from functools import lru_cache |
from aip import AipImageCensor, AipOcr |
_ = """ |
31294942 |
d8pnIpxUaZ7ce65StreDuOY0 |
lldWlW574LV8n3mIG2xQvcL6Wa7MXi5q |
""".strip().split() |
ai = AipImageCensor(*_) |
@lru_cache() |
def text_censor(text='一群垃圾去找小姐'): |
data = ai.textCensorUserDefined(text).get('data', []) |
rst = [] |
for _ in data: |
d = {} |
d['msg'] = _['msg'] |
hits = _['hits'] |
d['words'] = sum([hit['words'] for hit in hits], []) |
rst.append(d) |
return rst if rst else ['合规'] |
@lru_cache() |
def image_censor(img): |
data = ai.imageCensorUserDefined(img).get('data', []) |
rst = [] |
for _ in data: |
d = {} |
d['msg'] = _['msg'] |
rst.append(d) |
return rst if rst else ['合规'] |
import streamlit as st |
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["文本审核", "图片审核", "视频审核"]) |
with tab1: |
st.header("文本审核") |
text= st.text_input('请输入文本', value='一群垃圾去找小姐') |
button = st.button('开始审核文本') |
if button: |
st.json(text_censor(text)) |
with tab2: |
st.header("图像审核") |
file = st.file_uploader('请上传图片') |
button = st.button('开始审核图片') |
if file and button: |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.image(file) |
with col2: |
st.json(image_censor(file.read())) |
with tab3: |
st.header("视频审核") |