import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict import as px # Title and file upload st.title("Enhanced Duty Roster Generator with Role-Specific Assignments") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your availability spreadsheet with roles", type=["csv", "xlsx"]) # Multi-shift configuration shifts = st.multiselect("Select shifts for each day", ["Morning", "Afternoon", "Night"], ["Morning", "Afternoon"]) shift_requirements = {shift: st.number_input(f"Personnel required for {shift} shift", min_value=1, value=1) for shift in shifts} if uploaded_file: # Load the file if'.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) else: df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file) # Display data and allow user to confirm roles st.write("Personnel Availability and Roles Data:") st.dataframe(df) # Generate duty roster with roles def generate_duty_roster_with_roles(data, shifts, shift_reqs): roster = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for day in range(1, 31): # Example with 30 days for shift in shifts: role_counts = defaultdict(int) assigned_today = 0 for _, row in data.iterrows(): name = row['Name'] role = row['Role'] unavailable_days = set(map(int, row['Unavailable Days'].split(','))) if day not in unavailable_days and role_counts[role] < shift_reqs[shift]: roster[day][shift].append((name, role)) role_counts[role] += 1 assigned_today += 1 if assigned_today == shift_reqs[shift]: break # If unable to meet required personnel, mark as unassigned if assigned_today < shift_reqs[shift]: roster[day][shift].append(("Unassigned", "N/A")) return roster # Generate and display the duty roster duty_roster = generate_duty_roster_with_roles(df, shifts, shift_requirements) # Display the roster with roles and shifts st.write("Generated Duty Roster with Roles:") for day, shifts in duty_roster.items(): st.write(f"Day {day}:") for shift, personnel in shifts.items(): st.write(f"{shift} Shift: {', '.join([f'{p[0]} ({p[1]})' for p in personnel])}") # Interactive Calendar Visualization flattened_data = [] for day, shifts in duty_roster.items(): for shift, personnel in shifts.items(): for name, role in personnel: flattened_data.append({"Day": day, "Shift": shift, "Personnel": name, "Role": role}) df_roster = pd.DataFrame(flattened_data) fig = px.timeline(df_roster, x_start="Day", x_end="Day", y="Personnel", color="Shift", title="Duty Roster Calendar View") st.plotly_chart(fig) # Downloadable individual schedules st.write("Download Individual Schedules:") for person in df['Name'].unique(): person_schedule = df_roster[df_roster['Personnel'] == person] person_csv = person_schedule.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8') st.download_button(f"Download Schedule for {person}", data=person_csv, file_name=f"{person}_schedule.csv", mime="text/csv") # Scheduling Insights and Analytics st.write("Scheduling Insights:") personnel_counts = df_roster.groupby("Personnel").size() st.bar_chart(personnel_counts) st.write(f"Total shifts assigned per person: {personnel_counts.to_dict()}") st.write("Days with unassigned shifts:") unassigned_days = df_roster[df_roster['Personnel'] == "Unassigned"] st.write(unassigned_days[['Day', 'Shift']].drop_duplicates())