import cv2 import face_recognition import gradio as gr import datetime as DT import pytz ipAddress = None def __nowInIST(): return"Asia/Kolkata")) def __attachIp(request: gr.Request): global ipAddress x_forwarded_for = request.headers.get('x-forwarded-for') if x_forwarded_for: ipAddress = x_forwarded_for def pprint(log: str): now = __nowInIST() now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print(f"[{now}] [{ipAddress}] {log}") def __findFaceEncodings(imagePath): image = cv2.imread(imagePath) faceEncodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(image) return faceEncodings[0] if len(faceEncodings) > 0 else None def predictMatch(firstImage, secondImage): image1Encoding = __findFaceEncodings(firstImage) image2Encoding = __findFaceEncodings(secondImage) pprint("Starting the job...") distance = face_recognition.face_distance([image1Encoding], image2Encoding) distancePercent = round(distance[0] * 100) matchPercent = 100 - distancePercent pprint(f"Job finished. Match : {matchPercent}%") isSame = matchPercent > 50 amplificationFactor = 1.5 adjustment = (amplificationFactor - 0.5) * 100 outputTexts = [] if isSame: outputTexts.append("The images are of the same person ✅") matchScore = round((matchPercent + adjustment) / (100 + adjustment) * 100) outputTexts.append(f"\nMatch Score: {matchScore}%") else: outputTexts.append("The images are not of the same person ❌") outputText = "\n".join(outputTexts) pprint(f"{outputText=}") return outputText with gr.Row(elem_classes=["main-container"]): with gr.Row(elem_classes=["img-container"]): firstImage = gr.Image(type='filepath', height=300, elem_classes=["image"], label="1st Image", scale=0.5) secondImage = gr.Image(type='filepath', height=300, elem_classes=["image"], label="2nd Image", scale=0.5) with gr.Row(elem_classes=["output-container"]): result = gr.Textbox(label="Result", elem_classes=["output"], scale=2) with gr.Interface( fn=predictMatch, inputs=[ firstImage, secondImage, ], outputs=[ result ], title="Face Match Detector", allow_flagging="never", ) as demo: demo.load(__attachIp, None, None) demo.launch(debug=True)