import streamlit as st from utils.wolvesville import Wolvesville from utils.models import AvatarItems, AvatarItemSets from utils.helper import chunks, getTitle, groupItemCategories from typing import List api = Wolvesville() _items: List[AvatarItems] = api.getItems() itemGroup = groupItemCategories(items=_items) itemAvatarSets: List[AvatarItemSets] = api.getItemAsSets() st.markdown(getTitle("Avatar Items"), unsafe_allow_html=True) CHUNK_SIZE = 4 for itemType, itemSets in itemGroup.items(): itemType = itemType.title() with st.expander(f"See {itemType}"): for items in chunks(itemSets[:8], CHUNK_SIZE): cols = st.columns(CHUNK_SIZE) for item, col in zip(items, cols): col.markdown( f'', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) rarity = item.rarity.title() col.markdown(rarity) col.button(f"{item.costInGold} 🪙", col.divider() st.markdown(getTitle("Item Collections"), unsafe_allow_html=True) for item in itemAvatarSets: st.markdown( f'', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if item.ids != []: with st.expander("See item sets"): for id in item.ids: st.markdown( f'', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.divider() st.toast("Loaded avatar items", icon="🛒")