from .clean import ProcessText from .definition import Definition from .loaddata import Data import pandas as pd import pickle from math import log10 from tqdm import tqdm from os import path class Engine: process = ProcessText() GITHUB_HOSTED_URL = "" def __init__(self, file_path: str = "./dataset/olam-enml.csv", download=False): self.index = {} self.documents = {} if download: self.file_path = self.GITHUB_HOSTED_URL else: self.file_path = file_path if not self._check_for_index_cache(): self._load_data() self.index_document() self._cache_data() else: print("Loading indexed dataset from memory") self._load_index_cache() def _check_for_index_cache(self): return path.isfile("./dataset/olam-enml-index.pkl") and path.isfile( "./dataset/olam-enml-documents.pkl" ) def _load_index_cache(self): with open("./dataset/olam-enml-index.pkl", "rb") as f: self.index = pickle.load(f) with open("./dataset/olam-enml-documents.pkl", "rb") as f: self.documents = pickle.load(f) def _cache_data(self): with open("./dataset/olam-enml-index.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.index, f) with open("./dataset/olam-enml-documents.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.documents, f) def _load_data(self): dataframe = Data(file_path=self.file_path) self.df = dataframe.load() def _index_doc(self, row: pd.Series): document = Definition(**row) if not in self.documents: self.documents[] = document document.analyze() self.process.text = document.english_word for token in self.process.clean_and_stem(): if token not in self.index: self.index[token] = set() self.index[token].add( def index_document(self): for i in tqdm(range(self.df.shape[0]), desc="Indexing dataset", ascii="░▒█"): try: self._index_doc(self.df.loc[i]) except AttributeError: continue def _results(self, analyzed_query): return [self.index.get(token, set()) for token in analyzed_query] def document_frequency(self, token): return len(self.index.get(token, set())) def inverse_document_frequency(self, token): """ Manning, Hinrich and Schütze use log10, so we do too, even though it doesn't really matter which log we use anyway """ return log10(len(self.documents) / self.document_frequency(token)) def search(self, query, search_type="AND", rank=True): """ Boolean search; this will return documents that contain all words from the query, but not rank them (sets are fast, but unordered). """ if search_type not in ("AND", "OR"): return [] self.process.text = query analyzed_query = self.process.clean_and_stem() results = self._results(analyzed_query) documents = [self.documents[doc_id] for doc_id in set.intersection(*results)] if rank: return self.rank(analyzed_query, documents) if search_type == "AND": # all tokens must be in the document documents = [ self.documents[doc_id] for doc_id in set.intersection(*results) ] elif search_type == "OR": # only one token has to be in the document documents = [self.documents[doc_id] for doc_id in set.union(*results)] return documents def rank(self, analyzed_query, documents): results = [] if not documents: return results for document in documents: # score = sum([document.term_frequency(token) for token in analyzed_query]) # results.append((document, score)) # return sorted(results, key=lambda doc: doc[1], reverse=True) score = 0.0 for token in analyzed_query: tf = document.term_frequency(token) idf = self.inverse_document_frequency(token) score += tf * idf results.append((document, score)) return sorted(results, key=lambda doc: doc[1], reverse=True)