Runtime error
Runtime error
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template | |
from flask_cors import CORS | |
import cv2 | |
import easyocr | |
import numpy as np | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
app = Flask(__name__) | |
CORS(app) | |
# Load your pre-trained model and set up the test set for phone recognition | |
test_set = tf.keras.utils.image_dataset_from_directory( | |
"/app/testing_data", | |
labels="inferred", | |
label_mode="categorical", | |
class_names=None, | |
color_mode="rgb", | |
batch_size=32, | |
image_size=(64, 64), | |
shuffle=True, | |
seed=None, | |
validation_split=None, | |
subset=None, | |
interpolation="bilinear", | |
follow_links=False, | |
crop_to_aspect_ratio=False | |
) | |
# Load the CNN model for phone recognition | |
cnn = tf.keras.models.load_model("/app/trained_model (1).h5") | |
# Instantiate text reader for OCR | |
picture_read = easyocr.Reader(["en", "ar"], gpu=False) | |
def get_class_names(): | |
# Load the class names from the test_set | |
return test_set.class_names | |
class_names = get_class_names() | |
# Route for rendering the index.html template | |
def index(): | |
# Pass the class names to the HTML template | |
return render_template("index.html", class_names=class_names) | |
# Route for phone recognition and processing image | |
def process_image(): | |
# Get the uploaded file from the request | |
uploaded_file = request.files["file"] | |
# Save the file to a temporary location | |
temp_file_path = "/app/temp_image.png" | | | |
# Read and preprocess the image for phone model recognition | |
img = cv2.imread(temp_file_path) | |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
img = cv2.resize(img, (64, 64)) | |
# Make predictions for phone model | |
input_arr = np.array([img]) | |
predictions = cnn.predict(input_arr) | |
# Get the index with the highest probability | |
result_index = np.argmax(predictions) | |
# Display the predicted class for phone model | |
result_phone_model = class_names[result_index] | |
# Process image using OCR | |
picture_results = picture_read.readtext(temp_file_path) | |
results_ocr = [] | |
conf_threshold = 0.2 | |
for y in picture_results: | |
if y[2] > conf_threshold: | |
text = y[1] | |
results_ocr.append({"text": text}) | |
# Return JSON response with the results | |
return jsonify({"result_phone_model": result_phone_model, "results_ocr": results_ocr}) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |"", port=8000, debug=True) | |