"""Discord reader. Note: this file is named discord_reader.py to avoid conflicts with the discord.py module. """ import asyncio import logging import os from typing import List, Optional from gpt_index.readers.base import BaseReader from gpt_index.readers.schema.base import Document logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def read_channel( discord_token: str, channel_id: int, limit: Optional[int], oldest_first: bool ) -> str: """Async read channel. Note: This is our hack to create a synchronous interface to the async discord.py API. We use the `asyncio` module to run this function with `asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete`. """ import discord # noqa: F401 messages: List[discord.Message] = [] class CustomClient(discord.Client): async def on_ready(self) -> None: try: logger.info(f"{self.user} has connected to Discord!") channel = client.get_channel(channel_id) # only work for text channels for now if not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): raise ValueError( f"Channel {channel_id} is not a text channel. " "Only text channels are supported for now." ) # thread_dict maps thread_id to thread thread_dict = {} for thread in channel.threads: thread_dict[thread.id] = thread async for msg in channel.history( limit=limit, oldest_first=oldest_first ): messages.append(msg) if msg.id in thread_dict: thread = thread_dict[msg.id] async for thread_msg in thread.history( limit=limit, oldest_first=oldest_first ): messages.append(thread_msg) except Exception as e: logger.error("Encountered error: " + str(e)) finally: await self.close() intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True client = CustomClient(intents=intents) await client.start(discord_token) msg_txt_list = [m.content for m in messages] return "\n\n".join(msg_txt_list) class DiscordReader(BaseReader): """Discord reader. Reads conversations from channels. Args: discord_token (Optional[str]): Discord token. If not provided, we assume the environment variable `DISCORD_TOKEN` is set. """ def __init__(self, discord_token: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Initialize with parameters.""" try: import discord # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`discord.py` package not found, please run `pip install discord.py`" ) if discord_token is None: discord_token = os.environ["DISCORD_TOKEN"] if discord_token is None: raise ValueError( "Must specify `discord_token` or set environment " "variable `DISCORD_TOKEN`." ) self.discord_token = discord_token def _read_channel( self, channel_id: int, limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest_first: bool = True ) -> str: """Read channel.""" result = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( read_channel( self.discord_token, channel_id, limit=limit, oldest_first=oldest_first ) ) return result def load_data( self, channel_ids: List[int], limit: Optional[int] = None, oldest_first: bool = True, ) -> List[Document]: """Load data from the input directory. Args: channel_ids (List[int]): List of channel ids to read. limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of messages to read. oldest_first (bool): Whether to read oldest messages first. Defaults to `True`. Returns: List[Document]: List of documents. """ results: List[Document] = [] for channel_id in channel_ids: if not isinstance(channel_id, int): raise ValueError( f"Channel id {channel_id} must be an integer, " f"not {type(channel_id)}." ) channel_content = self._read_channel( channel_id, limit=limit, oldest_first=oldest_first ) results.append( Document(channel_content, extra_info={"channel": channel_id}) ) return results if __name__ == "__main__": reader = DiscordReader() logger.info("initialized reader") output = reader.load_data(channel_ids=[1057178784895348746], limit=10) logger.info(output)