import streamlit as st import google.generativeai as genai import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np from deepface import DeepFace # Replacing FER with DeepFace from dotenv import load_dotenv # Print out successful imports print("DeepFace is installed and ready to use!") print("Google Generative AI module is successfully imported!") # Load API keys and environment variables load_dotenv() genai.configure(api_key="AIzaSyAEzZLb7R1CNTWwFXoUsWNrV47X9JgGu1o") # gemini function for general content generation def get_gemini_response(input): try: model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro') response = model.generate_content(input) return response except Exception as e: # Handle quota exceeded error if "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" in str(e): st.error("Quota exceeded for content generation. Please try again later.") return None else: st.error(f"Error: {e}") return None # Function to analyze image for depression and emotion detection using DeepFace def detect_emotions(image): try: # Convert PIL Image to NumPy array image_array = np.array(image) # Use DeepFace to analyze emotions analysis = DeepFace.analyze(image_array, actions=['emotion'], enforce_detection=False) # Return the dominant emotion and its score return analysis[0]['dominant_emotion'], analysis[0]['emotion'] except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error during emotion detection: {e}") return None, None # Function to analyze detected emotions with LLM def analyze_emotions_with_llm(emotion, emotions): emotion_analysis = f"{emotion}: {emotions[emotion]:.2f}" analysis_prompt = f""" ### As a mental health and emotional well-being expert, analyze the following detected emotions. ### Detected Emotions: {emotion_analysis} ### Analysis Output: 1. Identify any potential signs of depression based on the detected emotions. """ response = get_gemini_response(analysis_prompt) return response # Function to parse and display response content def display_response_content(response): st.subheader("Response Output") if response and hasattr(response, 'candidates'): response_content = response.candidates[0][0].text if response.candidates[0] else "" sections = response_content.split('###') for section in sections: if section.strip(): section_lines = section.split('\n') section_title = section_lines[0].strip() section_body = '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in section_lines[1:] if line.strip()) if section_title: st.markdown(f"**{section_title}**") if section_body: st.write(section_body) else: st.write("No response received from the model or quota exceeded.") # Streamlit App st.title("AI-Powered Depression and Emotion Detection System") st.text("Use the AI system for detecting depression and emotions from images.") # Tabs for different functionalities (only image analysis in this version) with st.container(): st.header("Image Analysis") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an image for analysis", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"], help="Please upload an image file.") submit_image = st.button('Analyze Image') if submit_image: if uploaded_file is not None: image = # Open the uploaded image emotion, emotions = detect_emotions(image) # Detect emotions using DeepFace if emotion: # If emotions are detected response = analyze_emotions_with_llm(emotion, emotions) # Analyze detected emotions with LLM display_response_content(response) # Display the analysis response else: st.write("No emotions detected in the image.") # If no emotion is detected else: st.write("Please upload an image first.") #