import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import numpy as np from scipy.fft import fft, fftfreq # Core Analysis Functions def detect_cycles(data): N = len(data) yf = fft(data) xf = fftfreq(N, 1)[:N//2] dominant_freq = xf[np.argmax(np.abs(yf[0:N//2]))] return int(1/dominant_freq) def analyze_data(url): try: df = pd.read_csv(url) values = df.sum(numeric_only=True).diff().fillna(0).values return { "cycles": detect_cycles(values), "trend": "↑ Increasing" if values[-1] > values[-30] else "↓ Decreasing" } except Exception as e: return {"error": str(e)} # Chatbot Logic def respond(message, history): if "analyze" in message.lower(): url = message.split()[-1] result = analyze_data(url) if "error" in result: return f"❌ Error: {result['error']}" return f"""**Analysis Results:** - 🔄 Dominant Cycle: {result['cycles']} days - 📈 30-Day Trend: {result['trend']} """ elif any(w in message.lower() for w in ["hi", "hello", "help"]): return """**Welcome to DeepSeek Analyst!** 🤖 Send me a CSV URL to analyze time-series data. Example: `analyze` """ return "I specialize in data analysis. Send me a CSV URL to get started!" # Gradio Interface gr.ChatInterface( respond, chatbot=gr.Chatbot(height=400), textbox=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Paste CSV URL here...", scale=7), title="DeepSeek Analysis Chatbot", description="Upload or paste CSV URLs to detect cycles and trends", examples=[[ "analyze" ]], theme="soft", retry_btn=None, undo_btn=None, clear_btn="🗑️ Clear" ).launch()