white", |
weight = 1, |
popup = ~paste0( |
"<strong>GEOID: </strong>", GEOID, |
"<br><strong>Species Richness: </strong>", unique_species, |
"<br><strong>Observations: </strong>", n_observations, |
"<br><strong>Median Income: </strong>", median_inc, |
"<br><strong>Mean NDVI: </strong>", ndvi_mean |
) |
) %>% |
addPolygons( |
data = cbg_vect_sf, |
group = "Data Availability", |
fillColor = ~pal_data(n_observations), |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
color = "white", |
weight = 1, |
popup = ~paste0( |
"<strong>GEOID: </strong>", GEOID, |
"<br><strong>Observations: </strong>", n_observations, |
"<br><strong>Species Richness: </strong>", unique_species, |
"<br><strong>Median Income: </strong>", median_inc, |
"<br><strong>Mean NDVI: </strong>", ndvi_mean |
) |
) %>% |
setView(lng = -122.4194, lat = 37.7749, zoom = 12) %>% |
addLayersControl( |
baseGroups = c("Street Map (Default)", "Satellite (ESRI)", "CartoDB.Positron"), |
overlayGroups = c("Income", "Greenspace","Species Richness", "Data Availability", |
"Hotspots (KnowBR)", "Coldspots (KnowBR)"), |
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE) |
) %>% |
hideGroup("Income") %>% |
hideGroup("Greenspace") %>% |
hideGroup("Hotspots (KnowBR)") %>% |
hideGroup("Coldspots (KnowBR)") %>% |
hideGroup("Species Richness") %>% |
hideGroup("Data Availability") |
}) |
observeEvent(input$isoMap_click, { |
req(input$location_choice == "map_click") |
click <- input$isoMap_click |
if (!is.null(click)) { |
chosen_point(c(lon = click$lng, lat = click$lat)) |
leafletProxy("isoMap") %>% |
clearMarkers() %>% |
addCircleMarkers( |
lng = click$lng, lat = click$lat, |
radius = 6, color = "firebrick", |
label = "Map Click Location" |
) |
} |
}) |
observeEvent(input$clear_map, { |
chosen_point(NULL) |
leafletProxy("isoMap") %>% |
clearMarkers() %>% |
clearShapes() %>% |
clearGroup("Isochrones") %>% |
clearGroup("NDVI Raster") |
showNotification("Map cleared. You can select a new location.") |
}) |
isochrones_data <- eventReactive(input$generate_iso, { |
leafletProxy("isoMap") %>% |
clearGroup("Isochrones") %>% |
clearGroup("NDVI Raster") |
if (input$location_choice == "address") { |
if (nchar(input$user_address) < 5) { |
showNotification("Please enter a more complete address.", type = "error") |
return(NULL) |
} |
loc_df <- tryCatch({ |
mb_geocode(input$user_address, access_token = mapbox_token) |
}, error = function(e) { |
showNotification(paste("Geocoding failed:", e$message), type = "error") |
}) |
if (is.null(loc_df) || nrow(loc_df) == 0 || is.na(loc_df$lon[1]) || is.na(loc_df$lat[1])) { |
showNotification("No valid geocoding results found.", type = "warning") |
return(NULL) |
} |
chosen_point(c(lon = loc_df$lon[1], lat = loc_df$lat[1])) |
leafletProxy("isoMap") %>% |
clearMarkers() %>% |
addCircleMarkers( |
lng = loc_df$lon[1], lat = loc_df$lat[1], |
radius = 6, color = "navyblue", |
label = "Geocoded Address" |
) %>% |
setView(lng = loc_df$lon[1], lat = loc_df$lat[1], zoom = 13) |
} |
pt <- chosen_point() |
if (is.null(pt)) { |
showNotification("No location selected! Provide an address or click the map.", type = "error") |
return(NULL) |
} |
if (length(input$transport_modes) == 0) { |
showNotification("Select at least one transportation mode.", type = "error") |
return(NULL) |
} |
if (length(input$iso_times) == 0) { |
showNotification("Select at least one isochrone time.", type = "error") |
return(NULL) |
} |
location_sf <- st_as_sf( |
data.frame(lon = pt["lon"], lat = pt["lat"]), |
coords = c("lon","lat"), crs = 4326 |
) |
iso_list <- list() |
for (mode in input$transport_modes) { |
for (t in input$iso_times) { |
iso <- tryCatch({ |
mb_isochrone(location_sf, time = as.numeric(t), profile = mode, |
access_token = mapbox_token) |
}, error = function(e) { |
showNotification(paste("Isochrone error:", mode, t, e$message), type = "error") |
}) |
if (!is.null(iso)) { |
iso$mode <- mode |
iso$time <- t |
iso_list <- append(iso_list, list(iso)) |
} |
} |
} |
if (length(iso_list) == 0) { |
showNotification("No isochrones generated.", type = "warning") |
return(NULL) |
} |
all_iso <- do.call(rbind, iso_list) %>% st_transform(4326) |
all_iso |
}) |
observeEvent(isochrones_data(), { |
iso_data <- isochrones_data() |
req(iso_data) |
iso_data$iso_group <- paste(iso_data$mode, iso_data$time, sep = "_") |
pal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Set2")) |
cols <- pal(nrow(iso_data)) |
for (i in seq_len(nrow(iso_data))) { |
poly_i <- iso_data[i, ] |
leafletProxy("isoMap") %>% |
addPolygons( |
data = poly_i, |
group = "Isochrones", |
color = cols[i], |
weight = 2, |
fillOpacity = 0.4, |
label = paste0(poly_i$mode, " - ", poly_i$time, " mins") |
) |
} |
iso_union <- st_union(iso_data) |
iso_union_vect <- vect(iso_union) |
ndvi_crop <- crop(ndvi, iso_union_vect) |
ndvi_mask <- mask(ndvi_crop, iso_union_vect) |
ndvi_vals <- values(ndvi_mask) |
ndvi_vals <- ndvi_vals[!is.na(ndvi_vals)] |
if (length(ndvi_vals) > 0) { |
ndvi_pal <- colorNumeric("YlGn", domain = range(ndvi_vals, na.rm = TRUE), na.color = "transparent") |
leafletProxy("isoMap") %>% |
addRasterImage( |
x = ndvi_mask, |
colors = ndvi_pal, |
opacity = 0.7, |
project = TRUE, |
group = "NDVI Raster" |
) %>% |
addLegend( |
position = "bottomright", |
pal = ndvi_pal, |
values = ndvi_vals, |
title = "NDVI" |
) |
} |
leafletProxy("isoMap") %>% |
addLayersControl( |
baseGroups = c("Street Map (Default)", "Satellite (ESRI)", "CartoDB.Positron"), |
overlayGroups = c("Income", "Greenspace", |
"Hotspots (KnowBR)", "Coldspots (KnowBR)", |
"Isochrones", "NDVI Raster"), |
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE) |
) |
}) |
socio_data <- reactive({ |
iso_data <- isochrones_data() |
if (is.null(iso_data) || nrow(iso_data) == 0) { |
return(data.frame()) |
} |
acs_wide <- cbg_vect_sf %>% |
mutate( |
population = popE, |
med_income = medincE |
) |
hotspot_union <- st_union(biodiv_hotspots) |
coldspot_union <- st_union(biodiv_coldspots) |
results <- data.frame() |
for (i in seq_len(nrow(iso_data))) { |
poly_i <- iso_data[i, ] |
dist_hot <- st_distance(poly_i, hotspot_union) |
dist_cold <- st_distance(poly_i, coldspot_union) |
dist_hot_km <- round(as.numeric(min(dist_hot)) / 1000, 3) |
dist_cold_km <- round(as.numeric(min(dist_cold)) / 1000, 3) |
inter_acs <- st_intersection(acs_wide, poly_i) |
pop_total <- 0 |
inc_str <- "N/A" |
if (nrow(inter_acs) > 0) { |
inter_acs$area <- st_area(inter_acs) |
inter_acs$area_num <- as.numeric(inter_acs$area) |
inter_acs$area_ratio <- inter_acs$area_num / as.numeric(st_area(inter_acs)) |
inter_acs$weighted_pop <- inter_acs$population * inter_acs$area_ratio |
pop_total <- round(sum(inter_acs$weighted_pop, na.rm = TRUE)) |
w_income <- sum(inter_acs$med_income * inter_acs$area_num, na.rm = TRUE) / |
sum(inter_acs$area_num, na.rm = TRUE) |
if (!is.na(w_income) && w_income > 0) { |
inc_str <- paste0("$", formatC(round(w_income, 2), format = "f", big.mark = ",")) |
} |
} |
inter_gs <- st_intersection(osm_greenspace, poly_i) |
gs_area_m2 <- 0 |
if (nrow(inter_gs) > 0) { |
gs_area_m2 <- sum(st_area(inter_gs)) |
} |
iso_area_m2 <- as.numeric(st_area(poly_i)) |
gs_area_m2 <- as.numeric(gs_area_m2) |
gs_percent <- ifelse(iso_area_m2 > 0, 100 * gs_area_m2 / iso_area_m2, 0) |
poly_vect <- vect(poly_i) |
ndvi_crop <- crop(ndvi, poly_vect) |
ndvi_mask <- mask(ndvi_crop, poly_vect) |
ndvi_vals <- values(ndvi_mask) |
ndvi_vals <- ndvi_vals[!is.na(ndvi_vals)] |
mean_ndvi <- ifelse(length(ndvi_vals) > 0, round(mean(ndvi_vals, na.rm=TRUE), 3), NA) |
inter_gbif <- st_intersection(sf_gbif, poly_i) |
n_records <- nrow(inter_gbif) |
n_species <- length(unique(inter_gbif$species)) |
n_birds <- length(unique(inter_gbif$species[ inter_gbif$class == "Aves" ])) |
n_mammals <- length(unique(inter_gbif$species[ inter_gbif$class == "Mammalia" ])) |
n_plants <- length(unique(inter_gbif$species[ inter_gbif$class %in% |
c("Magnoliopsida","Liliopsida","Pinopsida","Polypodiopsida", |
"Equisetopsida","Bryopsida","Marchantiopsida") ])) |
iso_area_km2 <- round(iso_area_m2 / 1e6, 3) |
iso_area_sqm <- round(iso_area_m2, 2) |
row_i <- data.frame( |
Mode = tools::toTitleCase(poly_i$mode), |
Time = poly_i$time, |
IsochroneArea_m2 = iso_area_sqm, |
IsochroneArea_km2 = iso_area_km2, |
DistToHotspot_km = dist_hot_km, |
DistToColdspot_km = dist_cold_km, |
EstimatedPopulation = pop_total, |
MedianIncome = inc_str, |
MeanNDVI = ifelse(!is.na(mean_ndvi), mean_ndvi, "N/A"), |
GBIF_Records = n_records, |
GBIF_Species = n_species, |
Bird_Species = n_birds, |
Mammal_Species = n_mammals, |
Plant_Species = n_plants, |
Greenspace_m2 = round(gs_area_m2, 2), |
Greenspace_percent = round(gs_percent, 2), |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
) |
results <- rbind(results, row_i) |
} |
iso_union <- st_union(iso_data) |
inter_all_gbif <- st_intersection(sf_gbif, iso_union) |
union_n_species <- length(unique(inter_all_gbif$species)) |
rank_percentile <- round(100 * ecdf(cbg_vect_sf$unique_species)(union_n_species), 1) |
attr(results, "bio_percentile") <- rank_percentile |
dist_mat <- st_distance(iso_union, osm_greenspace) |
if (length(dist_mat) > 0) { |
min_dist <- min(dist_mat) |
min_idx <- which.min(dist_mat) |
gs_name <- osm_greenspace$name[min_idx] |
attr(results, "closest_greenspace") <- gs_name |
} else { |
attr(results, "closest_greenspace") <- "None" |
} |
results |
}) |
output$dataTable <- renderDT({ |
df <- socio_data() |
if (nrow(df) == 0) { |
return(DT::datatable(data.frame("Message" = "No isochrones generated yet."))) |
} |
DT::datatable( |
df, |
colnames = c( |
"Mode" = "Mode", |
"Time (min)" = "Time", |
"Area (m²)" = "IsochroneArea_m2", |
"Area (km²)" = "IsochroneArea_km2", |
"Dist. Hotspot (km)" = "DistToHotspot_km", |
"Dist. Coldspot (km)" = "DistToColdspot_km", |
"Population" = "EstimatedPopulation", |
"Median Income" = "MedianIncome", |
"Mean NDVI" = "MeanNDVI", |
"GBIF Records" = "GBIF_Records", |
"Unique Species" = "GBIF_Species", |
"Bird Species" = "Bird_Species", |
"Mammal Species" = "Mammal_Species", |
"Plant Species" = "Plant_Species", |
"Greenspace (m²)" = "Greenspace_m2", |
"Greenspace (%)" = "Greenspace_percent" |
), |
options = list(pageLength = 10, autoWidth = TRUE), |
rownames = FALSE |
) |
}) |
output$bioScoreBox <- renderUI({ |
df <- socio_data() |
if (nrow(df) == 0) return(NULL) |
percentile <- attr(df, "bio_percentile") |
if (is.null(percentile)) percentile <- "N/A" |
else percentile <- paste0(percentile, "th Percentile") |
wellPanel( |
HTML(paste0("<h2>Biodiversity Access Score: ", percentile, "</h2>")) |
) |
}) |
output$closestGreenspaceUI <- renderUI({ |
df <- socio_data() |
if (nrow(df) == 0) return(NULL) |
gs_name <- attr(df, "closest_greenspace") |
if (is.null(gs_name)) gs_name <- "None" |
tagList( |
strong("Closest Greenspace (from any part of the Isochrone):"), |
p(gs_name) |
) |
}) |
output$classTable <- renderDT({ |
iso_data <- isochrones_data() |
if (is.null(iso_data) || nrow(iso_data) == 0) { |
return(DT::datatable(data.frame("Message" = "No isochrones generated yet."))) |
} |
iso_union <- st_union(iso_data) |
inter_gbif <- st_intersection(sf_gbif, iso_union) |
acs_wide <- cbg_vect_sf %>% mutate( |
income = median_inc, |
ndvi = ndvi_mean |
) |
inter_gbif_acs <- st_intersection(inter_gbif, acs_wide) |
if (input$class_filter != "All") { |
inter_gbif_acs <- inter_gbif_acs[ inter_gbif_acs$class == input$class_filter, ] |
} |
if (input$family_filter != "All") { |
inter_gbif_acs <- inter_gbif_acs[ inter_gbif_acs$family == input$family_filter, ] |
} |
if (nrow(inter_gbif_acs) == 0) { |
return(DT::datatable(data.frame("Message" = "No records for that combination in the isochrone."))) |
} |
species_counts <- inter_gbif_acs %>% |
st_drop_geometry() %>% |
group_by(species) %>% |
summarize( |
n_records = n(), |
mean_income = round(mean(income, na.rm=TRUE), 2), |
mean_ndvi = round(mean(ndvi, na.rm=TRUE), 3), |
.groups = "drop" |
) %>% |
arrange(desc(n_records)) |
DT::datatable( |
species_counts, |
colnames = c("Species", "Number of Records", "Mean Income", "Mean NDVI"), |
options = list(pageLength = 10), |
rownames = FALSE |
) |
}) |
output$bioSocPlot <- renderPlot({ |
df <- socio_data() |
if (nrow(df) == 0) return(NULL) |
df_plot <- df %>% |
mutate(IsoLabel = paste0(Mode, "-", Time, "min")) |
ggplot(df_plot, aes(x = IsoLabel)) + |
geom_col(aes(y = GBIF_Species), fill = "steelblue", alpha = 0.7) + |
geom_line(aes(y = EstimatedPopulation / 1000, group = 1), color = "red", size = 1) + |
geom_point(aes(y = EstimatedPopulation / 1000), color = "red", size = 3) + |
labs( |
x = "Isochrone (Mode-Time)", |
y = "Blue bars: Unique Species \n | Red line: Population (thousands)", |
title = "Biodiversity & Socioeconomic Summary" |
) + |
theme_minimal(base_size = 14) + |
theme( |
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 12), |
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12), |
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14), |
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14) |
) |
}) |
output$collectionPlot <- renderPlot({ |
iso_data <- isochrones_data() |
if (is.null(iso_data) || nrow(iso_data) == 0) { |
plot.new() |
title("No GBIF records found in this isochrone.") |
return(NULL) |
} |
iso_union <- st_union(iso_data) |
inter_gbif <- st_intersection(sf_gbif, iso_union) |
if (nrow(inter_gbif) == 0) { |
plot.new() |
title("No GBIF records found in this isochrone.") |
return(NULL) |
} |
df_code <- inter_gbif %>% |
st_drop_geometry() %>% |
group_by(institutionCode) %>% |
summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>% |
arrange(desc(count)) |
ggplot(df_code, aes(x = reorder(institutionCode, -count), y = count)) + |
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "darkorange", alpha = 0.7) + |
labs( |
x = "Institution Code", |
y = "Number of Records", |
title = "GBIF Records by Institution Code (Isochrone Union)" |
) + |
theme_minimal(base_size = 14) + |
theme( |
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 12), |
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12), |
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14), |
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14) |
) |
}) |
output$mapNUI <- renderUI({ |
map_n <- mapview(cbg_vect_sf, zcol = "n", layer.name="Data Availability (n)") |
map_n@map |
}) |
output$mapSpeciesUI <- renderUI({ |
map_s <- mapview(cbg_vect_sf, zcol = "n_species", layer.name="Species Richness (n_species)") |
map_s@map |
}) |
output$obsVsSpeciesPlot <- renderPlot({ |
ggplot(cbg_vect_sf, aes(x = log(n_observations+1), y = log(unique_species+1)) ) + |
geom_point(color = "blue", alpha = 0.6) + |
labs( |
x = "Number of Observations (n_observations)", |
y = "Number of Species (n_species)", |
title = "Data Availability vs. Species Richness" |
) + |
theme_minimal(base_size = 14) |
}) |
} |
shinyApp(ui, server) |