import streamlit as st import networkx as nx from import Network import streamlit.components.v1 as components def show_network_analysis(data): """ Creates and displays an interactive network graph of correspondences (sender -> addressee). Nodes are colored based on their total number of connections and both nodes and edges are translucent. :param data: List of dictionaries, each representing a single letter's data. """ st.subheader("--------") # --- 1. Create a Directed Graph from the Data --- G = nx.DiGraph() edge_weights = {} for entry in data: sender = entry.get('sender_name') addressee = entry.get('addressee_name') if sender and addressee: edge_weights[(sender, addressee)] = edge_weights.get((sender, addressee), 0) + 1 # Add edges to the graph with 'weight' attributes for (sender, addressee), weight in edge_weights.items(): G.add_edge(sender, addressee, weight=weight) # --- 2. Build a PyVis Network from the NetworkX Graph --- net = Network( height='600px', width='100%', notebook=False, directed=True, bgcolor='#ffffff', font_color='black' ) net.from_nx(G) # --- 3. Color Nodes Based on Total Connections (Degree) --- degree_dict = {node: G.in_degree(node) + G.out_degree(node) for node in G.nodes()} if degree_dict: min_deg = min(degree_dict.values()) max_deg = max(degree_dict.values()) else: min_deg, max_deg = 0, 1 def get_node_color(degree): """ Generates a translucent color between light blue and dark blue based on the node's degree. :param degree: The degree of the node. :return: Dictionary with background and border colors including opacity. """ if min_deg == max_deg: color_hex = '#5b86c5' else: ratio = (degree - min_deg) / (max_deg - min_deg) # Light Blue (#ADD8E6) to Dark Blue (#00008B) r1, g1, b1 = 173, 216, 230 r2, g2, b2 = 0, 0, 139 r = int(r1 + (r2 - r1) * ratio) g = int(g1 + (g2 - g1) * ratio) b = int(b1 + (b2 - b1) * ratio) color_hex = f'#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}' return { 'background': color_hex, 'border': color_hex, 'highlight': { 'background': color_hex, 'border': color_hex }, 'opacity': 0.8, # 80% opacity for nodes 'borderWidth': 2 } # Apply colors to each node based on their degree for node in net.nodes: node_label = node["id"] degree = degree_dict.get(node_label, 0) node["color"] = get_node_color(degree) # Display degree on hover node["title"] = f"{node_label} (Connections: {degree})" # --- 4. Style Edges with Different Colors and Translucency --- def get_edge_color(): """ Returns a consistent translucent color for all edges. :return: Dictionary with edge color and opacity. """ return { 'color': '#888888', # Gray color for edges 'opacity': 0.5 # 50% opacity for edges } # Apply styles to each edge for edge in net.edges: edge["color"] = get_edge_color() src, dst = edge["from"], edge["to"] weight = G[src][dst].get('weight', 1) edge["title"] = f"Letters exchanged: {weight}" # --- 5. Configure Physics for Network Stability --- net.set_options(""" var options = { "physics": { "enabled": true, "solver": "forceAtlas2Based", "forceAtlas2Based": { "gravitationalConstant": -50, "centralGravity": 0.003, "springConstant": 0.08, "springLength": 100, "damping": 0.4 }, "stabilization": { "iterations": 1000 } }, "nodes": { "shape": "dot", "font": { "size": 12 } }, "edges": { "arrows": { "to": { "enabled": true } }, "smooth": false } } """) # --- 6. Render the Network in Streamlit Within a Resizable Container --- try: # Generate HTML content as a string html_content = net.generate_html() # For pyvis versions < 0.5.1 # For pyvis versions >= 0.5.1, use: # html_content = net.to_html() # Create a resizable container using a div with CSS resizable_html = f"""