library(shiny) | |
library(bslib) | |
library(shinybusy) | |
source("utils.R") | |
source("inat-ranges.R") | |
public_endpoint <- Sys.getenv("AWS_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT", Sys.getenv("AWS_S3_ENDPOINT")) | |
# intialize data | |
load_h3() | |
load_spatial() | |
duckdbfs::duckdb_secrets() | |
inat <- open_dataset("s3://public-inat/hex") | |
taxa <- open_dataset(glue("s3://public-inat/taxonomy/taxa.parquet"), | |
recursive = FALSE) |> rename(taxon_id = id) | |
cache <- tempfile(fileext = ".json") | |
# I/O limited, we can have many more processes than CPU threads | |
con <- duckdbfs::cached_connection() | |
DBI::dbExecute(con, "SET threads = 128;") | |
###### User interface ###### | |
ui <- page_sidebar( | |
title = "iNaturalist Rangemaps", | |
markdown("Visualize species richness from [iNaturalist Range map datasets]( | |
Pan & zoom the map over the desired area and hit 'map richness', or draw the desired area with the draw tool. | |
Filter by specific taxonomic ranks or view all 100,293 mapped species. | |
Note that larger areas will be slower to compute. (Area selections that overlap the antimerdian may create visual artefacts). | |
"), | |
shinybusy::add_busy_spinner(), | |
sidebar = sidebar( | |
card( | |
markdown("Filter by taxonomic group or toggle off to see all species."), | |
input_switch("filter", "filter taxa:", value = TRUE), | |
varSelectInput("rank", NULL, taxa, selected = "class"), | |
textInput("taxon", NULL, "Aves") | |
), | |
actionButton("get_features", "Map richness") | |
), | |
card( | |
maplibreOutput("map"), | |
) | |
) | |
###### Server ###### | |
server <- function(input, output, session) { | |
# observeEvent(input$map_bbox, { }) # We can react to any zoom/pan on the map | |
output$map <- renderMaplibre({ | |
# Hacky -- we sidecar the metadata here | |
if(file.exists(cache)) { | |
meta <- jsonlite::read_json(cache) | |
print(meta$url) | |
} else { | |
meta <- list(X = -110, | |
Y = 37, | |
zoom = 4, | |
url = paste0("https://", | |
public_endpoint, | |
"/public-data/inat-tmp-ranges.h3j")) | |
} | |
m <- richness_map(meta) | |
m | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$get_features, { | |
# Use the bbox as the focal area unless user has selected a focal area | |
drawn_features <- get_drawn_features(mapboxgl_proxy("map")) | |
if(nrow(drawn_features) > 0) { | |
aoi <- drawn_features | |
} else if (!is.null(input$map_bbox)){ | |
aoi <- sf::st_bbox(unlist(input$map_bbox), crs = 4326) | |
} else { | |
aoi <- spData::us_states | |
} | |
rank <- taxon <- NULL | |
if (input$filter) { | |
rank <- input$rank | |
taxon <- input$taxon | |
} | |
message("Computing richness...") | |
meta <- richness(inat, aoi, rank, taxon, zoom = input$map_zoom) | |
jsonlite::write_json(meta, cache, auto_unbox = TRUE) | |
message(paste("rendering", meta$url)) | |
session$reload() | |
}) | |
} | |
shinyApp(ui, server) |