Initial titanicsurvival commit
Browse files- .ipynb_checkpoints/notebook-checkpoint.ipynb +178 -0
- +83 -0
- datasets/test.csv +419 -0
- datasets/train.csv +892 -0
- notebook.ipynb +572 -0
- submission.csv +419 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
1 |
2 |
"cells": [
3 |
4 |
"cell_type": "code",
5 |
"execution_count": 15,
6 |
"metadata": {},
7 |
"outputs": [],
8 |
"source": [
9 |
"# Libraries\n",
10 |
"import pandas as pd\n",
11 |
"import numpy as np\n",
12 |
"import seaborn as sns\n",
13 |
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
14 |
"from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n",
15 |
"from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler\n",
16 |
"from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer\n",
17 |
"from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier\n",
18 |
"from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression\n",
19 |
"from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix"
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
"cell_type": "code",
24 |
"execution_count": 16,
25 |
"metadata": {},
26 |
"outputs": [],
27 |
"source": [
28 |
"# Load\n",
29 |
"def load_data():\n",
30 |
" train_df = pd.read_csv(\"datasets/train.csv\")\n",
31 |
" test_df = pd.read_csv(\"datasets/test.csv\")\n",
32 |
" return train_df, test_df"
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
"cell_type": "code",
37 |
"execution_count": 17,
38 |
"metadata": {},
39 |
"outputs": [],
40 |
"source": [
41 |
"# Preprocess\n",
42 |
"def preprocess_data(df, is_train=True):\n",
43 |
" df = df.copy()\n",
44 |
" \n",
45 |
" # Fill missing age values with median\n",
46 |
" age_imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy=\"median\")\n",
47 |
" df[\"Age\"] = age_imputer.fit_transform(df[[\"Age\"]])\n",
48 |
" \n",
49 |
" # Fill missing embarked values with mode\n",
50 |
" embarked_imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy=\"most_frequent\")\n",
51 |
" df[\"Embarked\"] = embarked_imputer.fit_transform(df[[\"Embarked\"]])\n",
52 |
" \n",
53 |
" # Convert categorical to numerical\n",
54 |
" df[\"Sex\"] = df[\"Sex\"].map({\"male\": 0, \"female\": 1})\n",
55 |
" df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=[\"Embarked\"], drop_first=True)\n",
56 |
" \n",
57 |
" # Create new features\n",
58 |
" df[\"FamilySize\"] = df[\"SibSp\"] + df[\"Parch\"] + 1\n",
59 |
" df.drop([\"Name\", \"Ticket\", \"Cabin\", \"PassengerId\"], axis=1, inplace=True)\n",
60 |
" \n",
61 |
" return df"
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
"cell_type": "code",
66 |
"execution_count": 18,
67 |
"metadata": {},
68 |
"outputs": [],
69 |
"source": [
70 |
"# Training\n",
71 |
"def train_model(X_train, y_train):\n",
72 |
" model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)\n",
73 |
", y_train)\n",
74 |
" return model"
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
"cell_type": "code",
79 |
"execution_count": 19,
80 |
"metadata": {},
81 |
"outputs": [],
82 |
"source": [
83 |
"# Evaluation\n",
84 |
"def evaluate_model(model, X_val, y_val):\n",
85 |
" y_pred = model.predict(X_val)\n",
86 |
" print(\"Accuracy:\", accuracy_score(y_val, y_pred))\n",
87 |
" print(\"Classification Report:\\n\", classification_report(y_val, y_pred))\n",
88 |
" sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_val, y_pred), annot=True, fmt=\"d\", cmap=\"Blues\")\n",
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
"cell_type": "code",
94 |
"execution_count": 20,
95 |
"metadata": {},
96 |
"outputs": [
97 |
98 |
"ename": "ValueError",
99 |
"evalue": "2",
100 |
"output_type": "error",
101 |
"traceback": [
102 |
103 |
"\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
104 |
"Cell \u001b[1;32mIn[20], line 3\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Exec\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 2\u001b[0m train_df, test_df \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m load_data()\n\u001b[1;32m----> 3\u001b[0m train_df \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[43mpreprocess_data\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mtrain_df\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n\u001b[0;32m 4\u001b[0m test_df \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m preprocess_data(test_df, is_train\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;28;01mFalse\u001b[39;00m)\n",
105 |
"Cell \u001b[1;32mIn[17], line 11\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mpreprocess_data\u001b[1;34m(df, is_train)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 9\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Fill missing embarked values with mode\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 10\u001b[0m embarked_imputer \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m SimpleImputer(strategy\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mmost_frequent\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[1;32m---> 11\u001b[0m \u001b[43mdf\u001b[49m\u001b[43m[\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43mEmbarked\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m]\u001b[49m \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m embarked_imputer\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mfit_transform(df[[\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mEmbarked\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m]])\n\u001b[0;32m 13\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Convert categorical to numerical\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 14\u001b[0m df[\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mSex\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m] \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m df[\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mSex\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m]\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mmap({\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mmale\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m: \u001b[38;5;241m0\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mfemale\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m: \u001b[38;5;241m1\u001b[39m})\n",
106 |
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\Lenovo\\Desktop\\Github\\CCS-229\\venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\core\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mDataFrame.__setitem__\u001b[1;34m(self, key, value)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 4308\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39m_setitem_array([key], value)\n\u001b[0;32m 4309\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01melse\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 4310\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# set column\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 4311\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;43mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m_set_item\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mkey\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mvalue\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n",
107 |
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\Lenovo\\Desktop\\Github\\CCS-229\\venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\core\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mDataFrame._set_item\u001b[1;34m(self, key, value)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 4514\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mdef\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;250m \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;21m_set_item\u001b[39m(\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m, key, value) \u001b[38;5;241m-\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m>\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 4515\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;250m \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124;03m\"\"\"\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 4516\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124;03m Add series to DataFrame in specified column.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 4517\u001b[0m \n\u001b[1;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 4522\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124;03m ensure homogeneity.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 4523\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124;03m \"\"\"\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 4524\u001b[0m value, refs \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28;43mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m_sanitize_column\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mvalue\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n\u001b[0;32m 4526\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m (\n\u001b[0;32m 4527\u001b[0m key \u001b[38;5;129;01min\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mcolumns\n\u001b[0;32m 4528\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;129;01mand\u001b[39;00m value\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mndim \u001b[38;5;241m==\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m1\u001b[39m\n\u001b[0;32m 4529\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;129;01mand\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28misinstance\u001b[39m(value\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mdtype, ExtensionDtype)\n\u001b[0;32m 4530\u001b[0m ):\n\u001b[0;32m 4531\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# broadcast across multiple columns if necessary\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 4532\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mcolumns\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mis_unique \u001b[38;5;129;01mor\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28misinstance\u001b[39m(\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mcolumns, MultiIndex):\n",
108 |
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\Lenovo\\Desktop\\Github\\CCS-229\\venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\core\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mDataFrame._sanitize_column\u001b[1;34m(self, value)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 5265\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m is_list_like(value):\n\u001b[0;32m 5266\u001b[0m com\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mrequire_length_match(value, \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mindex)\n\u001b[1;32m-> 5267\u001b[0m arr \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[43msanitize_array\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mvalue\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;28;43mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mindex\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mcopy\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;28;43;01mTrue\u001b[39;49;00m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mallow_2d\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;28;43;01mTrue\u001b[39;49;00m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n\u001b[0;32m 5268\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m (\n\u001b[0;32m 5269\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28misinstance\u001b[39m(value, Index)\n\u001b[0;32m 5270\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;129;01mand\u001b[39;00m value\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mdtype \u001b[38;5;241m==\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mobject\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[1;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 5273\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# TODO: Remove kludge in sanitize_array for string mode when enforcing\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 5274\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# this deprecation\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 5275\u001b[0m warnings\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mwarn(\n\u001b[0;32m 5276\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mSetting an Index with object dtype into a DataFrame will stop \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[0;32m 5277\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124minferring another dtype in a future version. Cast the Index \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[1;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 5280\u001b[0m stacklevel\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39mfind_stack_level(),\n\u001b[0;32m 5281\u001b[0m )\n",
109 |
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\Lenovo\\Desktop\\Github\\CCS-229\\venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\core\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36msanitize_array\u001b[1;34m(data, index, dtype, copy, allow_2d)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 604\u001b[0m subarr \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m data\n\u001b[0;32m 605\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m data\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mdtype \u001b[38;5;241m==\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28mobject\u001b[39m:\n\u001b[1;32m--> 606\u001b[0m subarr \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[43mmaybe_infer_to_datetimelike\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mdata\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n\u001b[0;32m 607\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m (\n\u001b[0;32m 608\u001b[0m object_index\n\u001b[0;32m 609\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;129;01mand\u001b[39;00m using_pyarrow_string_dtype()\n\u001b[0;32m 610\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;129;01mand\u001b[39;00m is_string_dtype(subarr)\n\u001b[0;32m 611\u001b[0m ):\n\u001b[0;32m 612\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Avoid inference when string option is set\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 613\u001b[0m subarr \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m data\n",
110 |
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\Lenovo\\Desktop\\Github\\CCS-229\\venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\core\\dtypes\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mmaybe_infer_to_datetimelike\u001b[1;34m(value)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1178\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mraise\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;167;01mTypeError\u001b[39;00m(\u001b[38;5;28mtype\u001b[39m(value)) \u001b[38;5;66;03m# pragma: no cover\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1179\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m value\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mndim \u001b[38;5;241m!=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m1\u001b[39m:\n\u001b[0;32m 1180\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Caller is responsible\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1181\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mraise\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;167;01mValueError\u001b[39;00m(value\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mndim) \u001b[38;5;66;03m# pragma: no cover\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1183\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mlen\u001b[39m(value):\n\u001b[0;32m 1184\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m value\n",
111 |
"\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m: 2"
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
"source": [
116 |
"# Exec\n",
117 |
"train_df, test_df = load_data()\n",
118 |
"train_df = preprocess_data(train_df)\n",
119 |
"test_df = preprocess_data(test_df, is_train=False)"
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
"cell_type": "code",
124 |
"execution_count": null,
125 |
"metadata": {},
126 |
"outputs": [],
127 |
"source": [
128 |
"# Split\n",
129 |
"X = train_df.drop(\"Survived\", axis=1)\n",
130 |
"y = train_df[\"Survived\"]\n",
131 |
"X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)"
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
"cell_type": "code",
136 |
"execution_count": null,
137 |
"metadata": {},
138 |
"outputs": [],
139 |
"source": [
140 |
"# Train/evaluate\n",
141 |
"model = train_model(X_train, y_train)\n",
142 |
"evaluate_model(model, X_val, y_val)"
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
"cell_type": "code",
147 |
"execution_count": null,
148 |
"metadata": {},
149 |
"outputs": [],
150 |
"source": [
151 |
"# Test\n",
152 |
"test_predictions = model.predict(test_df)\n",
153 |
"pd.DataFrame({\"PassengerId\": test_df.index, \"Survived\": test_predictions}).to_csv(\"submission.csv\", index=False)"
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
"metadata": {
158 |
"kernelspec": {
159 |
"display_name": "venv",
160 |
"language": "python",
161 |
"name": "python3"
162 |
163 |
"language_info": {
164 |
"codemirror_mode": {
165 |
"name": "ipython",
166 |
"version": 3
167 |
168 |
"file_extension": ".py",
169 |
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
170 |
"name": "python",
171 |
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
172 |
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
173 |
"version": "3.11.7"
174 |
175 |
176 |
"nbformat": 4,
177 |
"nbformat_minor": 2
178 |
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
1 |
import streamlit as st
2 |
import pandas as pd
3 |
import numpy as np
4 |
import seaborn as sns
5 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
6 |
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
7 |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, confusion_matrix
8 |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
9 |
10 |
# Load
11 |
train_df = pd.read_csv("Titanic-Survival/datasets/train.csv")
12 |
13 |
# Preprocess
14 |
train_df["Age"].fillna(train_df["Age"].median(), inplace=True)
15 |
train_df["Embarked"].fillna(train_df["Embarked"].mode()[0], inplace=True)
16 |
train_df["Sex"] = train_df["Sex"].map({"male": 0, "female": 1})
17 |
train_df = pd.get_dummies(train_df, columns=["Embarked"], drop_first=True)
18 |
train_df["FamilySize"] = train_df["SibSp"] + train_df["Parch"] + 1
19 |
train_df.drop(["Name", "Ticket", "Cabin", "PassengerId"], axis=1, inplace=True)
20 |
21 |
# Train
22 |
X = train_df.drop("Survived", axis=1)
23 |
y = train_df["Survived"]
24 |
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
25 |
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)
26 |
+, y_train)
27 |
y_pred = model.predict(X_val)
28 |
29 |
# App
30 |
st.title("Titanic Survival Prediction")
31 |
32 |
# Model Assessment
33 |
st.header("Model Performance")
34 |
st.write(f"**Accuracy:** {accuracy_score(y_val, y_pred):.2f}")
35 |
st.write(f"**Precision:** {precision_score(y_val, y_pred):.2f}")
36 |
st.write(f"**Recall:** {recall_score(y_val, y_pred):.2f}")
37 |
st.write(f"**F1 Score:** {f1_score(y_val, y_pred):.2f}")
38 |
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
39 |
sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_val, y_pred), annot=True, fmt="d", cmap="Blues", ax=ax)
40 |
41 |
42 |
# Predictor
43 |
st.header("Predict Survival")
44 |
45 |
# Preset Character Data
46 |
def set_character(pclass, sex, age, sibsp, parch, fare, embarked):
47 |
st.session_state.pclass = pclass
48 |
+ = sex
49 |
st.session_state.age = age
50 |
st.session_state.sibsp = sibsp
51 |
st.session_state.parch = parch
52 |
st.session_state.fare = fare
53 |
st.session_state.embarked = embarked
54 |
55 |
with st.expander("Movie Characters"):
56 |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
57 |
with col1:
58 |
st.button("Rose DeWitt Bukater", on_click=set_character, args=(1, "Female", 17, 0, 1, 300.0, "S")) # Rose was 17, embarked from South Hampton, was in first class and paid $300 as an estimate of the average of the 1st class fare, maybe a slightly less luxurious cabin. . She was with her mother.
59 |
st.button("Jack Dawson", on_click=set_character, args=(3, "Male", 20, 0, 0, 8.05, "S")) # Jack was 20, embarked from South Hampton, was in third class and paid a random estimate of $8.05 as the bet for the poker game where he won is 3rd class ticket. Of course, he was alone.
60 |
with col2:
61 |
st.button("Caledon Hockley", on_click=set_character, args=(1, "Male", 30, 0, 0, 500.0, "C")) # Caledon was 30, embarked from Cherbourg, was in first class and paid $500 as an estimate of the high average of the 1st class fare. He was alone.
62 |
st.button("Ruth DeWitt Bukater", on_click=set_character, args=(1, "Female", 45, 0, 1, 300.0, "S")) # Ruth was 45, embarked from South Hampton, was in first class and paid $300 as an estimate of the average of the 1st class fare. She was with her daughter.
63 |
64 |
pclass = st.selectbox("Passenger Class", [1, 2, 3], index=[1, 2, 3].index(st.session_state.get("pclass", 3)))
65 |
sex ="Sex", ["Male", "Female"], index=["Male", "Female"].index(st.session_state.get("sex", "Male")))
66 |
age = st.slider("Age", 0, 100, st.session_state.get("age", 30))
67 |
sibsp = st.slider("Siblings/Spouses Aboard", 0, 8, st.session_state.get("sibsp", 0))
68 |
parch = st.slider("Parents/Children Aboard", 0, 6, st.session_state.get("parch", 0))
69 |
fare = st.number_input("Fare", 0.0, 500.0, st.session_state.get("fare", 30.0))
70 |
embarked = st.selectbox("Port of Embarkation", ["C", "Q", "S"], index=["C", "Q", "S"].index(st.session_state.get("embarked", "S")))
71 |
72 |
# Process Input
73 |
sex = 1 if sex == "Female" else 0
74 |
embarked_C = 1 if embarked == "C" else 0
75 |
embarked_Q = 1 if embarked == "Q" else 0
76 |
embarked_S = 1 if embarked == "S" else 0
77 |
family_size = sibsp + parch + 1
78 |
input_data = np.array([[pclass, sex, age, sibsp, parch, fare, family_size, embarked_C, embarked_Q]])
79 |
80 |
# Predict and Output
81 |
survival_probability = model.predict_proba(input_data)[0][1]
82 |
st.subheader("Survival Probability")
83 |
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
1 |
2 |
892,3,"Kelly, Mr. James",male,34.5,0,0,330911,7.8292,,Q
3 |
893,3,"Wilkes, Mrs. James (Ellen Needs)",female,47,1,0,363272,7,,S
4 |
894,2,"Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis",male,62,0,0,240276,9.6875,,Q
5 |
895,3,"Wirz, Mr. Albert",male,27,0,0,315154,8.6625,,S
6 |
896,3,"Hirvonen, Mrs. Alexander (Helga E Lindqvist)",female,22,1,1,3101298,12.2875,,S
7 |
897,3,"Svensson, Mr. Johan Cervin",male,14,0,0,7538,9.225,,S
8 |
898,3,"Connolly, Miss. Kate",female,30,0,0,330972,7.6292,,Q
9 |
899,2,"Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis",male,26,1,1,248738,29,,S
10 |
900,3,"Abrahim, Mrs. Joseph (Sophie Halaut Easu)",female,18,0,0,2657,7.2292,,C
11 |
901,3,"Davies, Mr. John Samuel",male,21,2,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
12 |
902,3,"Ilieff, Mr. Ylio",male,,0,0,349220,7.8958,,S
13 |
903,1,"Jones, Mr. Charles Cresson",male,46,0,0,694,26,,S
14 |
904,1,"Snyder, Mrs. John Pillsbury (Nelle Stevenson)",female,23,1,0,21228,82.2667,B45,S
15 |
905,2,"Howard, Mr. Benjamin",male,63,1,0,24065,26,,S
16 |
906,1,"Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert Fuller (Carrie Constance Toogood)",female,47,1,0,W.E.P. 5734,61.175,E31,S
17 |
907,2,"del Carlo, Mrs. Sebastiano (Argenia Genovesi)",female,24,1,0,SC/PARIS 2167,27.7208,,C
18 |
908,2,"Keane, Mr. Daniel",male,35,0,0,233734,12.35,,Q
19 |
909,3,"Assaf, Mr. Gerios",male,21,0,0,2692,7.225,,C
20 |
910,3,"Ilmakangas, Miss. Ida Livija",female,27,1,0,STON/O2. 3101270,7.925,,S
21 |
911,3,"Assaf Khalil, Mrs. Mariana (Miriam"")""",female,45,0,0,2696,7.225,,C
22 |
912,1,"Rothschild, Mr. Martin",male,55,1,0,PC 17603,59.4,,C
23 |
913,3,"Olsen, Master. Artur Karl",male,9,0,1,C 17368,3.1708,,S
24 |
914,1,"Flegenheim, Mrs. Alfred (Antoinette)",female,,0,0,PC 17598,31.6833,,S
25 |
915,1,"Williams, Mr. Richard Norris II",male,21,0,1,PC 17597,61.3792,,C
26 |
916,1,"Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur Larned (Emily Maria Borie)",female,48,1,3,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
27 |
917,3,"Robins, Mr. Alexander A",male,50,1,0,A/5. 3337,14.5,,S
28 |
918,1,"Ostby, Miss. Helene Ragnhild",female,22,0,1,113509,61.9792,B36,C
29 |
919,3,"Daher, Mr. Shedid",male,22.5,0,0,2698,7.225,,C
30 |
920,1,"Brady, Mr. John Bertram",male,41,0,0,113054,30.5,A21,S
31 |
921,3,"Samaan, Mr. Elias",male,,2,0,2662,21.6792,,C
32 |
922,2,"Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander",male,50,1,0,SC/AH 3085,26,,S
33 |
923,2,"Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas",male,24,2,0,C.A. 31029,31.5,,S
34 |
924,3,"Dean, Mrs. Bertram (Eva Georgetta Light)",female,33,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
35 |
925,3,"Johnston, Mrs. Andrew G (Elizabeth Lily"" Watson)""",female,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
36 |
926,1,"Mock, Mr. Philipp Edmund",male,30,1,0,13236,57.75,C78,C
37 |
927,3,"Katavelas, Mr. Vassilios (Catavelas Vassilios"")""",male,18.5,0,0,2682,7.2292,,C
38 |
928,3,"Roth, Miss. Sarah A",female,,0,0,342712,8.05,,S
39 |
929,3,"Cacic, Miss. Manda",female,21,0,0,315087,8.6625,,S
40 |
930,3,"Sap, Mr. Julius",male,25,0,0,345768,9.5,,S
41 |
931,3,"Hee, Mr. Ling",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
42 |
932,3,"Karun, Mr. Franz",male,39,0,1,349256,13.4167,,C
43 |
933,1,"Franklin, Mr. Thomas Parham",male,,0,0,113778,26.55,D34,S
44 |
934,3,"Goldsmith, Mr. Nathan",male,41,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101263,7.85,,S
45 |
935,2,"Corbett, Mrs. Walter H (Irene Colvin)",female,30,0,0,237249,13,,S
46 |
936,1,"Kimball, Mrs. Edwin Nelson Jr (Gertrude Parsons)",female,45,1,0,11753,52.5542,D19,S
47 |
937,3,"Peltomaki, Mr. Nikolai Johannes",male,25,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101291,7.925,,S
48 |
938,1,"Chevre, Mr. Paul Romaine",male,45,0,0,PC 17594,29.7,A9,C
49 |
939,3,"Shaughnessy, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,370374,7.75,,Q
50 |
940,1,"Bucknell, Mrs. William Robert (Emma Eliza Ward)",female,60,0,0,11813,76.2917,D15,C
51 |
941,3,"Coutts, Mrs. William (Winnie Minnie"" Treanor)""",female,36,0,2,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
52 |
942,1,"Smith, Mr. Lucien Philip",male,24,1,0,13695,60,C31,S
53 |
943,2,"Pulbaum, Mr. Franz",male,27,0,0,SC/PARIS 2168,15.0333,,C
54 |
944,2,"Hocking, Miss. Ellen Nellie""""",female,20,2,1,29105,23,,S
55 |
945,1,"Fortune, Miss. Ethel Flora",female,28,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
56 |
946,2,"Mangiavacchi, Mr. Serafino Emilio",male,,0,0,SC/A.3 2861,15.5792,,C
57 |
947,3,"Rice, Master. Albert",male,10,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
58 |
948,3,"Cor, Mr. Bartol",male,35,0,0,349230,7.8958,,S
59 |
949,3,"Abelseth, Mr. Olaus Jorgensen",male,25,0,0,348122,7.65,F G63,S
60 |
950,3,"Davison, Mr. Thomas Henry",male,,1,0,386525,16.1,,S
61 |
951,1,"Chaudanson, Miss. Victorine",female,36,0,0,PC 17608,262.375,B61,C
62 |
952,3,"Dika, Mr. Mirko",male,17,0,0,349232,7.8958,,S
63 |
953,2,"McCrae, Mr. Arthur Gordon",male,32,0,0,237216,13.5,,S
64 |
954,3,"Bjorklund, Mr. Ernst Herbert",male,18,0,0,347090,7.75,,S
65 |
955,3,"Bradley, Miss. Bridget Delia",female,22,0,0,334914,7.725,,Q
66 |
956,1,"Ryerson, Master. John Borie",male,13,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
67 |
957,2,"Corey, Mrs. Percy C (Mary Phyllis Elizabeth Miller)",female,,0,0,F.C.C. 13534,21,,S
68 |
958,3,"Burns, Miss. Mary Delia",female,18,0,0,330963,7.8792,,Q
69 |
959,1,"Moore, Mr. Clarence Bloomfield",male,47,0,0,113796,42.4,,S
70 |
960,1,"Tucker, Mr. Gilbert Milligan Jr",male,31,0,0,2543,28.5375,C53,C
71 |
961,1,"Fortune, Mrs. Mark (Mary McDougald)",female,60,1,4,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
72 |
962,3,"Mulvihill, Miss. Bertha E",female,24,0,0,382653,7.75,,Q
73 |
963,3,"Minkoff, Mr. Lazar",male,21,0,0,349211,7.8958,,S
74 |
964,3,"Nieminen, Miss. Manta Josefina",female,29,0,0,3101297,7.925,,S
75 |
965,1,"Ovies y Rodriguez, Mr. Servando",male,28.5,0,0,PC 17562,27.7208,D43,C
76 |
966,1,"Geiger, Miss. Amalie",female,35,0,0,113503,211.5,C130,C
77 |
967,1,"Keeping, Mr. Edwin",male,32.5,0,0,113503,211.5,C132,C
78 |
968,3,"Miles, Mr. Frank",male,,0,0,359306,8.05,,S
79 |
969,1,"Cornell, Mrs. Robert Clifford (Malvina Helen Lamson)",female,55,2,0,11770,25.7,C101,S
80 |
970,2,"Aldworth, Mr. Charles Augustus",male,30,0,0,248744,13,,S
81 |
971,3,"Doyle, Miss. Elizabeth",female,24,0,0,368702,7.75,,Q
82 |
972,3,"Boulos, Master. Akar",male,6,1,1,2678,15.2458,,C
83 |
973,1,"Straus, Mr. Isidor",male,67,1,0,PC 17483,221.7792,C55 C57,S
84 |
974,1,"Case, Mr. Howard Brown",male,49,0,0,19924,26,,S
85 |
975,3,"Demetri, Mr. Marinko",male,,0,0,349238,7.8958,,S
86 |
976,2,"Lamb, Mr. John Joseph",male,,0,0,240261,10.7083,,Q
87 |
977,3,"Khalil, Mr. Betros",male,,1,0,2660,14.4542,,C
88 |
978,3,"Barry, Miss. Julia",female,27,0,0,330844,7.8792,,Q
89 |
979,3,"Badman, Miss. Emily Louisa",female,18,0,0,A/4 31416,8.05,,S
90 |
980,3,"O'Donoghue, Ms. Bridget",female,,0,0,364856,7.75,,Q
91 |
981,2,"Wells, Master. Ralph Lester",male,2,1,1,29103,23,,S
92 |
982,3,"Dyker, Mrs. Adolf Fredrik (Anna Elisabeth Judith Andersson)",female,22,1,0,347072,13.9,,S
93 |
983,3,"Pedersen, Mr. Olaf",male,,0,0,345498,7.775,,S
94 |
984,1,"Davidson, Mrs. Thornton (Orian Hays)",female,27,1,2,F.C. 12750,52,B71,S
95 |
985,3,"Guest, Mr. Robert",male,,0,0,376563,8.05,,S
96 |
986,1,"Birnbaum, Mr. Jakob",male,25,0,0,13905,26,,C
97 |
987,3,"Tenglin, Mr. Gunnar Isidor",male,25,0,0,350033,7.7958,,S
98 |
988,1,"Cavendish, Mrs. Tyrell William (Julia Florence Siegel)",female,76,1,0,19877,78.85,C46,S
99 |
989,3,"Makinen, Mr. Kalle Edvard",male,29,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101268,7.925,,S
100 |
990,3,"Braf, Miss. Elin Ester Maria",female,20,0,0,347471,7.8542,,S
101 |
991,3,"Nancarrow, Mr. William Henry",male,33,0,0,A./5. 3338,8.05,,S
102 |
992,1,"Stengel, Mrs. Charles Emil Henry (Annie May Morris)",female,43,1,0,11778,55.4417,C116,C
103 |
993,2,"Weisz, Mr. Leopold",male,27,1,0,228414,26,,S
104 |
994,3,"Foley, Mr. William",male,,0,0,365235,7.75,,Q
105 |
995,3,"Johansson Palmquist, Mr. Oskar Leander",male,26,0,0,347070,7.775,,S
106 |
996,3,"Thomas, Mrs. Alexander (Thamine Thelma"")""",female,16,1,1,2625,8.5167,,C
107 |
997,3,"Holthen, Mr. Johan Martin",male,28,0,0,C 4001,22.525,,S
108 |
998,3,"Buckley, Mr. Daniel",male,21,0,0,330920,7.8208,,Q
109 |
999,3,"Ryan, Mr. Edward",male,,0,0,383162,7.75,,Q
110 |
1000,3,"Willer, Mr. Aaron (Abi Weller"")""",male,,0,0,3410,8.7125,,S
111 |
1001,2,"Swane, Mr. George",male,18.5,0,0,248734,13,F,S
112 |
1002,2,"Stanton, Mr. Samuel Ward",male,41,0,0,237734,15.0458,,C
113 |
1003,3,"Shine, Miss. Ellen Natalia",female,,0,0,330968,7.7792,,Q
114 |
1004,1,"Evans, Miss. Edith Corse",female,36,0,0,PC 17531,31.6792,A29,C
115 |
1005,3,"Buckley, Miss. Katherine",female,18.5,0,0,329944,7.2833,,Q
116 |
1006,1,"Straus, Mrs. Isidor (Rosalie Ida Blun)",female,63,1,0,PC 17483,221.7792,C55 C57,S
117 |
1007,3,"Chronopoulos, Mr. Demetrios",male,18,1,0,2680,14.4542,,C
118 |
1008,3,"Thomas, Mr. John",male,,0,0,2681,6.4375,,C
119 |
1009,3,"Sandstrom, Miss. Beatrice Irene",female,1,1,1,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
120 |
1010,1,"Beattie, Mr. Thomson",male,36,0,0,13050,75.2417,C6,C
121 |
1011,2,"Chapman, Mrs. John Henry (Sara Elizabeth Lawry)",female,29,1,0,SC/AH 29037,26,,S
122 |
1012,2,"Watt, Miss. Bertha J",female,12,0,0,C.A. 33595,15.75,,S
123 |
1013,3,"Kiernan, Mr. John",male,,1,0,367227,7.75,,Q
124 |
1014,1,"Schabert, Mrs. Paul (Emma Mock)",female,35,1,0,13236,57.75,C28,C
125 |
1015,3,"Carver, Mr. Alfred John",male,28,0,0,392095,7.25,,S
126 |
1016,3,"Kennedy, Mr. John",male,,0,0,368783,7.75,,Q
127 |
1017,3,"Cribb, Miss. Laura Alice",female,17,0,1,371362,16.1,,S
128 |
1018,3,"Brobeck, Mr. Karl Rudolf",male,22,0,0,350045,7.7958,,S
129 |
1019,3,"McCoy, Miss. Alicia",female,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
130 |
1020,2,"Bowenur, Mr. Solomon",male,42,0,0,211535,13,,S
131 |
1021,3,"Petersen, Mr. Marius",male,24,0,0,342441,8.05,,S
132 |
1022,3,"Spinner, Mr. Henry John",male,32,0,0,STON/OQ. 369943,8.05,,S
133 |
1023,1,"Gracie, Col. Archibald IV",male,53,0,0,113780,28.5,C51,C
134 |
1024,3,"Lefebre, Mrs. Frank (Frances)",female,,0,4,4133,25.4667,,S
135 |
1025,3,"Thomas, Mr. Charles P",male,,1,0,2621,6.4375,,C
136 |
1026,3,"Dintcheff, Mr. Valtcho",male,43,0,0,349226,7.8958,,S
137 |
1027,3,"Carlsson, Mr. Carl Robert",male,24,0,0,350409,7.8542,,S
138 |
1028,3,"Zakarian, Mr. Mapriededer",male,26.5,0,0,2656,7.225,,C
139 |
1029,2,"Schmidt, Mr. August",male,26,0,0,248659,13,,S
140 |
1030,3,"Drapkin, Miss. Jennie",female,23,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392083,8.05,,S
141 |
1031,3,"Goodwin, Mr. Charles Frederick",male,40,1,6,CA 2144,46.9,,S
142 |
1032,3,"Goodwin, Miss. Jessie Allis",female,10,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
143 |
1033,1,"Daniels, Miss. Sarah",female,33,0,0,113781,151.55,,S
144 |
1034,1,"Ryerson, Mr. Arthur Larned",male,61,1,3,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
145 |
1035,2,"Beauchamp, Mr. Henry James",male,28,0,0,244358,26,,S
146 |
1036,1,"Lindeberg-Lind, Mr. Erik Gustaf (Mr Edward Lingrey"")""",male,42,0,0,17475,26.55,,S
147 |
1037,3,"Vander Planke, Mr. Julius",male,31,3,0,345763,18,,S
148 |
1038,1,"Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry",male,,0,0,17463,51.8625,E46,S
149 |
1039,3,"Davies, Mr. Evan",male,22,0,0,SC/A4 23568,8.05,,S
150 |
1040,1,"Crafton, Mr. John Bertram",male,,0,0,113791,26.55,,S
151 |
1041,2,"Lahtinen, Rev. William",male,30,1,1,250651,26,,S
152 |
1042,1,"Earnshaw, Mrs. Boulton (Olive Potter)",female,23,0,1,11767,83.1583,C54,C
153 |
1043,3,"Matinoff, Mr. Nicola",male,,0,0,349255,7.8958,,C
154 |
1044,3,"Storey, Mr. Thomas",male,60.5,0,0,3701,,,S
155 |
1045,3,"Klasen, Mrs. (Hulda Kristina Eugenia Lofqvist)",female,36,0,2,350405,12.1833,,S
156 |
1046,3,"Asplund, Master. Filip Oscar",male,13,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
157 |
1047,3,"Duquemin, Mr. Joseph",male,24,0,0,S.O./P.P. 752,7.55,,S
158 |
1048,1,"Bird, Miss. Ellen",female,29,0,0,PC 17483,221.7792,C97,S
159 |
1049,3,"Lundin, Miss. Olga Elida",female,23,0,0,347469,7.8542,,S
160 |
1050,1,"Borebank, Mr. John James",male,42,0,0,110489,26.55,D22,S
161 |
1051,3,"Peacock, Mrs. Benjamin (Edith Nile)",female,26,0,2,SOTON/O.Q. 3101315,13.775,,S
162 |
1052,3,"Smyth, Miss. Julia",female,,0,0,335432,7.7333,,Q
163 |
1053,3,"Touma, Master. Georges Youssef",male,7,1,1,2650,15.2458,,C
164 |
1054,2,"Wright, Miss. Marion",female,26,0,0,220844,13.5,,S
165 |
1055,3,"Pearce, Mr. Ernest",male,,0,0,343271,7,,S
166 |
1056,2,"Peruschitz, Rev. Joseph Maria",male,41,0,0,237393,13,,S
167 |
1057,3,"Kink-Heilmann, Mrs. Anton (Luise Heilmann)",female,26,1,1,315153,22.025,,S
168 |
1058,1,"Brandeis, Mr. Emil",male,48,0,0,PC 17591,50.4958,B10,C
169 |
1059,3,"Ford, Mr. Edward Watson",male,18,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
170 |
1060,1,"Cassebeer, Mrs. Henry Arthur Jr (Eleanor Genevieve Fosdick)",female,,0,0,17770,27.7208,,C
171 |
1061,3,"Hellstrom, Miss. Hilda Maria",female,22,0,0,7548,8.9625,,S
172 |
1062,3,"Lithman, Mr. Simon",male,,0,0,S.O./P.P. 251,7.55,,S
173 |
1063,3,"Zakarian, Mr. Ortin",male,27,0,0,2670,7.225,,C
174 |
1064,3,"Dyker, Mr. Adolf Fredrik",male,23,1,0,347072,13.9,,S
175 |
1065,3,"Torfa, Mr. Assad",male,,0,0,2673,7.2292,,C
176 |
1066,3,"Asplund, Mr. Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson",male,40,1,5,347077,31.3875,,S
177 |
1067,2,"Brown, Miss. Edith Eileen",female,15,0,2,29750,39,,S
178 |
1068,2,"Sincock, Miss. Maude",female,20,0,0,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
179 |
1069,1,"Stengel, Mr. Charles Emil Henry",male,54,1,0,11778,55.4417,C116,C
180 |
1070,2,"Becker, Mrs. Allen Oliver (Nellie E Baumgardner)",female,36,0,3,230136,39,F4,S
181 |
1071,1,"Compton, Mrs. Alexander Taylor (Mary Eliza Ingersoll)",female,64,0,2,PC 17756,83.1583,E45,C
182 |
1072,2,"McCrie, Mr. James Matthew",male,30,0,0,233478,13,,S
183 |
1073,1,"Compton, Mr. Alexander Taylor Jr",male,37,1,1,PC 17756,83.1583,E52,C
184 |
1074,1,"Marvin, Mrs. Daniel Warner (Mary Graham Carmichael Farquarson)",female,18,1,0,113773,53.1,D30,S
185 |
1075,3,"Lane, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,7935,7.75,,Q
186 |
1076,1,"Douglas, Mrs. Frederick Charles (Mary Helene Baxter)",female,27,1,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
187 |
1077,2,"Maybery, Mr. Frank Hubert",male,40,0,0,239059,16,,S
188 |
1078,2,"Phillips, Miss. Alice Frances Louisa",female,21,0,1,S.O./P.P. 2,21,,S
189 |
1079,3,"Davies, Mr. Joseph",male,17,2,0,A/4 48873,8.05,,S
190 |
1080,3,"Sage, Miss. Ada",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
191 |
1081,2,"Veal, Mr. James",male,40,0,0,28221,13,,S
192 |
1082,2,"Angle, Mr. William A",male,34,1,0,226875,26,,S
193 |
1083,1,"Salomon, Mr. Abraham L",male,,0,0,111163,26,,S
194 |
1084,3,"van Billiard, Master. Walter John",male,11.5,1,1,A/5. 851,14.5,,S
195 |
1085,2,"Lingane, Mr. John",male,61,0,0,235509,12.35,,Q
196 |
1086,2,"Drew, Master. Marshall Brines",male,8,0,2,28220,32.5,,S
197 |
1087,3,"Karlsson, Mr. Julius Konrad Eugen",male,33,0,0,347465,7.8542,,S
198 |
1088,1,"Spedden, Master. Robert Douglas",male,6,0,2,16966,134.5,E34,C
199 |
1089,3,"Nilsson, Miss. Berta Olivia",female,18,0,0,347066,7.775,,S
200 |
1090,2,"Baimbrigge, Mr. Charles Robert",male,23,0,0,C.A. 31030,10.5,,S
201 |
1091,3,"Rasmussen, Mrs. (Lena Jacobsen Solvang)",female,,0,0,65305,8.1125,,S
202 |
1092,3,"Murphy, Miss. Nora",female,,0,0,36568,15.5,,Q
203 |
1093,3,"Danbom, Master. Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel",male,0.33,0,2,347080,14.4,,S
204 |
1094,1,"Astor, Col. John Jacob",male,47,1,0,PC 17757,227.525,C62 C64,C
205 |
1095,2,"Quick, Miss. Winifred Vera",female,8,1,1,26360,26,,S
206 |
1096,2,"Andrew, Mr. Frank Thomas",male,25,0,0,C.A. 34050,10.5,,S
207 |
1097,1,"Omont, Mr. Alfred Fernand",male,,0,0,F.C. 12998,25.7417,,C
208 |
1098,3,"McGowan, Miss. Katherine",female,35,0,0,9232,7.75,,Q
209 |
1099,2,"Collett, Mr. Sidney C Stuart",male,24,0,0,28034,10.5,,S
210 |
1100,1,"Rosenbaum, Miss. Edith Louise",female,33,0,0,PC 17613,27.7208,A11,C
211 |
1101,3,"Delalic, Mr. Redjo",male,25,0,0,349250,7.8958,,S
212 |
1102,3,"Andersen, Mr. Albert Karvin",male,32,0,0,C 4001,22.525,,S
213 |
1103,3,"Finoli, Mr. Luigi",male,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101308,7.05,,S
214 |
1104,2,"Deacon, Mr. Percy William",male,17,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
215 |
1105,2,"Howard, Mrs. Benjamin (Ellen Truelove Arman)",female,60,1,0,24065,26,,S
216 |
1106,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ida Augusta Margareta",female,38,4,2,347091,7.775,,S
217 |
1107,1,"Head, Mr. Christopher",male,42,0,0,113038,42.5,B11,S
218 |
1108,3,"Mahon, Miss. Bridget Delia",female,,0,0,330924,7.8792,,Q
219 |
1109,1,"Wick, Mr. George Dennick",male,57,1,1,36928,164.8667,,S
220 |
1110,1,"Widener, Mrs. George Dunton (Eleanor Elkins)",female,50,1,1,113503,211.5,C80,C
221 |
1111,3,"Thomson, Mr. Alexander Morrison",male,,0,0,32302,8.05,,S
222 |
1112,2,"Duran y More, Miss. Florentina",female,30,1,0,SC/PARIS 2148,13.8583,,C
223 |
1113,3,"Reynolds, Mr. Harold J",male,21,0,0,342684,8.05,,S
224 |
1114,2,"Cook, Mrs. (Selena Rogers)",female,22,0,0,W./C. 14266,10.5,F33,S
225 |
1115,3,"Karlsson, Mr. Einar Gervasius",male,21,0,0,350053,7.7958,,S
226 |
1116,1,"Candee, Mrs. Edward (Helen Churchill Hungerford)",female,53,0,0,PC 17606,27.4458,,C
227 |
1117,3,"Moubarek, Mrs. George (Omine Amenia"" Alexander)""",female,,0,2,2661,15.2458,,C
228 |
1118,3,"Asplund, Mr. Johan Charles",male,23,0,0,350054,7.7958,,S
229 |
1119,3,"McNeill, Miss. Bridget",female,,0,0,370368,7.75,,Q
230 |
1120,3,"Everett, Mr. Thomas James",male,40.5,0,0,C.A. 6212,15.1,,S
231 |
1121,2,"Hocking, Mr. Samuel James Metcalfe",male,36,0,0,242963,13,,S
232 |
1122,2,"Sweet, Mr. George Frederick",male,14,0,0,220845,65,,S
233 |
1123,1,"Willard, Miss. Constance",female,21,0,0,113795,26.55,,S
234 |
1124,3,"Wiklund, Mr. Karl Johan",male,21,1,0,3101266,6.4958,,S
235 |
1125,3,"Linehan, Mr. Michael",male,,0,0,330971,7.8792,,Q
236 |
1126,1,"Cumings, Mr. John Bradley",male,39,1,0,PC 17599,71.2833,C85,C
237 |
1127,3,"Vendel, Mr. Olof Edvin",male,20,0,0,350416,7.8542,,S
238 |
1128,1,"Warren, Mr. Frank Manley",male,64,1,0,110813,75.25,D37,C
239 |
1129,3,"Baccos, Mr. Raffull",male,20,0,0,2679,7.225,,C
240 |
1130,2,"Hiltunen, Miss. Marta",female,18,1,1,250650,13,,S
241 |
1131,1,"Douglas, Mrs. Walter Donald (Mahala Dutton)",female,48,1,0,PC 17761,106.425,C86,C
242 |
1132,1,"Lindstrom, Mrs. Carl Johan (Sigrid Posse)",female,55,0,0,112377,27.7208,,C
243 |
1133,2,"Christy, Mrs. (Alice Frances)",female,45,0,2,237789,30,,S
244 |
1134,1,"Spedden, Mr. Frederic Oakley",male,45,1,1,16966,134.5,E34,C
245 |
1135,3,"Hyman, Mr. Abraham",male,,0,0,3470,7.8875,,S
246 |
1136,3,"Johnston, Master. William Arthur Willie""""",male,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
247 |
1137,1,"Kenyon, Mr. Frederick R",male,41,1,0,17464,51.8625,D21,S
248 |
1138,2,"Karnes, Mrs. J Frank (Claire Bennett)",female,22,0,0,F.C.C. 13534,21,,S
249 |
1139,2,"Drew, Mr. James Vivian",male,42,1,1,28220,32.5,,S
250 |
1140,2,"Hold, Mrs. Stephen (Annie Margaret Hill)",female,29,1,0,26707,26,,S
251 |
1141,3,"Khalil, Mrs. Betros (Zahie Maria"" Elias)""",female,,1,0,2660,14.4542,,C
252 |
1142,2,"West, Miss. Barbara J",female,0.92,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
253 |
1143,3,"Abrahamsson, Mr. Abraham August Johannes",male,20,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101284,7.925,,S
254 |
1144,1,"Clark, Mr. Walter Miller",male,27,1,0,13508,136.7792,C89,C
255 |
1145,3,"Salander, Mr. Karl Johan",male,24,0,0,7266,9.325,,S
256 |
1146,3,"Wenzel, Mr. Linhart",male,32.5,0,0,345775,9.5,,S
257 |
1147,3,"MacKay, Mr. George William",male,,0,0,C.A. 42795,7.55,,S
258 |
1148,3,"Mahon, Mr. John",male,,0,0,AQ/4 3130,7.75,,Q
259 |
1149,3,"Niklasson, Mr. Samuel",male,28,0,0,363611,8.05,,S
260 |
1150,2,"Bentham, Miss. Lilian W",female,19,0,0,28404,13,,S
261 |
1151,3,"Midtsjo, Mr. Karl Albert",male,21,0,0,345501,7.775,,S
262 |
1152,3,"de Messemaeker, Mr. Guillaume Joseph",male,36.5,1,0,345572,17.4,,S
263 |
1153,3,"Nilsson, Mr. August Ferdinand",male,21,0,0,350410,7.8542,,S
264 |
1154,2,"Wells, Mrs. Arthur Henry (Addie"" Dart Trevaskis)""",female,29,0,2,29103,23,,S
265 |
1155,3,"Klasen, Miss. Gertrud Emilia",female,1,1,1,350405,12.1833,,S
266 |
1156,2,"Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio Ilario Giuseppe",male,30,0,0,C.A. 34644,12.7375,,C
267 |
1157,3,"Lyntakoff, Mr. Stanko",male,,0,0,349235,7.8958,,S
268 |
1158,1,"Chisholm, Mr. Roderick Robert Crispin",male,,0,0,112051,0,,S
269 |
1159,3,"Warren, Mr. Charles William",male,,0,0,C.A. 49867,7.55,,S
270 |
1160,3,"Howard, Miss. May Elizabeth",female,,0,0,A. 2. 39186,8.05,,S
271 |
1161,3,"Pokrnic, Mr. Mate",male,17,0,0,315095,8.6625,,S
272 |
1162,1,"McCaffry, Mr. Thomas Francis",male,46,0,0,13050,75.2417,C6,C
273 |
1163,3,"Fox, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,368573,7.75,,Q
274 |
1164,1,"Clark, Mrs. Walter Miller (Virginia McDowell)",female,26,1,0,13508,136.7792,C89,C
275 |
1165,3,"Lennon, Miss. Mary",female,,1,0,370371,15.5,,Q
276 |
1166,3,"Saade, Mr. Jean Nassr",male,,0,0,2676,7.225,,C
277 |
1167,2,"Bryhl, Miss. Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg ",female,20,1,0,236853,26,,S
278 |
1168,2,"Parker, Mr. Clifford Richard",male,28,0,0,SC 14888,10.5,,S
279 |
1169,2,"Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry",male,40,1,0,2926,26,,S
280 |
1170,2,"Ware, Mr. John James",male,30,1,0,CA 31352,21,,S
281 |
1171,2,"Oxenham, Mr. Percy Thomas",male,22,0,0,W./C. 14260,10.5,,S
282 |
1172,3,"Oreskovic, Miss. Jelka",female,23,0,0,315085,8.6625,,S
283 |
1173,3,"Peacock, Master. Alfred Edward",male,0.75,1,1,SOTON/O.Q. 3101315,13.775,,S
284 |
1174,3,"Fleming, Miss. Honora",female,,0,0,364859,7.75,,Q
285 |
1175,3,"Touma, Miss. Maria Youssef",female,9,1,1,2650,15.2458,,C
286 |
1176,3,"Rosblom, Miss. Salli Helena",female,2,1,1,370129,20.2125,,S
287 |
1177,3,"Dennis, Mr. William",male,36,0,0,A/5 21175,7.25,,S
288 |
1178,3,"Franklin, Mr. Charles (Charles Fardon)",male,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101314,7.25,,S
289 |
1179,1,"Snyder, Mr. John Pillsbury",male,24,1,0,21228,82.2667,B45,S
290 |
1180,3,"Mardirosian, Mr. Sarkis",male,,0,0,2655,7.2292,F E46,C
291 |
1181,3,"Ford, Mr. Arthur",male,,0,0,A/5 1478,8.05,,S
292 |
1182,1,"Rheims, Mr. George Alexander Lucien",male,,0,0,PC 17607,39.6,,S
293 |
1183,3,"Daly, Miss. Margaret Marcella Maggie""""",female,30,0,0,382650,6.95,,Q
294 |
1184,3,"Nasr, Mr. Mustafa",male,,0,0,2652,7.2292,,C
295 |
1185,1,"Dodge, Dr. Washington",male,53,1,1,33638,81.8583,A34,S
296 |
1186,3,"Wittevrongel, Mr. Camille",male,36,0,0,345771,9.5,,S
297 |
1187,3,"Angheloff, Mr. Minko",male,26,0,0,349202,7.8958,,S
298 |
1188,2,"Laroche, Miss. Louise",female,1,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
299 |
1189,3,"Samaan, Mr. Hanna",male,,2,0,2662,21.6792,,C
300 |
1190,1,"Loring, Mr. Joseph Holland",male,30,0,0,113801,45.5,,S
301 |
1191,3,"Johansson, Mr. Nils",male,29,0,0,347467,7.8542,,S
302 |
1192,3,"Olsson, Mr. Oscar Wilhelm",male,32,0,0,347079,7.775,,S
303 |
1193,2,"Malachard, Mr. Noel",male,,0,0,237735,15.0458,D,C
304 |
1194,2,"Phillips, Mr. Escott Robert",male,43,0,1,S.O./P.P. 2,21,,S
305 |
1195,3,"Pokrnic, Mr. Tome",male,24,0,0,315092,8.6625,,S
306 |
1196,3,"McCarthy, Miss. Catherine Katie""""",female,,0,0,383123,7.75,,Q
307 |
1197,1,"Crosby, Mrs. Edward Gifford (Catherine Elizabeth Halstead)",female,64,1,1,112901,26.55,B26,S
308 |
1198,1,"Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton",male,30,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
309 |
1199,3,"Aks, Master. Philip Frank",male,0.83,0,1,392091,9.35,,S
310 |
1200,1,"Hays, Mr. Charles Melville",male,55,1,1,12749,93.5,B69,S
311 |
1201,3,"Hansen, Mrs. Claus Peter (Jennie L Howard)",female,45,1,0,350026,14.1083,,S
312 |
1202,3,"Cacic, Mr. Jego Grga",male,18,0,0,315091,8.6625,,S
313 |
1203,3,"Vartanian, Mr. David",male,22,0,0,2658,7.225,,C
314 |
1204,3,"Sadowitz, Mr. Harry",male,,0,0,LP 1588,7.575,,S
315 |
1205,3,"Carr, Miss. Jeannie",female,37,0,0,368364,7.75,,Q
316 |
1206,1,"White, Mrs. John Stuart (Ella Holmes)",female,55,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C32,C
317 |
1207,3,"Hagardon, Miss. Kate",female,17,0,0,AQ/3. 30631,7.7333,,Q
318 |
1208,1,"Spencer, Mr. William Augustus",male,57,1,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B78,C
319 |
1209,2,"Rogers, Mr. Reginald Harry",male,19,0,0,28004,10.5,,S
320 |
1210,3,"Jonsson, Mr. Nils Hilding",male,27,0,0,350408,7.8542,,S
321 |
1211,2,"Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Wilfred",male,22,2,0,C.A. 31029,31.5,,S
322 |
1212,3,"Andersson, Mr. Johan Samuel",male,26,0,0,347075,7.775,,S
323 |
1213,3,"Krekorian, Mr. Neshan",male,25,0,0,2654,7.2292,F E57,C
324 |
1214,2,"Nesson, Mr. Israel",male,26,0,0,244368,13,F2,S
325 |
1215,1,"Rowe, Mr. Alfred G",male,33,0,0,113790,26.55,,S
326 |
1216,1,"Kreuchen, Miss. Emilie",female,39,0,0,24160,211.3375,,S
327 |
1217,3,"Assam, Mr. Ali",male,23,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101309,7.05,,S
328 |
1218,2,"Becker, Miss. Ruth Elizabeth",female,12,2,1,230136,39,F4,S
329 |
1219,1,"Rosenshine, Mr. George (Mr George Thorne"")""",male,46,0,0,PC 17585,79.2,,C
330 |
1220,2,"Clarke, Mr. Charles Valentine",male,29,1,0,2003,26,,S
331 |
1221,2,"Enander, Mr. Ingvar",male,21,0,0,236854,13,,S
332 |
1222,2,"Davies, Mrs. John Morgan (Elizabeth Agnes Mary White) ",female,48,0,2,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
333 |
1223,1,"Dulles, Mr. William Crothers",male,39,0,0,PC 17580,29.7,A18,C
334 |
1224,3,"Thomas, Mr. Tannous",male,,0,0,2684,7.225,,C
335 |
1225,3,"Nakid, Mrs. Said (Waika Mary"" Mowad)""",female,19,1,1,2653,15.7417,,C
336 |
1226,3,"Cor, Mr. Ivan",male,27,0,0,349229,7.8958,,S
337 |
1227,1,"Maguire, Mr. John Edward",male,30,0,0,110469,26,C106,S
338 |
1228,2,"de Brito, Mr. Jose Joaquim",male,32,0,0,244360,13,,S
339 |
1229,3,"Elias, Mr. Joseph",male,39,0,2,2675,7.2292,,C
340 |
1230,2,"Denbury, Mr. Herbert",male,25,0,0,C.A. 31029,31.5,,S
341 |
1231,3,"Betros, Master. Seman",male,,0,0,2622,7.2292,,C
342 |
1232,2,"Fillbrook, Mr. Joseph Charles",male,18,0,0,C.A. 15185,10.5,,S
343 |
1233,3,"Lundstrom, Mr. Thure Edvin",male,32,0,0,350403,7.5792,,S
344 |
1234,3,"Sage, Mr. John George",male,,1,9,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
345 |
1235,1,"Cardeza, Mrs. James Warburton Martinez (Charlotte Wardle Drake)",female,58,0,1,PC 17755,512.3292,B51 B53 B55,C
346 |
1236,3,"van Billiard, Master. James William",male,,1,1,A/5. 851,14.5,,S
347 |
1237,3,"Abelseth, Miss. Karen Marie",female,16,0,0,348125,7.65,,S
348 |
1238,2,"Botsford, Mr. William Hull",male,26,0,0,237670,13,,S
349 |
1239,3,"Whabee, Mrs. George Joseph (Shawneene Abi-Saab)",female,38,0,0,2688,7.2292,,C
350 |
1240,2,"Giles, Mr. Ralph",male,24,0,0,248726,13.5,,S
351 |
1241,2,"Walcroft, Miss. Nellie",female,31,0,0,F.C.C. 13528,21,,S
352 |
1242,1,"Greenfield, Mrs. Leo David (Blanche Strouse)",female,45,0,1,PC 17759,63.3583,D10 D12,C
353 |
1243,2,"Stokes, Mr. Philip Joseph",male,25,0,0,F.C.C. 13540,10.5,,S
354 |
1244,2,"Dibden, Mr. William",male,18,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
355 |
1245,2,"Herman, Mr. Samuel",male,49,1,2,220845,65,,S
356 |
1246,3,"Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys Millvina""""",female,0.17,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
357 |
1247,1,"Julian, Mr. Henry Forbes",male,50,0,0,113044,26,E60,S
358 |
1248,1,"Brown, Mrs. John Murray (Caroline Lane Lamson)",female,59,2,0,11769,51.4792,C101,S
359 |
1249,3,"Lockyer, Mr. Edward",male,,0,0,1222,7.8792,,S
360 |
1250,3,"O'Keefe, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,368402,7.75,,Q
361 |
1251,3,"Lindell, Mrs. Edvard Bengtsson (Elin Gerda Persson)",female,30,1,0,349910,15.55,,S
362 |
1252,3,"Sage, Master. William Henry",male,14.5,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
363 |
1253,2,"Mallet, Mrs. Albert (Antoinette Magnin)",female,24,1,1,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
364 |
1254,2,"Ware, Mrs. John James (Florence Louise Long)",female,31,0,0,CA 31352,21,,S
365 |
1255,3,"Strilic, Mr. Ivan",male,27,0,0,315083,8.6625,,S
366 |
1256,1,"Harder, Mrs. George Achilles (Dorothy Annan)",female,25,1,0,11765,55.4417,E50,C
367 |
1257,3,"Sage, Mrs. John (Annie Bullen)",female,,1,9,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
368 |
1258,3,"Caram, Mr. Joseph",male,,1,0,2689,14.4583,,C
369 |
1259,3,"Riihivouri, Miss. Susanna Juhantytar Sanni""""",female,22,0,0,3101295,39.6875,,S
370 |
1260,1,"Gibson, Mrs. Leonard (Pauline C Boeson)",female,45,0,1,112378,59.4,,C
371 |
1261,2,"Pallas y Castello, Mr. Emilio",male,29,0,0,SC/PARIS 2147,13.8583,,C
372 |
1262,2,"Giles, Mr. Edgar",male,21,1,0,28133,11.5,,S
373 |
1263,1,"Wilson, Miss. Helen Alice",female,31,0,0,16966,134.5,E39 E41,C
374 |
1264,1,"Ismay, Mr. Joseph Bruce",male,49,0,0,112058,0,B52 B54 B56,S
375 |
1265,2,"Harbeck, Mr. William H",male,44,0,0,248746,13,,S
376 |
1266,1,"Dodge, Mrs. Washington (Ruth Vidaver)",female,54,1,1,33638,81.8583,A34,S
377 |
1267,1,"Bowen, Miss. Grace Scott",female,45,0,0,PC 17608,262.375,,C
378 |
1268,3,"Kink, Miss. Maria",female,22,2,0,315152,8.6625,,S
379 |
1269,2,"Cotterill, Mr. Henry Harry""""",male,21,0,0,29107,11.5,,S
380 |
1270,1,"Hipkins, Mr. William Edward",male,55,0,0,680,50,C39,S
381 |
1271,3,"Asplund, Master. Carl Edgar",male,5,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
382 |
1272,3,"O'Connor, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,366713,7.75,,Q
383 |
1273,3,"Foley, Mr. Joseph",male,26,0,0,330910,7.8792,,Q
384 |
1274,3,"Risien, Mrs. Samuel (Emma)",female,,0,0,364498,14.5,,S
385 |
1275,3,"McNamee, Mrs. Neal (Eileen O'Leary)",female,19,1,0,376566,16.1,,S
386 |
1276,2,"Wheeler, Mr. Edwin Frederick""""",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2159,12.875,,S
387 |
1277,2,"Herman, Miss. Kate",female,24,1,2,220845,65,,S
388 |
1278,3,"Aronsson, Mr. Ernst Axel Algot",male,24,0,0,349911,7.775,,S
389 |
1279,2,"Ashby, Mr. John",male,57,0,0,244346,13,,S
390 |
1280,3,"Canavan, Mr. Patrick",male,21,0,0,364858,7.75,,Q
391 |
1281,3,"Palsson, Master. Paul Folke",male,6,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
392 |
1282,1,"Payne, Mr. Vivian Ponsonby",male,23,0,0,12749,93.5,B24,S
393 |
1283,1,"Lines, Mrs. Ernest H (Elizabeth Lindsey James)",female,51,0,1,PC 17592,39.4,D28,S
394 |
1284,3,"Abbott, Master. Eugene Joseph",male,13,0,2,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
395 |
1285,2,"Gilbert, Mr. William",male,47,0,0,C.A. 30769,10.5,,S
396 |
1286,3,"Kink-Heilmann, Mr. Anton",male,29,3,1,315153,22.025,,S
397 |
1287,1,"Smith, Mrs. Lucien Philip (Mary Eloise Hughes)",female,18,1,0,13695,60,C31,S
398 |
1288,3,"Colbert, Mr. Patrick",male,24,0,0,371109,7.25,,Q
399 |
1289,1,"Frolicher-Stehli, Mrs. Maxmillian (Margaretha Emerentia Stehli)",female,48,1,1,13567,79.2,B41,C
400 |
1290,3,"Larsson-Rondberg, Mr. Edvard A",male,22,0,0,347065,7.775,,S
401 |
1291,3,"Conlon, Mr. Thomas Henry",male,31,0,0,21332,7.7333,,Q
402 |
1292,1,"Bonnell, Miss. Caroline",female,30,0,0,36928,164.8667,C7,S
403 |
1293,2,"Gale, Mr. Harry",male,38,1,0,28664,21,,S
404 |
1294,1,"Gibson, Miss. Dorothy Winifred",female,22,0,1,112378,59.4,,C
405 |
1295,1,"Carrau, Mr. Jose Pedro",male,17,0,0,113059,47.1,,S
406 |
1296,1,"Frauenthal, Mr. Isaac Gerald",male,43,1,0,17765,27.7208,D40,C
407 |
1297,2,"Nourney, Mr. Alfred (Baron von Drachstedt"")""",male,20,0,0,SC/PARIS 2166,13.8625,D38,C
408 |
1298,2,"Ware, Mr. William Jeffery",male,23,1,0,28666,10.5,,S
409 |
1299,1,"Widener, Mr. George Dunton",male,50,1,1,113503,211.5,C80,C
410 |
1300,3,"Riordan, Miss. Johanna Hannah""""",female,,0,0,334915,7.7208,,Q
411 |
1301,3,"Peacock, Miss. Treasteall",female,3,1,1,SOTON/O.Q. 3101315,13.775,,S
412 |
1302,3,"Naughton, Miss. Hannah",female,,0,0,365237,7.75,,Q
413 |
1303,1,"Minahan, Mrs. William Edward (Lillian E Thorpe)",female,37,1,0,19928,90,C78,Q
414 |
1304,3,"Henriksson, Miss. Jenny Lovisa",female,28,0,0,347086,7.775,,S
415 |
1305,3,"Spector, Mr. Woolf",male,,0,0,A.5. 3236,8.05,,S
416 |
1306,1,"Oliva y Ocana, Dona. Fermina",female,39,0,0,PC 17758,108.9,C105,C
417 |
1307,3,"Saether, Mr. Simon Sivertsen",male,38.5,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101262,7.25,,S
418 |
1308,3,"Ware, Mr. Frederick",male,,0,0,359309,8.05,,S
419 |
1309,3,"Peter, Master. Michael J",male,,1,1,2668,22.3583,,C
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
1 |
2 |
1,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Owen Harris",male,22,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S
3 |
2,1,1,"Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)",female,38,1,0,PC 17599,71.2833,C85,C
4 |
3,1,3,"Heikkinen, Miss. Laina",female,26,0,0,STON/O2. 3101282,7.925,,S
5 |
4,1,1,"Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)",female,35,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
6 |
5,0,3,"Allen, Mr. William Henry",male,35,0,0,373450,8.05,,S
7 |
6,0,3,"Moran, Mr. James",male,,0,0,330877,8.4583,,Q
8 |
7,0,1,"McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J",male,54,0,0,17463,51.8625,E46,S
9 |
8,0,3,"Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard",male,2,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
10 |
9,1,3,"Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)",female,27,0,2,347742,11.1333,,S
11 |
10,1,2,"Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem)",female,14,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
12 |
11,1,3,"Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut",female,4,1,1,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
13 |
12,1,1,"Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,58,0,0,113783,26.55,C103,S
14 |
13,0,3,"Saundercock, Mr. William Henry",male,20,0,0,A/5. 2151,8.05,,S
15 |
14,0,3,"Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan",male,39,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
16 |
15,0,3,"Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Adolfina",female,14,0,0,350406,7.8542,,S
17 |
16,1,2,"Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome) ",female,55,0,0,248706,16,,S
18 |
17,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eugene",male,2,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
19 |
18,1,2,"Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene",male,,0,0,244373,13,,S
20 |
19,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Emelia Maria Vandemoortele)",female,31,1,0,345763,18,,S
21 |
20,1,3,"Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima",female,,0,0,2649,7.225,,C
22 |
21,0,2,"Fynney, Mr. Joseph J",male,35,0,0,239865,26,,S
23 |
22,1,2,"Beesley, Mr. Lawrence",male,34,0,0,248698,13,D56,S
24 |
23,1,3,"McGowan, Miss. Anna ""Annie""",female,15,0,0,330923,8.0292,,Q
25 |
24,1,1,"Sloper, Mr. William Thompson",male,28,0,0,113788,35.5,A6,S
26 |
25,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira",female,8,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
27 |
26,1,3,"Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Emilia Johansson)",female,38,1,5,347077,31.3875,,S
28 |
27,0,3,"Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab",male,,0,0,2631,7.225,,C
29 |
28,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander",male,19,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
30 |
29,1,3,"O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,,0,0,330959,7.8792,,Q
31 |
30,0,3,"Todoroff, Mr. Lalio",male,,0,0,349216,7.8958,,S
32 |
31,0,1,"Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E",male,40,0,0,PC 17601,27.7208,,C
33 |
32,1,1,"Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus (Marie Eugenie)",female,,1,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B78,C
34 |
33,1,3,"Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha",female,,0,0,335677,7.75,,Q
35 |
34,0,2,"Wheadon, Mr. Edward H",male,66,0,0,C.A. 24579,10.5,,S
36 |
35,0,1,"Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph",male,28,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
37 |
36,0,1,"Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar",male,42,1,0,113789,52,,S
38 |
37,1,3,"Mamee, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2677,7.2292,,C
39 |
38,0,3,"Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles",male,21,0,0,A./5. 2152,8.05,,S
40 |
39,0,3,"Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Maria",female,18,2,0,345764,18,,S
41 |
40,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila",female,14,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
42 |
41,0,3,"Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Persdotter Larsson)",female,40,1,0,7546,9.475,,S
43 |
42,0,2,"Turpin, Mrs. William John Robert (Dorothy Ann Wonnacott)",female,27,1,0,11668,21,,S
44 |
43,0,3,"Kraeff, Mr. Theodor",male,,0,0,349253,7.8958,,C
45 |
44,1,2,"Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie Anne Andree",female,3,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
46 |
45,1,3,"Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia",female,19,0,0,330958,7.8792,,Q
47 |
46,0,3,"Rogers, Mr. William John",male,,0,0,S.C./A.4. 23567,8.05,,S
48 |
47,0,3,"Lennon, Mr. Denis",male,,1,0,370371,15.5,,Q
49 |
48,1,3,"O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget",female,,0,0,14311,7.75,,Q
50 |
49,0,3,"Samaan, Mr. Youssef",male,,2,0,2662,21.6792,,C
51 |
50,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi)",female,18,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
52 |
51,0,3,"Panula, Master. Juha Niilo",male,7,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
53 |
52,0,3,"Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater",male,21,0,0,A/4. 39886,7.8,,S
54 |
53,1,1,"Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper (Myna Haxtun)",female,49,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
55 |
54,1,2,"Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie (Elizabeth Anne Wilkinson)",female,29,1,0,2926,26,,S
56 |
55,0,1,"Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius",male,65,0,1,113509,61.9792,B30,C
57 |
56,1,1,"Woolner, Mr. Hugh",male,,0,0,19947,35.5,C52,S
58 |
57,1,2,"Rugg, Miss. Emily",female,21,0,0,C.A. 31026,10.5,,S
59 |
58,0,3,"Novel, Mr. Mansouer",male,28.5,0,0,2697,7.2292,,C
60 |
59,1,2,"West, Miss. Constance Mirium",female,5,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
61 |
60,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. William Frederick",male,11,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
62 |
61,0,3,"Sirayanian, Mr. Orsen",male,22,0,0,2669,7.2292,,C
63 |
62,1,1,"Icard, Miss. Amelie",female,38,0,0,113572,80,B28,
64 |
63,0,1,"Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt",male,45,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
65 |
64,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Harald",male,4,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
66 |
65,0,1,"Stewart, Mr. Albert A",male,,0,0,PC 17605,27.7208,,C
67 |
66,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Gerios",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
68 |
67,1,2,"Nye, Mrs. (Elizabeth Ramell)",female,29,0,0,C.A. 29395,10.5,F33,S
69 |
68,0,3,"Crease, Mr. Ernest James",male,19,0,0,S.P. 3464,8.1583,,S
70 |
69,1,3,"Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra",female,17,4,2,3101281,7.925,,S
71 |
70,0,3,"Kink, Mr. Vincenz",male,26,2,0,315151,8.6625,,S
72 |
71,0,2,"Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow",male,32,0,0,C.A. 33111,10.5,,S
73 |
72,0,3,"Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy",female,16,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
74 |
73,0,2,"Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr",male,21,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
75 |
74,0,3,"Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos",male,26,1,0,2680,14.4542,,C
76 |
75,1,3,"Bing, Mr. Lee",male,32,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
77 |
76,0,3,"Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen",male,25,0,0,348123,7.65,F G73,S
78 |
77,0,3,"Staneff, Mr. Ivan",male,,0,0,349208,7.8958,,S
79 |
78,0,3,"Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim",male,,0,0,374746,8.05,,S
80 |
79,1,2,"Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates",male,0.83,0,2,248738,29,,S
81 |
80,1,3,"Dowdell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,30,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
82 |
81,0,3,"Waelens, Mr. Achille",male,22,0,0,345767,9,,S
83 |
82,1,3,"Sheerlinck, Mr. Jan Baptist",male,29,0,0,345779,9.5,,S
84 |
83,1,3,"McDermott, Miss. Brigdet Delia",female,,0,0,330932,7.7875,,Q
85 |
84,0,1,"Carrau, Mr. Francisco M",male,28,0,0,113059,47.1,,S
86 |
85,1,2,"Ilett, Miss. Bertha",female,17,0,0,SO/C 14885,10.5,,S
87 |
86,1,3,"Backstrom, Mrs. Karl Alfred (Maria Mathilda Gustafsson)",female,33,3,0,3101278,15.85,,S
88 |
87,0,3,"Ford, Mr. William Neal",male,16,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
89 |
88,0,3,"Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392086,8.05,,S
90 |
89,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Mabel Helen",female,23,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
91 |
90,0,3,"Celotti, Mr. Francesco",male,24,0,0,343275,8.05,,S
92 |
91,0,3,"Christmann, Mr. Emil",male,29,0,0,343276,8.05,,S
93 |
92,0,3,"Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin",male,20,0,0,347466,7.8542,,S
94 |
93,0,1,"Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller",male,46,1,0,W.E.P. 5734,61.175,E31,S
95 |
94,0,3,"Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank",male,26,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
96 |
95,0,3,"Coxon, Mr. Daniel",male,59,0,0,364500,7.25,,S
97 |
96,0,3,"Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph",male,,0,0,374910,8.05,,S
98 |
97,0,1,"Goldschmidt, Mr. George B",male,71,0,0,PC 17754,34.6542,A5,C
99 |
98,1,1,"Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram",male,23,0,1,PC 17759,63.3583,D10 D12,C
100 |
99,1,2,"Doling, Mrs. John T (Ada Julia Bone)",female,34,0,1,231919,23,,S
101 |
100,0,2,"Kantor, Mr. Sinai",male,34,1,0,244367,26,,S
102 |
101,0,3,"Petranec, Miss. Matilda",female,28,0,0,349245,7.8958,,S
103 |
102,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Pastcho (""Pentcho"")",male,,0,0,349215,7.8958,,S
104 |
103,0,1,"White, Mr. Richard Frasar",male,21,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
105 |
104,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel",male,33,0,0,7540,8.6542,,S
106 |
105,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm",male,37,2,0,3101276,7.925,,S
107 |
106,0,3,"Mionoff, Mr. Stoytcho",male,28,0,0,349207,7.8958,,S
108 |
107,1,3,"Salkjelsvik, Miss. Anna Kristine",female,21,0,0,343120,7.65,,S
109 |
108,1,3,"Moss, Mr. Albert Johan",male,,0,0,312991,7.775,,S
110 |
109,0,3,"Rekic, Mr. Tido",male,38,0,0,349249,7.8958,,S
111 |
110,1,3,"Moran, Miss. Bertha",female,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
112 |
111,0,1,"Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain",male,47,0,0,110465,52,C110,S
113 |
112,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Hileni",female,14.5,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
114 |
113,0,3,"Barton, Mr. David John",male,22,0,0,324669,8.05,,S
115 |
114,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Katriina",female,20,1,0,4136,9.825,,S
116 |
115,0,3,"Attalah, Miss. Malake",female,17,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
117 |
116,0,3,"Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard",male,21,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101294,7.925,,S
118 |
117,0,3,"Connors, Mr. Patrick",male,70.5,0,0,370369,7.75,,Q
119 |
118,0,2,"Turpin, Mr. William John Robert",male,29,1,0,11668,21,,S
120 |
119,0,1,"Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond",male,24,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
121 |
120,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ellis Anna Maria",female,2,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
122 |
121,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Stanley George",male,21,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
123 |
122,0,3,"Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles",male,,0,0,A4. 54510,8.05,,S
124 |
123,0,2,"Nasser, Mr. Nicholas",male,32.5,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
125 |
124,1,2,"Webber, Miss. Susan",female,32.5,0,0,27267,13,E101,S
126 |
125,0,1,"White, Mr. Percival Wayland",male,54,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
127 |
126,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias",male,12,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
128 |
127,0,3,"McMahon, Mr. Martin",male,,0,0,370372,7.75,,Q
129 |
128,1,3,"Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne",male,24,0,0,C 17369,7.1417,,S
130 |
129,1,3,"Peter, Miss. Anna",female,,1,1,2668,22.3583,F E69,C
131 |
130,0,3,"Ekstrom, Mr. Johan",male,45,0,0,347061,6.975,,S
132 |
131,0,3,"Drazenoic, Mr. Jozef",male,33,0,0,349241,7.8958,,C
133 |
132,0,3,"Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandeo",male,20,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101307,7.05,,S
134 |
133,0,3,"Robins, Mrs. Alexander A (Grace Charity Laury)",female,47,1,0,A/5. 3337,14.5,,S
135 |
134,1,2,"Weisz, Mrs. Leopold (Mathilde Francoise Pede)",female,29,1,0,228414,26,,S
136 |
135,0,2,"Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden",male,25,0,0,C.A. 29178,13,,S
137 |
136,0,2,"Richard, Mr. Emile",male,23,0,0,SC/PARIS 2133,15.0458,,C
138 |
137,1,1,"Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny",female,19,0,2,11752,26.2833,D47,S
139 |
138,0,1,"Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath",male,37,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
140 |
139,0,3,"Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon",male,16,0,0,7534,9.2167,,S
141 |
140,0,1,"Giglio, Mr. Victor",male,24,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B86,C
142 |
141,0,3,"Boulos, Mrs. Joseph (Sultana)",female,,0,2,2678,15.2458,,C
143 |
142,1,3,"Nysten, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,22,0,0,347081,7.75,,S
144 |
143,1,3,"Hakkarainen, Mrs. Pekka Pietari (Elin Matilda Dolck)",female,24,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
145 |
144,0,3,"Burke, Mr. Jeremiah",male,19,0,0,365222,6.75,,Q
146 |
145,0,2,"Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel",male,18,0,0,231945,11.5,,S
147 |
146,0,2,"Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles",male,19,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
148 |
147,1,3,"Andersson, Mr. August Edvard (""Wennerstrom"")",male,27,0,0,350043,7.7958,,S
149 |
148,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Robina Maggie ""Ruby""",female,9,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
150 |
149,0,2,"Navratil, Mr. Michel (""Louis M Hoffman"")",male,36.5,0,2,230080,26,F2,S
151 |
150,0,2,"Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davids",male,42,0,0,244310,13,,S
152 |
151,0,2,"Bateman, Rev. Robert James",male,51,0,0,S.O.P. 1166,12.525,,S
153 |
152,1,1,"Pears, Mrs. Thomas (Edith Wearne)",female,22,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
154 |
153,0,3,"Meo, Mr. Alfonzo",male,55.5,0,0,A.5. 11206,8.05,,S
155 |
154,0,3,"van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler",male,40.5,0,2,A/5. 851,14.5,,S
156 |
155,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin",male,,0,0,Fa 265302,7.3125,,S
157 |
156,0,1,"Williams, Mr. Charles Duane",male,51,0,1,PC 17597,61.3792,,C
158 |
157,1,3,"Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,16,0,0,35851,7.7333,,Q
159 |
158,0,3,"Corn, Mr. Harry",male,30,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392090,8.05,,S
160 |
159,0,3,"Smiljanic, Mr. Mile",male,,0,0,315037,8.6625,,S
161 |
160,0,3,"Sage, Master. Thomas Henry",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
162 |
161,0,3,"Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield",male,44,0,1,371362,16.1,,S
163 |
162,1,2,"Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth ""Bessie"" Inglis Milne)",female,40,0,0,C.A. 33595,15.75,,S
164 |
163,0,3,"Bengtsson, Mr. John Viktor",male,26,0,0,347068,7.775,,S
165 |
164,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Jovo",male,17,0,0,315093,8.6625,,S
166 |
165,0,3,"Panula, Master. Eino Viljami",male,1,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
167 |
166,1,3,"Goldsmith, Master. Frank John William ""Frankie""",male,9,0,2,363291,20.525,,S
168 |
167,1,1,"Chibnall, Mrs. (Edith Martha Bowerman)",female,,0,1,113505,55,E33,S
169 |
168,0,3,"Skoog, Mrs. William (Anna Bernhardina Karlsson)",female,45,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
170 |
169,0,1,"Baumann, Mr. John D",male,,0,0,PC 17318,25.925,,S
171 |
170,0,3,"Ling, Mr. Lee",male,28,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
172 |
171,0,1,"Van der hoef, Mr. Wyckoff",male,61,0,0,111240,33.5,B19,S
173 |
172,0,3,"Rice, Master. Arthur",male,4,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
174 |
173,1,3,"Johnson, Miss. Eleanor Ileen",female,1,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
175 |
174,0,3,"Sivola, Mr. Antti Wilhelm",male,21,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101280,7.925,,S
176 |
175,0,1,"Smith, Mr. James Clinch",male,56,0,0,17764,30.6958,A7,C
177 |
176,0,3,"Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin",male,18,1,1,350404,7.8542,,S
178 |
177,0,3,"Lefebre, Master. Henry Forbes",male,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
179 |
178,0,1,"Isham, Miss. Ann Elizabeth",female,50,0,0,PC 17595,28.7125,C49,C
180 |
179,0,2,"Hale, Mr. Reginald",male,30,0,0,250653,13,,S
181 |
180,0,3,"Leonard, Mr. Lionel",male,36,0,0,LINE,0,,S
182 |
181,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Constance Gladys",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
183 |
182,0,2,"Pernot, Mr. Rene",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2131,15.05,,C
184 |
183,0,3,"Asplund, Master. Clarence Gustaf Hugo",male,9,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
185 |
184,1,2,"Becker, Master. Richard F",male,1,2,1,230136,39,F4,S
186 |
185,1,3,"Kink-Heilmann, Miss. Luise Gretchen",female,4,0,2,315153,22.025,,S
187 |
186,0,1,"Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe",male,,0,0,113767,50,A32,S
188 |
187,1,3,"O'Brien, Mrs. Thomas (Johanna ""Hannah"" Godfrey)",female,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
189 |
188,1,1,"Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallace (""Mr C Rolmane"")",male,45,0,0,111428,26.55,,S
190 |
189,0,3,"Bourke, Mr. John",male,40,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
191 |
190,0,3,"Turcin, Mr. Stjepan",male,36,0,0,349247,7.8958,,S
192 |
191,1,2,"Pinsky, Mrs. (Rosa)",female,32,0,0,234604,13,,S
193 |
192,0,2,"Carbines, Mr. William",male,19,0,0,28424,13,,S
194 |
193,1,3,"Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Christine Nielsine",female,19,1,0,350046,7.8542,,S
195 |
194,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Michel M",male,3,1,1,230080,26,F2,S
196 |
195,1,1,"Brown, Mrs. James Joseph (Margaret Tobin)",female,44,0,0,PC 17610,27.7208,B4,C
197 |
196,1,1,"Lurette, Miss. Elise",female,58,0,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B80,C
198 |
197,0,3,"Mernagh, Mr. Robert",male,,0,0,368703,7.75,,Q
199 |
198,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andreas",male,42,0,1,4579,8.4042,,S
200 |
199,1,3,"Madigan, Miss. Margaret ""Maggie""",female,,0,0,370370,7.75,,Q
201 |
200,0,2,"Yrois, Miss. Henriette (""Mrs Harbeck"")",female,24,0,0,248747,13,,S
202 |
201,0,3,"Vande Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel",male,28,0,0,345770,9.5,,S
203 |
202,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Frederick",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
204 |
203,0,3,"Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,34,0,0,3101264,6.4958,,S
205 |
204,0,3,"Youseff, Mr. Gerious",male,45.5,0,0,2628,7.225,,C
206 |
205,1,3,"Cohen, Mr. Gurshon ""Gus""",male,18,0,0,A/5 3540,8.05,,S
207 |
206,0,3,"Strom, Miss. Telma Matilda",female,2,0,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
208 |
207,0,3,"Backstrom, Mr. Karl Alfred",male,32,1,0,3101278,15.85,,S
209 |
208,1,3,"Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem",male,26,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
210 |
209,1,3,"Carr, Miss. Helen ""Ellen""",female,16,0,0,367231,7.75,,Q
211 |
210,1,1,"Blank, Mr. Henry",male,40,0,0,112277,31,A31,C
212 |
211,0,3,"Ali, Mr. Ahmed",male,24,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101311,7.05,,S
213 |
212,1,2,"Cameron, Miss. Clear Annie",female,35,0,0,F.C.C. 13528,21,,S
214 |
213,0,3,"Perkin, Mr. John Henry",male,22,0,0,A/5 21174,7.25,,S
215 |
214,0,2,"Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen",male,30,0,0,250646,13,,S
216 |
215,0,3,"Kiernan, Mr. Philip",male,,1,0,367229,7.75,,Q
217 |
216,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Madeleine",female,31,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
218 |
217,1,3,"Honkanen, Miss. Eliina",female,27,0,0,STON/O2. 3101283,7.925,,S
219 |
218,0,2,"Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel",male,42,1,0,243847,27,,S
220 |
219,1,1,"Bazzani, Miss. Albina",female,32,0,0,11813,76.2917,D15,C
221 |
220,0,2,"Harris, Mr. Walter",male,30,0,0,W/C 14208,10.5,,S
222 |
221,1,3,"Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis",male,16,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392089,8.05,,S
223 |
222,0,2,"Bracken, Mr. James H",male,27,0,0,220367,13,,S
224 |
223,0,3,"Green, Mr. George Henry",male,51,0,0,21440,8.05,,S
225 |
224,0,3,"Nenkoff, Mr. Christo",male,,0,0,349234,7.8958,,S
226 |
225,1,1,"Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield",male,38,1,0,19943,90,C93,S
227 |
226,0,3,"Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven",male,22,0,0,PP 4348,9.35,,S
228 |
227,1,2,"Mellors, Mr. William John",male,19,0,0,SW/PP 751,10.5,,S
229 |
228,0,3,"Lovell, Mr. John Hall (""Henry"")",male,20.5,0,0,A/5 21173,7.25,,S
230 |
229,0,2,"Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas",male,18,0,0,236171,13,,S
231 |
230,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Mathilde",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
232 |
231,1,1,"Harris, Mrs. Henry Birkhardt (Irene Wallach)",female,35,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
233 |
232,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin",male,29,0,0,347067,7.775,,S
234 |
233,0,2,"Sjostedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf",male,59,0,0,237442,13.5,,S
235 |
234,1,3,"Asplund, Miss. Lillian Gertrud",female,5,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
236 |
235,0,2,"Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman",male,24,0,0,C.A. 29566,10.5,,S
237 |
236,0,3,"Harknett, Miss. Alice Phoebe",female,,0,0,W./C. 6609,7.55,,S
238 |
237,0,2,"Hold, Mr. Stephen",male,44,1,0,26707,26,,S
239 |
238,1,2,"Collyer, Miss. Marjorie ""Lottie""",female,8,0,2,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
240 |
239,0,2,"Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William",male,19,0,0,28665,10.5,,S
241 |
240,0,2,"Hunt, Mr. George Henry",male,33,0,0,SCO/W 1585,12.275,,S
242 |
241,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Thamine",female,,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
243 |
242,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Katherine ""Kate""",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
244 |
243,0,2,"Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles",male,29,0,0,W./C. 14263,10.5,,S
245 |
244,0,3,"Maenpaa, Mr. Matti Alexanteri",male,22,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101275,7.125,,S
246 |
245,0,3,"Attalah, Mr. Sleiman",male,30,0,0,2694,7.225,,C
247 |
246,0,1,"Minahan, Dr. William Edward",male,44,2,0,19928,90,C78,Q
248 |
247,0,3,"Lindahl, Miss. Agda Thorilda Viktoria",female,25,0,0,347071,7.775,,S
249 |
248,1,2,"Hamalainen, Mrs. William (Anna)",female,24,0,2,250649,14.5,,S
250 |
249,1,1,"Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard",male,37,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
251 |
250,0,2,"Carter, Rev. Ernest Courtenay",male,54,1,0,244252,26,,S
252 |
251,0,3,"Reed, Mr. James George",male,,0,0,362316,7.25,,S
253 |
252,0,3,"Strom, Mrs. Wilhelm (Elna Matilda Persson)",female,29,1,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
254 |
253,0,1,"Stead, Mr. William Thomas",male,62,0,0,113514,26.55,C87,S
255 |
254,0,3,"Lobb, Mr. William Arthur",male,30,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
256 |
255,0,3,"Rosblom, Mrs. Viktor (Helena Wilhelmina)",female,41,0,2,370129,20.2125,,S
257 |
256,1,3,"Touma, Mrs. Darwis (Hanne Youssef Razi)",female,29,0,2,2650,15.2458,,C
258 |
257,1,1,"Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle",female,,0,0,PC 17585,79.2,,C
259 |
258,1,1,"Cherry, Miss. Gladys",female,30,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
260 |
259,1,1,"Ward, Miss. Anna",female,35,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,,C
261 |
260,1,2,"Parrish, Mrs. (Lutie Davis)",female,50,0,1,230433,26,,S
262 |
261,0,3,"Smith, Mr. Thomas",male,,0,0,384461,7.75,,Q
263 |
262,1,3,"Asplund, Master. Edvin Rojj Felix",male,3,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
264 |
263,0,1,"Taussig, Mr. Emil",male,52,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
265 |
264,0,1,"Harrison, Mr. William",male,40,0,0,112059,0,B94,S
266 |
265,0,3,"Henry, Miss. Delia",female,,0,0,382649,7.75,,Q
267 |
266,0,2,"Reeves, Mr. David",male,36,0,0,C.A. 17248,10.5,,S
268 |
267,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid",male,16,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
269 |
268,1,3,"Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik",male,25,1,0,347083,7.775,,S
270 |
269,1,1,"Graham, Mrs. William Thompson (Edith Junkins)",female,58,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
271 |
270,1,1,"Bissette, Miss. Amelia",female,35,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C99,S
272 |
271,0,1,"Cairns, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,113798,31,,S
273 |
272,1,3,"Tornquist, Mr. William Henry",male,25,0,0,LINE,0,,S
274 |
273,1,2,"Mellinger, Mrs. (Elizabeth Anne Maidment)",female,41,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
275 |
274,0,1,"Natsch, Mr. Charles H",male,37,0,1,PC 17596,29.7,C118,C
276 |
275,1,3,"Healy, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,,0,0,370375,7.75,,Q
277 |
276,1,1,"Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia",female,63,1,0,13502,77.9583,D7,S
278 |
277,0,3,"Lindblom, Miss. Augusta Charlotta",female,45,0,0,347073,7.75,,S
279 |
278,0,2,"Parkes, Mr. Francis ""Frank""",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
280 |
279,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eric",male,7,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
281 |
280,1,3,"Abbott, Mrs. Stanton (Rosa Hunt)",female,35,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
282 |
281,0,3,"Duane, Mr. Frank",male,65,0,0,336439,7.75,,Q
283 |
282,0,3,"Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Goransson",male,28,0,0,347464,7.8542,,S
284 |
283,0,3,"de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons",male,16,0,0,345778,9.5,,S
285 |
284,1,3,"Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur",male,19,0,0,A/5. 10482,8.05,,S
286 |
285,0,1,"Smith, Mr. Richard William",male,,0,0,113056,26,A19,S
287 |
286,0,3,"Stankovic, Mr. Ivan",male,33,0,0,349239,8.6625,,C
288 |
287,1,3,"de Mulder, Mr. Theodore",male,30,0,0,345774,9.5,,S
289 |
288,0,3,"Naidenoff, Mr. Penko",male,22,0,0,349206,7.8958,,S
290 |
289,1,2,"Hosono, Mr. Masabumi",male,42,0,0,237798,13,,S
291 |
290,1,3,"Connolly, Miss. Kate",female,22,0,0,370373,7.75,,Q
292 |
291,1,1,"Barber, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,26,0,0,19877,78.85,,S
293 |
292,1,1,"Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen Walton)",female,19,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
294 |
293,0,2,"Levy, Mr. Rene Jacques",male,36,0,0,SC/Paris 2163,12.875,D,C
295 |
294,0,3,"Haas, Miss. Aloisia",female,24,0,0,349236,8.85,,S
296 |
295,0,3,"Mineff, Mr. Ivan",male,24,0,0,349233,7.8958,,S
297 |
296,0,1,"Lewy, Mr. Ervin G",male,,0,0,PC 17612,27.7208,,C
298 |
297,0,3,"Hanna, Mr. Mansour",male,23.5,0,0,2693,7.2292,,C
299 |
298,0,1,"Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine",female,2,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
300 |
299,1,1,"Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe",male,,0,0,19988,30.5,C106,S
301 |
300,1,1,"Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput)",female,50,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
302 |
301,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Anna Katherine ""Annie Kate""",female,,0,0,9234,7.75,,Q
303 |
302,1,3,"McCoy, Mr. Bernard",male,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
304 |
303,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr",male,19,0,0,LINE,0,,S
305 |
304,1,2,"Keane, Miss. Nora A",female,,0,0,226593,12.35,E101,Q
306 |
305,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh ""Harry""",male,,0,0,A/5 2466,8.05,,S
307 |
306,1,1,"Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor",male,0.92,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
308 |
307,1,1,"Fleming, Miss. Margaret",female,,0,0,17421,110.8833,,C
309 |
308,1,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Victor de Satode (Maria Josefa Perez de Soto y Vallejo)",female,17,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
310 |
309,0,2,"Abelson, Mr. Samuel",male,30,1,0,P/PP 3381,24,,C
311 |
310,1,1,"Francatelli, Miss. Laura Mabel",female,30,0,0,PC 17485,56.9292,E36,C
312 |
311,1,1,"Hays, Miss. Margaret Bechstein",female,24,0,0,11767,83.1583,C54,C
313 |
312,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie",female,18,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
314 |
313,0,2,"Lahtinen, Mrs. William (Anna Sylfven)",female,26,1,1,250651,26,,S
315 |
314,0,3,"Hendekovic, Mr. Ignjac",male,28,0,0,349243,7.8958,,S
316 |
315,0,2,"Hart, Mr. Benjamin",male,43,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
317 |
316,1,3,"Nilsson, Miss. Helmina Josefina",female,26,0,0,347470,7.8542,,S
318 |
317,1,2,"Kantor, Mrs. Sinai (Miriam Sternin)",female,24,1,0,244367,26,,S
319 |
318,0,2,"Moraweck, Dr. Ernest",male,54,0,0,29011,14,,S
320 |
319,1,1,"Wick, Miss. Mary Natalie",female,31,0,2,36928,164.8667,C7,S
321 |
320,1,1,"Spedden, Mrs. Frederic Oakley (Margaretta Corning Stone)",female,40,1,1,16966,134.5,E34,C
322 |
321,0,3,"Dennis, Mr. Samuel",male,22,0,0,A/5 21172,7.25,,S
323 |
322,0,3,"Danoff, Mr. Yoto",male,27,0,0,349219,7.8958,,S
324 |
323,1,2,"Slayter, Miss. Hilda Mary",female,30,0,0,234818,12.35,,Q
325 |
324,1,2,"Caldwell, Mrs. Albert Francis (Sylvia Mae Harbaugh)",female,22,1,1,248738,29,,S
326 |
325,0,3,"Sage, Mr. George John Jr",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
327 |
326,1,1,"Young, Miss. Marie Grice",female,36,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C32,C
328 |
327,0,3,"Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen",male,61,0,0,345364,6.2375,,S
329 |
328,1,2,"Ball, Mrs. (Ada E Hall)",female,36,0,0,28551,13,D,S
330 |
329,1,3,"Goldsmith, Mrs. Frank John (Emily Alice Brown)",female,31,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
331 |
330,1,1,"Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude",female,16,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
332 |
331,1,3,"McCoy, Miss. Agnes",female,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
333 |
332,0,1,"Partner, Mr. Austen",male,45.5,0,0,113043,28.5,C124,S
334 |
333,0,1,"Graham, Mr. George Edward",male,38,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C91,S
335 |
334,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mr. Leo Edmondus",male,16,2,0,345764,18,,S
336 |
335,1,1,"Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry William (Clara Heinsheimer)",female,,1,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
337 |
336,0,3,"Denkoff, Mr. Mitto",male,,0,0,349225,7.8958,,S
338 |
337,0,1,"Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton",male,29,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
339 |
338,1,1,"Burns, Miss. Elizabeth Margaret",female,41,0,0,16966,134.5,E40,C
340 |
339,1,3,"Dahl, Mr. Karl Edwart",male,45,0,0,7598,8.05,,S
341 |
340,0,1,"Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart",male,45,0,0,113784,35.5,T,S
342 |
341,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Edmond Roger",male,2,1,1,230080,26,F2,S
343 |
342,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Alice Elizabeth",female,24,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
344 |
343,0,2,"Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf",male,28,0,0,248740,13,,S
345 |
344,0,2,"Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington",male,25,0,0,244361,13,,S
346 |
345,0,2,"Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert",male,36,0,0,229236,13,,S
347 |
346,1,2,"Brown, Miss. Amelia ""Mildred""",female,24,0,0,248733,13,F33,S
348 |
347,1,2,"Smith, Miss. Marion Elsie",female,40,0,0,31418,13,,S
349 |
348,1,3,"Davison, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Mary E Finck)",female,,1,0,386525,16.1,,S
350 |
349,1,3,"Coutts, Master. William Loch ""William""",male,3,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
351 |
350,0,3,"Dimic, Mr. Jovan",male,42,0,0,315088,8.6625,,S
352 |
351,0,3,"Odahl, Mr. Nils Martin",male,23,0,0,7267,9.225,,S
353 |
352,0,1,"Williams-Lambert, Mr. Fletcher Fellows",male,,0,0,113510,35,C128,S
354 |
353,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Tannous",male,15,1,1,2695,7.2292,,C
355 |
354,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef",male,25,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
356 |
355,0,3,"Yousif, Mr. Wazli",male,,0,0,2647,7.225,,C
357 |
356,0,3,"Vanden Steen, Mr. Leo Peter",male,28,0,0,345783,9.5,,S
358 |
357,1,1,"Bowerman, Miss. Elsie Edith",female,22,0,1,113505,55,E33,S
359 |
358,0,2,"Funk, Miss. Annie Clemmer",female,38,0,0,237671,13,,S
360 |
359,1,3,"McGovern, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,330931,7.8792,,Q
361 |
360,1,3,"Mockler, Miss. Helen Mary ""Ellie""",female,,0,0,330980,7.8792,,Q
362 |
361,0,3,"Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm",male,40,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
363 |
362,0,2,"del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano",male,29,1,0,SC/PARIS 2167,27.7208,,C
364 |
363,0,3,"Barbara, Mrs. (Catherine David)",female,45,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
365 |
364,0,3,"Asim, Mr. Adola",male,35,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101310,7.05,,S
366 |
365,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Thomas",male,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
367 |
366,0,3,"Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin",male,30,0,0,C 7076,7.25,,S
368 |
367,1,1,"Warren, Mrs. Frank Manley (Anna Sophia Atkinson)",female,60,1,0,110813,75.25,D37,C
369 |
368,1,3,"Moussa, Mrs. (Mantoura Boulos)",female,,0,0,2626,7.2292,,C
370 |
369,1,3,"Jermyn, Miss. Annie",female,,0,0,14313,7.75,,Q
371 |
370,1,1,"Aubart, Mme. Leontine Pauline",female,24,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
372 |
371,1,1,"Harder, Mr. George Achilles",male,25,1,0,11765,55.4417,E50,C
373 |
372,0,3,"Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,18,1,0,3101267,6.4958,,S
374 |
373,0,3,"Beavan, Mr. William Thomas",male,19,0,0,323951,8.05,,S
375 |
374,0,1,"Ringhini, Mr. Sante",male,22,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,,C
376 |
375,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Stina Viola",female,3,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
377 |
376,1,1,"Meyer, Mrs. Edgar Joseph (Leila Saks)",female,,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
378 |
377,1,3,"Landergren, Miss. Aurora Adelia",female,22,0,0,C 7077,7.25,,S
379 |
378,0,1,"Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins",male,27,0,2,113503,211.5,C82,C
380 |
379,0,3,"Betros, Mr. Tannous",male,20,0,0,2648,4.0125,,C
381 |
380,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon",male,19,0,0,347069,7.775,,S
382 |
381,1,1,"Bidois, Miss. Rosalie",female,42,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
383 |
382,1,3,"Nakid, Miss. Maria (""Mary"")",female,1,0,2,2653,15.7417,,C
384 |
383,0,3,"Tikkanen, Mr. Juho",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101293,7.925,,S
385 |
384,1,1,"Holverson, Mrs. Alexander Oskar (Mary Aline Towner)",female,35,1,0,113789,52,,S
386 |
385,0,3,"Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil",male,,0,0,349227,7.8958,,S
387 |
386,0,2,"Davies, Mr. Charles Henry",male,18,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
388 |
387,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonard",male,1,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
389 |
388,1,2,"Buss, Miss. Kate",female,36,0,0,27849,13,,S
390 |
389,0,3,"Sadlier, Mr. Matthew",male,,0,0,367655,7.7292,,Q
391 |
390,1,2,"Lehmann, Miss. Bertha",female,17,0,0,SC 1748,12,,C
392 |
391,1,1,"Carter, Mr. William Ernest",male,36,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
393 |
392,1,3,"Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof",male,21,0,0,350034,7.7958,,S
394 |
393,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger",male,28,2,0,3101277,7.925,,S
395 |
394,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Marjorie",female,23,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
396 |
395,1,3,"Sandstrom, Mrs. Hjalmar (Agnes Charlotta Bengtsson)",female,24,0,2,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
397 |
396,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Erik",male,22,0,0,350052,7.7958,,S
398 |
397,0,3,"Olsson, Miss. Elina",female,31,0,0,350407,7.8542,,S
399 |
398,0,2,"McKane, Mr. Peter David",male,46,0,0,28403,26,,S
400 |
399,0,2,"Pain, Dr. Alfred",male,23,0,0,244278,10.5,,S
401 |
400,1,2,"Trout, Mrs. William H (Jessie L)",female,28,0,0,240929,12.65,,S
402 |
401,1,3,"Niskanen, Mr. Juha",male,39,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101289,7.925,,S
403 |
402,0,3,"Adams, Mr. John",male,26,0,0,341826,8.05,,S
404 |
403,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Mari Aina",female,21,1,0,4137,9.825,,S
405 |
404,0,3,"Hakkarainen, Mr. Pekka Pietari",male,28,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
406 |
405,0,3,"Oreskovic, Miss. Marija",female,20,0,0,315096,8.6625,,S
407 |
406,0,2,"Gale, Mr. Shadrach",male,34,1,0,28664,21,,S
408 |
407,0,3,"Widegren, Mr. Carl/Charles Peter",male,51,0,0,347064,7.75,,S
409 |
408,1,2,"Richards, Master. William Rowe",male,3,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
410 |
409,0,3,"Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Monsen",male,21,0,0,312992,7.775,,S
411 |
410,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Ida",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
412 |
411,0,3,"Sdycoff, Mr. Todor",male,,0,0,349222,7.8958,,S
413 |
412,0,3,"Hart, Mr. Henry",male,,0,0,394140,6.8583,,Q
414 |
413,1,1,"Minahan, Miss. Daisy E",female,33,1,0,19928,90,C78,Q
415 |
414,0,2,"Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
416 |
415,1,3,"Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian",male,44,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101269,7.925,,S
417 |
416,0,3,"Meek, Mrs. Thomas (Annie Louise Rowley)",female,,0,0,343095,8.05,,S
418 |
417,1,2,"Drew, Mrs. James Vivian (Lulu Thorne Christian)",female,34,1,1,28220,32.5,,S
419 |
418,1,2,"Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina",female,18,0,2,250652,13,,S
420 |
419,0,2,"Matthews, Mr. William John",male,30,0,0,28228,13,,S
421 |
420,0,3,"Van Impe, Miss. Catharina",female,10,0,2,345773,24.15,,S
422 |
421,0,3,"Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio",male,,0,0,349254,7.8958,,C
423 |
422,0,3,"Charters, Mr. David",male,21,0,0,A/5. 13032,7.7333,,Q
424 |
423,0,3,"Zimmerman, Mr. Leo",male,29,0,0,315082,7.875,,S
425 |
424,0,3,"Danbom, Mrs. Ernst Gilbert (Anna Sigrid Maria Brogren)",female,28,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
426 |
425,0,3,"Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard",male,18,1,1,370129,20.2125,,S
427 |
426,0,3,"Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe",male,,0,0,A/4. 34244,7.25,,S
428 |
427,1,2,"Clarke, Mrs. Charles V (Ada Maria Winfield)",female,28,1,0,2003,26,,S
429 |
428,1,2,"Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence (""Mrs Kate Louise Phillips Marshall"")",female,19,0,0,250655,26,,S
430 |
429,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. James",male,,0,0,364851,7.75,,Q
431 |
430,1,3,"Pickard, Mr. Berk (Berk Trembisky)",male,32,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392078,8.05,E10,S
432 |
431,1,1,"Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hakan",male,28,0,0,110564,26.55,C52,S
433 |
432,1,3,"Thorneycroft, Mrs. Percival (Florence Kate White)",female,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
434 |
433,1,2,"Louch, Mrs. Charles Alexander (Alice Adelaide Slow)",female,42,1,0,SC/AH 3085,26,,S
435 |
434,0,3,"Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland",male,17,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101274,7.125,,S
436 |
435,0,1,"Silvey, Mr. William Baird",male,50,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
437 |
436,1,1,"Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk",female,14,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
438 |
437,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Doolina Margaret ""Daisy""",female,21,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
439 |
438,1,2,"Richards, Mrs. Sidney (Emily Hocking)",female,24,2,3,29106,18.75,,S
440 |
439,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Mark",male,64,1,4,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
441 |
440,0,2,"Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson",male,31,0,0,C.A. 18723,10.5,,S
442 |
441,1,2,"Hart, Mrs. Benjamin (Esther Ada Bloomfield)",female,45,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
443 |
442,0,3,"Hampe, Mr. Leon",male,20,0,0,345769,9.5,,S
444 |
443,0,3,"Petterson, Mr. Johan Emil",male,25,1,0,347076,7.775,,S
445 |
444,1,2,"Reynaldo, Ms. Encarnacion",female,28,0,0,230434,13,,S
446 |
445,1,3,"Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr. Bernt",male,,0,0,65306,8.1125,,S
447 |
446,1,1,"Dodge, Master. Washington",male,4,0,2,33638,81.8583,A34,S
448 |
447,1,2,"Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Violet",female,13,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
449 |
448,1,1,"Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber",male,34,0,0,113794,26.55,,S
450 |
449,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Marie Catherine",female,5,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
451 |
450,1,1,"Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey",male,52,0,0,113786,30.5,C104,S
452 |
451,0,2,"West, Mr. Edwy Arthur",male,36,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
453 |
452,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen",male,,1,0,65303,19.9667,,S
454 |
453,0,1,"Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall",male,30,0,0,113051,27.75,C111,C
455 |
454,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L",male,49,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
456 |
455,0,3,"Peduzzi, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A/5 2817,8.05,,S
457 |
456,1,3,"Jalsevac, Mr. Ivan",male,29,0,0,349240,7.8958,,C
458 |
457,0,1,"Millet, Mr. Francis Davis",male,65,0,0,13509,26.55,E38,S
459 |
458,1,1,"Kenyon, Mrs. Frederick R (Marion)",female,,1,0,17464,51.8625,D21,S
460 |
459,1,2,"Toomey, Miss. Ellen",female,50,0,0,F.C.C. 13531,10.5,,S
461 |
460,0,3,"O'Connor, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,371060,7.75,,Q
462 |
461,1,1,"Anderson, Mr. Harry",male,48,0,0,19952,26.55,E12,S
463 |
462,0,3,"Morley, Mr. William",male,34,0,0,364506,8.05,,S
464 |
463,0,1,"Gee, Mr. Arthur H",male,47,0,0,111320,38.5,E63,S
465 |
464,0,2,"Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian",male,48,0,0,234360,13,,S
466 |
465,0,3,"Maisner, Mr. Simon",male,,0,0,A/S 2816,8.05,,S
467 |
466,0,3,"Goncalves, Mr. Manuel Estanslas",male,38,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101306,7.05,,S
468 |
467,0,2,"Campbell, Mr. William",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
469 |
468,0,1,"Smart, Mr. John Montgomery",male,56,0,0,113792,26.55,,S
470 |
469,0,3,"Scanlan, Mr. James",male,,0,0,36209,7.725,,Q
471 |
470,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
472 |
471,0,3,"Keefe, Mr. Arthur",male,,0,0,323592,7.25,,S
473 |
472,0,3,"Cacic, Mr. Luka",male,38,0,0,315089,8.6625,,S
474 |
473,1,2,"West, Mrs. Edwy Arthur (Ada Mary Worth)",female,33,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
475 |
474,1,2,"Jerwan, Mrs. Amin S (Marie Marthe Thuillard)",female,23,0,0,SC/AH Basle 541,13.7917,D,C
476 |
475,0,3,"Strandberg, Miss. Ida Sofia",female,22,0,0,7553,9.8375,,S
477 |
476,0,1,"Clifford, Mr. George Quincy",male,,0,0,110465,52,A14,S
478 |
477,0,2,"Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry",male,34,1,0,31027,21,,S
479 |
478,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard",male,29,1,0,3460,7.0458,,S
480 |
479,0,3,"Karlsson, Mr. Nils August",male,22,0,0,350060,7.5208,,S
481 |
480,1,3,"Hirvonen, Miss. Hildur E",female,2,0,1,3101298,12.2875,,S
482 |
481,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Harold Victor",male,9,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
483 |
482,0,2,"Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood ""Archie""",male,,0,0,239854,0,,S
484 |
483,0,3,"Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry",male,50,0,0,A/5 3594,8.05,,S
485 |
484,1,3,"Turkula, Mrs. (Hedwig)",female,63,0,0,4134,9.5875,,S
486 |
485,1,1,"Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H",male,25,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
487 |
486,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Jeannie",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
488 |
487,1,1,"Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick Maxfield (Jane Anne Forby)",female,35,1,0,19943,90,C93,S
489 |
488,0,1,"Kent, Mr. Edward Austin",male,58,0,0,11771,29.7,B37,C
490 |
489,0,3,"Somerton, Mr. Francis William",male,30,0,0,A.5. 18509,8.05,,S
491 |
490,1,3,"Coutts, Master. Eden Leslie ""Neville""",male,9,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
492 |
491,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Reiersen",male,,1,0,65304,19.9667,,S
493 |
492,0,3,"Windelov, Mr. Einar",male,21,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101317,7.25,,S
494 |
493,0,1,"Molson, Mr. Harry Markland",male,55,0,0,113787,30.5,C30,S
495 |
494,0,1,"Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon",male,71,0,0,PC 17609,49.5042,,C
496 |
495,0,3,"Stanley, Mr. Edward Roland",male,21,0,0,A/4 45380,8.05,,S
497 |
496,0,3,"Yousseff, Mr. Gerious",male,,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
498 |
497,1,1,"Eustis, Miss. Elizabeth Mussey",female,54,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
499 |
498,0,3,"Shellard, Mr. Frederick William",male,,0,0,C.A. 6212,15.1,,S
500 |
499,0,1,"Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)",female,25,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
501 |
500,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Olof",male,24,0,0,350035,7.7958,,S
502 |
501,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Petar",male,17,0,0,315086,8.6625,,S
503 |
502,0,3,"Canavan, Miss. Mary",female,21,0,0,364846,7.75,,Q
504 |
503,0,3,"O'Sullivan, Miss. Bridget Mary",female,,0,0,330909,7.6292,,Q
505 |
504,0,3,"Laitinen, Miss. Kristina Sofia",female,37,0,0,4135,9.5875,,S
506 |
505,1,1,"Maioni, Miss. Roberta",female,16,0,0,110152,86.5,B79,S
507 |
506,0,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor de Satode",male,18,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
508 |
507,1,2,"Quick, Mrs. Frederick Charles (Jane Richards)",female,33,0,2,26360,26,,S
509 |
508,1,1,"Bradley, Mr. George (""George Arthur Brayton"")",male,,0,0,111427,26.55,,S
510 |
509,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido",male,28,0,0,C 4001,22.525,,S
511 |
510,1,3,"Lang, Mr. Fang",male,26,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
512 |
511,1,3,"Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick",male,29,0,0,382651,7.75,,Q
513 |
512,0,3,"Webber, Mr. James",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101316,8.05,,S
514 |
513,1,1,"McGough, Mr. James Robert",male,36,0,0,PC 17473,26.2875,E25,S
515 |
514,1,1,"Rothschild, Mrs. Martin (Elizabeth L. Barrett)",female,54,1,0,PC 17603,59.4,,C
516 |
515,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Satio",male,24,0,0,349209,7.4958,,S
517 |
516,0,1,"Walker, Mr. William Anderson",male,47,0,0,36967,34.0208,D46,S
518 |
517,1,2,"Lemore, Mrs. (Amelia Milley)",female,34,0,0,C.A. 34260,10.5,F33,S
519 |
518,0,3,"Ryan, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,371110,24.15,,Q
520 |
519,1,2,"Angle, Mrs. William A (Florence ""Mary"" Agnes Hughes)",female,36,1,0,226875,26,,S
521 |
520,0,3,"Pavlovic, Mr. Stefo",male,32,0,0,349242,7.8958,,S
522 |
521,1,1,"Perreault, Miss. Anne",female,30,0,0,12749,93.5,B73,S
523 |
522,0,3,"Vovk, Mr. Janko",male,22,0,0,349252,7.8958,,S
524 |
523,0,3,"Lahoud, Mr. Sarkis",male,,0,0,2624,7.225,,C
525 |
524,1,1,"Hippach, Mrs. Louis Albert (Ida Sophia Fischer)",female,44,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
526 |
525,0,3,"Kassem, Mr. Fared",male,,0,0,2700,7.2292,,C
527 |
526,0,3,"Farrell, Mr. James",male,40.5,0,0,367232,7.75,,Q
528 |
527,1,2,"Ridsdale, Miss. Lucy",female,50,0,0,W./C. 14258,10.5,,S
529 |
528,0,1,"Farthing, Mr. John",male,,0,0,PC 17483,221.7792,C95,S
530 |
529,0,3,"Salonen, Mr. Johan Werner",male,39,0,0,3101296,7.925,,S
531 |
530,0,2,"Hocking, Mr. Richard George",male,23,2,1,29104,11.5,,S
532 |
531,1,2,"Quick, Miss. Phyllis May",female,2,1,1,26360,26,,S
533 |
532,0,3,"Toufik, Mr. Nakli",male,,0,0,2641,7.2292,,C
534 |
533,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr",male,17,1,1,2690,7.2292,,C
535 |
534,1,3,"Peter, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Rizk)",female,,0,2,2668,22.3583,,C
536 |
535,0,3,"Cacic, Miss. Marija",female,30,0,0,315084,8.6625,,S
537 |
536,1,2,"Hart, Miss. Eva Miriam",female,7,0,2,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
538 |
537,0,1,"Butt, Major. Archibald Willingham",male,45,0,0,113050,26.55,B38,S
539 |
538,1,1,"LeRoy, Miss. Bertha",female,30,0,0,PC 17761,106.425,,C
540 |
539,0,3,"Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard",male,,0,0,364498,14.5,,S
541 |
540,1,1,"Frolicher, Miss. Hedwig Margaritha",female,22,0,2,13568,49.5,B39,C
542 |
541,1,1,"Crosby, Miss. Harriet R",female,36,0,2,WE/P 5735,71,B22,S
543 |
542,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ingeborg Constanzia",female,9,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
544 |
543,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabeth",female,11,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
545 |
544,1,2,"Beane, Mr. Edward",male,32,1,0,2908,26,,S
546 |
545,0,1,"Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald",male,50,1,0,PC 17761,106.425,C86,C
547 |
546,0,1,"Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest",male,64,0,0,693,26,,S
548 |
547,1,2,"Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clarke)",female,19,1,0,2908,26,,S
549 |
548,1,2,"Padro y Manent, Mr. Julian",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2146,13.8625,,C
550 |
549,0,3,"Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John",male,33,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
551 |
550,1,2,"Davies, Master. John Morgan Jr",male,8,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
552 |
551,1,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr",male,17,0,2,17421,110.8833,C70,C
553 |
552,0,2,"Sharp, Mr. Percival James R",male,27,0,0,244358,26,,S
554 |
553,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Timothy",male,,0,0,330979,7.8292,,Q
555 |
554,1,3,"Leeni, Mr. Fahim (""Philip Zenni"")",male,22,0,0,2620,7.225,,C
556 |
555,1,3,"Ohman, Miss. Velin",female,22,0,0,347085,7.775,,S
557 |
556,0,1,"Wright, Mr. George",male,62,0,0,113807,26.55,,S
558 |
557,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Lady. (Lucille Christiana Sutherland) (""Mrs Morgan"")",female,48,1,0,11755,39.6,A16,C
559 |
558,0,1,"Robbins, Mr. Victor",male,,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
560 |
559,1,1,"Taussig, Mrs. Emil (Tillie Mandelbaum)",female,39,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
561 |
560,1,3,"de Messemaeker, Mrs. Guillaume Joseph (Emma)",female,36,1,0,345572,17.4,,S
562 |
561,0,3,"Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan",male,,0,0,372622,7.75,,Q
563 |
562,0,3,"Sivic, Mr. Husein",male,40,0,0,349251,7.8958,,S
564 |
563,0,2,"Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas",male,28,0,0,218629,13.5,,S
565 |
564,0,3,"Simmons, Mr. John",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392082,8.05,,S
566 |
565,0,3,"Meanwell, Miss. (Marion Ogden)",female,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392087,8.05,,S
567 |
566,0,3,"Davies, Mr. Alfred J",male,24,2,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
568 |
567,0,3,"Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia",male,19,0,0,349205,7.8958,,S
569 |
568,0,3,"Palsson, Mrs. Nils (Alma Cornelia Berglund)",female,29,0,4,349909,21.075,,S
570 |
569,0,3,"Doharr, Mr. Tannous",male,,0,0,2686,7.2292,,C
571 |
570,1,3,"Jonsson, Mr. Carl",male,32,0,0,350417,7.8542,,S
572 |
571,1,2,"Harris, Mr. George",male,62,0,0,S.W./PP 752,10.5,,S
573 |
572,1,1,"Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson)",female,53,2,0,11769,51.4792,C101,S
574 |
573,1,1,"Flynn, Mr. John Irwin (""Irving"")",male,36,0,0,PC 17474,26.3875,E25,S
575 |
574,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,14312,7.75,,Q
576 |
575,0,3,"Rush, Mr. Alfred George John",male,16,0,0,A/4. 20589,8.05,,S
577 |
576,0,3,"Patchett, Mr. George",male,19,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
578 |
577,1,2,"Garside, Miss. Ethel",female,34,0,0,243880,13,,S
579 |
578,1,1,"Silvey, Mrs. William Baird (Alice Munger)",female,39,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
580 |
579,0,3,"Caram, Mrs. Joseph (Maria Elias)",female,,1,0,2689,14.4583,,C
581 |
580,1,3,"Jussila, Mr. Eiriik",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101286,7.925,,S
582 |
581,1,2,"Christy, Miss. Julie Rachel",female,25,1,1,237789,30,,S
583 |
582,1,1,"Thayer, Mrs. John Borland (Marian Longstreth Morris)",female,39,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
584 |
583,0,2,"Downton, Mr. William James",male,54,0,0,28403,26,,S
585 |
584,0,1,"Ross, Mr. John Hugo",male,36,0,0,13049,40.125,A10,C
586 |
585,0,3,"Paulner, Mr. Uscher",male,,0,0,3411,8.7125,,C
587 |
586,1,1,"Taussig, Miss. Ruth",female,18,0,2,110413,79.65,E68,S
588 |
587,0,2,"Jarvis, Mr. John Denzil",male,47,0,0,237565,15,,S
589 |
588,1,1,"Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillian",male,60,1,1,13567,79.2,B41,C
590 |
589,0,3,"Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer",male,22,0,0,14973,8.05,,S
591 |
590,0,3,"Murdlin, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A./5. 3235,8.05,,S
592 |
591,0,3,"Rintamaki, Mr. Matti",male,35,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101273,7.125,,S
593 |
592,1,1,"Stephenson, Mrs. Walter Bertram (Martha Eustis)",female,52,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
594 |
593,0,3,"Elsbury, Mr. William James",male,47,0,0,A/5 3902,7.25,,S
595 |
594,0,3,"Bourke, Miss. Mary",female,,0,2,364848,7.75,,Q
596 |
595,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. John Henry",male,37,1,0,SC/AH 29037,26,,S
597 |
596,0,3,"Van Impe, Mr. Jean Baptiste",male,36,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
598 |
597,1,2,"Leitch, Miss. Jessie Wills",female,,0,0,248727,33,,S
599 |
598,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Alfred",male,49,0,0,LINE,0,,S
600 |
599,0,3,"Boulos, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2664,7.225,,C
601 |
600,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund (""Mr Morgan"")",male,49,1,0,PC 17485,56.9292,A20,C
602 |
601,1,2,"Jacobsohn, Mrs. Sidney Samuel (Amy Frances Christy)",female,24,2,1,243847,27,,S
603 |
602,0,3,"Slabenoff, Mr. Petco",male,,0,0,349214,7.8958,,S
604 |
603,0,1,"Harrington, Mr. Charles H",male,,0,0,113796,42.4,,S
605 |
604,0,3,"Torber, Mr. Ernst William",male,44,0,0,364511,8.05,,S
606 |
605,1,1,"Homer, Mr. Harry (""Mr E Haven"")",male,35,0,0,111426,26.55,,C
607 |
606,0,3,"Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson",male,36,1,0,349910,15.55,,S
608 |
607,0,3,"Karaic, Mr. Milan",male,30,0,0,349246,7.8958,,S
609 |
608,1,1,"Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams",male,27,0,0,113804,30.5,,S
610 |
609,1,2,"Laroche, Mrs. Joseph (Juliette Marie Louise Lafargue)",female,22,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
611 |
610,1,1,"Shutes, Miss. Elizabeth W",female,40,0,0,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
612 |
611,0,3,"Andersson, Mrs. Anders Johan (Alfrida Konstantia Brogren)",female,39,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
613 |
612,0,3,"Jardin, Mr. Jose Neto",male,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101305,7.05,,S
614 |
613,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Margaret Jane",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
615 |
614,0,3,"Horgan, Mr. John",male,,0,0,370377,7.75,,Q
616 |
615,0,3,"Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred",male,35,0,0,364512,8.05,,S
617 |
616,1,2,"Herman, Miss. Alice",female,24,1,2,220845,65,,S
618 |
617,0,3,"Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert",male,34,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
619 |
618,0,3,"Lobb, Mrs. William Arthur (Cordelia K Stanlick)",female,26,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
620 |
619,1,2,"Becker, Miss. Marion Louise",female,4,2,1,230136,39,F4,S
621 |
620,0,2,"Gavey, Mr. Lawrence",male,26,0,0,31028,10.5,,S
622 |
621,0,3,"Yasbeck, Mr. Antoni",male,27,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
623 |
622,1,1,"Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr",male,42,1,0,11753,52.5542,D19,S
624 |
623,1,3,"Nakid, Mr. Sahid",male,20,1,1,2653,15.7417,,C
625 |
624,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard",male,21,0,0,350029,7.8542,,S
626 |
625,0,3,"Bowen, Mr. David John ""Dai""",male,21,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
627 |
626,0,1,"Sutton, Mr. Frederick",male,61,0,0,36963,32.3208,D50,S
628 |
627,0,2,"Kirkland, Rev. Charles Leonard",male,57,0,0,219533,12.35,,Q
629 |
628,1,1,"Longley, Miss. Gretchen Fiske",female,21,0,0,13502,77.9583,D9,S
630 |
629,0,3,"Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho",male,26,0,0,349224,7.8958,,S
631 |
630,0,3,"O'Connell, Mr. Patrick D",male,,0,0,334912,7.7333,,Q
632 |
631,1,1,"Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson",male,80,0,0,27042,30,A23,S
633 |
632,0,3,"Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson",male,51,0,0,347743,7.0542,,S
634 |
633,1,1,"Stahelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max",male,32,0,0,13214,30.5,B50,C
635 |
634,0,1,"Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh",male,,0,0,112052,0,,S
636 |
635,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Mabel",female,9,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
637 |
636,1,2,"Davis, Miss. Mary",female,28,0,0,237668,13,,S
638 |
637,0,3,"Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101292,7.925,,S
639 |
638,0,2,"Collyer, Mr. Harvey",male,31,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
640 |
639,0,3,"Panula, Mrs. Juha (Maria Emilia Ojala)",female,41,0,5,3101295,39.6875,,S
641 |
640,0,3,"Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival",male,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
642 |
641,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder",male,20,0,0,350050,7.8542,,S
643 |
642,1,1,"Sagesser, Mlle. Emma",female,24,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
644 |
643,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Margit Elizabeth",female,2,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
645 |
644,1,3,"Foo, Mr. Choong",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
646 |
645,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Eugenie",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
647 |
646,1,1,"Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper",male,48,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
648 |
647,0,3,"Cor, Mr. Liudevit",male,19,0,0,349231,7.8958,,S
649 |
648,1,1,"Simonius-Blumer, Col. Oberst Alfons",male,56,0,0,13213,35.5,A26,C
650 |
649,0,3,"Willey, Mr. Edward",male,,0,0,S.O./P.P. 751,7.55,,S
651 |
650,1,3,"Stanley, Miss. Amy Zillah Elsie",female,23,0,0,CA. 2314,7.55,,S
652 |
651,0,3,"Mitkoff, Mr. Mito",male,,0,0,349221,7.8958,,S
653 |
652,1,2,"Doling, Miss. Elsie",female,18,0,1,231919,23,,S
654 |
653,0,3,"Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen",male,21,0,0,8475,8.4333,,S
655 |
654,1,3,"O'Leary, Miss. Hanora ""Norah""",female,,0,0,330919,7.8292,,Q
656 |
655,0,3,"Hegarty, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,18,0,0,365226,6.75,,Q
657 |
656,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark",male,24,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
658 |
657,0,3,"Radeff, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,349223,7.8958,,S
659 |
658,0,3,"Bourke, Mrs. John (Catherine)",female,32,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
660 |
659,0,2,"Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd",male,23,0,0,29751,13,,S
661 |
660,0,1,"Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster",male,58,0,2,35273,113.275,D48,C
662 |
661,1,1,"Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William",male,50,2,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
663 |
662,0,3,"Badt, Mr. Mohamed",male,40,0,0,2623,7.225,,C
664 |
663,0,1,"Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy",male,47,0,0,5727,25.5875,E58,S
665 |
664,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Peju",male,36,0,0,349210,7.4958,,S
666 |
665,1,3,"Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William",male,20,1,0,STON/O 2. 3101285,7.925,,S
667 |
666,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Lewis",male,32,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
668 |
667,0,2,"Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton",male,25,0,0,234686,13,,S
669 |
668,0,3,"Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust",male,,0,0,312993,7.775,,S
670 |
669,0,3,"Cook, Mr. Jacob",male,43,0,0,A/5 3536,8.05,,S
671 |
670,1,1,"Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Zebley (Juliet Cummins Wright)",female,,1,0,19996,52,C126,S
672 |
671,1,2,"Brown, Mrs. Thomas William Solomon (Elizabeth Catherine Ford)",female,40,1,1,29750,39,,S
673 |
672,0,1,"Davidson, Mr. Thornton",male,31,1,0,F.C. 12750,52,B71,S
674 |
673,0,2,"Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael",male,70,0,0,C.A. 24580,10.5,,S
675 |
674,1,2,"Wilhelms, Mr. Charles",male,31,0,0,244270,13,,S
676 |
675,0,2,"Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings",male,,0,0,239856,0,,S
677 |
676,0,3,"Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar",male,18,0,0,349912,7.775,,S
678 |
677,0,3,"Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles",male,24.5,0,0,342826,8.05,,S
679 |
678,1,3,"Turja, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18,0,0,4138,9.8417,,S
680 |
679,0,3,"Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick (Augusta Tyler)",female,43,1,6,CA 2144,46.9,,S
681 |
680,1,1,"Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez",male,36,0,1,PC 17755,512.3292,B51 B53 B55,C
682 |
681,0,3,"Peters, Miss. Katie",female,,0,0,330935,8.1375,,Q
683 |
682,1,1,"Hassab, Mr. Hammad",male,27,0,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D49,C
684 |
683,0,3,"Olsvigen, Mr. Thor Anderson",male,20,0,0,6563,9.225,,S
685 |
684,0,3,"Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward",male,14,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
686 |
685,0,2,"Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon",male,60,1,1,29750,39,,S
687 |
686,0,2,"Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Lemercier",male,25,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
688 |
687,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold",male,14,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
689 |
688,0,3,"Dakic, Mr. Branko",male,19,0,0,349228,10.1708,,S
690 |
689,0,3,"Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander",male,18,0,0,350036,7.7958,,S
691 |
690,1,1,"Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexandra",female,15,0,1,24160,211.3375,B5,S
692 |
691,1,1,"Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian",male,31,1,0,17474,57,B20,S
693 |
692,1,3,"Karun, Miss. Manca",female,4,0,1,349256,13.4167,,C
694 |
693,1,3,"Lam, Mr. Ali",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
695 |
694,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Khalil",male,25,0,0,2672,7.225,,C
696 |
695,0,1,"Weir, Col. John",male,60,0,0,113800,26.55,,S
697 |
696,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry",male,52,0,0,248731,13.5,,S
698 |
697,0,3,"Kelly, Mr. James",male,44,0,0,363592,8.05,,S
699 |
698,1,3,"Mullens, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,,0,0,35852,7.7333,,Q
700 |
699,0,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland",male,49,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
701 |
700,0,3,"Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen",male,42,0,0,348121,7.65,F G63,S
702 |
701,1,1,"Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)",female,18,1,0,PC 17757,227.525,C62 C64,C
703 |
702,1,1,"Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victor",male,35,0,0,PC 17475,26.2875,E24,S
704 |
703,0,3,"Barbara, Miss. Saiide",female,18,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
705 |
704,0,3,"Gallagher, Mr. Martin",male,25,0,0,36864,7.7417,,Q
706 |
705,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul",male,26,1,0,350025,7.8542,,S
707 |
706,0,2,"Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (""Mr Henry Marshall"")",male,39,0,0,250655,26,,S
708 |
707,1,2,"Kelly, Mrs. Florence ""Fannie""",female,45,0,0,223596,13.5,,S
709 |
708,1,1,"Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington",male,42,0,0,PC 17476,26.2875,E24,S
710 |
709,1,1,"Cleaver, Miss. Alice",female,22,0,0,113781,151.55,,S
711 |
710,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Halim Gonios (""William George"")",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
712 |
711,1,1,"Mayne, Mlle. Berthe Antonine (""Mrs de Villiers"")",female,24,0,0,PC 17482,49.5042,C90,C
713 |
712,0,1,"Klaber, Mr. Herman",male,,0,0,113028,26.55,C124,S
714 |
713,1,1,"Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley",male,48,1,0,19996,52,C126,S
715 |
714,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. August Viktor",male,29,0,0,7545,9.4833,,S
716 |
715,0,2,"Greenberg, Mr. Samuel",male,52,0,0,250647,13,,S
717 |
716,0,3,"Soholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen",male,19,0,0,348124,7.65,F G73,S
718 |
717,1,1,"Endres, Miss. Caroline Louise",female,38,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,C45,C
719 |
718,1,2,"Troutt, Miss. Edwina Celia ""Winnie""",female,27,0,0,34218,10.5,E101,S
720 |
719,0,3,"McEvoy, Mr. Michael",male,,0,0,36568,15.5,,Q
721 |
720,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim",male,33,0,0,347062,7.775,,S
722 |
721,1,2,"Harper, Miss. Annie Jessie ""Nina""",female,6,0,1,248727,33,,S
723 |
722,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz",male,17,1,0,350048,7.0542,,S
724 |
723,0,2,"Gillespie, Mr. William Henry",male,34,0,0,12233,13,,S
725 |
724,0,2,"Hodges, Mr. Henry Price",male,50,0,0,250643,13,,S
726 |
725,1,1,"Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell",male,27,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
727 |
726,0,3,"Oreskovic, Mr. Luka",male,20,0,0,315094,8.6625,,S
728 |
727,1,2,"Renouf, Mrs. Peter Henry (Lillian Jefferys)",female,30,3,0,31027,21,,S
729 |
728,1,3,"Mannion, Miss. Margareth",female,,0,0,36866,7.7375,,Q
730 |
729,0,2,"Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid",male,25,1,0,236853,26,,S
731 |
730,0,3,"Ilmakangas, Miss. Pieta Sofia",female,25,1,0,STON/O2. 3101271,7.925,,S
732 |
731,1,1,"Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton",female,29,0,0,24160,211.3375,B5,S
733 |
732,0,3,"Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N",male,11,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
734 |
733,0,2,"Knight, Mr. Robert J",male,,0,0,239855,0,,S
735 |
734,0,2,"Berriman, Mr. William John",male,23,0,0,28425,13,,S
736 |
735,0,2,"Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron",male,23,0,0,233639,13,,S
737 |
736,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Leslie",male,28.5,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
738 |
737,0,3,"Ford, Mrs. Edward (Margaret Ann Watson)",female,48,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
739 |
738,1,1,"Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J",male,35,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,B101,C
740 |
739,0,3,"Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio",male,,0,0,349201,7.8958,,S
741 |
740,0,3,"Nankoff, Mr. Minko",male,,0,0,349218,7.8958,,S
742 |
741,1,1,"Hawksford, Mr. Walter James",male,,0,0,16988,30,D45,S
743 |
742,0,1,"Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William",male,36,1,0,19877,78.85,C46,S
744 |
743,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Susan Parker ""Suzette""",female,21,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
745 |
744,0,3,"McNamee, Mr. Neal",male,24,1,0,376566,16.1,,S
746 |
745,1,3,"Stranden, Mr. Juho",male,31,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101288,7.925,,S
747 |
746,0,1,"Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford",male,70,1,1,WE/P 5735,71,B22,S
748 |
747,0,3,"Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward",male,16,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
749 |
748,1,2,"Sinkkonen, Miss. Anna",female,30,0,0,250648,13,,S
750 |
749,0,1,"Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner",male,19,1,0,113773,53.1,D30,S
751 |
750,0,3,"Connaghton, Mr. Michael",male,31,0,0,335097,7.75,,Q
752 |
751,1,2,"Wells, Miss. Joan",female,4,1,1,29103,23,,S
753 |
752,1,3,"Moor, Master. Meier",male,6,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
754 |
753,0,3,"Vande Velde, Mr. Johannes Joseph",male,33,0,0,345780,9.5,,S
755 |
754,0,3,"Jonkoff, Mr. Lalio",male,23,0,0,349204,7.8958,,S
756 |
755,1,2,"Herman, Mrs. Samuel (Jane Laver)",female,48,1,2,220845,65,,S
757 |
756,1,2,"Hamalainen, Master. Viljo",male,0.67,1,1,250649,14.5,,S
758 |
757,0,3,"Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid",male,28,0,0,350042,7.7958,,S
759 |
758,0,2,"Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew",male,18,0,0,29108,11.5,,S
760 |
759,0,3,"Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard",male,34,0,0,363294,8.05,,S
761 |
760,1,1,"Rothes, the Countess. of (Lucy Noel Martha Dyer-Edwards)",female,33,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
762 |
761,0,3,"Garfirth, Mr. John",male,,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
763 |
762,0,3,"Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Aijo",male,41,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101272,7.125,,S
764 |
763,1,3,"Barah, Mr. Hanna Assi",male,20,0,0,2663,7.2292,,C
765 |
764,1,1,"Carter, Mrs. William Ernest (Lucile Polk)",female,36,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
766 |
765,0,3,"Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus",male,16,0,0,347074,7.775,,S
767 |
766,1,1,"Hogeboom, Mrs. John C (Anna Andrews)",female,51,1,0,13502,77.9583,D11,S
768 |
767,0,1,"Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson",male,,0,0,112379,39.6,,C
769 |
768,0,3,"Mangan, Miss. Mary",female,30.5,0,0,364850,7.75,,Q
770 |
769,0,3,"Moran, Mr. Daniel J",male,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
771 |
770,0,3,"Gronnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielsen",male,32,0,0,8471,8.3625,,S
772 |
771,0,3,"Lievens, Mr. Rene Aime",male,24,0,0,345781,9.5,,S
773 |
772,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder",male,48,0,0,350047,7.8542,,S
774 |
773,0,2,"Mack, Mrs. (Mary)",female,57,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,E77,S
775 |
774,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Dibo",male,,0,0,2674,7.225,,C
776 |
775,1,2,"Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza Needs)",female,54,1,3,29105,23,,S
777 |
776,0,3,"Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm",male,18,0,0,347078,7.75,,S
778 |
777,0,3,"Tobin, Mr. Roger",male,,0,0,383121,7.75,F38,Q
779 |
778,1,3,"Emanuel, Miss. Virginia Ethel",female,5,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
780 |
779,0,3,"Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas J",male,,0,0,36865,7.7375,,Q
781 |
780,1,1,"Robert, Mrs. Edward Scott (Elisabeth Walton McMillan)",female,43,0,1,24160,211.3375,B3,S
782 |
781,1,3,"Ayoub, Miss. Banoura",female,13,0,0,2687,7.2292,,C
783 |
782,1,1,"Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera Gillespie)",female,17,1,0,17474,57,B20,S
784 |
783,0,1,"Long, Mr. Milton Clyde",male,29,0,0,113501,30,D6,S
785 |
784,0,3,"Johnston, Mr. Andrew G",male,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
786 |
785,0,3,"Ali, Mr. William",male,25,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101312,7.05,,S
787 |
786,0,3,"Harmer, Mr. Abraham (David Lishin)",male,25,0,0,374887,7.25,,S
788 |
787,1,3,"Sjoblom, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18,0,0,3101265,7.4958,,S
789 |
788,0,3,"Rice, Master. George Hugh",male,8,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
790 |
789,1,3,"Dean, Master. Bertram Vere",male,1,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
791 |
790,0,1,"Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin",male,46,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B82 B84,C
792 |
791,0,3,"Keane, Mr. Andrew ""Andy""",male,,0,0,12460,7.75,,Q
793 |
792,0,2,"Gaskell, Mr. Alfred",male,16,0,0,239865,26,,S
794 |
793,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Stella Anna",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
795 |
794,0,1,"Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher",male,,0,0,PC 17600,30.6958,,C
796 |
795,0,3,"Dantcheff, Mr. Ristiu",male,25,0,0,349203,7.8958,,S
797 |
796,0,2,"Otter, Mr. Richard",male,39,0,0,28213,13,,S
798 |
797,1,1,"Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham)",female,49,0,0,17465,25.9292,D17,S
799 |
798,1,3,"Osman, Mrs. Mara",female,31,0,0,349244,8.6833,,S
800 |
799,0,3,"Ibrahim Shawah, Mr. Yousseff",male,30,0,0,2685,7.2292,,C
801 |
800,0,3,"Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (Rosalie Paula Govaert)",female,30,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
802 |
801,0,2,"Ponesell, Mr. Martin",male,34,0,0,250647,13,,S
803 |
802,1,2,"Collyer, Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte Annie Tate)",female,31,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
804 |
803,1,1,"Carter, Master. William Thornton II",male,11,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
805 |
804,1,3,"Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander",male,0.42,0,1,2625,8.5167,,C
806 |
805,1,3,"Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid",male,27,0,0,347089,6.975,,S
807 |
806,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan",male,31,0,0,347063,7.775,,S
808 |
807,0,1,"Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr",male,39,0,0,112050,0,A36,S
809 |
808,0,3,"Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia",female,18,0,0,347087,7.775,,S
810 |
809,0,2,"Meyer, Mr. August",male,39,0,0,248723,13,,S
811 |
810,1,1,"Chambers, Mrs. Norman Campbell (Bertha Griggs)",female,33,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
812 |
811,0,3,"Alexander, Mr. William",male,26,0,0,3474,7.8875,,S
813 |
812,0,3,"Lester, Mr. James",male,39,0,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
814 |
813,0,2,"Slemen, Mr. Richard James",male,35,0,0,28206,10.5,,S
815 |
814,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ebba Iris Alfrida",female,6,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
816 |
815,0,3,"Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage",male,30.5,0,0,364499,8.05,,S
817 |
816,0,1,"Fry, Mr. Richard",male,,0,0,112058,0,B102,S
818 |
817,0,3,"Heininen, Miss. Wendla Maria",female,23,0,0,STON/O2. 3101290,7.925,,S
819 |
818,0,2,"Mallet, Mr. Albert",male,31,1,1,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
820 |
819,0,3,"Holm, Mr. John Fredrik Alexander",male,43,0,0,C 7075,6.45,,S
821 |
820,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Karl Thorsten",male,10,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
822 |
821,1,1,"Hays, Mrs. Charles Melville (Clara Jennings Gregg)",female,52,1,1,12749,93.5,B69,S
823 |
822,1,3,"Lulic, Mr. Nikola",male,27,0,0,315098,8.6625,,S
824 |
823,0,1,"Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John George",male,38,0,0,19972,0,,S
825 |
824,1,3,"Moor, Mrs. (Beila)",female,27,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
826 |
825,0,3,"Panula, Master. Urho Abraham",male,2,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
827 |
826,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. John",male,,0,0,368323,6.95,,Q
828 |
827,0,3,"Lam, Mr. Len",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
829 |
828,1,2,"Mallet, Master. Andre",male,1,0,2,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
830 |
829,1,3,"McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph",male,,0,0,367228,7.75,,Q
831 |
830,1,1,"Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Martha Evelyn)",female,62,0,0,113572,80,B28,
832 |
831,1,3,"Yasbeck, Mrs. Antoni (Selini Alexander)",female,15,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
833 |
832,1,2,"Richards, Master. George Sibley",male,0.83,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
834 |
833,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Amin",male,,0,0,2671,7.2292,,C
835 |
834,0,3,"Augustsson, Mr. Albert",male,23,0,0,347468,7.8542,,S
836 |
835,0,3,"Allum, Mr. Owen George",male,18,0,0,2223,8.3,,S
837 |
836,1,1,"Compton, Miss. Sara Rebecca",female,39,1,1,PC 17756,83.1583,E49,C
838 |
837,0,3,"Pasic, Mr. Jakob",male,21,0,0,315097,8.6625,,S
839 |
838,0,3,"Sirota, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,392092,8.05,,S
840 |
839,1,3,"Chip, Mr. Chang",male,32,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
841 |
840,1,1,"Marechal, Mr. Pierre",male,,0,0,11774,29.7,C47,C
842 |
841,0,3,"Alhomaki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf",male,20,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101287,7.925,,S
843 |
842,0,2,"Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles",male,16,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,,S
844 |
843,1,1,"Serepeca, Miss. Augusta",female,30,0,0,113798,31,,C
845 |
844,0,3,"Lemberopolous, Mr. Peter L",male,34.5,0,0,2683,6.4375,,C
846 |
845,0,3,"Culumovic, Mr. Jeso",male,17,0,0,315090,8.6625,,S
847 |
846,0,3,"Abbing, Mr. Anthony",male,42,0,0,C.A. 5547,7.55,,S
848 |
847,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
849 |
848,0,3,"Markoff, Mr. Marin",male,35,0,0,349213,7.8958,,C
850 |
849,0,2,"Harper, Rev. John",male,28,0,1,248727,33,,S
851 |
850,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mrs. Samuel L (Edwiga Grabowska)",female,,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
852 |
851,0,3,"Andersson, Master. Sigvard Harald Elias",male,4,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
853 |
852,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Johan",male,74,0,0,347060,7.775,,S
854 |
853,0,3,"Boulos, Miss. Nourelain",female,9,1,1,2678,15.2458,,C
855 |
854,1,1,"Lines, Miss. Mary Conover",female,16,0,1,PC 17592,39.4,D28,S
856 |
855,0,2,"Carter, Mrs. Ernest Courtenay (Lilian Hughes)",female,44,1,0,244252,26,,S
857 |
856,1,3,"Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen)",female,18,0,1,392091,9.35,,S
858 |
857,1,1,"Wick, Mrs. George Dennick (Mary Hitchcock)",female,45,1,1,36928,164.8667,,S
859 |
858,1,1,"Daly, Mr. Peter Denis ",male,51,0,0,113055,26.55,E17,S
860 |
859,1,3,"Baclini, Mrs. Solomon (Latifa Qurban)",female,24,0,3,2666,19.2583,,C
861 |
860,0,3,"Razi, Mr. Raihed",male,,0,0,2629,7.2292,,C
862 |
861,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter",male,41,2,0,350026,14.1083,,S
863 |
862,0,2,"Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward",male,21,1,0,28134,11.5,,S
864 |
863,1,1,"Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel (Margaret Welles Barron)",female,48,0,0,17466,25.9292,D17,S
865 |
864,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith ""Dolly""",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
866 |
865,0,2,"Gill, Mr. John William",male,24,0,0,233866,13,,S
867 |
866,1,2,"Bystrom, Mrs. (Karolina)",female,42,0,0,236852,13,,S
868 |
867,1,2,"Duran y More, Miss. Asuncion",female,27,1,0,SC/PARIS 2149,13.8583,,C
869 |
868,0,1,"Roebling, Mr. Washington Augustus II",male,31,0,0,PC 17590,50.4958,A24,S
870 |
869,0,3,"van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon",male,,0,0,345777,9.5,,S
871 |
870,1,3,"Johnson, Master. Harold Theodor",male,4,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
872 |
871,0,3,"Balkic, Mr. Cerin",male,26,0,0,349248,7.8958,,S
873 |
872,1,1,"Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny)",female,47,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
874 |
873,0,1,"Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof",male,33,0,0,695,5,B51 B53 B55,S
875 |
874,0,3,"Vander Cruyssen, Mr. Victor",male,47,0,0,345765,9,,S
876 |
875,1,2,"Abelson, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah Wizosky)",female,28,1,0,P/PP 3381,24,,C
877 |
876,1,3,"Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie ""Jane""",female,15,0,0,2667,7.225,,C
878 |
877,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian",male,20,0,0,7534,9.8458,,S
879 |
878,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Nedelio",male,19,0,0,349212,7.8958,,S
880 |
879,0,3,"Laleff, Mr. Kristo",male,,0,0,349217,7.8958,,S
881 |
880,1,1,"Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Alexenia Wilson)",female,56,0,1,11767,83.1583,C50,C
882 |
881,1,2,"Shelley, Mrs. William (Imanita Parrish Hall)",female,25,0,1,230433,26,,S
883 |
882,0,3,"Markun, Mr. Johann",male,33,0,0,349257,7.8958,,S
884 |
883,0,3,"Dahlberg, Miss. Gerda Ulrika",female,22,0,0,7552,10.5167,,S
885 |
884,0,2,"Banfield, Mr. Frederick James",male,28,0,0,C.A./SOTON 34068,10.5,,S
886 |
885,0,3,"Sutehall, Mr. Henry Jr",male,25,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392076,7.05,,S
887 |
886,0,3,"Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret Norton)",female,39,0,5,382652,29.125,,Q
888 |
887,0,2,"Montvila, Rev. Juozas",male,27,0,0,211536,13,,S
889 |
888,1,1,"Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith",female,19,0,0,112053,30,B42,S
890 |
889,0,3,"Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen ""Carrie""",female,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
891 |
890,1,1,"Behr, Mr. Karl Howell",male,26,0,0,111369,30,C148,C
892 |
891,0,3,"Dooley, Mr. Patrick",male,32,0,0,370376,7.75,,Q
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
1 |
2 |
"cells": [
3 |
4 |
"cell_type": "code",
5 |
"execution_count": 38,
6 |
"metadata": {},
7 |
"outputs": [],
8 |
"source": [
9 |
"# Libraries\n",
10 |
"import pandas as pd\n",
11 |
"import numpy as np\n",
12 |
"import seaborn as sns\n",
13 |
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
14 |
"from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n",
15 |
"from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier\n",
16 |
"from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score"
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
"cell_type": "code",
21 |
"execution_count": null,
22 |
"metadata": {},
23 |
"outputs": [],
24 |
"source": [
25 |
"# Load\n",
26 |
"train_df = pd.read_csv(\"datasets/train.csv\")"
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
"cell_type": "code",
31 |
"execution_count": null,
32 |
"metadata": {},
33 |
"outputs": [],
34 |
"source": [
35 |
"# Preprocess\n",
36 |
"train_df[\"Age\"] = train_df[\"Age\"].fillna(train_df[\"Age\"].median())\n",
37 |
38 |
"train_df[\"Embarked\"] = train_df[\"Embarked\"].fillna(train_df[\"Embarked\"].mode()[0])\n",
39 |
40 |
"train_df[\"Sex\"] = train_df[\"Sex\"].map({\"male\": 0, \"female\": 1})\n",
41 |
42 |
"train_df = pd.get_dummies(train_df, columns=[\"Embarked\"], drop_first=True)\n",
43 |
44 |
"train_df[\"FamilySize\"] = train_df[\"SibSp\"] + train_df[\"Parch\"] + 1\n",
45 |
46 |
"train_df.drop([\"Name\", \"Ticket\", \"Cabin\", \"PassengerId\"], axis=1, inplace=True)"
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
"cell_type": "code",
51 |
"execution_count": 35,
52 |
"metadata": {},
53 |
"outputs": [],
54 |
"source": [
55 |
"# Split\n",
56 |
"X = train_df.drop(\"Survived\", axis=1)\n",
57 |
"y = train_df[\"Survived\"]\n",
58 |
"X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)"
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
"cell_type": "code",
63 |
"execution_count": 36,
64 |
"metadata": {},
65 |
"outputs": [
66 |
67 |
"data": {
68 |
"text/html": [
69 |
"<style>#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
70 |
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71 |
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72 |
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73 |
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74 |
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75 |
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76 |
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77 |
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78 |
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79 |
" /* Definition of color scheme for fitted estimators */\n",
80 |
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81 |
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82 |
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83 |
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90 |
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92 |
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93 |
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94 |
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95 |
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96 |
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97 |
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98 |
99 |
100 |
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101 |
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102 |
103 |
104 |
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106 |
107 |
108 |
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118 |
119 |
120 |
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121 |
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122 |
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123 |
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124 |
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125 |
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126 |
127 |
128 |
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129 |
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130 |
" but bootstrap.min.css set `[hidden] { display: none !important; }`\n",
131 |
" so we also need the `!important` here to be able to override the\n",
132 |
" default hidden behavior on the sphinx rendered\n",
133 |
" See: */\n",
134 |
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135 |
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136 |
137 |
138 |
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139 |
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140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
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145 |
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146 |
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147 |
" background-size: 2px 100%;\n",
148 |
" background-repeat: no-repeat;\n",
149 |
" background-position: center center;\n",
150 |
151 |
152 |
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153 |
154 |
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155 |
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156 |
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157 |
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158 |
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159 |
160 |
161 |
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162 |
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163 |
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164 |
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165 |
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166 |
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167 |
168 |
169 |
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170 |
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171 |
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172 |
173 |
174 |
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175 |
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176 |
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177 |
178 |
179 |
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180 |
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181 |
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182 |
183 |
184 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
185 |
" width: 0;\n",
186 |
187 |
188 |
"/* Serial-specific style estimator block */\n",
189 |
190 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
191 |
" display: flex;\n",
192 |
" flex-direction: column;\n",
193 |
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194 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-background);\n",
195 |
" padding-right: 1em;\n",
196 |
" padding-left: 1em;\n",
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
"/* Toggleable style: style used for estimator/Pipeline/ColumnTransformer box that is\n",
201 |
"clickable and can be expanded/collapsed.\n",
202 |
"- Pipeline and ColumnTransformer use this feature and define the default style\n",
203 |
"- Estimators will overwrite some part of the style using the `sk-estimator` class\n",
204 |
205 |
206 |
"/* Pipeline and ColumnTransformer style (default) */\n",
207 |
208 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
209 |
" /* Default theme specific background. It is overwritten whether we have a\n",
210 |
" specific estimator or a Pipeline/ColumnTransformer */\n",
211 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-background);\n",
212 |
213 |
214 |
"/* Toggleable label */\n",
215 |
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216 |
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217 |
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218 |
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219 |
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220 |
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221 |
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222 |
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223 |
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224 |
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225 |
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226 |
227 |
228 |
"#sk-container-id-4 .caption {\n",
229 |
" font-size: 0.6rem;\n",
230 |
" font-weight: lighter;\n",
231 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text-muted);\n",
232 |
233 |
234 |
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235 |
" /* Arrow on the left of the label */\n",
236 |
" content: \"▸\";\n",
237 |
" float: left;\n",
238 |
" margin-right: 0.25em;\n",
239 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-icon);\n",
240 |
241 |
242 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
243 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text);\n",
244 |
245 |
246 |
"/* Toggleable content - dropdown */\n",
247 |
248 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
249 |
" max-height: 0;\n",
250 |
" max-width: 0;\n",
251 |
" overflow: hidden;\n",
252 |
" text-align: left;\n",
253 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
254 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-0);\n",
255 |
256 |
257 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
258 |
" /* fitted */\n",
259 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-0);\n",
260 |
261 |
262 |
"#sk-container-id-4 pre {\n",
263 |
" margin: 0.2em;\n",
264 |
" border-radius: 0.25em;\n",
265 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text);\n",
266 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
267 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-0);\n",
268 |
269 |
270 |
"#sk-container-id-4 pre {\n",
271 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
272 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-0);\n",
273 |
274 |
275 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
276 |
" /* Expand drop-down */\n",
277 |
" max-height: 200px;\n",
278 |
" max-width: 100%;\n",
279 |
" overflow: auto;\n",
280 |
281 |
282 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
283 |
" content: \"▾\";\n",
284 |
285 |
286 |
"/* Pipeline/ColumnTransformer-specific style */\n",
287 |
288 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
289 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text);\n",
290 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-2);\n",
291 |
292 |
293 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
294 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-2);\n",
295 |
296 |
297 |
"/* Estimator-specific style */\n",
298 |
299 |
"/* Colorize estimator box */\n",
300 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
301 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
302 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-2);\n",
303 |
304 |
305 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
306 |
" /* fitted */\n",
307 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-2);\n",
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
"#sk-container-id-4 label {\n",
312 |
" /* The background is the default theme color */\n",
313 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text-on-default-background);\n",
314 |
315 |
316 |
"/* On hover, darken the color of the background */\n",
317 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
318 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text);\n",
319 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-2);\n",
320 |
321 |
322 |
"/* Label box, darken color on hover, fitted */\n",
323 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
324 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text);\n",
325 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-2);\n",
326 |
327 |
328 |
"/* Estimator label */\n",
329 |
330 |
"#sk-container-id-4 label {\n",
331 |
" font-family: monospace;\n",
332 |
" font-weight: bold;\n",
333 |
" display: inline-block;\n",
334 |
" line-height: 1.2em;\n",
335 |
336 |
337 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
338 |
" text-align: center;\n",
339 |
340 |
341 |
"/* Estimator-specific */\n",
342 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
343 |
" font-family: monospace;\n",
344 |
" border: 1px dotted var(--sklearn-color-border-box);\n",
345 |
" border-radius: 0.25em;\n",
346 |
" box-sizing: border-box;\n",
347 |
" margin-bottom: 0.5em;\n",
348 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
349 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-0);\n",
350 |
351 |
352 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
353 |
" /* fitted */\n",
354 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-0);\n",
355 |
356 |
357 |
"/* on hover */\n",
358 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
359 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
360 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-2);\n",
361 |
362 |
363 |
"#sk-container-id-4 {\n",
364 |
" /* fitted */\n",
365 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-2);\n",
366 |
367 |
368 |
"/* Specification for estimator info (e.g. \"i\" and \"?\") */\n",
369 |
370 |
"/* Common style for \"i\" and \"?\" */\n",
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
" {\n",
375 |
" float: right;\n",
376 |
" font-size: smaller;\n",
377 |
" line-height: 1em;\n",
378 |
" font-family: monospace;\n",
379 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-background);\n",
380 |
" border-radius: 1em;\n",
381 |
" height: 1em;\n",
382 |
" width: 1em;\n",
383 |
" text-decoration: none !important;\n",
384 |
" margin-left: 0.5em;\n",
385 |
" text-align: center;\n",
386 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
387 |
" border: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-1) 1pt solid;\n",
388 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-1);\n",
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
" {\n",
394 |
" /* fitted */\n",
395 |
" border: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-1) 1pt solid;\n",
396 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-1);\n",
397 |
398 |
399 |
"/* On hover */\n",
400 |
" .sk-estimator-doc-link:hover,\n",
401 |
402 |
" .sk-estimator-doc-link:hover,\n",
403 |
".sk-estimator-doc-link:hover {\n",
404 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
405 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-3);\n",
406 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-background);\n",
407 |
" text-decoration: none;\n",
408 |
409 |
410 |
" .sk-estimator-doc-link.fitted:hover,\n",
411 |
412 |
" .sk-estimator-doc-link.fitted:hover,\n",
413 |
".sk-estimator-doc-link.fitted:hover {\n",
414 |
" /* fitted */\n",
415 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-3);\n",
416 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-background);\n",
417 |
" text-decoration: none;\n",
418 |
419 |
420 |
"/* Span, style for the box shown on hovering the info icon */\n",
421 |
".sk-estimator-doc-link span {\n",
422 |
" display: none;\n",
423 |
" z-index: 9999;\n",
424 |
" position: relative;\n",
425 |
" font-weight: normal;\n",
426 |
" right: .2ex;\n",
427 |
" padding: .5ex;\n",
428 |
" margin: .5ex;\n",
429 |
" width: min-content;\n",
430 |
" min-width: 20ex;\n",
431 |
" max-width: 50ex;\n",
432 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-text);\n",
433 |
" box-shadow: 2pt 2pt 4pt #999;\n",
434 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
435 |
" background: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-0);\n",
436 |
" border: .5pt solid var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-3);\n",
437 |
438 |
439 |
".sk-estimator-doc-link.fitted span {\n",
440 |
" /* fitted */\n",
441 |
" background: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-0);\n",
442 |
" border: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-3);\n",
443 |
444 |
445 |
".sk-estimator-doc-link:hover span {\n",
446 |
" display: block;\n",
447 |
448 |
449 |
"/* \"?\"-specific style due to the `<a>` HTML tag */\n",
450 |
451 |
"#sk-container-id-4 a.estimator_doc_link {\n",
452 |
" float: right;\n",
453 |
" font-size: 1rem;\n",
454 |
" line-height: 1em;\n",
455 |
" font-family: monospace;\n",
456 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-background);\n",
457 |
" border-radius: 1rem;\n",
458 |
" height: 1rem;\n",
459 |
" width: 1rem;\n",
460 |
" text-decoration: none;\n",
461 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
462 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-1);\n",
463 |
" border: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-1) 1pt solid;\n",
464 |
465 |
466 |
"#sk-container-id-4 a.estimator_doc_link.fitted {\n",
467 |
" /* fitted */\n",
468 |
" border: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-1) 1pt solid;\n",
469 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-1);\n",
470 |
471 |
472 |
"/* On hover */\n",
473 |
"#sk-container-id-4 a.estimator_doc_link:hover {\n",
474 |
" /* unfitted */\n",
475 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-unfitted-level-3);\n",
476 |
" color: var(--sklearn-color-background);\n",
477 |
" text-decoration: none;\n",
478 |
479 |
480 |
"#sk-container-id-4 a.estimator_doc_link.fitted:hover {\n",
481 |
" /* fitted */\n",
482 |
" background-color: var(--sklearn-color-fitted-level-3);\n",
483 |
484 |
"</style><div id=\"sk-container-id-4\" class=\"sk-top-container\"><div class=\"sk-text-repr-fallback\"><pre>RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1)</pre><b>In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook. <br />On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with</b></div><div class=\"sk-container\" hidden><div class=\"sk-item\"><div class=\"sk-estimator fitted sk-toggleable\"><input class=\"sk-toggleable__control sk-hidden--visually\" id=\"sk-estimator-id-4\" type=\"checkbox\" checked><label for=\"sk-estimator-id-4\" class=\"sk-toggleable__label fitted sk-toggleable__label-arrow\"><div><div>RandomForestClassifier</div></div><div><a class=\"sk-estimator-doc-link fitted\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">?<span>Documentation for RandomForestClassifier</span></a><span class=\"sk-estimator-doc-link fitted\">i<span>Fitted</span></span></div></label><div class=\"sk-toggleable__content fitted\"><pre>RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1)</pre></div> </div></div></div></div>"
485 |
486 |
"text/plain": [
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
"execution_count": 36,
491 |
"metadata": {},
492 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
493 |
494 |
495 |
"source": [
496 |
"# Train\n",
497 |
"model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=1)\n",
498 |
", y_train)"
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
"cell_type": "code",
503 |
"execution_count": 40,
504 |
"metadata": {},
505 |
"outputs": [
506 |
507 |
"name": "stdout",
508 |
"output_type": "stream",
509 |
"text": [
510 |
"Accuracy: 0.7821229050279329\n",
511 |
"Precision: 0.7931034482758621\n",
512 |
"Recall: 0.6301369863013698\n",
513 |
"F1 Score: 0.7022900763358778\n",
514 |
"Classification Report:\n",
515 |
" precision recall f1-score support\n",
516 |
517 |
" 0 0.78 0.89 0.83 106\n",
518 |
" 1 0.79 0.63 0.70 73\n",
519 |
520 |
" accuracy 0.78 179\n",
521 |
" macro avg 0.78 0.76 0.77 179\n",
522 |
"weighted avg 0.78 0.78 0.78 179\n",
523 |
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
"data": {
528 |
"image/png": "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529 |
"text/plain": [
530 |
"<Figure size 640x480 with 2 Axes>"
531 |
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"metadata": {},
534 |
"output_type": "display_data"
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"source": [
538 |
"# Evaluation\n",
539 |
"y_pred = model.predict(X_val)\n",
540 |
"y_pred = model.predict(X_val)\n",
541 |
"print(\"Accuracy:\", accuracy_score(y_val, y_pred))\n",
542 |
"print(\"Precision:\", precision_score(y_val, y_pred))\n",
543 |
"print(\"Recall:\", recall_score(y_val, y_pred))\n",
544 |
"print(\"F1 Score:\", f1_score(y_val, y_pred))\n",
545 |
"print(\"Classification Report:\\n\", classification_report(y_val, y_pred))\n",
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"sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_val, y_pred), annot=True, fmt=\"d\", cmap=\"Blues\")\n",
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"metadata": {
552 |
"kernelspec": {
553 |
"display_name": "venv",
554 |
"language": "python",
555 |
"name": "python3"
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"language_info": {
558 |
"codemirror_mode": {
559 |
"name": "ipython",
560 |
"version": 3
561 |
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"file_extension": ".py",
563 |
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
564 |
"name": "python",
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"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
566 |
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
567 |
"version": "3.11.7"
568 |
569 |
570 |
"nbformat": 4,
571 |
"nbformat_minor": 2
572 |
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