franky-v1 / src /utils /
architojha's picture
updating prompt
import re
from src.models.workflow_graph import Edge, Node, Graph
class HelperClass:
def _build_prompt(project_desc: str, modules: list) -> str:
return f'''
You are an advanced AI tasked with constructing a directed graph/flow based on a set of available modules and a project description. Each module in the flow represents a node, and each edge defines the task connecting these nodes.
Your output should adhere strictly to the following rules: Dont give me any code and dont mention 'json' at the top of the response.
There should not be any extra output (even a single word) besides the output required.
The flow of nodes and tasks must be determined by analyzing the provided project description.
The modules chosen must form a complete pipeline suitable for the tasks in the project description.
1. Parse the project description to identify the tasks and operations required to form the flow.
- For each task, determine which module (from the available list) best fits the task description.
- Assign a unique identifier to every instance of a module.
- Example: If the "Train" module is used twice for lets say training 2 different model, name them both Train with a unique id to both of them.
- For each identified node:
- Node ID: Generate a Unique identifier for the module instance (5 digit random string and integer combined and in lower case).
- Module Name: Name of the module from the available list.
Format each node as:
<unique Node ID>Module Name</unique Node ID>
2. Construct Edges Between Nodes
- Determine the logical sequence of tasks from the project description.
- Identify source and target modules for each transition based on the task flow.
- For each connection, output the following information:
- Source Node: The unique ID of the starting module. ( Used the ids for each module generated in Step 1)
- Target Node: The unique ID of the destination module. ( Used the ids for each module generated in Step 1)
- Task Description: A short descripiton of what is happening during the transition.
Format each edge as:
<Edge index>( sourceNode="<Node ID>" | targetNode="<Node ID>" | task="<Task Description>" )<
Example 1:
Input: Project Description:
This project implements an automated quality control system for manufacturing using a modular machine learning pipeline. Data from high-resolution product images and metadata is ingested and augmented to enhance diversity and balance.
Task A trains a CNN for defect detection, while Task B trains a transformer-based model for quality classification. Both models are rigorously evaluated and compared against predefined benchmarks. Successful models are deployed for real-time defect monitoring and automated grading via integration with production and ERP systems.
Input: Available Modules:
Flow Generated by LLM: ( This will not be Input )
IngestData -> AugmentData
AugmentData -> Train (for Task A)
AugmentData -> Train (for Task B)
Train (model A) -> Evaluate (test model A)
Train (model B) -> Evaluate (test model B)
Evaluate (test model A) -> ComparePerformance
Evaluate (test model B) -> ComparePerformance
ComparePerformance -> TriggerDeployment
<bxt2w>Train A</bxt2w>
<d1ep3>Train B</d1ep3>
<b9lca>Evaluate A</b9lca>
<5w01f>Evaluate B</5w01f>
<Edge 1>( sourceNode="<p83fd>" | targetNode="<sb9ba>" | task = "Ingesting Data to Augment Data" )</Edge 1>
<Edge 2>( sourceNode="<sb9ba>" | targetNode="<bxt2w>" | task = "Augmenting Data to Train model A" )</Edge 2>
<Edge 3>( sourceNode="<sb9ba>" | targetNode="<d1ep3>" | task = "Augmenting Data to Train model B" )</Edge 3>
<Edge 4>( sourceNode="<bxt2w>" | targetNode="<b9lca>" | task = "Training A to Evaluate model A" )</Edge 4>
<Edge 5>( sourceNode="<d1ep3>" | targetNode="<5w01f>" | task = "Training B to Evaluate model B" )</Edge 5>
<Edge 6>( sourceNode="<b9lca>" | targetNode="<z4bun>" | task = "Evaluate model A to Compare Performance" )</Edge 6>
<Edge 7>( sourceNode="<5w01f>" | targetNode="<z4bun>" | task = "Evaluate model B to Compare Performance" )</Edge 7>
<Edge 8>( sourceNode="<z4bun>" | targetNode="<zj2pb>" | task = "Compare Performance to Trigger Deployment" )</Edge 8>
Example 2:
Input: Project Description:
This project develops an automated crop health monitoring system using a modular machine learning pipeline. Data from satellite and drone imagery is ingested and preprocessed, followed by augmentation techniques to increase diversity and balance.
Synthetic data is generated to simulate various crop conditions, enhancing model robustness. The pipeline trains a deep learning model to classify crop health, evaluates its performance on key metrics such as accuracy and recall, and identifies areas for improvement.
Once performance benchmarks are met, the system is deployed for real-time crop monitoring, enabling farmers to make informed decisions and optimize agricultural productivity efficiently.
Input: Available Modules:
Flow Generated by LLM: ( This will not be Input )
IngestData -> AugmentData
AugmentData -> GenerateData
GenerateData -> Train
Train -> Evaluate
Evaluate -> TriggerDeployment
<Edge 1>( sourceNode="<p001>" | targetNode="<p002>" | task="Ingesting Data to Augmenting Data" )</Edge 1>
<Edge 2>( sourceNode="<p002>" | targetNode="<p003>" | task="Augmenting Data to Generating Synthetic Data" )</Edge 2>
<Edge 3>( sourceNode="<p003>" | targetNode="<p004>" | task="Generating Data to Training Model" )</Edge 3>
<Edge 4>( sourceNode="<p004>" | targetNode="<p005>" | task="Training Model to Evaluating Performance" )</Edge 4>
<Edge 5>( sourceNode="<p005>" | targetNode="<p006>" | task="Evaluating Model to Triggering Deployment" )</Edge 5>
Example 3:
Input: Project Descripiont:
This project implements a robust machine learning pipeline for iterative model improvement. Data is ingested and preprocessed, followed by augmentation to enhance diversity and balance.
An initial model is trained on the augmented data. The pipeline then applies further data augmentation techniques tailored to improve underperforming areas, followed by retraining the model for enhanced accuracy.
The improved model is rigorously evaluated on a test dataset to ensure it meets predefined performance benchmarks. Upon achieving the desired metrics, the best-performing model is deployed to production, ensuring reliable and efficient real-world performance tailored to the project's objectives.
Input: Available Modules:
Flow Generated by LLM: ( This will not be Input )
IngestData -> AugmentData (Stage 1)
AugmentData (Stage 1) -> Train (Stage 1)
Train (Stage 1) -> AugmentData (Stage 2)
AugmentData (Stage 2) -> Train (Stage 2)
Train (Stage 2) -> Evaluate
Evaluate -> TriggerDeployment
<m002>AugmentData Stage 1</m002>
<m003>Train Stage 1</m003>
<m004>AugmentData Stage 2</m004>
<m005>Train Stage 2</m005>
<Edge 1>( sourceNode="<m001>" | targetNode="<m002>" | task="Ingesting Data to Augmenting Data Stage 1" )</Edge 1>
<Edge 2>( sourceNode="<m002>" | targetNode="<m003>" | task="Augmenting Data Stage 1 to Training Stage 1" )</Edge 2>
<Edge 3>( sourceNode="<m003>" | targetNode="<m004>" | task="Training Stage 1 to Augmenting Data Stage 2" )</Edge 3>
<Edge 4>( sourceNode="<m004>" | targetNode="<m005>" | task="Augmenting Data Stage 2 to Training Stage 2" )</Edge 4>
<Edge 5>( sourceNode="<m005>" | targetNode="<m006>" | task="Training Stage 2 to Evaluating Model" )</Edge 6>
<Edge 6>( sourceNode="<m006>" | targetNode="<m007>" | task="Evaluating Model to Triggering Deployment" )</Edge 6>
When you give output dont mention anything like 'Here is the list of Nodes and Edges extracted from the text:'. Just give the response straight away
-Real Data-
Input: Project Descripion: {project_desc}
1. A list of modules available for building the pipeline. You must only use these modules to form the flow.
2. Do not Generate New Names for Modules. Only use whatever is available in the list
Input: Available Modules:
def _parse_llm_response(raw_response: str) -> Graph:
pattern = r'<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)>([^<]+)<\/\1>|sourceNode="<([^"]+)>"\s*\|\s*targetNode="<([^"]+)>"\s*\|\s*task="([^"]+)"'
nodes, edges = [], []
list_ = raw_response.split('\n')
for line in list_:
matches = re.findall(pattern, line)
for match in matches:
if match[0]:
nd = Node(node_id=match[0], name=match[1])
elif match[2]:
edge = Edge(source=match[2], target=match[3], desc=match[4])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error parsing line : {line}, error: {e}")
return Graph(nodes=nodes, edges=edges)
def _store_graph(graph_data: Graph):
nodes, edges = [], []
dict_ = {}
for node in graph_data.nodes:
dict_[node.node_id] =
'node_id': node.node_id,
dict_['Start'] = 'StartNode'
for edge in graph_data.edges:
source_node = dict_[edge.source]
target_node = dict_[]
'source': edge.source,
'desc': edge.desc
json_obj = {'Nodes': nodes, 'Edges': edges}
helper = HelperClass()