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| Description: libf0 YIN implementation
| Contributors: Sebastian Rosenzweig, Simon Schwär, Edgar Suárez, Meinard Müller
| License: The MIT license,
| This file is part of libf0.
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
def yin(x, Fs=22050, N=2048, H=256, F_min=55.0, F_max=1760.0, threshold=0.15, verbose=False):
Implementation of the YIN algorithm.
.. [#] Alain De Cheveigné and Hideki Kawahara.
"YIN, a fundamental frequency estimator for speech and music."
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111.4 (2002): 1917-1930.
x : ndarray [shape=(L, )], real - valued
Audio signal
Fs : int
Sampling frequency
N : int
Window size
H : int
Hop size
F_min : float
Minimal frequency
F_max : float
Maximal frequency
threshold : float
Threshold for cumulative mean normalized difference function
verbose : bool
Switch to activate/deactivate status bar
f0 : ndarray
Estimated F0-trajectory
t : ndarray
Time axis
ap: ndarray
Aperiodicity (indicator for voicing: the lower, the more reliable the estimate)
if F_min > F_max:
raise Exception("F_min must be smaller than F_max!")
if F_min < Fs/N:
raise Exception(f"The condition (F_min >= Fs/N) was not met. With Fs = {Fs}, N = {N} and F_min = {F_min} you have the following options: \n1) Set F_min >= {np.ceil(Fs/N)} Hz. \n2) Set N >= {np.ceil(Fs/F_min).astype(int)}. \n3) Set Fs <= {np.floor(F_min * N)} Hz.")
x_pad = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N//2), x, np.zeros(N//2))) # Add zeros for centered estimates
M = int(np.floor((len(x_pad) - N) / H)) + 1 # Compute number of estimates that will be generated
f0 = np.zeros(M) # Estimated fundamental frequencies (0 for unspecified frames)
t = np.arange(M)*H/Fs # Time axis
ap = np.zeros(M) # Aperiodicity
lag_min = max(int(np.ceil(Fs / F_max)), 1) # lag of maximal frequency in samples
lag_max = int(np.ceil(Fs / F_min)) # lag of minimal frequency in samples
for m in range(M):
if verbose:
print(f"YIN Progress: {np.ceil(100*m/M).astype(int)}%", end='\r')
# Take a frame from input signal
frame = x_pad[m*H:m*H + N]
# Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function
cmndf = cumulative_mean_normalized_difference_function(frame, lag_max)
# Absolute Thresholding
lag_est = absolute_thresholding(cmndf, threshold, lag_min, lag_max, parabolic_interp=True)
# Refine estimate by constraining search to vicinity of best local estimate (default: +/- 25 cents)
tol_cents = 25
lag_min_local = int(np.round(Fs / ((Fs / lag_est) * 2 ** (tol_cents/1200))))
if lag_min_local < lag_min:
lag_min_local = lag_min
lag_max_local = int(np.round(Fs / ((Fs / lag_est) * 2 ** (-tol_cents/1200))))
if lag_max_local > lag_max:
lag_max_local = lag_max
lag_new = absolute_thresholding(cmndf, threshold=np.inf, lag_min=lag_min_local, lag_max=lag_max_local,
# Compute Fundamental Frequency Estimate
f0[m] = Fs / lag_new
# Compute Aperiodicity
ap[m] = aperiodicity(frame, lag_new)
return f0, t, ap
def cumulative_mean_normalized_difference_function(frame, lag_max):
Computes Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function (CMNDF).
frame : ndarray
Audio frame
lag_max : int
Maximum expected lag in the CMNDF
cmndf : ndarray
Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function
cmndf = np.zeros(lag_max+1) # Initialize CMNDF
cmndf[0] = 1
diff_mean = 0
for tau in range(1, lag_max+1):
# Difference function
diff = np.sum((frame[0:-tau] - frame[0 + tau:]) ** 2)
# Iterative mean of the difference function
diff_mean = diff_mean*(tau-1)/tau + diff/tau
cmndf[tau] = diff / (diff_mean + np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
return cmndf
def absolute_thresholding(cmndf, threshold, lag_min, lag_max, parabolic_interp=True):
Absolute thresholding:
Set an absolute threshold and choose the smallest value of tau that gives a minimum of d' deeper than that
threshold. If none is found, the global minimum is chosen instead.
cmndf : ndarray
Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function
threshold : float
lag_min : float
Minimal lag
lag_max : float
Maximal lag
parabolic_interp : bool
Switch to activate/deactivate parabolic interpolation
# take shortcut if search range only allows for one possible lag
if lag_min == lag_max:
return lag_min
# find local minima below absolute threshold in interval [lag_min:lag_max]
local_min_idxs = (np.argwhere((cmndf[1:-1] < cmndf[0:-2]) & (cmndf[1:-1] < cmndf[2:]))).flatten() + 1
below_thr_idxs = np.argwhere(cmndf[lag_min:lag_max] < threshold).flatten() + lag_min
# numba compatible intersection of indices sets
min_idxs = np.unique(np.array([i for i in local_min_idxs for j in below_thr_idxs if i == j]))
# if no local minima below threshold are found, return global minimum
if not min_idxs.size:
return np.argmin(cmndf[lag_min:lag_max]) + lag_min
# find first local minimum
lag = np.min(min_idxs) # choose first local minimum
# Optional: Parabolic Interpolation of local minima
if parabolic_interp:
lag_corr, cmndf[lag] = parabolic_interpolation(cmndf[lag-1], cmndf[lag], cmndf[lag+1])
lag += lag_corr
return lag
def parabolic_interpolation(y1, y2, y3):
Parabolic interpolation of an extremal value given three samples with equal spacing on the x-axis.
The middle value y2 is assumed to be the extremal sample of the three.
y1: f(x1)
y2: f(x2)
y3: f(x3)
x_interp: Interpolated x-value (relative to x3-x2)
y_interp: Interpolated y-value, f(x_interp)
a = np.finfo(np.float64).eps + (y1 + y3 - 2 * y2) / 2
b = (y3 - y1) / 2
x_interp = -b / (2 * a)
y_interp = y2 - (b ** 2) / (4 * a)
return x_interp, y_interp
def aperiodicity(frame, lag_est):
Compute aperiodicity of given frame (serves as indicator for reliability or voicing detection).
frame : ndarray
lag_est : float
Estimated lag
ap: float
Aperiodicity (the lower, the more reliable the estimate)
lag_int = int(np.floor(lag_est)) # uncorrected period estimate
frac = lag_est - lag_int # residual
# Pad frame to insure constant size
frame_pad = np.concatenate((frame, np.flip(frame))) # mirror padding
# Shift frame by estimated period
if frac == 0:
frame_shift = frame_pad[lag_int:lag_int+len(frame)]
# linear interpolation between adjacent shifts
frame_shift = (1 - frac) * frame_pad[lag_int:lag_int+len(frame)] + \
frac * frame_pad[lag_int+1:lag_int+1+len(frame)]
pwr = (np.mean(frame ** 2) + np.mean(frame_shift ** 2)) / 2 # average power over fixed and shifted frame
res = np.mean((frame - frame_shift) ** 2) / 2 # residual power
ap = res / (pwr + np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
return ap