"""Experiment with different indices, models, and more.""" from __future__ import annotations import time from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union import pandas as pd from langchain.input import get_color_mapping, print_text from gpt_index.indices.base import BaseGPTIndex from gpt_index.indices.list.base import GPTListIndex from gpt_index.indices.tree.base import GPTTreeIndex from gpt_index.indices.vector_store import GPTSimpleVectorIndex from gpt_index.readers.schema.base import Document DEFAULT_INDEX_CLASSES: List[Type[BaseGPTIndex]] = [ GPTSimpleVectorIndex, GPTTreeIndex, GPTListIndex, ] DEFAULT_MODES = ["default", "summarize", "embedding", "retrieve", "recursive"] class Playground: """Experiment with indices, models, embeddings, modes, and more.""" def __init__(self, indices: List[BaseGPTIndex], modes: List[str] = DEFAULT_MODES): """Initialize with indices to experiment with. Args: indices: A list of BaseGPTIndex's to experiment with modes: A list of modes that specify which nodes are chosen from the index when a query is made. A full list of modes available to each index can be found here: https://gpt-index.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/query.html """ self._validate_indices(indices) self._indices = indices self._validate_modes(modes) self._modes = modes index_range = [str(i) for i in range(len(indices))] self.index_colors = get_color_mapping(index_range) @classmethod def from_docs( cls, documents: List[Document], index_classes: List[Type[BaseGPTIndex]] = DEFAULT_INDEX_CLASSES, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Playground: """Initialize with Documents using the default list of indices. Args: documents: A List of Documents to experiment with. """ if len(documents) == 0: raise ValueError( "Playground must be initialized with a nonempty list of Documents." ) indices = [ index_class.from_documents(documents) for index_class in index_classes ] return cls(indices, **kwargs) def _validate_indices(self, indices: List[BaseGPTIndex]) -> None: """Validate a list of indices.""" if len(indices) == 0: raise ValueError("Playground must have a non-empty list of indices.") for index in indices: if not isinstance(index, BaseGPTIndex): raise ValueError( "Every index in Playground should be an instance of BaseGPTIndex." ) @property def indices(self) -> List[BaseGPTIndex]: """Get Playground's indices.""" return self._indices @indices.setter def indices(self, indices: List[BaseGPTIndex]) -> None: """Set Playground's indices.""" self._validate_indices(indices) self._indices = indices def _validate_modes(self, modes: List[str]) -> None: """Validate a list of modes.""" if len(modes) == 0: raise ValueError( "Playground must have a nonzero number of modes." "Initialize without the `modes` argument to use the default list." ) @property def modes(self) -> List[str]: """Get Playground's indices.""" return self._modes @modes.setter def modes(self, modes: List[str]) -> None: """Set Playground's indices.""" self._validate_modes(modes) self._modes = modes def compare( self, query_text: str, to_pandas: Optional[bool] = True ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """Compare index outputs on an input query. Args: query_text (str): Query to run all indices on. to_pandas (Optional[bool]): Return results in a pandas dataframe. True by default. Returns: The output of each index along with other data, such as the time it took to compute. Results are stored in a Pandas Dataframe or a list of Dicts. """ print(f"\033[1mQuery:\033[0m\n{query_text}\n") print(f"Trying {len(self._indices) * len(self._modes)} combinations...\n\n") result = [] for i, index in enumerate(self._indices): for mode in self._modes: if mode not in index.get_query_map(): continue start_time = time.time() index_name = type(index).__name__ print_text(f"\033[1m{index_name}\033[0m, mode = {mode}", end="\n") output = index.query(query_text, mode=mode) print_text(str(output), color=self.index_colors[str(i)], end="\n\n") duration = time.time() - start_time llm_token_usage = index.service_context.llm_predictor.last_token_usage embed_token_usage = index.service_context.embed_model.last_token_usage result.append( { "Index": index_name, "Mode": mode, "Output": str(output), "Duration": duration, "LLM Tokens": llm_token_usage, "Embedding Tokens": embed_token_usage, } ) print(f"\nRan {len(result)} combinations in total.") if to_pandas: return pd.DataFrame(result) else: return result