import warnings import numpy as np import resampy import torch import tqdm import crepe __all__ = ['CENTS_PER_BIN', 'MAX_FMAX', 'PITCH_BINS', 'SAMPLE_RATE', 'WINDOW_SIZE', 'UNVOICED', 'embed', 'embed_from_file', 'embed_from_file_to_file', 'embed_from_files_to_files', 'infer', 'predict', 'predict_from_file', 'predict_from_file_to_file', 'predict_from_files_to_files', 'preprocess', 'postprocess', 'resample'] ############################################################################### # Constants ############################################################################### CENTS_PER_BIN = 20 # cents MAX_FMAX = 2006. # hz PITCH_BINS = 360 SAMPLE_RATE = 16000 # hz WINDOW_SIZE = 1024 # samples UNVOICED = np.nan ############################################################################### # Crepe pitch prediction ############################################################################### def predict(audio, sample_rate, hop_length=None, fmin=50., fmax=MAX_FMAX, model='full', decoder=crepe.decode.viterbi, return_harmonicity=False, return_periodicity=False, batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Performs pitch estimation Arguments audio (torch.tensor [shape=(1, time)]) The audio signal sample_rate (int) The sampling rate in Hz hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples fmin (float) The minimum allowable frequency in Hz fmax (float) The maximum allowable frequency in Hz model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. decoder (function) The decoder to use. See for decoders. return_harmonicity (bool) [DEPRECATED] Whether to also return the network confidence return_periodicity (bool) Whether to also return the network confidence batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device used to run inference pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio Returns pitch (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length))]) (Optional) periodicity (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length))]) """ # Deprecate return_harmonicity if return_harmonicity: message = ( 'The crepe return_harmonicity argument is deprecated and ' 'will be removed in a future release. Please use ' 'return_periodicity. Rationale: if network confidence measured ' 'harmonics, the value would be low for non-harmonic, periodic ' 'sounds (e.g., sine waves). But this is not observed.') warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return_periodicity = return_harmonicity results = [] # Postprocessing breaks gradients, so just don't compute them with torch.no_grad(): # Preprocess audio generator = preprocess(audio, sample_rate, hop_length, batch_size, device, pad) for frames in generator: # Infer independent probabilities for each pitch bin probabilities = infer(frames, model) # shape=(batch, 360, time / hop_length) probabilities = probabilities.reshape( audio.size(0), -1, PITCH_BINS).transpose(1, 2) # Convert probabilities to F0 and periodicity result = postprocess(probabilities, fmin, fmax, decoder, return_harmonicity, return_periodicity) # Place on same device as audio to allow very long inputs if isinstance(result, tuple): result = (result[0].to(audio.device), result[1].to(audio.device)) else: result = results.append(result) # Split pitch and periodicity if return_periodicity: pitch, periodicity = zip(*results) return, 1),, 1) # Concatenate return, 1) def predict_from_file(audio_file, hop_length=None, fmin=50., fmax=MAX_FMAX, model='full', decoder=crepe.decode.viterbi, return_harmonicity=False, return_periodicity=False, batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Performs pitch estimation from file on disk Arguments audio_file (string) The file to perform pitch tracking on hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples fmin (float) The minimum allowable frequency in Hz fmax (float) The maximum allowable frequency in Hz model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. decoder (function) The decoder to use. See for decoders. return_harmonicity (bool) [DEPRECATED] Whether to also return the network confidence return_periodicity (bool) Whether to also return the network confidence batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device used to run inference pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio Returns pitch (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length))]) (Optional) periodicity (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length))]) """ # Load audio audio, sample_rate = # Predict return predict(audio, sample_rate, hop_length, fmin, fmax, model, decoder, return_harmonicity, return_periodicity, batch_size, device, pad) def predict_from_file_to_file(audio_file, output_pitch_file, output_harmonicity_file=None, output_periodicity_file=None, hop_length=None, fmin=50., fmax=MAX_FMAX, model='full', decoder=crepe.decode.viterbi, batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Performs pitch estimation from file on disk Arguments audio_file (string) The file to perform pitch tracking on output_pitch_file (string) The file to save predicted pitch output_harmonicity_file (string or None) [DEPRECATED] The file to save predicted harmonicity output_periodicity_file (string or None) The file to save predicted periodicity hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples fmin (float) The minimum allowable frequency in Hz fmax (float) The maximum allowable frequency in Hz model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. decoder (function) The decoder to use. See for decoders. batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device used to run inference pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio """ # Deprecate output_harmonicity_file if output_harmonicity_file is not None: message = ( 'The crepe output_harmonicity_file argument is deprecated and ' 'will be removed in a future release. Please use ' 'output_periodicity_file. Rationale: if network confidence measured ' 'harmonic content, the value would be low for non-harmonic, periodic ' 'sounds (e.g., sine waves). But this is not observed.') warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) output_periodicity_file = output_harmonicity_file # Predict from file prediction = predict_from_file(audio_file, hop_length, fmin, fmax, model, decoder, False, output_periodicity_file is not None, batch_size, device, pad) # Save to disk if output_periodicity_file is not None:[0].detach(), output_pitch_file)[1].detach(), output_periodicity_file) else:, output_pitch_file) def predict_from_files_to_files(audio_files, output_pitch_files, output_harmonicity_files=None, output_periodicity_files=None, hop_length=None, fmin=50., fmax=MAX_FMAX, model='full', decoder=crepe.decode.viterbi, batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Performs pitch estimation from files on disk without reloading model Arguments audio_files (list[string]) The files to perform pitch tracking on output_pitch_files (list[string]) The files to save predicted pitch output_harmonicity_files (list[string] or None) [DEPRECATED] The files to save predicted harmonicity output_periodicity_files (list[string] or None) The files to save predicted periodicity hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples fmin (float) The minimum allowable frequency in Hz fmax (float) The maximum allowable frequency in Hz model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. decoder (function) The decoder to use. See for decoders. batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device used to run inference pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio """ # Deprecate output_harmonicity_files if output_harmonicity_files is not None: message = ( 'The crepe output_harmonicity_files argument is deprecated and ' 'will be removed in a future release. Please use ' 'output_periodicity_files. Rationale: if network confidence measured ' 'harmonic content, the value would be low for non-harmonic, periodic ' 'sounds (e.g., sine waves). But this is not observed.') warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) output_periodicity_files = output_harmonicity_files if output_periodicity_files is None: output_periodicity_files = len(audio_files) * [None] # Setup iterator iterator = zip(audio_files, output_pitch_files, output_periodicity_files) iterator = tqdm.tqdm(iterator, desc='crepe', dynamic_ncols=True) for audio_file, output_pitch_file, output_periodicity_file in iterator: # Predict a file predict_from_file_to_file(audio_file, output_pitch_file, None, output_periodicity_file, hop_length, fmin, fmax, model, decoder, batch_size, device, pad) ############################################################################### # Crepe pitch embedding ############################################################################### def embed(audio, sample_rate, hop_length=None, model='full', batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Embeds audio to the output of CREPE's fifth maxpool layer Arguments audio (torch.tensor [shape=(1, time)]) The audio signals sample_rate (int) The sampling rate in Hz hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device to run inference on pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio Returns embedding (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length), 32, -1)]) """ results = [] # Preprocess audio generator = preprocess(audio, sample_rate, hop_length, batch_size, device, pad) for frames in generator: # Infer pitch embeddings embedding = infer(frames, model, embed=True) # shape=(batch, time / hop_length, 32, embedding_size) result = embedding.reshape(audio.size(0), frames.size(0), 32, -1) # Place on same device as audio. This allows for large inputs. results.append( # Concatenate return, 1) def embed_from_file(audio_file, hop_length=None, model='full', batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Embeds audio from disk to the output of CREPE's fifth maxpool layer Arguments audio_file (string) The wav file containing the audio to embed hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device to run inference on pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio Returns embedding (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length), 32, -1)]) """ # Load audio audio, sample_rate = # Embed return embed(audio, sample_rate, hop_length, model, batch_size, device, pad) def embed_from_file_to_file(audio_file, output_file, hop_length=None, model='full', batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Embeds audio from disk and saves to disk Arguments audio_file (string) The wav file containing the audio to embed hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples output_file (string) The file to save the embedding model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device to run inference on pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio """ # No use computing gradients if we're just saving to file with torch.no_grad(): # Embed embedding = embed_from_file(audio_file, hop_length, model, batch_size, device, pad) # Save to disk, output_file) def embed_from_files_to_files(audio_files, output_files, hop_length=None, model='full', batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Embeds audio from disk and saves to disk without reloading model Arguments audio_files (list[string]) The wav files containing the audio to embed output_files (list[string]) The files to save the embeddings hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device to run inference on pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio """ # Setup iterator iterator = zip(audio_files, output_files) iterator = tqdm.tqdm(iterator, desc='crepe', dynamic_ncols=True) for audio_file, output_file in iterator: # Embed a file embed_from_file_to_file(audio_file, output_file, hop_length, model, batch_size, device, pad) ############################################################################### # Components for step-by-step prediction ############################################################################### def infer(frames, model='full', embed=False): """Forward pass through the model Arguments frames (torch.tensor [shape=(time / hop_length, 1024)]) The network input model (string) The model capacity. One of 'full' or 'tiny'. embed (bool) Whether to stop inference at the intermediate embedding layer Returns logits (torch.tensor [shape=(1 + int(time // hop_length), 360)]) OR embedding (torch.tensor [shape=(1 + int(time // hop_length), embedding_size)]) """ # Load the model if necessary if not hasattr(infer, 'model') or not hasattr(infer, 'capacity') or \ (hasattr(infer, 'capacity') and infer.capacity != model): crepe.load.model(frames.device, model) # Move model to correct device (no-op if devices are the same) infer.model = # Apply model return infer.model(frames, embed=embed) def postprocess(probabilities, fmin=0., fmax=MAX_FMAX, decoder=crepe.decode.viterbi, return_harmonicity=False, return_periodicity=False): """Convert model output to F0 and periodicity Arguments probabilities (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 360, time / hop_length)]) The probabilities for each pitch bin inferred by the network fmin (float) The minimum allowable frequency in Hz fmax (float) The maximum allowable frequency in Hz viterbi (bool) Whether to use viterbi decoding return_harmonicity (bool) [DEPRECATED] Whether to also return the network confidence return_periodicity (bool) Whether to also return the network confidence Returns pitch (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length))]) periodicity (torch.tensor [shape=(1, 1 + int(time // hop_length))]) """ # Sampling is non-differentiable, so remove from graph probabilities = probabilities.detach() # Convert frequency range to pitch bin range minidx = crepe.convert.frequency_to_bins(torch.tensor(fmin)) maxidx = crepe.convert.frequency_to_bins(torch.tensor(fmax), torch.ceil) # Remove frequencies outside of allowable range probabilities[:, :minidx] = -float('inf') probabilities[:, maxidx:] = -float('inf') # Perform argmax or viterbi sampling bins, pitch = decoder(probabilities) # Deprecate return_harmonicity if return_harmonicity: message = ( 'The crepe return_harmonicity argument is deprecated and ' 'will be removed in a future release. Please use ' 'return_periodicity. Rationale: if network confidence measured ' 'harmonics, the value would be low for non-harmonic, periodic ' 'sounds (e.g., sine waves). But this is not observed.') warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return_periodicity = return_harmonicity if not return_periodicity: return pitch # Compute periodicity from probabilities and decoded pitch bins return pitch, periodicity(probabilities, bins) def preprocess(audio, sample_rate, hop_length=None, batch_size=None, device='cpu', pad=True): """Convert audio to model input Arguments audio (torch.tensor [shape=(1, time)]) The audio signals sample_rate (int) The sampling rate in Hz hop_length (int) The hop_length in samples batch_size (int) The number of frames per batch device (string) The device to run inference on pad (bool) Whether to zero-pad the audio Returns frames (torch.tensor [shape=(1 + int(time // hop_length), 1024)]) """ # Default hop length of 10 ms hop_length = sample_rate // 100 if hop_length is None else hop_length # Resample if sample_rate != SAMPLE_RATE: audio = resample(audio, sample_rate) hop_length = int(hop_length * SAMPLE_RATE / sample_rate) # Get total number of frames # Maybe pad if pad: total_frames = 1 + int(audio.size(1) // hop_length) audio = torch.nn.functional.pad( audio, (WINDOW_SIZE // 2, WINDOW_SIZE // 2)) else: total_frames = 1 + int((audio.size(1) - WINDOW_SIZE) // hop_length) # Default to running all frames in a single batch batch_size = total_frames if batch_size is None else batch_size # Generate batches for i in range(0, total_frames, batch_size): # Batch indices start = max(0, i * hop_length) end = min(audio.size(1), (i + batch_size - 1) * hop_length + WINDOW_SIZE) # Chunk frames = torch.nn.functional.unfold( audio[:, None, None, start:end], kernel_size=(1, WINDOW_SIZE), stride=(1, hop_length)) # shape=(1 + int(time / hop_length, 1024) frames = frames.transpose(1, 2).reshape(-1, WINDOW_SIZE) # Place on device frames = # Mean-center frames -= frames.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) # Scale # Note: during silent frames, this produces very large values. But # this seems to be what the network expects. frames /= torch.max(torch.tensor(1e-10, device=frames.device), frames.std(dim=1, keepdim=True)) yield frames ############################################################################### # Utilities ############################################################################### def periodicity(probabilities, bins): """Computes the periodicity from the network output and pitch bins""" # shape=(batch * time / hop_length, 360) probs_stacked = probabilities.transpose(1, 2).reshape(-1, PITCH_BINS) # shape=(batch * time / hop_length, 1) bins_stacked = bins.reshape(-1, 1).to(torch.int64) # Use maximum logit over pitch bins as periodicity periodicity = probs_stacked.gather(1, bins_stacked) # shape=(batch, time / hop_length) return periodicity.reshape(probabilities.size(0), probabilities.size(2)) def resample(audio, sample_rate): """Resample audio""" # Store device for later placement device = audio.device # Convert to numpy audio = audio.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze(0) # Resample # We have to use resampy if we want numbers to match Crepe audio = resampy.resample(audio, sample_rate, SAMPLE_RATE) # Convert to pytorch return torch.tensor(audio, device=device).unsqueeze(0)