import requests | |
import pandas as pd | |
import re | |
import math | |
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict | |
def fetch_osm_data(lat: float, lon: float, radius: int) -> List[Dict]: | |
overpass_url = "" | |
overpass_query = f""" | |
[out:json]; | |
( | |
node["name"](around:{radius},{lat},{lon}); | |
way["name"](around:{radius},{lat},{lon}); | |
relation["name"](around:{radius},{lat},{lon}); | |
); | |
out center; | |
""" | |
response = requests.get(overpass_url, params={'data': overpass_query}) | |
data = response.json() | |
return data['elements'] | |
def determine_location_type(tags: Dict[str, str]) -> str: | |
# Residential | |
if 'building' in tags and tags['building'] in ['residential', 'house', 'apartments', 'detached', 'terrace', 'dormitory', 'bungalow']: | |
return 'Residential' | |
# Commercial | |
if any(key in tags for key in ['shop', 'office', 'craft']): | |
return 'Commercial' | |
if 'building' in tags and tags['building'] in ['commercial', 'office', 'retail', 'supermarket', 'kiosk']: | |
return 'Commercial' | |
# Industrial | |
if 'building' in tags and tags['building'] in ['industrial', 'warehouse', 'factory', 'manufacture']: | |
return 'Industrial' | |
if 'industrial' in tags or 'industry' in tags: | |
return 'Industrial' | |
# Educational | |
if 'amenity' in tags and tags['amenity'] in ['school', 'university', 'college', 'library', 'kindergarten', 'language_school']: | |
return 'Educational' | |
# Healthcare | |
if 'amenity' in tags and tags['amenity'] in ['hospital', 'clinic', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'pharmacy', 'veterinary']: | |
return 'Healthcare' | |
# Food & Drink | |
if 'amenity' in tags and tags['amenity'] in ['restaurant', 'cafe', 'bar', 'fast_food', 'pub', 'food_court']: | |
return 'Food & Drink' | |
# Leisure & Entertainment | |
if 'leisure' in tags or 'tourism' in tags: | |
return 'Leisure & Entertainment' | |
if 'amenity' in tags and tags['amenity'] in ['theatre', 'cinema', 'nightclub', 'arts_centre', 'community_centre']: | |
return 'Leisure & Entertainment' | |
# Transportation | |
if 'amenity' in tags and tags['amenity'] in ['parking', 'bicycle_parking', 'bus_station', 'ferry_terminal']: | |
return 'Transportation' | |
if 'highway' in tags or 'railway' in tags or 'aeroway' in tags: | |
return 'Transportation' | |
# Religious | |
if 'amenity' in tags and tags['amenity'] in ['place_of_worship', 'monastery']: | |
return 'Religious' | |
# Government & Public Services | |
if 'amenity' in tags and tags['amenity'] in ['townhall', 'courthouse', 'police', 'fire_station', 'post_office']: | |
return 'Government & Public Services' | |
# Parks & Recreation | |
if 'leisure' in tags and tags['leisure'] in ['park', 'playground', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'garden']: | |
return 'Parks & Recreation' | |
# Natural | |
if 'natural' in tags: | |
return 'Natural' | |
# Landuse | |
if 'landuse' in tags: | |
landuse = tags['landuse'].capitalize() | |
if landuse in ['Residential', 'Commercial', 'Industrial', 'Retail']: | |
return landuse | |
else: | |
return f'Landuse: {landuse}' | |
# If no specific category is found, return 'Other' | |
return 'Other' | |
def parse_osm_data(elements: List[Dict]) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
parsed_data = [] | |
for element in elements: | |
tags = element.get('tags', {}) | |
parsed_element = { | |
'ID': f"{element['type']}_{element['id']}", | |
'Location Name': tags.get('name', ''), | |
'Location Type': determine_location_type(tags) | |
} | |
parsed_data.append(parsed_element) | |
if len(parsed_data) == 0: | |
return pd.DataFrame(columns=['ID', 'Location Name', 'Location Type']) | |
return pd.DataFrame(parsed_data) | |
def get_osm_data(lat: float, lon: float, radius: int) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
raw_data = fetch_osm_data(lat, lon, radius) | |
return parse_osm_data(raw_data) | |
def dms_to_decimal(coord_str): | |
# Regular expression to match the coordinate format | |
pattern = r'(\d+)°(\d+)\'([\d.]+)"([NS])\s*(\d+)°(\d+)\'([\d.]+)"([EW])' | |
match = re.match(pattern, coord_str) | |
if not match: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid coordinate format. Expected format: 19°03'08.6\"N 72°54'06.0\"E") | |
lat_deg, lat_min, lat_sec, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_sec, lon_dir = match.groups() | |
# Convert to decimal degrees | |
lat = float(lat_deg) + float(lat_min)/60 + float(lat_sec)/3600 | |
lon = float(lon_deg) + float(lon_min)/60 + float(lon_sec)/3600 | |
# Adjust sign based on direction | |
if lat_dir == 'S': | |
lat = -lat | |
if lon_dir == 'W': | |
lon = -lon | |
return lat, lon | |
def calculate_distant_points(lat: float, lon: float, distance: float) -> tuple: | |
# Earth's radius in meters | |
R = 6371000 | |
# Convert latitude and longitude to radians | |
lat_rad = math.radians(lat) | |
lon_rad = math.radians(lon) | |
# Calculate the point with the same latitude (moving east-west) | |
delta_lon = distance / (R * math.cos(lat_rad)) | |
lon1 = lon + math.degrees(delta_lon) | |
# Calculate the point with the same longitude (moving north-south) | |
delta_lat = distance / R | |
lat2 = lat + math.degrees(delta_lat) | |
return ((lat, lon1), (lat2, lon)) | |
## 2d map grid (0,0) --> bottom left | |
def create_map_grid(bottom_left: Tuple[float, float], top_right: Tuple[float, float], rows: int, cols: int) -> List[List[Tuple[float, float]]]: | |
grid = [] | |
lat_unit = (top_right[0] - bottom_left[0]) / rows | |
lon_unit = (top_right[1] - bottom_left[1]) / cols | |
for i in range(rows): | |
row = [] | |
for j in range(cols): | |
lat = bottom_left[0] + i * lat_unit | |
lon = bottom_left[1] + j * lon_unit | |
lat = lat + lat_unit / 2 | |
lon = lon + lon_unit / 2 | |
row.append((lat, lon)) | |
grid.append(row) | |
return grid | |
## entire pipeline | |
# left_lat = 18.889833 | |
# left_lon = 72.779844 | |
# dist = 35 | |
def input_filter(lat=None, lon=None, string=None): | |
if lat != None: | |
return (lat, lon) | |
elif string != None: | |
latitude, longitude = dms_to_decimal(string) | |
return (latitude, longitude) | |
else: | |
return None | |
def get_data(bottom_left_lat, bottom_left_lon, dist): | |
result = calculate_distant_points(bottom_left_lat, bottom_left_lon, 1000*dist) | |
top_right_lat = result[1][0] | |
top_right_lon = result[0][1] | |
grid = create_map_grid((bottom_left_lat, bottom_left_lon), (top_right_lat, top_right_lon), dist, dist) | |
grid_dataset = [] | |
for i, row in enumerate(grid): | |
for j, point in enumerate(row): | |
result_df = get_osm_data(point[0], point[1], 710) | |
# print(result_df.head(3)) | |
labelled_df = result_df[result_df['Location Type'] != 'Other'] | |
labelled_df = labelled_df[labelled_df['Location Type'] != 'Religious'] | |
labelled_df = labelled_df[labelled_df['Location Type'] != 'Transportation'] | |
loc_types = [] | |
for row in labelled_df.iterrows(): | |
loc_type = (row[1]['Location Name'], row[1]['Location Type']) | |
if loc_type not in loc_types: | |
loc_types.append(loc_type) | |
labelled_df = pd.DataFrame(loc_types, columns=['Location Name', 'Location Type']) | |
row_of_dataset = '' | |
for row in labelled_df.iterrows(): | |
row_text = row[1]['Location Name'] + ' is a ' + row[1]['Location Type'] | |
row_of_dataset += row_text + '; ' | |
## replacing any coma in the text with a blank space | |
row_of_dataset = row_of_dataset.replace(',', ' ') | |
grid_row = {"row": i, "col": j, "latitude": point[0], "longitude": point[1], "Map Data": row_of_dataset} | |
grid_dataset.append(grid_row) | |
grid_df = pd.DataFrame(grid_dataset) | |
return grid_df | |
# grid_df.to_csv('MMR_DATASET.csv', index=False) |