import argparse import logging import time from typing import Tuple, Union import warnings # Ignore UserWarning from shap warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) log = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc import numpy as np import pandas as pd from dash import dcc, html from dash.dependencies import Input, Output from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from load import ( add_bias, get_classifier, get_fairsd_result_set, load_data, get_shap_logloss, ) from dash_app.config import APP_NAME from dash_app.main import app from dash_app.views.confusion_matrix import CMchart from import get_subgroup_dropdown_options from plot import ( get_data_distr_charts, get_data_table, get_feat_bar, get_feat_box, get_feat_val_violin_plot, get_feat_val_violin_plots, get_feat_val_box, get_feat_val_bar, get_feat_table, get_sg_hist, plot_calibration_curve, plot_roc_curves, ) from metrics import ( Y_PRED_METRICS, get_qf_from_str, get_quality_metric_from_str, sort_quality_metrics_df, ) def prepare_app( n_samples=0, dataset="adult", bias=False, test_split=0.3, model="rf", sensitive_features=None ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, pd.Index]: """Loads the data and trains the classifier Args: n_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to load. Defaults to 0. dataset (str, optional): Name of the dataset to load. Defaults to "adult". bias (Union[str, bool], optional): Type of bias to add to the dataset. Defaults to False. If set to "random", adds random noise to a random feature for a random subset of the data. If set to "swap", swaps the values of a random feature for a random subset of the data. Returns: Tuple: X_test, y_true_test, y_pred, y_pred_prob, shap_logloss_df, y_df """ # Loading and training ( X_test, y_true_train, y_true_test, onehot_X_train, onehot_X_test, cat_features, ) = load_data(n_samples=n_samples, dataset=dataset, test_split=test_split, sensitive_features=sensitive_features) random_subgroup = pd.Series( np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(X_test), p=[0.5, 0.5]) ) if dataset == "adult" and bias: add_bias(bias, X_test, onehot_X_test, random_subgroup) classifier, y_pred_prob = get_classifier( onehot_X_train, y_true_train, onehot_X_test, model=model ) shap_logloss_df = get_shap_logloss( classifier, onehot_X_test, y_true_test, X_test, cat_features ) return X_test, y_true_test, y_pred_prob, shap_logloss_df, random_subgroup def run_app( n_samples: int, dataset: str, bias: Union[str, bool] = False, random_subgroup=False, test_split=True, model="rf", depth=1, min_support=100, min_support_ratio=0.1, min_quality=0.01, sensitive_features=None, ): """Runs the app with the given qf_metric""" use_random_subgroup = ( random_subgroup or bias ) # When evaluating bias, we want to evaluate against a random subgroup start = time.time() ( X_test_global, y_true_global_test, y_pred_prob_global, shap_logloss_df_global, random_subgroup_global, ) = prepare_app( n_samples=n_samples, dataset=dataset, bias=bias, test_split=test_split, model=model, sensitive_features=sensitive_features, ) app.layout = html.Div( id="app-container", children=[ dcc.Store(id="result-set-dict"), # Header dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( id="left-column", children=[ dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( html.H5(APP_NAME), style={ "align-items": "center", "height": "fit-content", "white-space": "nowrap", "width": 4, }, ), dbc.Col( html.H6( "0. Subgroup Discovery Metric: ", ), style={ "display": "flex", "align-items": "center", "height": "fit-content", "justify-content": "right", "width": 4, }, ), dbc.Col( dcc.Dropdown( id="fairness-metric-dropdown", options=[ { "label": "Equalized Odds Difference", "value": "equalized_odds_diff", }, { "label": "Avg Log Loss Difference", "value": "average_log_loss_diff", }, { "label": "AUROC (ROC AUC) Difference", "value": "auroc_diff", }, { "label": "Miscalibration Difference", "value": "miscalibration_diff", }, { "label": "Brier Score Difference", "value": "brier_score_diff", }, { "label": "Accuracy Difference", "value": "acc_diff", }, { "label": "F1-score Difference", "value": "f1_diff", }, { "label": "False Positive Rate Difference", "value": "fpr_diff", }, { "label": "True Positive Rate Difference", "value": "tpr_diff", }, { "label": "False Negative Rate Difference", "value": "fnr_diff", }, ], value="average_log_loss_diff", # Disable clearing clearable=False, ) ), ] ), ], ), dbc.Col( id="right-column", children=[ dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( html.Center( html.H6("1. Select Subgroup: "), ), width=3, style={ "align-items": "right", "height": "fit-content", }, ), dbc.Col( dcc.Dropdown( id="subgroup-dropdown", options=[], style={ "align-items": "left", "height": "fit-content", }, # Disable clearing clearable=False, ), width=9, style={ "align-items": "left", "height": "fit-content", }, ), ], ) ], ), ], style={"height": "5vh"}, ), dcc.Tabs( id="tabs", value="impact", children=[ dcc.Tab( id="impact", label="2. Underperformance Overview", value="impact", children=[ # Split the tab into two columns html.Div( className="row", children=[ html.Div( className="six columns", children=[ html.H6( "Full Dataset Baseline", style={ "border-bottom": "3px solid #d3d3d3", "font-weight": "normal", }, ), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( html.Div( id="simple-baseline-table", className="six-columns", children="Wait for the baseline to load...", style={ "align-items": "center", "height": "fit-content", }, ), ), dbc.Col( dcc.Graph( id="simple-baseline-conf", style={ "align-items": "center", "height": "fit-content", "height": "20vh", "font-size": "0.8rem", }, ) ), ] ), ), ] ), html.Br(), dcc.Graph(id="simple-baseline-hist"), # html.H6( # "Select decision threshold for the model:" # ), # dcc.Slider( # 0.1, # 0.9, # 0.1, # value=0.5, # id="simple-baseline-threshold-slider", # ), ], style={ "textAlign": "center", "margin-right": "0.5", }, ), html.Div( className="six columns", children=[ html.H6( "Selected Subgroup", style={ "border-bottom": "3px solid #d3d3d3", "font-weight": "normal", }, ), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ html.Div( id="simple-subgroup-col", className="six-columns", children="Select subgroup and wait for the visualizations to load. ", style={ "align-items": "center", "height": "fit-content", }, ), ] ), dbc.Col( dcc.Graph( id="simple-subgroup-conf", style={ "height": "20vh", "font-size": "0.4rem", }, ) ), ] ), html.Br(), dcc.Graph(id="simple-subgroup-hist"), ], style={ "textAlign": "center", # "border-left": "3px solid #d3d3d3", "margin-left": "1", }, ), ], ), ], ), dcc.Tab( label="3. Performance and Calibration", value="performance_tab", children=[ html.Div( className="row", children=[ dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ dcc.Graph( id="perf-roc", ), ] ), dbc.Col( [ dcc.Graph( id="calibration_curve", ), html.H6( "Select number of bins for the calibration plot:" ), dcc.Slider( 4, 20, 1, value=10, id="calibration-slider", ), ] ), ] ), ], style={"align-items": "center"}, ), ], ), dcc.Tab( label="4. Loss contributions per feature", value="feature_contributions_tab", children=[ dbc.Row( [ dcc.Graph( id="feat-bar", style={ "align-items": "center", "height": "fit-content", "font-size": "0.8rem", }, ), ] ), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ html.H6( "Select significance level alpha for the Kolgomorov Smirnoff (KS) test - Data table rows in bold are considered significant: " ), dcc.Slider( 0.01, 0.1, 0.01, value=0.05, id="feat-alpha-slider", ), html.H6( "Select rounding level (number of decimal points) for SHAP values in the KS test: " ), dcc.Slider( 0, 7, 1, value=2, id="feat-sensitivity-slider", ), html.H6( "Rounding level is the decimal point level at which SHAP values should be rounded because they are considered 'distinct'," + " in order to avoid detecting statistically significant but minor differences between distributions in the KS test." ), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.H6("Select aggregation method for feature contributions:"), ]), dbc.Col([ dcc.Dropdown( id="feat-agg-dropdown", options=[ { "label": "Statistical summary (box)", "value": "box", }, { "label": "Distribution details (violin)", "value": "violin", }, { "label": "Mean (bar)", "value": "mean", }, { "label": "Median (bar)", "value": "median", }, { "label": "Mean difference (bar)", "value": "mean_diff", }, { "label": "Sum", # Weighted sum in this context is literally the mean "value": "sum", }, ], value="mean", style={ "align-items": "center", "text-align": "center", }, # Disable clearing clearable=False, ), ]), ]) ] ), html.Br(), dbc.Col( [ html.Div( id="feat-table-col", className="six-columns", children="Data table for feature contributions. Select a subgroup to update the table.", style={ "align-items": "center", "height": "fit-content", }, ), ] ), ] ), ], ), dcc.Tab( label="5. Loss contributions per feature value", value="feature_value_contributions_tab", children=[ html.Div( className="row", children=[ dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ html.H6( "Select feature for value contributions:" ), dcc.Dropdown( id="feat-val-feature-dropdown", options=[ {"label": col, "value": col} for col in X_test_global.columns ], value=X_test_global.columns[0], style={ "align-items": "center", "width": "50%", "text-align": "center", }, # Disable clearing clearable=False, ), ] ), dbc.Col([ html.H6("Select aggregation method for feature value contributions:"), dcc.Dropdown( id="feat-val-agg-dropdown", options=[ { "label": "Mean", "value": "mean", }, { "label": "Median", "value": "median", }, { "label": "Sum (Total)", "value": "sum", }, { "label": "Sum (weighted)", "value": "sum_weighted", }, # { # "label": "Statistical summary (box plot)", # "value": "box", # }, # FIXME: Box plots should be next to each other not on top { "label": "Distribution details (violin)", "value": "violin", }, ], value="sum_weighted", style={ "align-items": "center", "text-align": "center", "width": "50%", }, # Disable clearing clearable=False, ), ]), ] ), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dcc.Graph(id="feat-val-plot"), ]), html.Br(), dcc.Slider( 2, 20, 2, value=8, id="feat-val-hist-slider" ), ], style={"align-items": "center"}, ), ], ), dcc.Tab( label="6. Class Imbalances", value="data_tab", children=[ # Split into two equal width columns with headers html.Div( className="row", children=[ dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ html.H6( "Select feature for distribution plots:" ), dcc.Dropdown( id="data-feature-dropdown", options=[ {"label": col, "value": col} for col in X_test_global.columns ], value=X_test_global.columns[0], style={ "align-items": "center", "text-align": "center", "border-bottom": "3px solid #d3d3d3" }, # Disable clearing clearable=False, ), ] ), dbc.Col( [ html.H6("Select class of samples to plot:"), dcc.Dropdown( id="data-label-dropdown", options=[ {"label": "All", "value": "all"}, {"label": "Positive samples only", "value": 1}, {"label": "Negative samples only", "value": 0}, ], value="all", style={ "align-items": "center", "text-align": "center", "border-bottom": "3px solid #d3d3d3" }, # Disable clearing clearable=False, ), ] ), dbc.Col( [ # Dropdown for percentage/absolute values html.H6( "Select aggregation method for distribution plots:" ), dcc.Dropdown( id="data-agg-dropdown", options=[ { "label": "Percentage", "value": "percentage", }, { "label": "Count", "value": "count", }, ], value="percentage", style={ "align-items": "center", "text-align": "center", "border-bottom": "3px solid #d3d3d3" }, # Disable clearing clearable=False, ), ] ), ] ), html.Br(), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col([ dcc.Graph(id="data-class-dist-plot"), ]), dbc.Col([ dcc.Graph(id="data-pred-dist-plot"), ]), ] ), html.H6( "Select (max) number of bins (numerical features only):" ), dcc.Slider( 5, 30, 5, value=10, id="data-hist-slider" ), ], style={"align-items": "center"}, ), ], ), ], # Set headers to bold font style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), ], ) @app.callback( Output("simple-baseline-table", "children"), Output("simple-baseline-conf", "figure"), Output("simple-baseline-hist", "figure"), Output("subgroup-dropdown", "options"), Output("result-set-dict", "data"), Input("fairness-metric-dropdown", "value"), # Input("simple-baseline-threshold-slider", "value"), ) def get_baseline_stats_and_subgroups(metric, threshold=0.5): if not metric: raise PreventUpdate y_true = y_true_global_test.copy() y_pred_prob = y_pred_prob_global.copy() if metric in Y_PRED_METRICS: y_pred = (y_pred_prob >= threshold).astype(int) else: y_pred = y_pred_prob.copy() y_df = pd.DataFrame({"y_true": y_true, "probability": y_pred_prob}) y_df["category"] = y_df.apply( lambda row: "TP" if row["y_true"] == 1 and row["probability"] >= threshold else "FP" if row["y_true"] == 0 and row["probability"] >= threshold else "FN" if row["y_true"] == 1 and row["probability"] < threshold else "TN", axis=1, ) baseline_descr = "Full dataset baseline" baseline_data_table = get_data_table( baseline_descr, y_true, y_pred, y_pred_prob, qf_metric=metric, sg_feature=pd.Series([True] * y_true.shape[0]), # We do not update number of bins here to prevent rerunning DSSD. Default number of bins should be enough for the baseline generally ) baseline_conf_mat = CMchart( "Confusion Matrix", y_true, (y_pred_prob >= threshold).astype(int) ).fig baseline_hist = get_sg_hist( y_df, title="Histogram of prediction probabilities on the full dataset" ) if use_random_subgroup: sg_feature = random_subgroup_global.copy() # Replace the result_set_df with a synthetic random subgroup sg_y_pred = ( y_pred[sg_feature] if metric in Y_PRED_METRICS else y_pred_prob[sg_feature] ) sg_y_true = y_true[sg_feature] name = "Random subgroup" if bias: name += f" with bias" result_set_df = pd.DataFrame( { "quality": [None], "description": [name], "size": [sum(sg_feature)], "proportion": [sum(sg_feature) / len(sg_feature)], "metric_score": [ get_quality_metric_from_str(metric)(sg_y_true, sg_y_pred) ], } ) result_set_json = { "descriptions": ["Random subgroup"], "sg_features": [sg_feature.to_json()], "metric": metric, } return ( baseline_data_table, baseline_conf_mat, baseline_hist, get_subgroup_dropdown_options(result_set_df, metric), result_set_json, ) else: result_set = get_fairsd_result_set( X_test_global, y_true_global_test, y_pred, qf=get_qf_from_str(metric), # method="between_groups", method="to_overall", depth=depth, min_support=min_support, min_support_ratio=min_support_ratio, max_support_ratio=0.5, # To prevent finding majority subgroups logging_level=logging.INFO, sensitive_features=sensitive_features, min_quality=min_quality, ) result_set_df = result_set.to_dataframe() metrics = [] for idx in range(len(result_set_df)): description = result_set.get_description(idx) sg_feature = description.to_boolean_array(X_test_global) sg_y_pred = ( y_pred[sg_feature] if metric in Y_PRED_METRICS else y_pred_prob[sg_feature] ) sg_y_true = y_true[sg_feature] metrics.append( get_quality_metric_from_str(metric)(sg_y_true, sg_y_pred) ) result_set_df["metric_score"] = metrics result_set_df = sort_quality_metrics_df(result_set_df, metric) return ( baseline_data_table, baseline_conf_mat, baseline_hist, get_subgroup_dropdown_options(result_set_df, metric), result_set.to_json( X_test_global, metric, result_set_df ), # Store the result set representation in the data store ) # Get feature value plot based on subgroup and feature selection @app.callback( Output("feat-val-plot", "figure"), Input("feat-val-feature-dropdown", "value"), Input("subgroup-dropdown", "value"), Input("result-set-dict", "data"), Input("feat-val-hist-slider", "value"), Input("feat-val-agg-dropdown", "value"), ) def get_feat_val_plot(feature, subgroup, data, nbins, agg): """Produces a violin chart or line plot with the feature value contributions for the selected subgroup""" if not feature: raise PreventUpdate if subgroup is None: raise PreventUpdate if not nbins: print("Error: No bins selected. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate if len(data["descriptions"]) == 0: print("Error: No subgroups found. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate description = data["descriptions"][subgroup] sg_feature = pd.read_json(data["sg_features"][subgroup], typ="series") if agg == "violin": return get_feat_val_violin_plot( X_test_global.copy(), shap_logloss_df_global.copy(), sg_feature, feature, description, nbins=nbins, ) elif agg == "box": return get_feat_val_box( X_test_global.copy(), shap_logloss_df_global.copy(), sg_feature=sg_feature, feature=feature, description=description, nbins=nbins, ) else: return get_feat_val_bar( X_test_global.copy(), shap_logloss_df_global.copy(), sg_feature=sg_feature, feature=feature, description=description, nbins=nbins, agg=agg, ) # Get calibration plot based on subgroup and slider selection @app.callback( Output("calibration_curve", "figure"), Input("calibration-slider", "value"), Input("subgroup-dropdown", "value"), Input("result-set-dict", "data"), ) def get_calibration_plot(slider_value, subgroup, data): """Produces a calibration plot for the selected subgroup""" if not slider_value: raise PreventUpdate if subgroup is None: raise PreventUpdate if len(data["sg_features"]) == 0: print("Error: No subgroups found. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate sg_feature = pd.read_json(data["sg_features"][subgroup], typ="series") y_true = y_true_global_test.copy() y_pred_prob = y_pred_prob_global.copy() return plot_calibration_curve( y_true, y_pred_prob, sg_feature, n_bins=slider_value ) # Get data distributions based on subgroup selection @app.callback( Output("data-class-dist-plot", "figure"), Output("data-pred-dist-plot", "figure"), Input("data-feature-dropdown", "value"), Input("data-agg-dropdown", "value"), Input("subgroup-dropdown", "value"), Input("result-set-dict", "data"), Input("data-hist-slider", "value"), Input("data-label-dropdown", "value"), # Input("simple-baseline-threshold-slider", "value"), ) def get_data_feat_distr(feature, agg, subgroup, data, bins, class_label, threshold=0.5): """Produces a bar chart or line plot with the data feature values counts for the selected subgroup""" if not feature: raise PreventUpdate if not agg: raise PreventUpdate if subgroup is None: raise PreventUpdate if not bins: logging.error("Error: No bins selected. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate try: description = data["descriptions"][subgroup] sg_feature = pd.read_json(data["sg_features"][subgroup], typ="series") except IndexError: print("Subgroup not found. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate y_pred_prob = y_pred_prob_global.copy() y_pred = (y_pred_prob >= threshold).astype(int) y_true = y_true_global_test.copy() X_test = X_test_global.copy() if class_label in (0, 1): y_pred = y_pred[y_true == class_label] X_test = X_test[y_true == class_label] class_plot, pred_plot = get_data_distr_charts( X_test, y_pred, sg_feature, feature, description, bins, agg ) return class_plot, pred_plot # Get feat-table-col @app.callback( Output("feat-table-col", "children"), Input("subgroup-dropdown", "value"), Input("result-set-dict", "data"), Input("feat-alpha-slider", "value"), Input("feat-sensitivity-slider", "value"), ) def get_feat_table_col(subgroup, data, alpha, sensitivity): """Returns the feature contributions table for the selected subgroup""" if subgroup is None: raise PreventUpdate if not alpha: alpha = 0.05 if len(data["descriptions"]) == 0: print("Error: No subgroups found. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate sg_feature = pd.read_json(data["sg_features"][subgroup], typ="series") shap_df = shap_logloss_df_global.copy() return get_feat_table( shap_values_df=shap_df, sg_feature=sg_feature, sensitivity=sensitivity, alpha=alpha, ) # Get plots based on the subgroup selection @app.callback( Output("simple-subgroup-col", "children"), Output("simple-subgroup-conf", "figure"), Output("simple-subgroup-hist", "figure"), Output("perf-roc", "figure"), Output("feat-bar", "figure"), Input("result-set-dict", "data"), Input("subgroup-dropdown", "value"), Input("calibration-slider", "value"), Input("feat-agg-dropdown", "value"), # Input("simple-baseline-threshold-slider", "value"), ) def get_subgroup_stats(data, subgroup, nbins, agg, threshold=0.5): """Returns the group description and updates the charts of the selected subgroup""" if subgroup is None: # TODO: Return baseline-only plots when no subgroup is selected raise PreventUpdate if len(data["descriptions"]) == 0: print("Error: No subgroups found. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate if not nbins: print("Error: No bins selected. This should not happen.") raise PreventUpdate sg_feature = pd.read_json(data["sg_features"][subgroup], typ="series") description = data["descriptions"][subgroup] subgroup_description = str(description).replace(" ", "") subgroup_description = subgroup_description.replace("AND", " AND ") metric = data["metric"] y_true = y_true_global_test.copy() y_pred_prob = y_pred_prob_global.copy() y_pred = (y_pred_prob >= threshold).astype(int) y_df = pd.DataFrame({"y_true": y_true, "probability": y_pred_prob}) y_df["category"] = y_df.apply( lambda row: "TP" if row["y_true"] == 1 and row["probability"] >= threshold else "FP" if row["y_true"] == 0 and row["probability"] >= threshold else "FN" if row["y_true"] == 1 and row["probability"] < threshold else "TN", axis=1, ) shap_values_df = shap_logloss_df_global.copy() sg_hist = get_sg_hist(y_df[sg_feature]) sg_data_table = get_data_table( subgroup_description, y_true, y_pred, y_pred_prob, qf_metric=metric, sg_feature=sg_feature, n_bins=nbins, ) roc_fig = plot_roc_curves( y_true, y_pred_prob, sg_feature, title="ROC for subgroup and baseline" ) sg_conf_mat = CMchart( "Confusion Matrix", y_true_global_test[sg_feature], y_pred[sg_feature] ).fig if agg == "box": # Get a box plot with the feature importances for sg and baseline feat_plot = get_feat_box(shap_values_df, sg_feature=sg_feature) elif agg == "violin": # Get a violin chart with the feature importances for sg and baseline feat_plot = get_feat_val_violin_plots( shap_values_df, sg_feature=sg_feature ) else: feat_plot = get_feat_bar(shap_values_df, sg_feature=sg_feature, agg=agg) return (sg_data_table, sg_conf_mat, sg_hist, roc_fig, feat_plot) print("App startup time (s): ", time.time() - start)'', port=7860, debug=False) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-n", "--n_samples", type=int, default=0, help="Number of samples to use for the app. Use 0 to load the entire dataset.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dataset", type=str, default="adult", help="Dataset to be used in the evaluation. Available options are: 'adult', 'credit_g', 'heloc'", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--random_subgroup", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag whether to use a random subgroup for evaluation", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--bias", type=str, default=False, help="Type of bias to add to the dataset", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--test_split", default=0.3, help="Ratio of samples selected for the test set used for visualizations. 0 and 1 will use the full dataset for the training and test set (useful with smaller models).", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--model", type=str, default="rf", help="Model to use for the evaluation. Available options are: 'rf', 'dt', 'xgb'", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--depth", type=int, default=1, help="Depth of the subgroup discovery algorithm search", ) parser.add_argument( "--min_support", type=int, default=100, help="Minimum support (subgroup size) for the subgroup discovery algorithm", ) parser.add_argument( "--min_support_ratio", type=float, default=0.1, help="Min support ratio for the subgroup discovery algorithm", ) parser.add_argument( "--min_quality", type=float, default=0.01, help="Minimum quality for the subgroup discovery algorithm", ) parser.add_argument( "--sensitive_features", type=str, nargs="+", help="List of sensitive features to use for the subgroup discovery algorithm", ) args = parser.parse_args() run_app( args.n_samples, args.dataset, args.bias, args.random_subgroup, args.test_split, args.model, args.depth, args.min_support, args.min_support_ratio, args.min_quality, args.sensitive_features, )