declare namespace vips {

    // Allow single pixels/images as input.
    type Array<T> = T | T[];

    type Enum = string | number;
    type Flag = string | number;
    type Blob = string | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int8Array;
    type ArrayConstant = Array<number>;
    type ArrayImage = Array<Image> | Vector<Image>;

     * Get the major, minor or patch version number of the libvips library.
     * When the flag is omitted, the entire version number is returned as a string.
     * @param flag 0 to get the major version number, 1 to get minor, 2 to get patch.
     * @return The version number of libvips.
    function version(flag?: number): string | number;

     * Returns a string identifying the Emscripten version used for compiling wasm-vips.
     * @return The version number of Emscripten.
    function emscriptenVersion(): string;

     * Get detailed information about the installation of libvips.
     * @return Information about how libvips is configured.
    function config(): string;

     * Gets or, when a parameter is provided, sets the number of worker threads libvips' should create to
     * process each image.
     * @param concurrency The number of worker threads.
     * @return The number of worker threads libvips uses for image evaluation.
    function concurrency(concurrency?: number): void | number;

     * Call this to shutdown libvips and the runtime of Emscripten.
     * This is only needed on Node.js, as the thread pool of
     * Emscripten prevents the event loop from exiting.
    function shutdown(): void;

     * A sequence container representing an array that can change in size.
    export interface Vector<T> {
         * Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
         * @param val The value to be appended at the end of the container.
        push_back(val: T): void;

         * Resizes the container so that it contains n elements.
         * @param n New size of the container.
         * @param val The value to initialize the new elements with.
        resize(n: number, val: T): void;

         * Returns the number of elements in the container.
         * @return The number of elements in the container.
        size(): number;

         * Access a specified element with bounds checking.
         * @param pos Position of the element to return.
         * @return The requested element or `undefined`.
        get(pos: number): T | undefined;

         * Update a specified element at a certain position.
         * @param pos Position of the element to update.
         * @param val Value to be stored at the specified position.
         * @return `true` if successfully updated.
        set(pos: number, val: T): boolean;

     * A class around libvips' operation cache.
    export class Cache {
         * Gets or, when a parameter is provided, sets the maximum number of operations libvips keeps in cache.
         * @param max Maximum number of operations.
         * @return The maximum number of operations libvips keeps in cache.
        static max(max?: number): void | number;

         * Gets or, when a parameter is provided, sets the maximum amount of tracked memory allowed.
         * @param mem Maximum amount of tracked memory.
         * @return The maximum amount of tracked memory libvips allows.
        static maxMem(mem?: number): void | number;

         * Gets or, when a parameter is provided, sets the maximum amount of tracked files allowed.
         * @param maxFiles Maximum amount of tracked files.
         * @return The maximum amount of tracked files libvips allows.
        static maxFiles(maxFiles?: number): void | number;

         * Get the current number of operations in cache.
         * @return The current number of operations in cache.
        static size(): number;

     * A class that provides the statistics of memory usage and opened files.
     * libvips watches the total amount of live tracked memory and
     * uses this information to decide when to trim caches.
    export class Stats {
         * Get the number of active allocations.
         * @return The number of active allocations.
        static allocations(): number;

         * Get the number of bytes currently allocated `vips_malloc()` and friends.
         * libvips uses this figure to decide when to start dropping cache.
         * @return The number of bytes currently allocated.
        static mem(): number;

         * Get the largest number of bytes simultaneously allocated via `vips_tracked_malloc()`.
         * Handy for estimating max memory requirements for a program.
         * @return The largest number of currently allocated bytes.
        static memHighwater(): number;

         * Get the number of open files.
         * @return The number of open files.
        static files(): number;

     * A class for error messages and error handling.
    export class Error {
         * Get the error buffer as a string.
         * @return The error buffer as a string.
        static buffer(): string;

         * Clear and reset the error buffer.
         * This is typically called after presenting an error to the user.
        static clear(): void;

     * Handy utilities.
    export class Utils {
         * Get the GType for a name.
         * Looks up the GType for a nickname. Types below basename in the type hierarchy are searched.
         * @param basename Name of base class.
         * @param nickname Search for a class with this nickname.
         * @return The GType of the class, or `0` if the class is not found.
        static typeFind(basename: string, nickname: string): number;

         * Make a temporary file name. The format parameter is something like `"%s.jpg"`
         * and will be expanded to something like `"/tmp/vips-12-34587.jpg"`.
         * @param format The filename format.
        static tempName(format: string): string;

     * The abstract base Connection class.
    export class Connection {
         * Get the filename associated with a connection.
        readonly filename: string;

         * Make a human-readable name for a connection suitable for error messages.
        readonly nick: string;

     * An input connection.
    export class Source extends Connection {
         * Make a new source from a file.
         * Make a new source that is attached to the named file. For example:
         * ```js
         * const source = vips.Source.newFromFile('myfile.jpg');
         * ```
         * You can pass this source to (for example) [[Image.newFromSource]].
         * @param filename The file.
         * @return A new source.
        static newFromFile(filename: string): Source;

         * Make a new source from a memory object.
         * Make a new source that is attached to the memory object. For example:
         * ```js
         * const data = image.writeToBuffer('.jpg');
         * const source = vips.Source.newFromMemory(data);
         * ```
         * You can pass this source to (for example) [[Image.newFromSource]].
         * @param memory The memory object.
         * @return A new source.
        static newFromMemory(memory: Blob): Source;

     * A source that can be attached to callbacks to implement behavior.
    export class SourceCustom extends Source {
         * Attach a read handler.
         * @param ptr A pointer to an array of bytes where the read content is stored.
         * @param size The maximum number of bytes to be read.
         * @return The total number of bytes read into the buffer.
        onRead: (ptr: number, size: number) => number;

         * Attach a seek handler.
         * Seek handlers are optional. If you do not set one, your source will be
         * treated as unseekable and libvips will do extra caching.
         * @param offset A byte offset relative to the whence parameter.
         * @param size A value indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
         * @return The new position within the current source.
        onSeek: (offset: number, whence: number) => number;

     * An output connection.
    export class Target extends Connection {
         * Make a new target to write to a file.
         * Make a new target that will write to the named file. For example::
         * ```js
         * const target = vips.Target.newToFile('myfile.jpg');
         * ```
         * You can pass this target to (for example) [[image.writeToTarget]].
         * @param filename Write to this this file.
         * @return A new target.
        static newToFile(filename: string): Target;

         * Make a new target to write to an area of memory.
         * Make a new target that will write to memory. For example:
         * ```js
         * const target = vips.Target.newToMemory();
         * ```
         * You can pass this target to (for example) [[image.writeToTarget]].
         * After writing to the target, fetch the bytes from the target object with [[getBlob]].
         * @return A new target.
        static newToMemory(): Target;

         * Fetch the typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values
         * from the target object.
         * @return A typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values.
        getBlob(): Uint8Array;

     * A target that can be attached to callbacks to implement behavior.
    export class TargetCustom extends Target {
         * Attach a write handler.
         * @param ptr A pointer to an array of bytes which will be written to.
         * @param length The number of bytes to write.
         * @return The number of bytes that were written.
        onWrite: (ptr: number, size: number) => number;

         * Attach a finish handler.
         * This optional handler is called at the end of write. It should do any
         * cleaning up, if necessary.
        onFinish: () => void;

     * A class to build various interpolators.
     * For e.g. nearest, bilinear, and some non-linear.
    export class Interpolate {
         * Look up an interpolator from a nickname and make one.
         * @param nickname Nickname for interpolator.
         * @return An interpolator.
        static newFromName(nickname: string): Interpolate;

     * An image class.
    export class Image extends ImageAutoGen {
         * Image width in pixels.
        readonly width: number;

         * Image height in pixels.
        readonly height: number;

         * Number of bands in image.
        readonly bands: number;

         * Pixel format in image.
        readonly format: string;

         * Pixel coding.
        readonly coding: string;

         * Pixel interpretation.
        readonly interpretation: string;

         * Horizontal offset of origin.
        readonly xoffset: number;

         * Vertical offset of origin.
        readonly yoffset: number;

         * Horizontal resolution in pixels/mm.
        readonly xres: number;

         * Vertical resolution in pixels/mm.
        readonly yres: number;

         * Image filename.
        readonly filename: string;

        // constructors

         * Creates a new image which, when written to, will create a memory image.
         * @return A new image.
        static newMemory(): Image;

         * Make a new temporary image.
         * Returns an image backed by a temporary file. When written to with
         * [[write]], a temporary file will be created on disc in the
         * specified format. When the image is closed, the file will be deleted
         * automatically.
         * The file is created in the temporary directory. This is set with
         * the environment variable `TMPDIR`. If this is not set, vips will
         * default to `/tmp`.
         * libvips uses `g_mkstemp()` to make the temporary filename. They
         * generally look something like `"vips-12-EJKJFGH.v"`.
         * @param format The format for the temp file, defaults to a vips
         * format file (`"%s.v"`). The `%s` is substituted by the file path.
         * @return A new image.
        static newTempFile(format?: string): Image;

         * Load an image from a file.
         * This method can load images in any format supported by libvips. The
         * filename can include load options, for example:
         * ```js
         * const image = vips.Image.newFromFile('fred.jpg[shrink=2]');
         * ```
         * You can also supply options as keyword arguments, for example:
         * ```js
         * const image = vips.Image.newFromFile('fred.jpg', {
         *     shrink: 2
         * });
         * ```
         * The full set of options available depend upon the load operation that
         * will be executed. Try something like:
         * ```bash
         * $ vips jpegload
         * ```
         * at the command-line to see a summary of the available options for the
         * JPEG loader.
         * Loading is fast: only enough of the image is loaded to be able to fill
         * out the header. Pixels will only be decompressed when they are needed.
         * @param vipsFilename The file to load the image from, with optional appended arguments.
         * @param options Optional options that depend on the load operation.
         * @return A new image.
        static newFromFile(vipsFilename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Hint the expected access pattern for the image
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Fail on first error.
            fail?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Wrap an image around a memory array.
         * Wraps an Image around an area of memory containing a C-style array. For
         * example, if the `data` memory array contains four bytes with the
         * values 1, 2, 3, 4, you can make a one-band, 2x2 uchar image from
         * it like this:
         * ```js
         * const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
         * const image = vips.Image.newFromMemory(data, 2, 2, 1, vips.BandFormat.uchar);
         * ```
         * The data object will internally be copied from JavaScript to WASM.
         * This method is useful for efficiently transferring images from WebGL into
         * libvips.
         * See [[writeToMemory]] for the opposite operation.
         * Use [[copy]] to set other image attributes.
         * @param data A C-style JavaScript array.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param bands Number of bands.
         * @param format Band format.
         * @return A new image.
        static newFromMemory(data: Blob, width: number, height: number, bands: number, format: BandFormat): Image;

         * Wrap an image around a pointer.
         * This behaves exactly as [[newFromMemory]], but the image is
         * loaded from a pointer rather than from a JavaScript array.
         * @param ptr A memory address.
         * @param size Length of memory area.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param bands Number of bands.
         * @param format Band format.
         * @return A new image.
        static newFromMemory(ptr: number, size: number, width: number, height: number, bands: number, format: BandFormat): Image;

         * Load a formatted image from memory.
         * This behaves exactly as [[newFromFile]], but the image is
         * loaded from the memory object rather than from a file. The
         * memory object can be a string or buffer.
         * @param data The memory object to load the image from.
         * @param strOptions Load options as a string.
         * @param options Optional options that depend on the load operation.
         * @return A new image.
        static newFromBuffer(data: Blob, strOptions?: string, options?: {
             * Hint the expected access pattern for the image
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Fail on first error.
            fail?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Load a formatted image from a source.
         * This behaves exactly as [[newFromFile]], but the image is
         * loaded from a source rather than from a file.
         * @param source The source to load the image from.
         * @param strOptions Load options as a string.
         * @param options Optional options that depend on the load operation.
         * @return A new image.
        static newFromSource(source: Source, strOptions?: string, options?: {
             * Hint the expected access pattern for the image
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Fail on first error.
            fail?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Create an image from a 1D array.
         * A new one-band image with [[BandFormat.double]] pixels is
         * created from the array. These image are useful with the libvips
         * convolution operator [[conv]].
         * @param width Image width.
         * @param height Image height.
         * @param array Create the image from these values.
         * @return A new image.
        static newMatrix(width: number, height: number, array?: ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Create an image from a 2D array.
         * A new one-band image with [[BandFormat.double]] pixels is
         * created from the array. These image are useful with the libvips
         * convolution operator [[conv]].
         * @param array Create the image from these values.
         * @param scale Default to 1.0. What to divide each pixel by after
         * convolution. Useful for integer convolution masks.
         * @param offset Default to 0.0. What to subtract from each pixel
         * after convolution. Useful for integer convolution masks.
         * @return A new image.
        static newFromArray(array: ArrayConstant, scale?: number, offset?: number): Image;

         * Make a new image from an existing one.
         * A new image is created which has the same size, format, interpretation
         * and resolution as itself, but with every pixel set to `value`.
         * @param value The value for the pixels. Use a single number to make a
         * one-band image; use an array constant to make a many-band image.
         * @return A new image.
        newFromImage(value: ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Copy an image to memory.
         * A large area of memory is allocated, the image is rendered to that
         * memory area, and a new image is returned which wraps that large memory
         * area.
         * @return A new image.
        copyMemory(): Image;

        // writers

         * Write an image to another image.
         * This function writes itself to another image. Use something like
         * [[newTempFile]] to make an image that can be written to.
         * @param other The image to write to.
         * @return A new image.
        write(other: Image): Image;

         * Write an image to a file.
         * This method can save images in any format supported by libvips. The format
         * is selected from the filename suffix. The filename can include embedded
         * save options, see [[newFromFile]].
         * For example:
         * ```js
         * image.writeToFile('fred.jpg[Q=95]');
         * ```
         * You can also supply options as keyword arguments, for example:
         * ```js
         * image.writeToFile('.fred.jpg', {
         *     Q: 95
         * });
         * ```
         * The full set of options available depend upon the save operation that
         * will be executed. Try something like:
         * ```bash
         * $ vips jpegsave
         * ```
         * at the command-line to see a summary of the available options for the
         * JPEG saver.
         * @param vipsFilename The file to save the image to, with optional appended arguments.
         * @param options Optional options that depend on the save operation.
        writeToFile(vipsFilename: string, options?: {}): void;

         * Write an image to a typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values.
         * This method can save images in any format supported by libvips. The format
         * is selected from the suffix in the format string. This can include
         * embedded save options, see [[newFromFile]].
         * For example:
         * ```js
         * const data = image.writeToBuffer('.jpg[Q=95]');
         * ```
         * You can also supply options as keyword arguments, for example:
         * ```js
         * const data = image.writeToBuffer('.jpg', {
         *     Q: 85
         * });
         * ```
         * The full set of options available depend upon the load operation that
         * will be executed. Try something like:
         * ```bash
         * $ vips jpegsave_buffer
         * ```
         * at the command-line to see a summary of the available options for the
         * JPEG saver.
         * @param formatString The suffix, plus any string-form arguments.
         * @param options Optional options that depend on the save operation.
         * @return A typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values.
        writeToBuffer(formatString: string, options?: {}): Uint8Array;

         * Write an image to a target.
         * This behaves exactly as [[writeToFile]], but the image is
         * written to a target rather than a file.
         * @param target Write to this target.
         * @param formatString The suffix, plus any string-form arguments.
         * @param options Optional options that depend on the save operation.
        writeToTarget(target: Target, formatString: string, options?: {}): void;

         * Write the image to a large memory array.
         * A large area of memory is allocated, the image is rendered to that
         * memory array, and the array is returned as a typed array.
         * For example, if you have a 2x2 uchar image containing the bytes 1, 2,
         * 3, 4, read left-to-right, top-to-bottom, then:
         * ```js
         * const array = Uint8Array.of(1, 2, 3, 4);
         * const im = vips.Image.newFromMemory(array, 2, 2, 1, 'uchar');
         * const buf = im.writeToMemory();
         * ```
         * will return a four byte typed array containing the values 1, 2, 3, 4.
         * @return A typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values.
        writeToMemory(): Uint8Array;

        // get/set metadata

         * Set an integer on an image as metadata.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to set the value of.
         * @param value The metadata value.
        setInt(name: string, value: number): void;

         * Set an integer array on an image as metadata.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to set the value of.
         * @param value The metadata value.
        setArrayInt(name: string, value: ArrayConstant): void;

         * Set an double array on an image as metadata.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to set the value of.
         * @param value The metadata value.
        setArrayDouble(name: string, value: ArrayConstant): void;

         * Set an double on an image as metadata.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to set the value of.
         * @param value The metadata value.
        setDouble(name: string, value: number): void;

         * Set an string on an image as metadata.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to set the value of.
         * @param value The metadata value.
        setString(name: string, value: string): void;

         * Set an blob on an image as metadata.
         * The value will internally be copied from JavaScript to WASM.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to set the value of.
         * @param value The metadata value.
        setBlob(name: string, value: Blob): void;

         * Set an blob pointer on an image as metadata.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to set the value of.
         * @param ptr The metadata value as memory address.
         * @param size Length of blob.
        setBlob(name: string, ptr: number, size: number): void;

         * Get the GType of an item of metadata.
         * Fetch the GType of a piece of metadata, or 0 if the named item does not exist.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to get the type of.
         * @return The GType, or `0` if not found.
        getTypeof(name: string): number;

         * Get an integer from an image.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to get.
         * @return The metadata item as an integer.
        getInt(name: string): number;

         * Get an integer array from an image.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to get.
         * @return The metadata item as an integer array.
        getArrayInt(name: string): number[];

         * Get an double array from an image.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to get.
         * @return The metadata item as an double array.
        getArrayDouble(name: string): number[];

         * Get an double from an image.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to get.
         * @return The metadata item as an double.
        getDouble(name: string): number;

         * Get an string from an image.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to get.
         * @return The metadata item as an string.
        getString(name: string): string;

         * Get an blob from an image.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to get.
         * @return The metadata item as an typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values.
        getBlob(name: string): Uint8Array;

         * Get a list of all the metadata fields on an image.
         * @return All metadata fields as string vector.
        getFields(): Vector<string>;

         * Remove an item of metadata.
         * @param name The name of the piece of metadata to remove.
         * @return `true` if successfully removed.
        remove(name: string): string;

        // handwritten functions

         * Does this image have an alpha channel?
         * @return `true` if this image has an alpha channel.
        hasAlpha(): boolean;

         * Sets the `delete_on_close` flag for the image.
         * If this flag is set, when image is finalized, the filename held in
         * [[image.filename]] at the time of this call is deleted.
         * This function is clearly extremely dangerous, use with great caution.
        setDeleteOnClose(flag: boolean): void;

         * Search an image for non-edge areas.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return The bounding box of the non-background area.
        findTrim(options?: {
             * Object threshold.
            threshold?: number
             * Color for background pixels.
            background?: ArrayConstant
        }): {
             * Output left edge.
            left: number

             * Output top edge.
            top: number

             * Output width.
            width: number

             * Output width.
            height: number

         * Find image profiles.
         * @return First non-zero pixel in column/row.
        profile(): {
             * Distances from top edge.
            columns: Image

             * Distances from left edge.
            rows: Image

         * Find image projections.
         * @return Sums of columns/rows.
        project(): {
             * Sums of columns.
            columns: Image

             * Sums of rows.
            rows: Image

         * Split an n-band image into n separate images.
         * @return Vector of output images.
        bandsplit(): Vector<Image>;

         * Append a set of images or constants bandwise
         * @param _in Array of input images.
         * @return Output image.
        bandjoin(_in: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Band-wise rank filter a set of images or constants.
         * @param _in Array of input images.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        bandrank(_in: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Select this band element from sorted list.
            index?: number
        }): Image;

         * Composite a set of images with a set of blend modes.
         * @param _in Images to composite.
         * @param mode Blend modes to use.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Blended image.
        static composite(_in: ArrayImage, mode: Array<Enum>, options?: {
             * Array of x coordinates to join at.
            x?: ArrayConstant
             * Array of y coordinates to join at.
            y?: ArrayConstant
             * Composite images in this colour space.
            compositing_space?: Interpretation | Enum
             * Images have premultiplied alpha.
            premultiplied?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Composite a set of images with a set of blend modes.
         * @param overlay Images to composite.
         * @param mode Blend modes to use.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Blended image.
        composite(overlay: ArrayImage, mode: Array<Enum>, options?: {
             * Array of x coordinates to join at.
            x?: ArrayConstant
             * Array of y coordinates to join at.
            y?: ArrayConstant
             * Composite images in this colour space.
            compositing_space?: Interpretation | Enum
             * Images have premultiplied alpha.
            premultiplied?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Return the coordinates of the image maximum.
         * @return Array of output values.
        maxPos(): number[];

         * Return the coordinates of the image minimum.
         * @return Array of output values.
        minPos(): number[];

         * Flip an image horizontally.
         * @return Output image.
        flipHor(): Image;

         * Flip an image vertically.
         * @return Output image.
        flipVer(): Image;

         * Rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise.
         * @return Output image.
        rot90(): Image;

         * Rotate an image 180 degrees.
         * @return Output image.
        rot180(): Image;

         * Rotate an image 270 degrees clockwise.
         * @return Output image.
        rot270(): Image;

         * size x size median filter.
         * @param size The size of the median filter, defaults to 3.
         * @return Output image.
        median(size?: number): Image;

         * Return the largest integral value not greater than the argument.
         * @return Output image.
        floor(): Image;

         * Return the smallest integral value not less than the argument.
         * @return Output image.
        ceil(): Image;

         * Return the nearest integral value.
         * @return Output image.
        rint(): Image;

         * AND image bands together.
         * @return Output image.
        bandand(): Image;

         * OR image bands together.
         * @return Output image.
        bandor(): Image;

         * EOR image bands together.
         * @return Output image.
        bandeor(): Image;

         * Return the real part of a complex image.
         * @return Output image.
        real(): Image;

         * Return the imaginary part of a complex image.
         * @return Output image.
        imag(): Image;

         * Return an image converted to polar coordinates.
         * @return Output image.
        polar(): Image;

         * Return an image converted to rectangular coordinates.
         * @return Output image.
        rect(): Image;

         * Return the complex conjugate of an image.
         * @return Output image.
        conj(): Image;

         * Return the sine of an image in degrees.
         * @return Output image.
        sin(): Image;

         * Return the cosine of an image in degrees.
         * @return Output image.
        cos(): Image;

         * Return the tangent of an image in degrees.
         * @return Output image.
        tan(): Image;

         * Return the inverse sine of an image in degrees.
         * @return Output image.
        asin(): Image;

         * Return the inverse cosine of an image in degrees.
         * @return Output image.
        acos(): Image;

         * Return the inverse tangent of an image in degrees.
         * @return Output image.
        atan(): Image;

         * Return the hyperbolic sine of an image in radians.
         * @return Output image.
        sinh(): Image;

         * Return the hyperbolic cosine of an image in radians.
         * @return Output image.
        cosh(): Image;

         * Return the hyperbolic tangent of an image in radians.
         * @return Output image.
        tanh(): Image;

         * Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of an image in radians.
         * @return Output image.
        asinh(): Image;

         * Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of an image in radians.
         * @return Output image.
        acosh(): Image;

         * Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of an image in radians.
         * @return Output image.
        atanh(): Image;

         * Return the natural log of an image.
         * @return Output image.
        log(): Image;

         * Return the log base 10 of an image.
         * @return Output image.
        log10(): Image;

         * Return e ** pixel.
         * @return Output image.
        exp(): Image;

         * Return 10 ** pixel.
         * @return Output image.
        exp10(): Image;

         * Erode with a structuring element.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @return Output image.
        erode(mask: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Dilate with a structuring element.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @return Output image.
        dilate(mask: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Raise to power of an image or constant.
         * @param right To the power of this.
         * @return Output image.
        pow(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Raise to power of an image, but with the arguments reversed.
         * @param right To the power of this.
         * @return Output image.
        wop(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Arc tangent of an image or constant.
         * @param right Divisor parameter.
         * @return Output image.
        atan2(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a bitwise left shift operation (<<).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        lshift(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a bitwise right shift operation (>>).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        rshift(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a bitwise AND operation (&).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        and(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a bitwise OR operation (|) .
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        or(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a bitwise exclusive-OR operation (^).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        eor(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a relational greater than operation (>).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        more(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a relational greater than or equal operation (>=).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        moreEq(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a relational less than operation (<).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        less(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a relational less than or equal operation (<=).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        lessEq(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a relational equality operation (==).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        equal(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Performs a relational inequality operation (!=).
         * @param right Right operand.
         * @return Output image.
        notEq(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

     * The format used for each band element.
     * Each corresponds to a native C type for the current machine. For example,
     * #VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT is <type>unsigned short</type>.
    export enum BandFormat {
         * Unsigned char format
        uchar = 'uchar',
         * Char format
        char = 'char',
         * Unsigned short format
        ushort = 'ushort',
         * Short format
        short = 'short',
         * Unsigned int format
        uint = 'uint',
         * Int format
        int = 'int',
         * Float format
        float = 'float',
         * Complex (two floats) format
        complex = 'complex',
         * Double float format
        double = 'double',
         * Double complex (two double) format
        dpcomplex = 'dpcomplex'

     * The various Porter-Duff and PDF blend modes. See vips_composite(),
     * for example.
     * The Cairo docs have a nice explanation of all the blend modes:
     * The non-separable modes are not implemented.
    export enum BlendMode {
         * Where the second object is drawn, the first is removed
        clear = 'clear',
         * The second object is drawn as if nothing were below
        source = 'source',
         * The image shows what you would expect if you held two semi-transparent slides on top of each other
        over = 'over',
         * The first object is removed completely, the second is only drawn where the first was
        in = 'in',
         * The second is drawn only where the first isn't
        out = 'out',
         * This leaves the first object mostly intact, but mixes both objects in the overlapping area
        atop = 'atop',
         * Leaves the first object untouched, the second is discarded completely
        dest = 'dest',
         * Like OVER, but swaps the arguments
        dest_over = 'dest-over',
         * Like IN, but swaps the arguments
        dest_in = 'dest-in',
         * Like OUT, but swaps the arguments
        dest_out = 'dest-out',
         * Like ATOP, but swaps the arguments
        dest_atop = 'dest-atop',
         * Something like a difference operator
        xor = 'xor',
         * A bit like adding the two images
        add = 'add',
         * A bit like the darker of the two
        saturate = 'saturate',
         * At least as dark as the darker of the two inputs
        multiply = 'multiply',
         * At least as light as the lighter of the inputs
        screen = 'screen',
         * Multiplies or screens colors, depending on the lightness
        overlay = 'overlay',
         * The darker of each component
        darken = 'darken',
         * The lighter of each component
        lighten = 'lighten',
         * Brighten first by a factor second
        colour_dodge = 'colour-dodge',
         * Darken first by a factor of second
        colour_burn = 'colour-burn',
         * Multiply or screen, depending on lightness
        hard_light = 'hard-light',
         * Darken or lighten, depending on lightness
        soft_light = 'soft-light',
         * Difference of the two
        difference = 'difference',
         * Somewhat like DIFFERENCE, but lower-contrast
        exclusion = 'exclusion'

     * How pixels are coded.
     * Normally, pixels are uncoded and can be manipulated as you would expect.
     * However some file formats code pixels for compression, and sometimes it's
     * useful to be able to manipulate images in the coded format.
     * The gaps in the numbering are historical and must be maintained. Allocate
     * new numbers from the end.
    export enum Coding {
         * Pixels are not coded
        none = 'none',
         * Pixels encode 3 float CIELAB values as 4 uchar
        labq = 'labq',
         * Pixels encode 3 float RGB as 4 uchar (Radiance coding)
        rad = 'rad'

     * How the values in an image should be interpreted. For example, a
     * three-band float image of type #VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LAB should have its
     * pixels interpreted as coordinates in CIE Lab space.
     * RGB and sRGB are treated in the same way. Use the colourspace functions if
     * you want some other behaviour.
     * The gaps in numbering are historical and must be maintained. Allocate
     * new numbers from the end.
    export enum Interpretation {
         * Generic many-band image
        multiband = 'multiband',
         * Some kind of single-band image
        b_w = 'b-w',
         * A 1D image, eg. histogram or lookup table
        histogram = 'histogram',
         * The first three bands are CIE XYZ
        xyz = 'xyz',
         * Pixels are in CIE Lab space
        lab = 'lab',
         * The first four bands are in CMYK space
        cmyk = 'cmyk',
         * Implies #VIPS_CODING_LABQ
        labq = 'labq',
         * Generic RGB space
        rgb = 'rgb',
         * A uniform colourspace based on CMC(1:1)
        cmc = 'cmc',
         * Pixels are in CIE LCh space
        lch = 'lch',
         * CIE LAB coded as three signed 16-bit values
        labs = 'labs',
         * Pixels are sRGB
        srgb = 'srgb',
         * Pixels are CIE Yxy
        yxy = 'yxy',
         * Image is in fourier space
        fourier = 'fourier',
         * Generic 16-bit RGB
        rgb16 = 'rgb16',
         * Generic 16-bit mono
        grey16 = 'grey16',
         * A matrix
        matrix = 'matrix',
         * Pixels are scRGB
        scrgb = 'scrgb',
         * Pixels are HSV
        hsv = 'hsv'

     * See vips_image_pipelinev(). Operations can hint to the VIPS image IO
     * system about the kind of demand geometry they prefer.
     * These demand styles are given below in order of increasing
     * restrictiveness.  When demanding output from a pipeline,
     * vips_image_generate()
     * will use the most restrictive of the styles requested by the operations
     * in the pipeline.
     * #VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_THINSTRIP --- This operation would like to output strips
     * the width of the image and a few pels high. This is option suitable for
     * point-to-point operations, such as those in the arithmetic package.
     * This option is only efficient for cases where each output pel depends
     * upon the pel in the corresponding position in the input image.
     * #VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_FATSTRIP --- This operation would like to output strips
     * the width of the image and as high as possible. This option is suitable
     * for area operations which do not violently transform coordinates, such
     * as vips_conv().
     * #VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_SMALLTILE --- This is the most general demand format.
     * Output is demanded in small (around 100x100 pel) sections. This style works
     * reasonably efficiently, even for bizzare operations like 45 degree rotate.
     * #VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY --- This image is not being demand-read from a disc
     * file (even indirectly) so any demand style is OK. It's used for things like
     * vips_black() where the pixels are calculated.
     * See also: vips_image_pipelinev().
    export enum DemandStyle {
         * Demand in small (typically 64x64 pixel) tiles
        smalltile = 'smalltile',
         * Demand in fat (typically 10 pixel high) strips
        fatstrip = 'fatstrip',
         * Demand in thin (typically 1 pixel high) strips
        thinstrip = 'thinstrip'

     * See also: vips_relational().
    export enum OperationRelational {
         * ==
        equal = 'equal',
         * !=
        noteq = 'noteq',
         * <
        less = 'less',
         * <=
        lesseq = 'lesseq',
         * >
        more = 'more',
         * >=
        moreeq = 'moreeq'

     * See also: vips_boolean().
    export enum OperationBoolean {
         * &
        and = 'and',
         * |
        or = 'or',
         * ^
        eor = 'eor',
         * >>
        lshift = 'lshift',
         * <<
        rshift = 'rshift'

     * See also: vips_math().
    export enum OperationMath2 {
         * Pow( left, right )
        pow = 'pow',
         * Pow( right, left )
        wop = 'wop',
         * Atan2( left, right )
        atan2 = 'atan2'

     * See also: vips_complex2().
    export enum OperationComplex2 {
         * Convert to polar coordinates
        cross_phase = 'cross-phase'

     * See also: vips_math().
    export enum OperationMath {
         * Sin(), angles in degrees
        sin = 'sin',
         * Cos(), angles in degrees
        cos = 'cos',
         * Tan(), angles in degrees
        tan = 'tan',
         * Asin(), angles in degrees
        asin = 'asin',
         * Acos(), angles in degrees
        acos = 'acos',
         * Atan(), angles in degrees
        atan = 'atan',
         * Log base e
        log = 'log',
         * Log base 10
        log10 = 'log10',
         * E to the something
        exp = 'exp',
         * 10 to the something
        exp10 = 'exp10',
         * Sinh(), angles in radians
        sinh = 'sinh',
         * Cosh(), angles in radians
        cosh = 'cosh',
         * Tanh(), angles in radians
        tanh = 'tanh',
         * Asinh(), angles in radians
        asinh = 'asinh',
         * Acosh(), angles in radians
        acosh = 'acosh',
         * Atanh(), angles in radians
        atanh = 'atanh'

     * See also: vips_round().
    export enum OperationRound {
         * Round to nearest
        rint = 'rint',
         * The smallest integral value not less than
        ceil = 'ceil',
         * Largest integral value not greater than
        floor = 'floor'

     * See also: vips_complex().
    export enum OperationComplex {
         * Convert to polar coordinates
        polar = 'polar',
         * Convert to rectangular coordinates
        rect = 'rect',
         * Complex conjugate
        conj = 'conj'

     * See also: vips_complexget().
    export enum OperationComplexget {
         * Get real component
        real = 'real',
         * Get imaginary component
        imag = 'imag'

     * How to combine values. See vips_compass(), for example.
    export enum Combine {
         * Take the maximum of the possible values
        max = 'max',
         * Sum all the values
        sum = 'sum',
         * Take the minimum value
        min = 'min'

     * The type of access an operation has to supply. See vips_tilecache()
     * and #VipsForeign.
     * @VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM means requests can come in any order.
     * @VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL means requests will be top-to-bottom, but with some
     * amount of buffering behind the read point for small non-local accesses.
    export enum Access {
         * Can read anywhere
        random = 'random',
         * Top-to-bottom reading only, but with a small buffer
        sequential = 'sequential',
        sequential_unbuffered = 'sequential-unbuffered'

     * See vips_embed(), vips_conv(), vips_affine() and so on.
     * When the edges of an image are extended, you can specify
     * how you want the extension done.
     * #VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK --- new pixels are black, ie. all bits are zero.
     * #VIPS_EXTEND_COPY --- each new pixel takes the value of the nearest edge
     * pixel
     * #VIPS_EXTEND_REPEAT --- the image is tiled to fill the new area
     * #VIPS_EXTEND_MIRROR --- the image is reflected and tiled to reduce hash
     * edges
     * #VIPS_EXTEND_WHITE --- new pixels are white, ie. all bits are set
     * #VIPS_EXTEND_BACKGROUND --- colour set from the @background property
     * We have to specify the exact value of each enum member since we have to
     * keep these frozen for back compat with vips7.
     * See also: vips_embed().
    export enum Extend {
         * Extend with black (all 0) pixels
        black = 'black',
         * Copy the image edges
        copy = 'copy',
         * Repeat the whole image
        repeat = 'repeat',
         * Mirror the whole image
        mirror = 'mirror',
         * Extend with white (all bits set) pixels
        white = 'white',
         * Extend with colour from the @background property
        background = 'background'

     * A direction on a compass. Used for vips_gravity(), for example.
    export enum CompassDirection {
         * Centre
        centre = 'centre',
         * North
        north = 'north',
         * East
        east = 'east',
         * South
        south = 'south',
         * West
        west = 'west',
         * North-east
        north_east = 'north-east',
         * South-east
        south_east = 'south-east',
         * South-west
        south_west = 'south-west',
         * North-west
        north_west = 'north-west'

     * See vips_flip(), vips_join() and so on.
     * Operations like vips_flip() need to be told whether to flip left-right or
     * top-bottom.
     * See also: vips_flip(), vips_join().
    export enum Direction {
         * Left-right
        horizontal = 'horizontal',
         * Top-bottom
        vertical = 'vertical'

     * See vips_join() and so on.
     * Operations like vips_join() need to be told whether to align images on the
     * low or high coordinate edge, or centre.
     * See also: vips_join().
    export enum Align {
         * Align low coordinate edge
        low = 'low',
         * Align centre
        centre = 'centre',
         * Align high coordinate edge
        high = 'high'

     * Pick the algorithm vips uses to decide image "interestingness". This is used
     * by vips_smartcrop(), for example, to decide what parts of the image to
     * keep.
     * #VIPS_INTERESTING_NONE and #VIPS_INTERESTING_LOW mean the same -- the
     * crop is positioned at the top or left. #VIPS_INTERESTING_HIGH positions at
     * the bottom or right.
     * See also: vips_smartcrop().
    export enum Interesting {
         * Do nothing
        none = 'none',
         * Just take the centre
        centre = 'centre',
         * Use an entropy measure
        entropy = 'entropy',
         * Look for features likely to draw human attention
        attention = 'attention',
         * Position the crop towards the low coordinate
        low = 'low',
         * Position the crop towards the high coordinate
        high = 'high',
         * Everything is interesting
        all = 'all'

     * See vips_rot() and so on.
     * Fixed rotate angles.
     * See also: vips_rot().
    export enum Angle {
         * No rotate
        d0 = 'd0',
         * 90 degrees clockwise
        d90 = 'd90',
         * 180 degree rotate
        d180 = 'd180',
         * 90 degrees anti-clockwise
        d270 = 'd270'

     * See vips_rot45() and so on.
     * Fixed rotate angles.
     * See also: vips_rot45().
    export enum Angle45 {
         * No rotate
        d0 = 'd0',
         * 45 degrees clockwise
        d45 = 'd45',
         * 90 degrees clockwise
        d90 = 'd90',
         * 135 degrees clockwise
        d135 = 'd135',
         * 180 degrees
        d180 = 'd180',
         * 135 degrees anti-clockwise
        d225 = 'd225',
         * 90 degrees anti-clockwise
        d270 = 'd270',
         * 45 degrees anti-clockwise
        d315 = 'd315'

     * How accurate an operation should be.
    export enum Precision {
         * Int everywhere
        integer = 'integer',
         * Float everywhere
        float = 'float',
         * Approximate integer output
        approximate = 'approximate'

     * How sensitive loaders are to errors, from never stop (very insensitive), to
     * stop on the smallest warning (very sensitive).
     * Each one implies the ones before it, so #VIPS_FAIL_ON_ERROR implies
    export enum FailOn {
         * Never stop
        none = 'none',
         * Stop on image truncated, nothing else
        truncated = 'truncated',
         * Stop on serious error or truncation
        error = 'error',
         * Stop on anything, even warnings
        warning = 'warning'

     * The netpbm file format to save as.
     * #VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PBM images are single bit.
     * #VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PGM images are 8, 16, or 32-bits, one band.
     * #VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PPM images are 8, 16, or 32-bits, three bands.
     * #VIPS_FOREIGN_PPM_FORMAT_PFM images are 32-bit float pixels.
    export enum ForeignPpmFormat {
         * Portable bitmap
        pbm = 'pbm',
         * Portable greymap
        pgm = 'pgm',
         * Portable pixmap
        ppm = 'ppm',
         * Portable float map
        pfm = 'pfm'

     * Set subsampling mode.
    export enum ForeignSubsample {
         * Prevent subsampling when quality >= 90
        auto = 'auto',
         * Always perform subsampling
        on = 'on',
         * Never perform subsampling
        off = 'off'

     * What directory layout and metadata standard to use.
    export enum ForeignDzLayout {
         * Use DeepZoom directory layout
        dz = 'dz',
         * Use Zoomify directory layout
        zoomify = 'zoomify',
         * Use Google maps directory layout
        google = 'google',
         * Use IIIF v2 directory layout
        iiif = 'iiif',
         * Use IIIF v3 directory layout
        iiif3 = 'iiif3'

     * How many pyramid layers to create.
    export enum ForeignDzDepth {
         * Create layers down to 1x1 pixel
        onepixel = 'onepixel',
         * Create layers down to 1x1 tile
        onetile = 'onetile',
         * Only create a single layer
        one = 'one'

     * How many pyramid layers to create.
    export enum ForeignDzContainer {
         * Write tiles to the filesystem
        fs = 'fs',
         * Write tiles to a zip file
        zip = 'zip',
         * Write to a szi file
        szi = 'szi'

     * How to calculate the output pixels when shrinking a 2x2 region.
    export enum RegionShrink {
         * Use the average
        mean = 'mean',
         * Use the median
        median = 'median',
         * Use the mode
        mode = 'mode',
         * Use the maximum
        max = 'max',
         * Use the minimum
        min = 'min',
         * Use the top-left pixel
        nearest = 'nearest'

     * Tune lossy encoder settings for different image types.
    export enum ForeignWebpPreset {
         * Default preset
        default = 'default',
         * Digital picture, like portrait, inner shot
        picture = 'picture',
         * Outdoor photograph, with natural lighting
        photo = 'photo',
         * Hand or line drawing, with high-contrast details
        drawing = 'drawing',
         * Small-sized colorful images
        icon = 'icon',
         * Text-like
        text = 'text'

     * The compression types supported by the tiff writer.
     * Use @Q to set the jpeg compression level, default 75.
     * Use @predictor to set the lzw or deflate prediction, default horizontal.
     * Use @lossless to set WEBP lossless compression.
     * Use @level to set webp and zstd compression level.
    export enum ForeignTiffCompression {
         * No compression
        none = 'none',
         * Jpeg compression
        jpeg = 'jpeg',
         * Deflate (zip) compression
        deflate = 'deflate',
         * Packbits compression
        packbits = 'packbits',
         * Fax4 compression
        ccittfax4 = 'ccittfax4',
         * LZW compression
        lzw = 'lzw',
         * WEBP compression
        webp = 'webp',
         * ZSTD compression
        zstd = 'zstd',
         * JP2K compression
        jp2k = 'jp2k'

     * The predictor can help deflate and lzw compression. The values are fixed by
     * the tiff library.
    export enum ForeignTiffPredictor {
         * No prediction
        none = 'none',
         * Horizontal differencing
        horizontal = 'horizontal',
         * Float predictor
        float = 'float'

     * Use inches or centimeters as the resolution unit for a tiff file.
    export enum ForeignTiffResunit {
         * Use centimeters
        cm = 'cm',
         * Use inches
        inch = 'inch'

     * The compression format to use inside a HEIF container.
     * This is assumed to use the same numbering as %heif_compression_format.
    export enum ForeignHeifCompression {
         * X265
        hevc = 'hevc',
         * X264
        avc = 'avc',
         * Jpeg
        jpeg = 'jpeg',
         * Aom
        av1 = 'av1'

     * Controls whether an operation should upsize, downsize, both up and
     * downsize, or force a size.
     * See also: vips_thumbnail().
    export enum Size {
         * Size both up and down
        both = 'both',
         * Only upsize
        up = 'up',
         * Only downsize
        down = 'down',
         * Force size, that is, break aspect ratio
        force = 'force'

     * The rendering intent. #VIPS_INTENT_ABSOLUTE is best for
     * scientific work, #VIPS_INTENT_RELATIVE is usually best for
     * accurate communication with other imaging libraries.
    export enum Intent {
         * Perceptual rendering intent
        perceptual = 'perceptual',
         * Relative colorimetric rendering intent
        relative = 'relative',
         * Saturation rendering intent
        saturation = 'saturation',
         * Absolute colorimetric rendering intent
        absolute = 'absolute'

     * The resampling kernels vips supports. See vips_reduce(), for example.
    export enum Kernel {
         * The nearest pixel to the point.
        nearest = 'nearest',
         * Convolve with a triangle filter.
        linear = 'linear',
         * Convolve with a cubic filter.
        cubic = 'cubic',
         * Convolve with a Mitchell kernel.
        mitchell = 'mitchell',
         * Convolve with a two-lobe Lanczos kernel.
        lanczos2 = 'lanczos2',
         * Convolve with a three-lobe Lanczos kernel.
        lanczos3 = 'lanczos3'

     * Pick a Profile Connection Space for vips_icc_import() and
     * vips_icc_export(). LAB is usually best, XYZ can be more convenient in some
     * cases.
    export enum PCS {
         * Use CIELAB D65 as the Profile Connection Space
        lab = 'lab',
         * Use XYZ as the Profile Connection Space
        xyz = 'xyz'

     * More like hit-miss, really.
     * See also: vips_morph().
    export enum OperationMorphology {
         * True if all set
        erode = 'erode',
         * True if one set
        dilate = 'dilate'

     * See vips_draw_image() and so on.
     * Operations like vips_draw_image() need to be told how to combine images
     * from two sources.
     * See also: vips_join().
    export enum CombineMode {
         * Set pixels to the new value
        set = 'set',
         * Add pixels
        add = 'add'

     * The values mirror those of png.h in libpng.
    export enum ForeignPngFilter {
         * No filtering
        none = 'none',
         * Difference to the left
        sub = 'sub',
         * Difference up
        up = 'up',
         * Average of left and up
        avg = 'avg',
         * Pick best neighbor predictor automatically
        paeth = 'paeth',
         * Adaptive
        all = 'all'

    class ImageAutoGen {

         * Load an analyze6 image.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static analyzeload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Join an array of images.
         * @param _in Array of input images.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static arrayjoin(_in: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Number of images across grid.
            across?: number
             * Pixels between images.
            shim?: number
             * Colour for new pixels.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Align on the left, centre or right.
            halign?: Align | Enum
             * Align on the top, centre or bottom.
            valign?: Align | Enum
             * Horizontal spacing between images.
            hspacing?: number
             * Vertical spacing between images.
            vspacing?: number
        }): Image;

         * Bandwise join a set of images.
         * @param _in Array of input images.
         * @return Output image.
        static bandjoin(_in: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Band-wise rank of a set of images.
         * @param _in Array of input images.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static bandrank(_in: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Select this band element from sorted list.
            index?: number
        }): Image;

         * Make a black image.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static black(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Number of bands in image.
            bands?: number
        }): Image;

         * Load csv.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static csvload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Skip this many lines at the start of the file.
            skip?: number
             * Read this many lines from the file.
            lines?: number
             * Set of whitespace characters.
            whitespace?: string
             * Set of separator characters.
            separator?: string
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load csv.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static csvloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Skip this many lines at the start of the file.
            skip?: number
             * Read this many lines from the file.
            lines?: number
             * Set of whitespace characters.
            whitespace?: string
             * Set of separator characters.
            separator?: string
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make an image showing the eye's spatial response.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static eye(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Maximum spatial frequency.
            factor?: number
        }): Image;

         * Load a fits image.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static fitsload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load fits from a source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static fitsloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a fractal surface.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param fractal_dimension Fractal dimension.
         * @return Output image.
        static fractsurf(width: number, height: number, fractal_dimension: number): Image;

         * Make a gaussian image.
         * @param sigma Sigma of Gaussian.
         * @param min_ampl Minimum amplitude of Gaussian.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static gaussmat(sigma: number, min_ampl: number, options?: {
             * Generate separable gaussian.
            separable?: boolean
             * Generate with this precision.
            precision?: Precision | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Make a gaussnoise image.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static gaussnoise(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Standard deviation of pixels in generated image.
            sigma?: number
             * Mean of pixels in generated image.
            mean?: number
             * Random number seed.
            seed?: number
        }): Image;

         * Load gif with libnsgif.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static gifload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load gif with libnsgif.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static gifloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load gif from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static gifloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a grey ramp image.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static grey(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Load a heif image.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static heifload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Fetch thumbnail image.
            thumbnail?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load a heif image.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static heifloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Fetch thumbnail image.
            thumbnail?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load a heif image.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static heifloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Fetch thumbnail image.
            thumbnail?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a 1d image where pixel values are indexes.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static identity(options?: {
             * Number of bands in lut.
            bands?: number
             * Create a 16-bit lut.
            ushort?: boolean
             * Size of 16-bit lut.
            size?: number
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg2000 image.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jp2kload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Load this page from the image.
            page?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg2000 image.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jp2kloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Load this page from the image.
            page?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg2000 image.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jp2kloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Load this page from the image.
            page?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jpegload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Shrink factor on load.
            shrink?: number
             * Rotate image using exif orientation.
            autorotate?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg from buffer.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jpegloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Shrink factor on load.
            shrink?: number
             * Rotate image using exif orientation.
            autorotate?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load image from jpeg source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jpegloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Shrink factor on load.
            shrink?: number
             * Rotate image using exif orientation.
            autorotate?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg-xl image.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jxlload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg-xl image.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jxlloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load jpeg-xl image.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static jxlloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a laplacian of gaussian image.
         * @param sigma Radius of Gaussian.
         * @param min_ampl Minimum amplitude of Gaussian.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static logmat(sigma: number, min_ampl: number, options?: {
             * Generate separable gaussian.
            separable?: boolean
             * Generate with this precision.
            precision?: Precision | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Load file with imagemagick.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static magickload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Canvas resolution for rendering vector formats like svg.
            density?: string
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load buffer with imagemagick.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static magickloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Canvas resolution for rendering vector formats like svg.
            density?: string
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a butterworth filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param order Filter order.
         * @param frequency_cutoff Frequency cutoff.
         * @param amplitude_cutoff Amplitude cutoff.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskButterworth(width: number, height: number, order: number, frequency_cutoff: number, amplitude_cutoff: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make a butterworth_band filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param order Filter order.
         * @param frequency_cutoff_x Frequency cutoff x.
         * @param frequency_cutoff_y Frequency cutoff y.
         * @param radius radius of circle.
         * @param amplitude_cutoff Amplitude cutoff.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskButterworthBand(width: number, height: number, order: number, frequency_cutoff_x: number, frequency_cutoff_y: number, radius: number, amplitude_cutoff: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make a butterworth ring filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param order Filter order.
         * @param frequency_cutoff Frequency cutoff.
         * @param amplitude_cutoff Amplitude cutoff.
         * @param ringwidth Ringwidth.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskButterworthRing(width: number, height: number, order: number, frequency_cutoff: number, amplitude_cutoff: number, ringwidth: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make fractal filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param fractal_dimension Fractal dimension.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskFractal(width: number, height: number, fractal_dimension: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make a gaussian filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param frequency_cutoff Frequency cutoff.
         * @param amplitude_cutoff Amplitude cutoff.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskGaussian(width: number, height: number, frequency_cutoff: number, amplitude_cutoff: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make a gaussian filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param frequency_cutoff_x Frequency cutoff x.
         * @param frequency_cutoff_y Frequency cutoff y.
         * @param radius radius of circle.
         * @param amplitude_cutoff Amplitude cutoff.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskGaussianBand(width: number, height: number, frequency_cutoff_x: number, frequency_cutoff_y: number, radius: number, amplitude_cutoff: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make a gaussian ring filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param frequency_cutoff Frequency cutoff.
         * @param amplitude_cutoff Amplitude cutoff.
         * @param ringwidth Ringwidth.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskGaussianRing(width: number, height: number, frequency_cutoff: number, amplitude_cutoff: number, ringwidth: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make an ideal filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param frequency_cutoff Frequency cutoff.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskIdeal(width: number, height: number, frequency_cutoff: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make an ideal band filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param frequency_cutoff_x Frequency cutoff x.
         * @param frequency_cutoff_y Frequency cutoff y.
         * @param radius radius of circle.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskIdealBand(width: number, height: number, frequency_cutoff_x: number, frequency_cutoff_y: number, radius: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Make an ideal ring filter.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param frequency_cutoff Frequency cutoff.
         * @param ringwidth Ringwidth.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static maskIdealRing(width: number, height: number, frequency_cutoff: number, ringwidth: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Remove dc component.
            nodc?: boolean
             * Invert the sense of the filter.
            reject?: boolean
             * Rotate quadrants to optical space.
            optical?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Load mat from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static matload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load matrix.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static matrixload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load matrix.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static matrixloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load nifti volume.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static niftiload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load nifti volumes.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static niftiloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load an openexr image.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static openexrload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load file with openslide.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static openslideload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Attach all associated images.
            attach_associated?: boolean
             * Load this level from the file.
            level?: number
             * Crop to image bounds.
            autocrop?: boolean
             * Load this associated image.
            associated?: string
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load source with openslide.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static openslideloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Attach all associated images.
            attach_associated?: boolean
             * Load this level from the file.
            level?: number
             * Crop to image bounds.
            autocrop?: boolean
             * Load this associated image.
            associated?: string
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load pdf from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static pdfload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Render at this dpi.
            dpi?: number
             * Scale output by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load pdf from buffer.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static pdfloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Render at this dpi.
            dpi?: number
             * Scale output by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load pdf from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static pdfloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Render at this dpi.
            dpi?: number
             * Scale output by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a perlin noise image.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static perlin(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Size of perlin cells.
            cell_size?: number
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Random number seed.
            seed?: number
        }): Image;

         * Load png from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static pngload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Remove all denial of service limits.
            unlimited?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load png from buffer.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static pngloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Remove all denial of service limits.
            unlimited?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load png from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static pngloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Remove all denial of service limits.
            unlimited?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load ppm from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static ppmload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load ppm base class.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static ppmloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load named icc profile.
         * @param name Profile name.
         * @return Loaded profile.
        static profileLoad(name: string): Uint8Array;

         * Load a radiance image from a file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static radload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load rad from buffer.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static radloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load rad from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static radloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load raw data from a file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param bands Number of bands in image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static rawload(filename: string, width: number, height: number, bands: number, options?: {
             * Offset in bytes from start of file.
            offset?: number
             * Pixel format in image.
            format?: BandFormat | Enum
             * Pixel interpretation.
            interpretation?: Interpretation | Enum
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a 2d sine wave.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static sines(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
             * Horizontal spatial frequency.
            hfreq?: number
             * Vertical spatial frequency.
            vfreq?: number
        }): Image;

         * Sum an array of images.
         * @param _in Array of input images.
         * @return Output image.
        static sum(_in: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Load svg with rsvg.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static svgload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Render at this dpi.
            dpi?: number
             * Scale output by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Allow svg of any size.
            unlimited?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load svg with rsvg.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static svgloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Render at this dpi.
            dpi?: number
             * Scale output by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Allow svg of any size.
            unlimited?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load svg from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static svgloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Render at this dpi.
            dpi?: number
             * Scale output by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Allow svg of any size.
            unlimited?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Find the index of the first non-zero pixel in tests.
         * @param tests Table of images to test.
         * @return Output image.
        static switch(tests: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Run an external command.
         * @param cmd_format Command to run.
         * @param options Optional options.
        static system(cmd_format: string, options?: {
             * Array of input images.
            _in?: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant
             * Format for output filename.
            out_format?: string
             * Format for input filename.
            in_format?: string
             * Output image (output).
            out?: Image | undefined
             * Command log (output).
            log?: string | undefined
        }): void;

         * Make a text image.
         * @param text Text to render.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static text(text: string, options?: {
             * Font to render with.
            font?: string
             * Maximum image width in pixels.
            width?: number
             * Maximum image height in pixels.
            height?: number
             * Align on the low, centre or high edge.
            align?: Align | Enum
             * Enable rgba output.
            rgba?: boolean
             * Dpi to render at.
            dpi?: number
             * Justify lines.
            justify?: boolean
             * Line spacing.
            spacing?: number
             * Load this font file.
            fontfile?: string
             * Dpi selected by autofit (output).
            autofit_dpi?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Generate thumbnail from file.
         * @param filename Filename to read from.
         * @param width Size to this width.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static thumbnail(filename: string, width: number, options?: {
             * Size to this height.
            height?: number
             * Only upsize, only downsize, or both.
            size?: Size | Enum
             * Don't use orientation tags to rotate image upright.
            no_rotate?: boolean
             * Reduce to fill target rectangle, then crop.
            crop?: Interesting | Enum
             * Reduce in linear light.
            linear?: boolean
             * Fallback import profile.
            import_profile?: string
             * Fallback export profile.
            export_profile?: string
             * Rendering intent.
            intent?: Intent | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Generate thumbnail from buffer.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param width Size to this width.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static thumbnailBuffer(buffer: Blob, width: number, options?: {
             * Options that are passed on to the underlying loader.
            option_string?: string
             * Size to this height.
            height?: number
             * Only upsize, only downsize, or both.
            size?: Size | Enum
             * Don't use orientation tags to rotate image upright.
            no_rotate?: boolean
             * Reduce to fill target rectangle, then crop.
            crop?: Interesting | Enum
             * Reduce in linear light.
            linear?: boolean
             * Fallback import profile.
            import_profile?: string
             * Fallback export profile.
            export_profile?: string
             * Rendering intent.
            intent?: Intent | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Generate thumbnail from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param width Size to this width.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static thumbnailSource(source: Source, width: number, options?: {
             * Options that are passed on to the underlying loader.
            option_string?: string
             * Size to this height.
            height?: number
             * Only upsize, only downsize, or both.
            size?: Size | Enum
             * Don't use orientation tags to rotate image upright.
            no_rotate?: boolean
             * Reduce to fill target rectangle, then crop.
            crop?: Interesting | Enum
             * Reduce in linear light.
            linear?: boolean
             * Fallback import profile.
            import_profile?: string
             * Fallback export profile.
            export_profile?: string
             * Rendering intent.
            intent?: Intent | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Load tiff from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static tiffload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Load this page from the image.
            page?: number
             * Select subifd index.
            subifd?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Rotate image using orientation tag.
            autorotate?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load tiff from buffer.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static tiffloadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Load this page from the image.
            page?: number
             * Select subifd index.
            subifd?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Rotate image using orientation tag.
            autorotate?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load tiff from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static tiffloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Load this page from the image.
            page?: number
             * Select subifd index.
            subifd?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Rotate image using orientation tag.
            autorotate?: boolean
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Build a look-up table.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static tonelut(options?: {
             * Size of lut to build.
            in_max?: number
             * Maximum value in output lut.
            out_max?: number
             * Lowest value in output.
            Lb?: number
             * Highest value in output.
            Lw?: number
             * Position of shadow.
            Ps?: number
             * Position of mid-tones.
            Pm?: number
             * Position of highlights.
            Ph?: number
             * Adjust shadows by this much.
            S?: number
             * Adjust mid-tones by this much.
            M?: number
             * Adjust highlights by this much.
            H?: number
        }): Image;

         * Load vips from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static vipsload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load vips from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static vipsloadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load webp from file.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static webpload(filename: string, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Scale factor on load.
            scale?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load webp from buffer.
         * @param buffer Buffer to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static webploadBuffer(buffer: Blob, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Scale factor on load.
            scale?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Load webp from source.
         * @param source Source to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static webploadSource(source: Source, options?: {
             * Load this page from the file.
            page?: number
             * Load this many pages.
            n?: number
             * Scale factor on load.
            scale?: number
             * Force open via memory.
            memory?: boolean
             * Required access pattern for this file.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Error level to fail on.
            fail_on?: FailOn | Enum
             * Flags for this file (output).
            flags?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Make a worley noise image.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static worley(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Size of worley cells.
            cell_size?: number
             * Random number seed.
            seed?: number
        }): Image;

         * Make an image where pixel values are coordinates.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static xyz(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Size of third dimension.
            csize?: number
             * Size of fourth dimension.
            dsize?: number
             * Size of fifth dimension.
            esize?: number
        }): Image;

         * Make a zone plate.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        static zone(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Output an unsigned char image.
            uchar?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Transform lch to cmc.
         * @return Output image.
        CMC2LCh(): Image;

         * Transform cmyk to xyz.
         * @return Output image.
        CMYK2XYZ(): Image;

         * Transform hsv to srgb.
         * @return Output image.
        HSV2sRGB(): Image;

         * Transform lch to cmc.
         * @return Output image.
        LCh2CMC(): Image;

         * Transform lch to lab.
         * @return Output image.
        LCh2Lab(): Image;

         * Transform lab to lch.
         * @return Output image.
        Lab2LCh(): Image;

         * Transform float lab to labq coding.
         * @return Output image.
        Lab2LabQ(): Image;

         * Transform float lab to signed short.
         * @return Output image.
        Lab2LabS(): Image;

         * Transform cielab to xyz.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        Lab2XYZ(options?: {
             * Color temperature.
            temp?: ArrayConstant
        }): Image;

         * Unpack a labq image to float lab.
         * @return Output image.
        LabQ2Lab(): Image;

         * Unpack a labq image to short lab.
         * @return Output image.
        LabQ2LabS(): Image;

         * Convert a labq image to srgb.
         * @return Output image.
        LabQ2sRGB(): Image;

         * Transform signed short lab to float.
         * @return Output image.
        LabS2Lab(): Image;

         * Transform short lab to labq coding.
         * @return Output image.
        LabS2LabQ(): Image;

         * Transform xyz to cmyk.
         * @return Output image.
        XYZ2CMYK(): Image;

         * Transform xyz to lab.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        XYZ2Lab(options?: {
             * Colour temperature.
            temp?: ArrayConstant
        }): Image;

         * Transform xyz to yxy.
         * @return Output image.
        XYZ2Yxy(): Image;

         * Transform xyz to scrgb.
         * @return Output image.
        XYZ2scRGB(): Image;

         * Transform yxy to xyz.
         * @return Output image.
        Yxy2XYZ(): Image;

         * Absolute value of an image.
         * @return Output image.
        abs(): Image;

         * Add two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @return Output image.
        add(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Affine transform of an image.
         * @param matrix Transformation matrix.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        affine(matrix: ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Interpolate pixels with this.
            interpolate?: Interpolate
             * Area of output to generate.
            oarea?: ArrayConstant
             * Horizontal output displacement.
            odx?: number
             * Vertical output displacement.
            ody?: number
             * Horizontal input displacement.
            idx?: number
             * Vertical input displacement.
            idy?: number
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Images have premultiplied alpha.
            premultiplied?: boolean
             * How to generate the extra pixels.
            extend?: Extend | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Autorotate image by exif tag.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        autorot(options?: {
             * Angle image was rotated by (output).
            angle?: Angle | undefined
             * Whether the image was flipped or not (output).
            flip?: boolean | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Find image average.
         * @return Output value.
        avg(): number;

         * Boolean operation across image bands.
         * @param boolean boolean to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        bandbool(boolean: OperationBoolean | Enum): Image;

         * Fold up x axis into bands.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        bandfold(options?: {
             * Fold by this factor.
            factor?: number
        }): Image;

         * Band-wise average.
         * @return Output image.
        bandmean(): Image;

         * Unfold image bands into x axis.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        bandunfold(options?: {
             * Unfold by this factor.
            factor?: number
        }): Image;

         * Boolean operation on two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @param boolean boolean to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        boolean(right: Image | ArrayConstant, boolean: OperationBoolean | Enum): Image;

         * Build a look-up table.
         * @return Output image.
        buildlut(): Image;

         * Byteswap an image.
         * @return Output image.
        byteswap(): Image;

         * Cache an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        cache(options?: {
             * Maximum number of tiles to cache.
            max_tiles?: number
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Tile width in pixels.
            tile_width?: number
        }): Image;

         * Canny edge detector.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        canny(options?: {
             * Sigma of gaussian.
            sigma?: number
             * Convolve with this precision.
            precision?: Precision | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Use pixel values to pick cases from an array of images.
         * @param cases Array of case images.
         * @return Output image.
        case(cases: ArrayImage | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Cast an image.
         * @param format Format to cast to.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        cast(format: BandFormat | Enum, options?: {
             * Shift integer values up and down.
            shift?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Convert to a new colorspace.
         * @param space Destination color space.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        colourspace(space: Interpretation | Enum, options?: {
             * Source color space.
            source_space?: Interpretation | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Convolve with rotating mask.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        compass(mask: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Rotate and convolve this many times.
            times?: number
             * Rotate mask by this much between convolutions.
            angle?: Angle45 | Enum
             * Combine convolution results like this.
            combine?: Combine | Enum
             * Convolve with this precision.
            precision?: Precision | Enum
             * Use this many layers in approximation.
            layers?: number
             * Cluster lines closer than this in approximation.
            cluster?: number
        }): Image;

         * Perform a complex operation on an image.
         * @param cmplx complex to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        complex(cmplx: OperationComplex | Enum): Image;

         * Complex binary operations on two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @param cmplx binary complex operation to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        complex2(right: Image | ArrayConstant, cmplx: OperationComplex2 | Enum): Image;

         * Form a complex image from two real images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @return Output image.
        complexform(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Get a component from a complex image.
         * @param get complex to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        complexget(get: OperationComplexget | Enum): Image;

         * Blend a pair of images with a blend mode.
         * @param overlay Overlay image.
         * @param mode VipsBlendMode to join with.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        composite2(overlay: Image | ArrayConstant, mode: BlendMode | Enum, options?: {
             * X position of overlay.
            x?: number
             * Y position of overlay.
            y?: number
             * Composite images in this colour space.
            compositing_space?: Interpretation | Enum
             * Images have premultiplied alpha.
            premultiplied?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Convolution operation.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        conv(mask: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Convolve with this precision.
            precision?: Precision | Enum
             * Use this many layers in approximation.
            layers?: number
             * Cluster lines closer than this in approximation.
            cluster?: number
        }): Image;

         * Approximate integer convolution.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        conva(mask: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Use this many layers in approximation.
            layers?: number
             * Cluster lines closer than this in approximation.
            cluster?: number
        }): Image;

         * Approximate separable integer convolution.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        convasep(mask: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Use this many layers in approximation.
            layers?: number
        }): Image;

         * Float convolution operation.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @return Output image.
        convf(mask: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Int convolution operation.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @return Output image.
        convi(mask: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Seperable convolution operation.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        convsep(mask: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Convolve with this precision.
            precision?: Precision | Enum
             * Use this many layers in approximation.
            layers?: number
             * Cluster lines closer than this in approximation.
            cluster?: number
        }): Image;

         * Copy an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        copy(options?: {
             * Image width in pixels.
            width?: number
             * Image height in pixels.
            height?: number
             * Number of bands in image.
            bands?: number
             * Pixel format in image.
            format?: BandFormat | Enum
             * Pixel coding.
            coding?: Coding | Enum
             * Pixel interpretation.
            interpretation?: Interpretation | Enum
             * Horizontal resolution in pixels/mm.
            xres?: number
             * Vertical resolution in pixels/mm.
            yres?: number
             * Horizontal offset of origin.
            xoffset?: number
             * Vertical offset of origin.
            yoffset?: number
        }): Image;

         * Count lines in an image.
         * @param direction Countlines left-right or up-down.
         * @return Number of lines.
        countlines(direction: Direction | Enum): number;

         * Extract an area from an image.
         * @param left Left edge of extract area.
         * @param top Top edge of extract area.
         * @param width Width of extract area.
         * @param height Height of extract area.
         * @return Output image.
        crop(left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number): Image;

         * Save image to csv.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        csvsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Separator characters.
            separator?: string
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to csv.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        csvsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Separator characters.
            separator?: string
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Calculate de00.
         * @param right Right-hand input image.
         * @return Output image.
        dE00(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Calculate de76.
         * @param right Right-hand input image.
         * @return Output image.
        dE76(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Calculate decmc.
         * @param right Right-hand input image.
         * @return Output image.
        dECMC(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Find image standard deviation.
         * @return Output value.
        deviate(): number;

         * Divide two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @return Output image.
        divide(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Draw a circle on an image.
         * @param ink Color for pixels.
         * @param cx Centre of draw_circle.
         * @param cy Centre of draw_circle.
         * @param radius Radius in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
        drawCircle(ink: ArrayConstant, cx: number, cy: number, radius: number, options?: {
             * Draw a solid object.
            fill?: boolean
        }): void;

         * Flood-fill an area.
         * @param ink Color for pixels.
         * @param x DrawFlood start point.
         * @param y DrawFlood start point.
         * @param options Optional options.
        drawFlood(ink: ArrayConstant, x: number, y: number, options?: {
             * Test pixels in this image.
            test?: Image | ArrayConstant
             * Drawflood while equal to edge.
            equal?: boolean
             * Left edge of modified area (output).
            left?: number | undefined
             * Top edge of modified area (output).
            top?: number | undefined
             * Width of modified area (output).
            width?: number | undefined
             * Height of modified area (output).
            height?: number | undefined
        }): void;

         * Paint an image into another image.
         * @param sub Sub-image to insert into main image.
         * @param x Draw image here.
         * @param y Draw image here.
         * @param options Optional options.
        drawImage(sub: Image | ArrayConstant, x: number, y: number, options?: {
             * Combining mode.
            mode?: CombineMode | Enum
        }): void;

         * Draw a line on an image.
         * @param ink Color for pixels.
         * @param x1 Start of draw_line.
         * @param y1 Start of draw_line.
         * @param x2 End of draw_line.
         * @param y2 End of draw_line.
        drawLine(ink: ArrayConstant, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): void;

         * Draw a mask on an image.
         * @param ink Color for pixels.
         * @param mask Mask of pixels to draw.
         * @param x Draw mask here.
         * @param y Draw mask here.
        drawMask(ink: ArrayConstant, mask: Image | ArrayConstant, x: number, y: number): void;

         * Paint a rectangle on an image.
         * @param ink Color for pixels.
         * @param left Rect to fill.
         * @param top Rect to fill.
         * @param width Rect to fill.
         * @param height Rect to fill.
         * @param options Optional options.
        drawRect(ink: ArrayConstant, left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Draw a solid object.
            fill?: boolean
        }): void;

         * Blur a rectangle on an image.
         * @param left Rect to fill.
         * @param top Rect to fill.
         * @param width Rect to fill.
         * @param height Rect to fill.
        drawSmudge(left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number): void;

         * Save image to deepzoom file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        dzsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Base name to save to.
            basename?: string
             * Directory layout.
            layout?: ForeignDzLayout | Enum
             * Filename suffix for tiles.
            suffix?: string
             * Tile overlap in pixels.
            overlap?: number
             * Tile size in pixels.
            tile_size?: number
             * Center image in tile.
            centre?: boolean
             * Pyramid depth.
            depth?: ForeignDzDepth | Enum
             * Rotate image during save.
            angle?: Angle | Enum
             * Pyramid container type.
            container?: ForeignDzContainer | Enum
             * Write a properties file to the output directory.
            properties?: boolean
             * Zip deflate compression level.
            compression?: number
             * Method to shrink regions.
            region_shrink?: RegionShrink | Enum
             * Skip tiles which are nearly equal to the background.
            skip_blanks?: number
             * Don't strip tile metadata.
            no_strip?: boolean
             * Resource id.
            id?: string
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to dz buffer.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        dzsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Base name to save to.
            basename?: string
             * Directory layout.
            layout?: ForeignDzLayout | Enum
             * Filename suffix for tiles.
            suffix?: string
             * Tile overlap in pixels.
            overlap?: number
             * Tile size in pixels.
            tile_size?: number
             * Center image in tile.
            centre?: boolean
             * Pyramid depth.
            depth?: ForeignDzDepth | Enum
             * Rotate image during save.
            angle?: Angle | Enum
             * Pyramid container type.
            container?: ForeignDzContainer | Enum
             * Write a properties file to the output directory.
            properties?: boolean
             * Zip deflate compression level.
            compression?: number
             * Method to shrink regions.
            region_shrink?: RegionShrink | Enum
             * Skip tiles which are nearly equal to the background.
            skip_blanks?: number
             * Don't strip tile metadata.
            no_strip?: boolean
             * Resource id.
            id?: string
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Embed an image in a larger image.
         * @param x Left edge of input in output.
         * @param y Top edge of input in output.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        embed(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * How to generate the extra pixels.
            extend?: Extend | Enum
             * Color for background pixels.
            background?: ArrayConstant
        }): Image;

         * Extract an area from an image.
         * @param left Left edge of extract area.
         * @param top Top edge of extract area.
         * @param width Width of extract area.
         * @param height Height of extract area.
         * @return Output image.
        extractArea(left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number): Image;

         * Extract band from an image.
         * @param band Band to extract.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        extractBand(band: number, options?: {
             * Number of bands to extract.
            n?: number
        }): Image;

         * False-color an image.
         * @return Output image.
        falsecolour(): Image;

         * Fast correlation.
         * @param ref Input reference image.
         * @return Output image.
        fastcor(ref: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Fill image zeros with nearest non-zero pixel.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Value of nearest non-zero pixel.
        fillNearest(options?: {
             * Distance to nearest non-zero pixel (output).
            distance?: Image | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Save image to fits file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        fitssave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Flatten alpha out of an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        flatten(options?: {
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Maximum value of alpha channel.
            max_alpha?: number
        }): Image;

         * Flip an image.
         * @param direction Direction to flip image.
         * @return Output image.
        flip(direction: Direction | Enum): Image;

         * Transform float rgb to radiance coding.
         * @return Output image.
        float2rad(): Image;

         * Frequency-domain filtering.
         * @param mask Input mask image.
         * @return Output image.
        freqmult(mask: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Forward fft.
         * @return Output image.
        fwfft(): Image;

         * Gamma an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        gamma(options?: {
             * Gamma factor.
            exponent?: number
        }): Image;

         * Gaussian blur.
         * @param sigma Sigma of Gaussian.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        gaussblur(sigma: number, options?: {
             * Minimum amplitude of gaussian.
            min_ampl?: number
             * Convolve with this precision.
            precision?: Precision | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Read a point from an image.
         * @param x Point to read.
         * @param y Point to read.
         * @return Array of output values.
        getpoint(x: number, y: number): number[];

         * Save as gif.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        gifsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Amount of dithering.
            dither?: number
             * Quantisation effort.
            effort?: number
             * Number of bits per pixel.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save as gif.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        gifsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Amount of dithering.
            dither?: number
             * Quantisation effort.
            effort?: number
             * Number of bits per pixel.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save as gif.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        gifsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Amount of dithering.
            dither?: number
             * Quantisation effort.
            effort?: number
             * Number of bits per pixel.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Global balance an image mosaic.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        globalbalance(options?: {
             * Image gamma.
            gamma?: number
             * Integer output.
            int_output?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Place an image within a larger image with a certain gravity.
         * @param direction direction to place image within width/height.
         * @param width Image width in pixels.
         * @param height Image height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        gravity(direction: CompassDirection | Enum, width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * How to generate the extra pixels.
            extend?: Extend | Enum
             * Color for background pixels.
            background?: ArrayConstant
        }): Image;

         * Grid an image.
         * @param tile_height chop into tiles this high.
         * @param across number of tiles across.
         * @param down number of tiles down.
         * @return Output image.
        grid(tile_height: number, across: number, down: number): Image;

         * Save image in heif format.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        heifsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Compression format.
            compression?: ForeignHeifCompression | Enum
             * Cpu effort.
            effort?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image in heif format.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        heifsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Compression format.
            compression?: ForeignHeifCompression | Enum
             * Cpu effort.
            effort?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save image in heif format.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        heifsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Compression format.
            compression?: ForeignHeifCompression | Enum
             * Cpu effort.
            effort?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Form cumulative histogram.
         * @return Output image.
        histCum(): Image;

         * Estimate image entropy.
         * @return Output value.
        histEntropy(): number;

         * Histogram equalisation.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        histEqual(options?: {
             * Equalise with this band.
            band?: number
        }): Image;

         * Find image histogram.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output histogram.
        histFind(options?: {
             * Find histogram of band.
            band?: number
        }): Image;

         * Find indexed image histogram.
         * @param index Index image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output histogram.
        histFindIndexed(index: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Combine bins like this.
            combine?: Combine | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Find n-dimensional image histogram.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output histogram.
        histFindNdim(options?: {
             * Number of bins in each dimension.
            bins?: number
        }): Image;

         * Test for monotonicity.
         * @return true if in is monotonic.
        histIsmonotonic(): boolean;

         * Local histogram equalisation.
         * @param width Window width in pixels.
         * @param height Window height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        histLocal(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * Maximum slope (clahe).
            max_slope?: number
        }): Image;

         * Match two histograms.
         * @param ref Reference histogram.
         * @return Output image.
        histMatch(ref: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Normalise histogram.
         * @return Output image.
        histNorm(): Image;

         * Plot histogram.
         * @return Output image.
        histPlot(): Image;

         * Find hough circle transform.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        houghCircle(options?: {
             * Scale down dimensions by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Smallest radius to search for.
            min_radius?: number
             * Largest radius to search for.
            max_radius?: number
        }): Image;

         * Find hough line transform.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        houghLine(options?: {
             * Horizontal size of parameter space.
            width?: number
             * Vertical size of parameter space.
            height?: number
        }): Image;

         * Output to device with icc profile.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        iccExport(options?: {
             * Set profile connection space.
            pcs?: PCS | Enum
             * Rendering intent.
            intent?: Intent | Enum
             * Enable black point compensation.
            black_point_compensation?: boolean
             * Filename to load output profile from.
            output_profile?: string
             * Output device space depth in bits.
            depth?: number
        }): Image;

         * Import from device with icc profile.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        iccImport(options?: {
             * Set profile connection space.
            pcs?: PCS | Enum
             * Rendering intent.
            intent?: Intent | Enum
             * Enable black point compensation.
            black_point_compensation?: boolean
             * Use embedded input profile, if available.
            embedded?: boolean
             * Filename to load input profile from.
            input_profile?: string
        }): Image;

         * Transform between devices with icc profiles.
         * @param output_profile Filename to load output profile from.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        iccTransform(output_profile: string, options?: {
             * Set profile connection space.
            pcs?: PCS | Enum
             * Rendering intent.
            intent?: Intent | Enum
             * Enable black point compensation.
            black_point_compensation?: boolean
             * Use embedded input profile, if available.
            embedded?: boolean
             * Filename to load input profile from.
            input_profile?: string
             * Output device space depth in bits.
            depth?: number
        }): Image;

         * Ifthenelse an image.
         * @param in1 Source for TRUE pixels.
         * @param in2 Source for FALSE pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        ifthenelse(in1: Image | ArrayConstant, in2: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Blend smoothly between then and else parts.
            blend?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y.
         * @param sub Sub-image to insert into main image.
         * @param x Left edge of sub in main.
         * @param y Top edge of sub in main.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        insert(sub: Image | ArrayConstant, x: number, y: number, options?: {
             * Expand output to hold all of both inputs.
            expand?: boolean
             * Color for new pixels.
            background?: ArrayConstant
        }): Image;

         * Invert an image.
         * @return Output image.
        invert(): Image;

         * Build an inverted look-up table.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        invertlut(options?: {
             * Lut size to generate.
            size?: number
        }): Image;

         * Inverse fft.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        invfft(options?: {
             * Output only the real part of the transform.
            real?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Join a pair of images.
         * @param in2 Second input image.
         * @param direction Join left-right or up-down.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        join(in2: Image | ArrayConstant, direction: Direction | Enum, options?: {
             * Expand output to hold all of both inputs.
            expand?: boolean
             * Pixels between images.
            shim?: number
             * Colour for new pixels.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Align on the low, centre or high coordinate edge.
            align?: Align | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Save image in jpeg2000 format.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
        jp2ksave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Tile width in pixels.
            tile_width?: number
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image in jpeg2000 format.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        jp2ksaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Tile width in pixels.
            tile_width?: number
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save image in jpeg2000 format.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        jp2ksaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Tile width in pixels.
            tile_width?: number
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to jpeg file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        jpegsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Compute optimal huffman coding tables.
            optimize_coding?: boolean
             * Generate an interlaced (progressive) jpeg.
            interlace?: boolean
             * Apply trellis quantisation to each 8x8 block.
            trellis_quant?: boolean
             * Apply overshooting to samples with extreme values.
            overshoot_deringing?: boolean
             * Split spectrum of dct coefficients into separate scans.
            optimize_scans?: boolean
             * Use predefined quantization table with given index.
            quant_table?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Add restart markers every specified number of mcu.
            restart_interval?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to jpeg buffer.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        jpegsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Compute optimal huffman coding tables.
            optimize_coding?: boolean
             * Generate an interlaced (progressive) jpeg.
            interlace?: boolean
             * Apply trellis quantisation to each 8x8 block.
            trellis_quant?: boolean
             * Apply overshooting to samples with extreme values.
            overshoot_deringing?: boolean
             * Split spectrum of dct coefficients into separate scans.
            optimize_scans?: boolean
             * Use predefined quantization table with given index.
            quant_table?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Add restart markers every specified number of mcu.
            restart_interval?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save image to jpeg mime.
         * @param options Optional options.
        jpegsaveMime(options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Compute optimal huffman coding tables.
            optimize_coding?: boolean
             * Generate an interlaced (progressive) jpeg.
            interlace?: boolean
             * Apply trellis quantisation to each 8x8 block.
            trellis_quant?: boolean
             * Apply overshooting to samples with extreme values.
            overshoot_deringing?: boolean
             * Split spectrum of dct coefficients into separate scans.
            optimize_scans?: boolean
             * Use predefined quantization table with given index.
            quant_table?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Add restart markers every specified number of mcu.
            restart_interval?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to jpeg target.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        jpegsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Compute optimal huffman coding tables.
            optimize_coding?: boolean
             * Generate an interlaced (progressive) jpeg.
            interlace?: boolean
             * Apply trellis quantisation to each 8x8 block.
            trellis_quant?: boolean
             * Apply overshooting to samples with extreme values.
            overshoot_deringing?: boolean
             * Split spectrum of dct coefficients into separate scans.
            optimize_scans?: boolean
             * Use predefined quantization table with given index.
            quant_table?: number
             * Select chroma subsample operation mode.
            subsample_mode?: ForeignSubsample | Enum
             * Add restart markers every specified number of mcu.
            restart_interval?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image in jpeg-xl format.
         * @param filename Filename to load from.
         * @param options Optional options.
        jxlsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Decode speed tier.
            tier?: number
             * Target butteraugli distance.
            distance?: number
             * Encoding effort.
            effort?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Quality factor.
            Q?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image in jpeg-xl format.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        jxlsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Decode speed tier.
            tier?: number
             * Target butteraugli distance.
            distance?: number
             * Encoding effort.
            effort?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Quality factor.
            Q?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save image in jpeg-xl format.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        jxlsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Decode speed tier.
            tier?: number
             * Target butteraugli distance.
            distance?: number
             * Encoding effort.
            effort?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Quality factor.
            Q?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Label regions in an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Mask of region labels.
        labelregions(options?: {
             * Number of discrete contigious regions (output).
            segments?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * Calculate (a * in + b).
         * @param a Multiply by this.
         * @param b Add this.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        linear(a: ArrayConstant, b: ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Output should be uchar.
            uchar?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Cache an image as a set of lines.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        linecache(options?: {
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Expected access pattern.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Allow threaded access.
            threaded?: boolean
             * Keep cache between evaluations.
            persistent?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Save file with imagemagick.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        magicksave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Format to save in.
            format?: string
             * Quality to use.
            quality?: number
             * Apply gif frames optimization.
            optimize_gif_frames?: boolean
             * Apply gif transparency optimization.
            optimize_gif_transparency?: boolean
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to magick buffer.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        magicksaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Format to save in.
            format?: string
             * Quality to use.
            quality?: number
             * Apply gif frames optimization.
            optimize_gif_frames?: boolean
             * Apply gif transparency optimization.
            optimize_gif_transparency?: boolean
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Resample with a map image.
         * @param index Index pixels with this.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        mapim(index: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Interpolate pixels with this.
            interpolate?: Interpolate
        }): Image;

         * Map an image though a lut.
         * @param lut Look-up table image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        maplut(lut: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Apply one-band lut to this band of in.
            band?: number
        }): Image;

         * First-order match of two images.
         * @param sec Secondary image.
         * @param xr1 Position of first reference tie-point.
         * @param yr1 Position of first reference tie-point.
         * @param xs1 Position of first secondary tie-point.
         * @param ys1 Position of first secondary tie-point.
         * @param xr2 Position of second reference tie-point.
         * @param yr2 Position of second reference tie-point.
         * @param xs2 Position of second secondary tie-point.
         * @param ys2 Position of second secondary tie-point.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        match(sec: Image | ArrayConstant, xr1: number, yr1: number, xs1: number, ys1: number, xr2: number, yr2: number, xs2: number, ys2: number, options?: {
             * Half window size.
            hwindow?: number
             * Half area size.
            harea?: number
             * Search to improve tie-points.
            search?: boolean
             * Interpolate pixels with this.
            interpolate?: Interpolate
        }): Image;

         * Apply a math operation to an image.
         * @param math math to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        math(math: OperationMath | Enum): Image;

         * Binary math operations.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @param math2 math to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        math2(right: Image | ArrayConstant, math2: OperationMath2 | Enum): Image;

         * Invert an matrix.
         * @return Output matrix.
        matrixinvert(): Image;

         * Print matrix.
         * @param options Optional options.
        matrixprint(options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to matrix.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        matrixsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to matrix.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        matrixsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Find image maximum.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output value.
        max(options?: {
             * Number of maximum values to find.
            size?: number
             * Horizontal position of maximum (output).
            x?: number | undefined
             * Vertical position of maximum (output).
            y?: number | undefined
             * Array of output values (output).
            out_array?: number[] | undefined
             * Array of horizontal positions (output).
            x_array?: number[] | undefined
             * Array of vertical positions (output).
            y_array?: number[] | undefined
        }): number;

         * Measure a set of patches on a color chart.
         * @param h Number of patches across chart.
         * @param v Number of patches down chart.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output array of statistics.
        measure(h: number, v: number, options?: {
             * Left edge of extract area.
            left?: number
             * Top edge of extract area.
            top?: number
             * Width of extract area.
            width?: number
             * Height of extract area.
            height?: number
        }): Image;

         * Merge two images.
         * @param sec Secondary image.
         * @param direction Horizontal or vertical merge.
         * @param dx Horizontal displacement from sec to ref.
         * @param dy Vertical displacement from sec to ref.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        merge(sec: Image | ArrayConstant, direction: Direction | Enum, dx: number, dy: number, options?: {
             * Maximum blend size.
            mblend?: number
        }): Image;

         * Find image minimum.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output value.
        min(options?: {
             * Number of minimum values to find.
            size?: number
             * Horizontal position of minimum (output).
            x?: number | undefined
             * Vertical position of minimum (output).
            y?: number | undefined
             * Array of output values (output).
            out_array?: number[] | undefined
             * Array of horizontal positions (output).
            x_array?: number[] | undefined
             * Array of vertical positions (output).
            y_array?: number[] | undefined
        }): number;

         * Morphology operation.
         * @param mask Input matrix image.
         * @param morph Morphological operation to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        morph(mask: Image | ArrayConstant, morph: OperationMorphology | Enum): Image;

         * Mosaic two images.
         * @param sec Secondary image.
         * @param direction Horizontal or vertical mosaic.
         * @param xref Position of reference tie-point.
         * @param yref Position of reference tie-point.
         * @param xsec Position of secondary tie-point.
         * @param ysec Position of secondary tie-point.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        mosaic(sec: Image | ArrayConstant, direction: Direction | Enum, xref: number, yref: number, xsec: number, ysec: number, options?: {
             * Half window size.
            hwindow?: number
             * Half area size.
            harea?: number
             * Maximum blend size.
            mblend?: number
             * Band to search for features on.
            bandno?: number
             * Detected integer offset (output).
            dx0?: number | undefined
             * Detected integer offset (output).
            dy0?: number | undefined
             * Detected scale (output).
            scale1?: number | undefined
             * Detected rotation (output).
            angle1?: number | undefined
             * Detected first-order displacement (output).
            dy1?: number | undefined
             * Detected first-order displacement (output).
            dx1?: number | undefined
        }): Image;

         * First-order mosaic of two images.
         * @param sec Secondary image.
         * @param direction Horizontal or vertical mosaic.
         * @param xr1 Position of first reference tie-point.
         * @param yr1 Position of first reference tie-point.
         * @param xs1 Position of first secondary tie-point.
         * @param ys1 Position of first secondary tie-point.
         * @param xr2 Position of second reference tie-point.
         * @param yr2 Position of second reference tie-point.
         * @param xs2 Position of second secondary tie-point.
         * @param ys2 Position of second secondary tie-point.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        mosaic1(sec: Image | ArrayConstant, direction: Direction | Enum, xr1: number, yr1: number, xs1: number, ys1: number, xr2: number, yr2: number, xs2: number, ys2: number, options?: {
             * Half window size.
            hwindow?: number
             * Half area size.
            harea?: number
             * Search to improve tie-points.
            search?: boolean
             * Interpolate pixels with this.
            interpolate?: Interpolate
             * Maximum blend size.
            mblend?: number
             * Band to search for features on.
            bandno?: number
        }): Image;

         * Pick most-significant byte from an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        msb(options?: {
             * Band to msb.
            band?: number
        }): Image;

         * Multiply two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @return Output image.
        multiply(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Save image to nifti file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        niftisave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Find threshold for percent of pixels.
         * @param percent Percent of pixels.
         * @return Threshold above which lie percent of pixels.
        percent(percent: number): number;

         * Calculate phase correlation.
         * @param in2 Second input image.
         * @return Output image.
        phasecor(in2: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Save image to png file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        pngsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Compression factor.
            compression?: number
             * Interlace image.
            interlace?: boolean
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Libpng row filter flag(s).
            filter?: ForeignPngFilter | Flag
             * Quantise to 8bpp palette.
            palette?: boolean
             * Quantisation quality.
            Q?: number
             * Amount of dithering.
            dither?: number
             * Write as a 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bit image.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Quantisation cpu effort.
            effort?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to png buffer.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        pngsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Compression factor.
            compression?: number
             * Interlace image.
            interlace?: boolean
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Libpng row filter flag(s).
            filter?: ForeignPngFilter | Flag
             * Quantise to 8bpp palette.
            palette?: boolean
             * Quantisation quality.
            Q?: number
             * Amount of dithering.
            dither?: number
             * Write as a 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bit image.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Quantisation cpu effort.
            effort?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save image to target as png.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        pngsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Compression factor.
            compression?: number
             * Interlace image.
            interlace?: boolean
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Libpng row filter flag(s).
            filter?: ForeignPngFilter | Flag
             * Quantise to 8bpp palette.
            palette?: boolean
             * Quantisation quality.
            Q?: number
             * Amount of dithering.
            dither?: number
             * Write as a 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bit image.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Quantisation cpu effort.
            effort?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to ppm file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        ppmsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Format to save in.
            format?: ForeignPpmFormat | Enum
             * Save as ascii.
            ascii?: boolean
             * Set to 1 to write as a 1 bit image.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save to ppm.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        ppmsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Format to save in.
            format?: ForeignPpmFormat | Enum
             * Save as ascii.
            ascii?: boolean
             * Set to 1 to write as a 1 bit image.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Premultiply image alpha.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        premultiply(options?: {
             * Maximum value of alpha channel.
            max_alpha?: number
        }): Image;

         * Resample an image with a quadratic transform.
         * @param coeff Coefficient matrix.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        quadratic(coeff: Image | ArrayConstant, options?: {
             * Interpolate values with this.
            interpolate?: Interpolate
        }): Image;

         * Unpack radiance coding to float rgb.
         * @return Output image.
        rad2float(): Image;

         * Save image to radiance file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        radsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to radiance buffer.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        radsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save image to radiance target.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        radsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Rank filter.
         * @param width Window width in pixels.
         * @param height Window height in pixels.
         * @param index Select pixel at index.
         * @return Output image.
        rank(width: number, height: number, index: number): Image;

         * Save image to raw file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        rawsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Write raw image to file descriptor.
         * @param fd File descriptor to write to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        rawsaveFd(fd: number, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Linear recombination with matrix.
         * @param m matrix of coefficients.
         * @return Output image.
        recomb(m: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Reduce an image.
         * @param hshrink Horizontal shrink factor.
         * @param vshrink Vertical shrink factor.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        reduce(hshrink: number, vshrink: number, options?: {
             * Resampling kernel.
            kernel?: Kernel | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Shrink an image horizontally.
         * @param hshrink Horizontal shrink factor.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        reduceh(hshrink: number, options?: {
             * Resampling kernel.
            kernel?: Kernel | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Shrink an image vertically.
         * @param vshrink Vertical shrink factor.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        reducev(vshrink: number, options?: {
             * Resampling kernel.
            kernel?: Kernel | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Relational operation on two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @param relational relational to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        relational(right: Image | ArrayConstant, relational: OperationRelational | Enum): Image;

         * Remainder after integer division of two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @return Output image.
        remainder(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Replicate an image.
         * @param across Repeat this many times horizontally.
         * @param down Repeat this many times vertically.
         * @return Output image.
        replicate(across: number, down: number): Image;

         * Resize an image.
         * @param scale Scale image by this factor.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        resize(scale: number, options?: {
             * Resampling kernel.
            kernel?: Kernel | Enum
             * Vertical scale image by this factor.
            vscale?: number
        }): Image;

         * Rotate an image.
         * @param angle Angle to rotate image.
         * @return Output image.
        rot(angle: Angle | Enum): Image;

         * Rotate an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        rot45(options?: {
             * Angle to rotate image.
            angle?: Angle45 | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Rotate an image by a number of degrees.
         * @param angle Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        rotate(angle: number, options?: {
             * Interpolate pixels with this.
            interpolate?: Interpolate
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Horizontal output displacement.
            odx?: number
             * Vertical output displacement.
            ody?: number
             * Horizontal input displacement.
            idx?: number
             * Vertical input displacement.
            idy?: number
        }): Image;

         * Perform a round function on an image.
         * @param round rounding operation to perform.
         * @return Output image.
        round(round: OperationRound | Enum): Image;

         * Transform srgb to hsv.
         * @return Output image.
        sRGB2HSV(): Image;

         * Convert an srgb image to scrgb.
         * @return Output image.
        sRGB2scRGB(): Image;

         * Convert scrgb to bw.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        scRGB2BW(options?: {
             * Output device space depth in bits.
            depth?: number
        }): Image;

         * Transform scrgb to xyz.
         * @return Output image.
        scRGB2XYZ(): Image;

         * Convert an scrgb image to srgb.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        scRGB2sRGB(options?: {
             * Output device space depth in bits.
            depth?: number
        }): Image;

         * Scale an image to uchar.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        scale(options?: {
             * Exponent for log scale.
            exp?: number
             * Log scale.
            log?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Check sequential access.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        sequential(options?: {
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
        }): Image;

         * Unsharp masking for print.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        sharpen(options?: {
             * Sigma of gaussian.
            sigma?: number
             * Flat/jaggy threshold.
            x1?: number
             * Maximum brightening.
            y2?: number
             * Maximum darkening.
            y3?: number
             * Slope for flat areas.
            m1?: number
             * Slope for jaggy areas.
            m2?: number
        }): Image;

         * Shrink an image.
         * @param hshrink Horizontal shrink factor.
         * @param vshrink Vertical shrink factor.
         * @return Output image.
        shrink(hshrink: number, vshrink: number): Image;

         * Shrink an image horizontally.
         * @param hshrink Horizontal shrink factor.
         * @return Output image.
        shrinkh(hshrink: number): Image;

         * Shrink an image vertically.
         * @param vshrink Vertical shrink factor.
         * @return Output image.
        shrinkv(vshrink: number): Image;

         * Unit vector of pixel.
         * @return Output image.
        sign(): Image;

         * Similarity transform of an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        similarity(options?: {
             * Scale by this factor.
            scale?: number
             * Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees.
            angle?: number
             * Interpolate pixels with this.
            interpolate?: Interpolate
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Horizontal output displacement.
            odx?: number
             * Vertical output displacement.
            ody?: number
             * Horizontal input displacement.
            idx?: number
             * Vertical input displacement.
            idy?: number
        }): Image;

         * Extract an area from an image.
         * @param width Width of extract area.
         * @param height Height of extract area.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        smartcrop(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * How to measure interestingness.
            interesting?: Interesting | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Sobel edge detector.
         * @return Output image.
        sobel(): Image;

         * Spatial correlation.
         * @param ref Input reference image.
         * @return Output image.
        spcor(ref: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Make displayable power spectrum.
         * @return Output image.
        spectrum(): Image;

         * Find many image stats.
         * @return Output array of statistics.
        stats(): Image;

         * Statistical difference.
         * @param width Window width in pixels.
         * @param height Window height in pixels.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        stdif(width: number, height: number, options?: {
             * New deviation.
            s0?: number
             * Weight of new deviation.
            b?: number
             * New mean.
            m0?: number
             * Weight of new mean.
            a?: number
        }): Image;

         * Subsample an image.
         * @param xfac Horizontal subsample factor.
         * @param yfac Vertical subsample factor.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        subsample(xfac: number, yfac: number, options?: {
             * Point sample.
            point?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Subtract two images.
         * @param right Right-hand image argument.
         * @return Output image.
        subtract(right: Image | ArrayConstant): Image;

         * Generate thumbnail from image.
         * @param width Size to this width.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        thumbnailImage(width: number, options?: {
             * Size to this height.
            height?: number
             * Only upsize, only downsize, or both.
            size?: Size | Enum
             * Don't use orientation tags to rotate image upright.
            no_rotate?: boolean
             * Reduce to fill target rectangle, then crop.
            crop?: Interesting | Enum
             * Reduce in linear light.
            linear?: boolean
             * Fallback import profile.
            import_profile?: string
             * Fallback export profile.
            export_profile?: string
             * Rendering intent.
            intent?: Intent | Enum
        }): Image;

         * Save image to tiff file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        tiffsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Compression for this file.
            compression?: ForeignTiffCompression | Enum
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Compression prediction.
            predictor?: ForeignTiffPredictor | Enum
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Write a tiled tiff.
            tile?: boolean
             * Tile width in pixels.
            tile_width?: number
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Write a pyramidal tiff.
            pyramid?: boolean
             * Use 0 for white in 1-bit images.
            miniswhite?: boolean
             * Write as a 1, 2, 4 or 8 bit image.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Resolution unit.
            resunit?: ForeignTiffResunit | Enum
             * Horizontal resolution in pixels/mm.
            xres?: number
             * Vertical resolution in pixels/mm.
            yres?: number
             * Write a bigtiff image.
            bigtiff?: boolean
             * Write a properties document to imagedescription.
            properties?: boolean
             * Method to shrink regions.
            region_shrink?: RegionShrink | Enum
             * Zstd compression level.
            level?: number
             * Enable webp lossless mode.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Pyramid depth.
            depth?: ForeignDzDepth | Enum
             * Save pyr layers as sub-ifds.
            subifd?: boolean
             * Save with premultiplied alpha.
            premultiply?: boolean
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to tiff buffer.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        tiffsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Compression for this file.
            compression?: ForeignTiffCompression | Enum
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Compression prediction.
            predictor?: ForeignTiffPredictor | Enum
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Write a tiled tiff.
            tile?: boolean
             * Tile width in pixels.
            tile_width?: number
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Write a pyramidal tiff.
            pyramid?: boolean
             * Use 0 for white in 1-bit images.
            miniswhite?: boolean
             * Write as a 1, 2, 4 or 8 bit image.
            bitdepth?: number
             * Resolution unit.
            resunit?: ForeignTiffResunit | Enum
             * Horizontal resolution in pixels/mm.
            xres?: number
             * Vertical resolution in pixels/mm.
            yres?: number
             * Write a bigtiff image.
            bigtiff?: boolean
             * Write a properties document to imagedescription.
            properties?: boolean
             * Method to shrink regions.
            region_shrink?: RegionShrink | Enum
             * Zstd compression level.
            level?: number
             * Enable webp lossless mode.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Pyramid depth.
            depth?: ForeignDzDepth | Enum
             * Save pyr layers as sub-ifds.
            subifd?: boolean
             * Save with premultiplied alpha.
            premultiply?: boolean
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Cache an image as a set of tiles.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        tilecache(options?: {
             * Tile width in pixels.
            tile_width?: number
             * Tile height in pixels.
            tile_height?: number
             * Maximum number of tiles to cache.
            max_tiles?: number
             * Expected access pattern.
            access?: Access | Enum
             * Allow threaded access.
            threaded?: boolean
             * Keep cache between evaluations.
            persistent?: boolean
        }): Image;

         * Transpose3d an image.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        transpose3d(options?: {
             * Height of each input page.
            page_height?: number
        }): Image;

         * Unpremultiply image alpha.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        unpremultiply(options?: {
             * Maximum value of alpha channel.
            max_alpha?: number
             * Unpremultiply with this alpha.
            alpha_band?: number
        }): Image;

         * Save image to file in vips format.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        vipssave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to target in vips format.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        vipssaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to webp file.
         * @param filename Filename to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        webpsave(filename: string, options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Preset for lossy compression.
            preset?: ForeignWebpPreset | Enum
             * Enable high quality chroma subsampling.
            smart_subsample?: boolean
             * Enable preprocessing in lossless mode (uses q).
            near_lossless?: boolean
             * Change alpha plane fidelity for lossy compression.
            alpha_q?: number
             * Optimise for minium size.
            min_size?: boolean
             * Minimum number of frames between key frames.
            kmin?: number
             * Maximum number of frames between key frames.
            kmax?: number
             * Level of cpu effort to reduce file size.
            effort?: number
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Save image to webp buffer.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Buffer to save to.
        webpsaveBuffer(options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Preset for lossy compression.
            preset?: ForeignWebpPreset | Enum
             * Enable high quality chroma subsampling.
            smart_subsample?: boolean
             * Enable preprocessing in lossless mode (uses q).
            near_lossless?: boolean
             * Change alpha plane fidelity for lossy compression.
            alpha_q?: number
             * Optimise for minium size.
            min_size?: boolean
             * Minimum number of frames between key frames.
            kmin?: number
             * Maximum number of frames between key frames.
            kmax?: number
             * Level of cpu effort to reduce file size.
            effort?: number
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): Uint8Array;

         * Save image to webp target.
         * @param target Target to save to.
         * @param options Optional options.
        webpsaveTarget(target: Target, options?: {
             * Q factor.
            Q?: number
             * Enable lossless compression.
            lossless?: boolean
             * Preset for lossy compression.
            preset?: ForeignWebpPreset | Enum
             * Enable high quality chroma subsampling.
            smart_subsample?: boolean
             * Enable preprocessing in lossless mode (uses q).
            near_lossless?: boolean
             * Change alpha plane fidelity for lossy compression.
            alpha_q?: number
             * Optimise for minium size.
            min_size?: boolean
             * Minimum number of frames between key frames.
            kmin?: number
             * Maximum number of frames between key frames.
            kmax?: number
             * Level of cpu effort to reduce file size.
            effort?: number
             * Icc profile to embed.
            profile?: string
             * Strip all metadata from image.
            strip?: boolean
             * Background value.
            background?: ArrayConstant
             * Set page height for multipage save.
            page_height?: number
        }): void;

         * Wrap image origin.
         * @param options Optional options.
         * @return Output image.
        wrap(options?: {
             * Left edge of input in output.
            x?: number
             * Top edge of input in output.
            y?: number
        }): Image;

         * Zoom an image.
         * @param xfac Horizontal zoom factor.
         * @param yfac Vertical zoom factor.
         * @return Output image.
        zoom(xfac: number, yfac: number): Image;