importScripts("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.24.1/full/pyodide.js"); |
function sendPatch(patch, buffers, msg_id) { |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'patch', |
patch: patch, |
buffers: buffers |
}) |
} |
async function startApplication() { |
console.log("Loading pyodide!"); |
self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: 'Loading pyodide'}) |
self.pyodide = await loadPyodide(); |
self.pyodide.globals.set("sendPatch", sendPatch); |
console.log("Loaded!"); |
await self.pyodide.loadPackage("micropip"); |
const env_spec = ['https://cdn.holoviz.org/panel/wheels/bokeh-3.3.2-py3-none-any.whl', 'https://cdn.holoviz.org/panel/1.3.6/dist/wheels/panel-1.3.6-py3-none-any.whl', 'pyodide-http==0.2.1', 'pandas'] |
for (const pkg of env_spec) { |
let pkg_name; |
if (pkg.endsWith('.whl')) { |
pkg_name = pkg.split('/').slice(-1)[0].split('-')[0] |
} else { |
pkg_name = pkg |
} |
self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: `Installing ${pkg_name}`}) |
try { |
await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
import micropip |
await micropip.install('${pkg}'); |
`); |
} catch(e) { |
console.log(e) |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'status', |
msg: `Error while installing ${pkg_name}` |
}); |
} |
} |
console.log("Packages loaded!"); |
self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: 'Executing code'}) |
const code = ` |
import asyncio |
from panel.io.pyodide import init_doc, write_doc |
init_doc() |
import panel as pn |
import pandas as pd |
from bokeh.plotting import figure |
from bokeh.layouts import layout |
from bokeh.models import ( |
ColumnDataSource, |
Range1d, |
Slider, |
Button, |
TextInput, |
LabelSet, |
Circle, |
Div, |
) |
class StumpyBokehDashboard: |
def __init__(self): |
self.sizing_mode = "stretch_both" |
self.window = 0 |
self.m = None |
self.df = None |
self.ts_cds = None |
self.quad_cds = None |
self.pattern_match_cds = None |
self.dist_cds = None |
self.circle_cds = None |
self.ts_plot = None |
self.mp_plot = None |
self.pm_plot = None |
self.logo_div = None |
self.heroku_div = None |
self.slider = None |
self.play_btn = None |
self.txt_inp = None |
self.pattern_btn = None |
self.match_btn = None |
self.reset_btn = None |
self.idx = None |
self.min_distance_idx = None |
self.animation = pn.state.add_periodic_callback( |
self.update_animate, 50, start=False |
) |
def get_df_from_file(self): |
raw_df = pd.read_csv( |
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seanlaw/stumpy-live-demo/master/raw.csv" |
) |
mp_df = pd.read_csv( |
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seanlaw/stumpy-live-demo/master/matrix_profile.csv" |
) |
self.window = raw_df.shape[0] - mp_df.shape[0] + 1 |
self.m = raw_df.shape[0] - mp_df.shape[0] + 1 |
self.min_distance_idx = mp_df["distance"].argmin() |
df = pd.merge(raw_df, mp_df, left_index=True, how="left", right_index=True) |
return df.reset_index() |
def get_ts_dict(self, df): |
return self.df.to_dict(orient="list") |
def get_circle_dict(self, df): |
return self.df[["index", "y"]].to_dict(orient="list") |
def get_quad_dict(self, df, pattern_idx=0, match_idx=None): |
if match_idx is None: |
match_idx = df.loc[pattern_idx, "idx"].astype(int) |
quad_dict = dict( |
pattern_left=[pattern_idx], |
pattern_right=[pattern_idx + self.window - 1], |
pattern_top=[max(df["y"])], |
pattern_bottom=[0], |
match_left=[match_idx], |
match_right=[match_idx + self.window - 1], |
match_top=[max(df["y"])], |
match_bottom=[0], |
vert_line_left=[pattern_idx - 5], |
vert_line_right=[pattern_idx + 5], |
vert_line_top=[max(df["distance"])], |
vert_line_bottom=[0], |
hori_line_left=[0], |
hori_line_right=[max(df["index"])], |
hori_line_top=[df.loc[pattern_idx, "distance"] - 0.01], |
hori_line_bottom=[df.loc[pattern_idx, "distance"] + 0.01], |
) |
return quad_dict |
def get_custom_quad_dict(self, df, pattern_idx=0, match_idx=None): |
if match_idx is None: |
match_idx = df.loc[pattern_idx, "idx"].astype(int) |
quad_dict = dict( |
pattern_left=[pattern_idx], |
pattern_right=[pattern_idx + self.window - 1], |
pattern_top=[max(df["y"])], |
pattern_bottom=[0], |
match_left=[match_idx], |
match_right=[match_idx + self.window - 1], |
match_top=[max(df["y"])], |
match_bottom=[0], |
vert_line_left=[match_idx - 5], |
vert_line_right=[match_idx + 5], |
vert_line_top=[max(df["distance"])], |
vert_line_bottom=[0], |
hori_line_left=[0], |
hori_line_right=[max(df["index"])], |
hori_line_top=[df.loc[match_idx, "distance"] - 0.01], |
hori_line_bottom=[df.loc[match_idx, "distance"] + 0.01], |
) |
return quad_dict |
def get_pattern_match_dict(self, df, pattern_idx=0, match_idx=None): |
if match_idx is None: |
match_idx = df["idx"].loc[pattern_idx].astype(int) |
pattern_match_dict = dict( |
index=list(range(self.window)), |
pattern=df["y"].loc[pattern_idx : pattern_idx + self.window - 1], |
match=df["y"].loc[match_idx : match_idx + self.window - 1], |
) |
return pattern_match_dict |
def get_ts_plot(self, color="black"): |
""" |
Time Series Plot |
""" |
ts_plot = figure( |
toolbar_location="above", |
sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, |
title="Raw Time Series or Sequence", |
tools=["reset"], |
) |
q = ts_plot.quad( |
"pattern_left", |
"pattern_right", |
"pattern_top", |
"pattern_bottom", |
source=self.quad_cds, |
name="pattern_quad", |
color="#54b847", |
) |
q.visible = False |
q = ts_plot.quad( |
"match_left", |
"match_right", |
"match_top", |
"match_bottom", |
source=self.quad_cds, |
name="match_quad", |
color="#696969", |
alpha=0.5, |
) |
q.visible = False |
l = ts_plot.line(x="index", y="y", source=self.ts_cds, color=color) |
ts_plot.x_range = Range1d( |
0, max(self.df["index"]), bounds=(0, max(self.df["x"])) |
) |
ts_plot.y_range = Range1d(0, max(self.df["y"]), bounds=(0, max(self.df["y"]))) |
c = ts_plot.circle( |
x="index", y="y", source=self.circle_cds, size=0, line_color="white" |
) |
c.selection_glyph = Circle(line_color="white") |
c.nonselection_glyph = Circle(line_color="white") |
return ts_plot |
def get_dist_dict(self, df, pattern_idx=0): |
dist = df["distance"] |
max_dist = dist.max() |
min_dist = dist.min() |
x_offset = self.df.shape[0] - self.window / 2 |
y_offset = max_dist / 2 |
distance = dist.loc[pattern_idx] |
text = distance.round(1).astype(str) |
gauge_dict = dict(x=[0 + x_offset], y=[0 + y_offset], text=[text]) |
return gauge_dict |
def get_mp_plot(self): |
""" |
Matrix Profile Plot |
""" |
mp_plot = figure( |
x_range=self.ts_plot.x_range, |
toolbar_location=None, |
sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, |
title="Matrix Profile (All Minimum Distances)", |
) |
q = mp_plot.quad( |
"vert_line_left", |
"vert_line_right", |
"vert_line_top", |
"vert_line_bottom", |
source=self.quad_cds, |
name="pattern_start", |
color="#54b847", |
) |
q.visible = False |
q = mp_plot.quad( |
"hori_line_left", |
"hori_line_right", |
"hori_line_top", |
"hori_line_bottom", |
source=self.quad_cds, |
name="match_dist", |
color="#696969", |
alpha=0.5, |
) |
q.visible = False |
mp_plot.line(x="index", y="distance", source=self.ts_cds, color="black") |
mp_plot.x_range = Range1d( |
0, self.df.shape[0] + 1, bounds=(0, self.df.shape[0] + 1) |
) |
mp_plot.y_range = Range1d( |
0, max(self.df["distance"]), bounds=(0, max(self.df["distance"])) |
) |
label = LabelSet( |
x="x", |
y="y", |
text="text", |
source=self.dist_cds, |
text_align="center", |
name="gauge_label", |
text_color="black", |
text_font_size="30pt", |
) |
mp_plot.add_layout(label) |
return mp_plot |
def get_pm_plot(self): |
""" |
Pattern-Match Plot |
""" |
pm_plot = figure( |
toolbar_location=None, |
sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, |
title="Pattern Match Overlay", |
) |
l = pm_plot.line( |
"index", |
"pattern", |
source=self.pattern_match_cds, |
name="pattern_line", |
color="#54b847", |
line_width=2, |
) |
l.visible = False |
l = pm_plot.line( |
"index", |
"match", |
source=self.pattern_match_cds, |
name="match_line", |
color="#696969", |
alpha=0.5, |
line_width=2, |
) |
l.visible = False |
return pm_plot |
def get_logo_div(self): |
""" |
STUMPY logo |
""" |
logo_div = Div( |
text="<a href='https://stumpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/'><img src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TDAmeritrade/stumpy/main/docs/images/stumpy_logo_small.png' style='width:100%'></a>", sizing_mode="stretch_width" |
) |
return logo_div |
def get_heroku_div(self): |
""" |
STUMPY Heroku App Link |
""" |
heroku_div = Div(text="http://tiny.cc/stumpy-demo") |
return heroku_div |
def get_slider(self, value=0): |
slider = Slider( |
start=0.0, |
end=max(self.df["index"]) - self.window, |
value=value, |
step=1, |
title="Subsequence", |
sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, |
) |
return slider |
def get_play_button(self): |
play_btn = Button(label="► Play") |
play_btn.on_click(self.animate) |
return play_btn |
def get_text_input(self): |
txt_inp = TextInput(sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode) |
return txt_inp |
def get_buttons(self): |
pattern_btn = Button(label="Show Motif", sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode) |
match_btn = Button(label="Show Nearest Neighbor", sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode) |
reset_btn = Button(label="Reset", sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, button_type="primary") |
return pattern_btn, match_btn, reset_btn |
def update_plots(self, attr, new, old): |
self.quad_cds.data = self.get_quad_dict(self.df, self.slider.value) |
self.pattern_match_cds.data = self.get_pattern_match_dict( |
self.df, self.slider.value |
) |
self.dist_cds.data = self.get_dist_dict(self.df, self.slider.value) |
def custom_update_plots(self, attr, new, old): |
self.quad_cds.data = self.get_custom_quad_dict( |
self.df, self.pattern_idx, self.slider.value |
) |
self.pattern_match_cds.data = self.get_pattern_match_dict( |
self.df, self.pattern_idx, self.slider.value |
) |
self.dist_cds.data = self.get_dist_dict(self.df, self.slider.value) |
dist = self.df["distance"].loc[self.slider.value] |
def show_hide_pattern(self): |
pattern_quad = self.ts_plot.select(name="pattern_quad")[0] |
pattern_start = self.mp_plot.select(name="pattern_start")[0] |
pattern_line = self.pm_plot.select(name="pattern_line")[0] |
if pattern_quad.visible: |
pattern_start.visible = False |
pattern_line.visible = False |
pattern_quad.visible = False |
self.pattern_btn.label = "Show Motif" |
else: |
pattern_start.visible = True |
pattern_line.visible = True |
pattern_quad.visible = True |
self.pattern_btn.label = "Hide Motif" |
def show_hide_match(self): |
match_quad = self.ts_plot.select(name="match_quad")[0] |
match_dist = self.mp_plot.select(name="match_dist")[0] |
match_line = self.pm_plot.select(name="match_line")[0] |
if match_quad.visible: |
match_dist.visible = False |
match_line.visible = False |
match_quad.visible = False |
self.match_btn.label = "Show Nearest Neighbor" |
else: |
match_dist.visible = True |
match_line.visible = True |
match_quad.visible = True |
self.match_btn.label = "Hide Nearest Neighbor" |
def update_slider(self, attr, old, new): |
self.slider.value = int(self.txt_inp.value) |
def animate(self): |
if self.play_btn.label == "► Play": |
self.play_btn.label = "❚❚ Pause" |
self.animation.start() |
else: |
self.play_btn.label = "► Play" |
self.animation.stop() |
def update_animate(self, shift=50): |
if self.window < self.m: |
start = self.slider.value |
end = start + shift |
if self.df.loc[start:end, "distance"].min() <= 15: |
self.slider.value = self.df.loc[start:end, "distance"].idxmin() |
self.animate() |
elif self.slider.value + shift <= self.slider.end: |
self.slider.value = self.slider.value + shift |
else: |
self.slider.value = 0 |
elif self.slider.value + shift <= self.slider.end: |
self.slider.value = self.slider.value + shift |
else: |
self.slider.value = 0 |
def reset(self): |
self.sizing_mode = "stretch_both" |
self.window = self.m |
self.default_idx = self.min_distance_idx |
self.df = self.get_df_from_file() |
self.ts_cds.data = self.get_ts_dict(self.df) |
self.mp_plot.y_range.end = max(self.df["distance"]) |
self.mp_plot.title.text = "Matrix Profile (All Minimum Distances)" |
self.mp_plot.y_range.bounds = (0, max(self.df["distance"])) |
self.quad_cds.data = self.get_quad_dict(self.df, pattern_idx=self.default_idx) |
self.pattern_match_cds.data = self.get_pattern_match_dict( |
self.df, pattern_idx=self.default_idx |
) |
self.dist_cds.data = self.get_dist_dict(self.df, pattern_idx=self.default_idx) |
self.circle_cds.data = self.get_circle_dict(self.df) |
if self.custom_update_plots in self.slider._callbacks["value"]: |
self.slider.remove_on_change("value", self.custom_update_plots) |
self.slider.on_change("value", self.update_plots) |
self.slider.end = self.df.shape[0] - self.window |
self.slider.value = self.default_idx |
def get_data(self): |
self.df = self.get_df_from_file() |
self.default_idx = self.min_distance_idx |
self.ts_cds = ColumnDataSource(self.get_ts_dict(self.df)) |
self.quad_cds = ColumnDataSource( |
self.get_quad_dict(self.df, pattern_idx=self.default_idx) |
) |
self.pattern_match_cds = ColumnDataSource( |
self.get_pattern_match_dict(self.df, pattern_idx=self.default_idx) |
) |
self.dist_cds = ColumnDataSource( |
self.get_dist_dict(self.df, pattern_idx=self.default_idx) |
) |
self.circle_cds = ColumnDataSource(self.get_circle_dict(self.df)) |
def get_plots(self, ts_plot_color="black"): |
self.ts_plot = self.get_ts_plot(color=ts_plot_color) |
self.mp_plot = self.get_mp_plot() |
self.pm_plot = self.get_pm_plot() |
def get_widgets(self): |
self.slider = self.get_slider(value=self.default_idx) |
self.play_btn = self.get_play_button() |
self.txt_inp = self.get_text_input() |
self.pattern_btn, self.match_btn, self.reset_btn = self.get_buttons() |
self.logo_div = self.get_logo_div() |
self.heroku_div = self.get_heroku_div() |
def set_callbacks(self): |
self.slider.on_change("value", self.update_plots) |
self.pattern_btn.on_click(self.show_hide_pattern) |
self.show_hide_pattern() |
self.match_btn.on_click(self.show_hide_match) |
self.show_hide_match() |
self.reset_btn.on_click(self.reset) |
self.txt_inp.on_change("value", self.update_slider) |
def get_layout(self): |
self.get_data() |
self.get_plots() |
self.get_widgets() |
self.set_callbacks() |
l = layout( |
[ |
[self.ts_plot], |
[self.mp_plot], |
[self.pm_plot], |
[self.slider], |
[self.pattern_btn, self.match_btn, self.play_btn, self.logo_div], |
], |
sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, |
) |
return l |
def get_raw_layout(self): |
self.get_data() |
self.get_plots(ts_plot_color="#54b847") |
l = layout([[self.ts_plot], [self.mp_plot]], sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode) |
return l |
dashboard = StumpyBokehDashboard() |
def get_components(dashboard: StumpyBokehDashboard=dashboard): |
dashboard.get_data() |
dashboard.get_plots() |
dashboard.get_widgets() |
dashboard.set_callbacks() |
logo = dashboard.logo_div |
settings = layout( |
dashboard.pattern_btn, |
dashboard.match_btn, |
dashboard.play_btn, |
dashboard.slider, |
height=150, |
sizing_mode="stretch_width", |
) |
main = layout( |
[ |
[dashboard.ts_plot], |
[dashboard.mp_plot], |
[dashboard.pm_plot], |
], |
sizing_mode=dashboard.sizing_mode, |
) |
return logo, settings, main |
pn.extension(template="fast") |
pn.state.template.param.update( |
site_url="https://awesome-panel.org", |
site="Awesome Panel", |
title="Stumpy Timeseries Analysis", |
favicon="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MarcSkovMadsen/awesome-panel-assets/320297ccb92773da099f6b97d267cc0433b67c23/favicon/ap-1f77b4.ico", |
header_background="#459db9", |
theme_toggle=False, |
) |
logo, settings, main = get_components() |
pn.Column( |
logo, |
settings, sizing_mode="stretch_width", |
).servable(target="sidebar") |
pn.panel(main, sizing_mode="stretch_both", max_height=800).servable(target="main") |
await write_doc() |
` |
try { |
const [docs_json, render_items, root_ids] = await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(code) |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'render', |
docs_json: docs_json, |
render_items: render_items, |
root_ids: root_ids |
}) |
} catch(e) { |
const traceback = `${e}` |
const tblines = traceback.split('\n') |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'status', |
msg: tblines[tblines.length-2] |
}); |
throw e |
} |
} |
self.onmessage = async (event) => { |
const msg = event.data |
if (msg.type === 'rendered') { |
self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
from panel.io.state import state |
from panel.io.pyodide import _link_docs_worker |
_link_docs_worker(state.curdoc, sendPatch, setter='js') |
`) |
} else if (msg.type === 'patch') { |
self.pyodide.globals.set('patch', msg.patch) |
self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
state.curdoc.apply_json_patch(patch.to_py(), setter='js') |
`) |
self.postMessage({type: 'idle'}) |
} else if (msg.type === 'location') { |
self.pyodide.globals.set('location', msg.location) |
self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
import json |
from panel.io.state import state |
from panel.util import edit_readonly |
if state.location: |
loc_data = json.loads(location) |
with edit_readonly(state.location): |
state.location.param.update({ |
k: v for k, v in loc_data.items() if k in state.location.param |
}) |
`) |
} |
} |
startApplication() |