DockFormer /
bshor's picture
add all model variations
import json
import os
import tempfile
import Bio.PDB
import Bio.SeqUtils
import numpy as np
from Bio import pairwise2
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdMolAlign
from run_pretrained_model import run_on_folder
def get_seq_based_on_template(seq: str, template_path: str, output_path: str):
# get a list of all residues in template
parser = Bio.PDB.PDBParser()
template_structure = parser.get_structure("template", template_path)
chain = template_structure[0].get_chains().__next__()
template_residues = [i for i in chain.get_residues() if "CA" in i
and Bio.SeqUtils.seq1(i.get_resname()) not in ("X", "", " ")]
template_seq = "".join([Bio.SeqUtils.seq1(i.get_resname()) for i in template_residues])
# align the sequence to the template
alignment = pairwise2.align.globalxx(seq, template_seq, one_alignment_only=True)[0]
aligned_seq, aligned_template_seq = alignment.seqA, alignment.seqB
# create a new pdb file with the aligned residues
new_structure = Bio.PDB.Structure.Structure("new_structure")
new_model = Bio.PDB.Model.Model(0)
new_chain = Bio.PDB.Chain.Chain("A") # Using chain ID 'A' for the output
template_ind = -1
seq_ind = 0
print(aligned_seq, aligned_template_seq, len(template_residues))
for seq_res, template_res in zip(aligned_seq, aligned_template_seq):
if template_res != "-":
template_ind += 1
if seq_res != "-":
seq_ind += 1
if seq_res == "-":
if template_res == "-":
seq_res_3_letter = Bio.SeqUtils.seq3(seq_res).upper()
residue = Bio.PDB.Residue.Residue((' ', seq_ind, ' '), seq_res_3_letter, '')
atom = Bio.PDB.Atom.Atom("C", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0, 1.0, ' ', "CA", 0, element="C")
residue = template_residues[template_ind].copy()
residue.detach_parent() = (' ', seq_ind, ' ')
io = Bio.PDB.PDBIO()
def create_conformers(smiles, output_path, num_conformers=1, multiplier_samples=1):
target_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
target_mol = Chem.AddHs(target_mol)
params = AllChem.ETKDGv3()
params.numThreads = 0 # Use all available threads
params.pruneRmsThresh = 0.1 # Pruning threshold for RMSD
conformer_ids = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(target_mol, numConfs=num_conformers * multiplier_samples, params=params)
# Optional: Optimize each conformer using MMFF94 force field
# for conf_id in conformer_ids:
# AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(target_mol, confId=conf_id)
# remove hydrogen atoms
target_mol = Chem.RemoveHs(target_mol)
# Save aligned conformers to a file (optional)
w = Chem.SDWriter(output_path)
for i, conf_id in enumerate(conformer_ids):
if i >= num_conformers:
w.write(target_mol, confId=conf_id)
def create_embeded_molecule(ref_mol: Chem.Mol, smiles: str):
# Convert SMILES to a molecule
target_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
assert target_mol is not None, f"Failed to parse molecule from SMILES {smiles}"
# Set up parameters for conformer generation
params = AllChem.ETKDGv3()
params.numThreads = 0 # Use all available threads
params.pruneRmsThresh = 0.1 # Pruning threshold for RMSD
# Generate multiple conformers
num_conformers = 1000 # Define the number of conformers to generate
conformer_ids = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(target_mol, numConfs=num_conformers, params=params)
# Optional: Optimize each conformer using MMFF94 force field
# for conf_id in conformer_ids:
# AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(target_mol, confId=conf_id)
# Align each generated conformer to the initial aligned conformer of the target molecule
rmsd_list = []
for conf_id in conformer_ids:
rmsd = rdMolAlign.AlignMol(target_mol, ref_mol, prbCid=conf_id)
best_rmsd_index = int(np.argmin(rmsd_list))
return target_mol, conformer_ids[best_rmsd_index], rmsd_list[best_rmsd_index]
def run_on_sample_seqs(seq_protein: str, template_protein_path: str, smiles: str, output_prot_path: str,
output_lig_path: str, run_config_path: str, ckpt_path: str):
temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
temp_dir_path =
metrics = {}
get_seq_based_on_template(seq_protein, template_protein_path, f"{temp_dir_path}/prot.pdb")
create_conformers(smiles, f"{temp_dir_path}/lig.sdf")
json_data = {
"input_structure": f"prot.pdb",
"ref_sdf": f"lig.sdf",
tmp_json_folder = f"{temp_dir_path}/jsons"
os.makedirs(tmp_json_folder, exist_ok=True)
json.dump(json_data, open(f"{tmp_json_folder}/input.json", "w"))
tmp_output_folder = f"{temp_dir_path}/output"
run_on_folder(tmp_json_folder, tmp_output_folder, run_config_path, ckpt_path, skip_relaxation=True,
long_sequence_inference=False, skip_exists=False)
predicted_protein_path = tmp_output_folder + "/predictions/input_predicted_protein.pdb"
predicted_ligand_path = tmp_output_folder + "/predictions/input_predicted_ligand_0.sdf"
predicted_affinity = json.load(open(tmp_output_folder + "/predictions/input_predicted_affinity.json"))
metrics = {**metrics, **predicted_affinity}
original_pred_ligand = Chem.MolFromMolFile(predicted_ligand_path, sanitize=False)
original_pred_ligand = Chem.RemoveHs(original_pred_ligand)
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to remove hydrogens", e)
assert original_pred_ligand is not None, f"Failed to parse ligand from {predicted_ligand_path}"
rembed_pred_ligand, conf_id, rmsd = create_embeded_molecule(original_pred_ligand, smiles)
metrics["ligand_reembed_rmsd"] = rmsd
print("reembed with rmsd", rmsd)
# save conformation to predicted_ligand_path
w = Chem.SDWriter(predicted_ligand_path)
w.write(rembed_pred_ligand, confId=conf_id)
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to reembed the ligand", e)
os.rename(predicted_protein_path, output_prot_path)
os.rename(predicted_ligand_path , output_lig_path)
print("moved output to ", output_prot_path, output_lig_path)
return metrics