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.TH IPYTHON 1 "July 15, 2011" |
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ipython \- Tools for Interactive Computing in Python. |
.B ipython |
.RI [ options ] " files" ... |
.B ipython subcommand |
.RI [ options ] ... |
An interactive Python shell with automatic history (input and output), dynamic |
object introspection, easier configuration, command completion, access to the |
system shell, integration with numerical and scientific computing tools, |
web notebook, Qt console, and more. |
For more information on how to use IPython, see 'ipython \-\-help', |
or 'ipython \-\-help\-all' for all available command\(hyline options. |
.sp |
.PP |
.RS 4 |
This is the location where IPython stores all its configuration files. The default |
is $HOME/.ipython if IPYTHONDIR is not defined. |
You can see the computed value of IPYTHONDIR with `ipython locate`. |
IPython uses various configuration files stored in profiles within IPYTHONDIR. |
To generate the default configuration files and start configuring IPython, |
do 'ipython profile create', and edit '*_config.py' files located in |
IPYTHONDIR/profile_default. |
IPython is written by the IPython Development Team <https://github.com/ipython/ipython>. |