adaface-animate / adaface /
adaface-neurips's picture
update code
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers import CLIPTokenizer, CLIPImageProcessor
from .arc2face_models import CLIPTextModelWrapper
from ConsistentID.lib.pipeline_ConsistentID import ConsistentIDPipeline
from .util import perturb_tensor, pad_image_obj_to_square, \
calc_stats, patch_clip_image_encoder_with_mask, CLIPVisionModelWithMask
from adaface.subj_basis_generator import SubjBasisGenerator
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import Image
from import FaceAnalysis
import os
from omegaconf.listconfig import ListConfig
# adaface_encoder_types can be a list of one or more encoder types.
# adaface_ckpt_paths can be one or a list of ckpt paths.
# adaface_encoder_cfg_scales is None, or a list of scales for the adaface encoder types.
def create_id2ada_prompt_encoder(adaface_encoder_types, adaface_ckpt_paths=None,
adaface_encoder_cfg_scales=None, enabled_encoders=None,
*args, **kwargs):
if len(adaface_encoder_types) == 1:
adaface_encoder_type = adaface_encoder_types[0]
adaface_ckpt_path = adaface_ckpt_paths[0] if adaface_ckpt_paths is not None else None
if adaface_encoder_type == 'arc2face':
id2ada_prompt_encoder = \
*args, **kwargs)
elif adaface_encoder_type == 'consistentID':
id2ada_prompt_encoder = \
*args, **kwargs)
id2ada_prompt_encoder = Joint_FaceID2AdaPrompt(adaface_encoder_types, adaface_ckpt_paths,
adaface_encoder_cfg_scales, enabled_encoders,
*args, **kwargs)
return id2ada_prompt_encoder
class FaceID2AdaPrompt(nn.Module):
# To be initialized in derived classes.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Initialize model components.
# These components of ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt will be shared with the teacher model.
# So we don't initialize them in the ctor(), but borrow them from the teacher model.
# These components of Arc2Face_ID2AdaPrompt will be initialized in its ctor().
self.clip_image_encoder = None
self.clip_preprocessor = None
self.face_app = None
self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder = None
self.tokenizer = None
self.dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', torch.float16)
self.img2txt_dtype = kwargs.get('img2txt_dtype', torch.float16)
self.device = torch.device("cpu")
# Load Img2Ada SubjectBasisGenerator.
self.subject_string = kwargs.get('subject_string', 'z')
self.adaface_ckpt_path = kwargs.get('adaface_ckpt_path', None)
self.subj_basis_generator = None
# -1: use the default scale for the adaface encoder type.
# i.e., 6 for arc2face and 1 for consistentID.
self.out_id_embs_cfg_scale = kwargs.get('out_id_embs_cfg_scale', -1)
self.is_training = kwargs.get('is_training', False)
# extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier is an integer >= 1.
# TODO: extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier should be a list of integers.
self.extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier = kwargs.get('extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier', 1)
self.prompt2token_proj_ext_attention_perturb_ratio = kwargs.get('prompt2token_proj_ext_attention_perturb_ratio', 0.1)
# Set model behavior configurations.
self.gen_neg_img_prompt = False
self.clip_neg_features = None
self.use_clip_embs = False
self.do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features = False
# Override the default setting in derived classes.
if 'enable_static_img_suffix_embs' in kwargs:
self.default_enable_static_img_suffix_embs = kwargs['enable_static_img_suffix_embs']
# num_id_vecs is the output embeddings of the ID2ImgPrompt module.
# If there's no static image suffix embeddings, then num_id_vecs is also
# the number of ada embeddings returned by the subject basis generator.
# num_id_vecs will be set in each derived class.
self.num_static_img_suffix_embs = kwargs.get('num_static_img_suffix_embs', 0)
print(f'{} Adaface uses {self.num_id_vecs} ID image embeddings + {self.num_static_img_suffix_embs} fixed image embeddings as input.')
self.id_img_prompt_max_length = 77
self.face_id_dim = 512
# clip_embedding_dim: by default it's the OpenAI CLIP embedding dim.
# Could be overridden by derived classes.
self.clip_embedding_dim = 1024
self.output_dim = 768
# init_img2txt_projection() can only be called after the derived class is initialized,
# when self.num_id_vecs0, self.num_static_img_suffix_embs and self.clip_embedding_dim have been set.
def init_img2txt_projection(self):
self.subj_basis_generator = \
num_id_vecs = self.num_id_vecs0,
num_static_img_suffix_embs = self.num_static_img_suffix_embs,
bg_image_embedding_dim = self.clip_embedding_dim,
output_dim = self.output_dim,
placeholder_is_bg = False,
def load_adaface_ckpt(self, adaface_ckpt_path):
if isinstance(adaface_ckpt_path, (list, tuple, ListConfig)):
adaface_ckpt_path = adaface_ckpt_path[0]
ckpt = torch.load(adaface_ckpt_path, map_location='cpu', weights_only=False)
string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict = ckpt["string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict"]
if self.subject_string not in string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict:
print(f"Subject '{self.subject_string}' not found in the embedding manager.")
ckpt_subj_basis_generator = string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict[self.subject_string]
if isinstance(ckpt_subj_basis_generator, nn.ModuleList):
name2idx = { 'consistentID': 0, 'arc2face': 1 }
subj_basis_generator_idx = name2idx[]
ckpt_subj_basis_generator = ckpt_subj_basis_generator[subj_basis_generator_idx]
ckpt_subj_basis_generator.N_ID = self.num_id_vecs0
# Since we directly use the subject basis generator object from the ckpt,
# fixing the number of static image suffix embeddings is much simpler.
# Otherwise if we want to load the subject basis generator from its state_dict,
# things are more complicated, see embedding manager's load().
ckpt_subj_basis_generator.N_SFX = self.num_static_img_suffix_embs
# obj_proj_in and pos_embs are for non-faces. So they are useless for human faces.
ckpt_subj_basis_generator.obj_proj_in = None
ckpt_subj_basis_generator.pos_embs = None
# Handle differences in num_static_img_suffix_embs between the current model and the ckpt.
ckpt_subj_basis_generator.initialize_static_img_suffix_embs(self.num_static_img_suffix_embs, img_prompt_dim=self.output_dim)
# Fix missing variables in old ckpt.
ckpt_subj_basis_generator.prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers, -1, -1, 1, perturb_std=0)
ret = self.subj_basis_generator.load_state_dict(ckpt_subj_basis_generator.state_dict(), strict=False)
print(f"{adaface_ckpt_path}: subject basis generator loaded for '{}'.")
if ret is not None and len(ret.missing_keys) > 0:
print(f"Missing keys: {ret.missing_keys}")
if ret is not None and len(ret.unexpected_keys) > 0:
print(f"Unexpected keys: {ret.unexpected_keys}")
# extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier is an integer >= 1.
# TODO: extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier should be a list of integers.
# If extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier > 1, then after loading state_dict,
# extend subj_basis_generator again.
if self.extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier > 1:
# During this extension, the added noise does change the extra copies of attention weights, since they are not in the ckpt.
# During training, prompt2token_proj_ext_attention_perturb_ratio == 0.1.
# During inference, prompt2token_proj_ext_attention_perturb_ratio == 0.
None, -1, -1, self.extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier,
def set_out_id_embs_cfg_scale(self, out_id_embs_cfg_scale):
if isinstance(out_id_embs_cfg_scale, (list, tuple, ListConfig)):
out_id_embs_cfg_scale = out_id_embs_cfg_scale[0]
self.out_id_embs_cfg_scale = out_id_embs_cfg_scale
def get_clip_neg_features(self, BS):
if self.clip_neg_features is None:
# neg_pixel_values: [1, 3, 224, 224]. clip_neg_features is invariant to the actual image.
neg_pixel_values = torch.zeros([1, 3, 224, 224], device=self.clip_image_encoder.device, dtype=self.dtype)
# Precompute CLIP negative features for the negative image prompt.
self.clip_neg_features = self.clip_image_encoder(neg_pixel_values, attn_mask=None, output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states[-2]
clip_neg_features = self.clip_neg_features.repeat(BS, 1, 1)
return clip_neg_features
# image_objs: a list of np array / tensor / Image objects of different sizes [Hi, Wi].
# If image_objs is a list of tensors, then each tensor should be [3, Hi, Wi].
# If image_objs is None, then image_paths should be provided,
# and image_objs will be loaded from image_paths.
# fg_masks: None, or a list of [Hi, Wi].
def extract_init_id_embeds_from_images(self, image_objs, image_paths, fg_masks=None,
size=(512, 512), calc_avg=False,
skip_non_faces=True, return_clip_embs=None,
# If return_clip_embs or do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features is not provided,
# then use their default values.
if return_clip_embs is None:
return_clip_embs = self.use_clip_embs
if do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features is None:
do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features = self.do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features
# clip_image_encoder should be already put on GPU.
# So its .device is the device of its parameters.
device = self.clip_image_encoder.device
image_pixel_values = []
all_id_embs = []
faceless_img_count = 0
if image_objs is None and image_paths is not None:
image_objs = []
for image_path in image_paths:
image_obj =
print(f'Loaded {len(image_objs)} images from {image_paths[0]}...')
# image_objs could be a batch of images that have been collated into a tensor or np array.
# image_objs can also be a list of images.
# The code below that processes them one by one can be applied in both cases.
# If image_objs are a collated batch, processing them one by one will not add much overhead.
for idx, image_obj in enumerate(image_objs):
if return_clip_embs:
# input to clip_preprocessor: an image or a batch of images, each being PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray,
# torch.Tensor, tf.Tensor or jax.ndarray.
# Different sizes of images are standardized to the same size 224*224.
clip_image_pixel_values = self.clip_preprocessor(images=image_obj, return_tensors="pt").pixel_values
# Convert tensor to numpy array.
if isinstance(image_obj, torch.Tensor):
image_obj = image_obj.cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
if isinstance(image_obj, np.ndarray):
image_obj = Image.fromarray(image_obj)
# Resize image_obj to (512, 512). The scheme is Image.NEAREST, to be consistent with
# PersonalizedBase dataset class.
image_obj, _, _ = pad_image_obj_to_square(image_obj)
image_np = np.array(image_obj.resize(size, Image.NEAREST))
face_info = self.face_app.get(cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
if len(face_info) > 0:
face_info = sorted(face_info, key=lambda x:(x['bbox'][2]-x['bbox'][0])*x['bbox'][3]-x['bbox'][1])[-1] # only use the maximum face
# id_emb: [512,]
id_emb = torch.from_numpy(face_info.normed_embedding)
faceless_img_count += 1
print(f'No face detected in {image_paths[idx]}.', end=' ')
if not skip_non_faces:
print('Replace with random face embedding.')
# During training, use a random tensor as the face embedding.
id_emb = torch.randn(512)
if verbose:
print(f'{len(all_id_embs)} face images identified, {faceless_img_count} faceless images.')
# No face is detected in the input images.
if len(all_id_embs) == 0:
return faceless_img_count, None, None
# all_id_embs: [BS, 512].
all_id_embs = torch.stack(all_id_embs, dim=0).to(device=device, dtype=torch.float16)
if return_clip_embs:
# image_pixel_values: [BS, 3, 224, 224]
image_pixel_values =, dim=0)
image_pixel_values =, dtype=torch.float16)
if fg_masks is not None:
assert len(fg_masks) == len(image_objs)
# fg_masks is a list of masks.
if isinstance(fg_masks, (list, tuple)):
fg_masks2 = []
for fg_mask in fg_masks:
# fg_mask: [Hi, Wi]
# BUG: clip_preprocessor will do central crop on images. But fg_mask is not central cropped.
# If the ref image is not square, then the fg_mask will not match the image.
# TODO: crop fg_mask and images to square before calling extract_init_id_embeds_from_images().
# fg_mask2: [Hi, Wi] -> [1, 1, 224, 224]
fg_mask2 = torch.tensor(fg_mask, device=device, dtype=torch.float16).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
fg_mask2 = F.interpolate(fg_mask2, size=image_pixel_values.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
# fg_masks2: [BS, 224, 224]
fg_masks2 =, dim=0).squeeze(1)
# fg_masks is a collated batch of masks.
# The actual size doesn't matter,
# as fg_mask2 will be resized to the same size as image features
# (much smaller than image_pixel_values).
fg_masks2 =, dtype=torch.float16).unsqueeze(1)
# F.interpolate() always return a copy, even if scale_factor=1. So we don't need to clone fg_masks2.
fg_masks2 = F.interpolate(fg_masks2, size=image_pixel_values.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
fg_masks2 = fg_masks2.squeeze(1)
# fg_mask2: [BS, 224, 224].
fg_masks2 = torch.ones_like(image_pixel_values[:, 0, :, :], device=device, dtype=torch.float16)
clip_neg_features = self.get_clip_neg_features(BS=image_pixel_values.shape[0])
with torch.no_grad():
# image_fg_features: [BS, 257, 1280]. 257: 16*16 (patch_embeds) + 1 (class_embeds).
image_fg_dict = self.clip_image_encoder(image_pixel_values, attn_mask=fg_masks2, output_hidden_states=True)
# attn_mask: [BS, 1, 257]
image_fg_features = image_fg_dict.hidden_states[-2]
if image_fg_dict.attn_mask is not None:
image_fg_features = image_fg_features * image_fg_dict.attn_mask
# A negative mask is used to extract the background features.
# If fg_masks is None, then fg_masks2 is all ones, and bg masks is all zeros.
# Therefore, all pixels are masked. The extracted image_bg_features will be
# meaningless in this case.
image_bg_dict = self.clip_image_encoder(image_pixel_values, attn_mask=1-fg_masks2, output_hidden_states=True)
image_bg_features = image_bg_dict.hidden_states[-2]
# Subtract the feature bias (null features) from the bg features, to highlight the useful bg features.
if do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features:
image_bg_features = image_bg_features - clip_neg_features
if image_bg_dict.attn_mask is not None:
image_bg_features = image_bg_features * image_bg_dict.attn_mask
# clip_fgbg_features: [BS, 514, 1280]. 514 = 257*2.
# all_id_embs: [BS, 512].
clip_fgbg_features =[image_fg_features, image_bg_features], dim=1)
clip_fgbg_features = None
clip_neg_features = None
if calc_avg:
if return_clip_embs:
# clip_fgbg_features: [BS, 514, 1280] -> [1, 514, 1280].
# all_id_embs: [BS, 512] -> [1, 512].
clip_fgbg_features = clip_fgbg_features.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
clip_neg_features = clip_neg_features.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
debug = False
if debug and all_id_embs is not None:
calc_stats('all_id_embs', all_id_embs)
# Compute pairwise similarities of the embeddings.
all_id_embs = F.normalize(all_id_embs, p=2, dim=1)
pairwise_sim = torch.matmul(all_id_embs, all_id_embs.t())
print('pairwise_sim:', pairwise_sim)
top_dir = os.path.dirname(image_paths[0])
mean_emb_path = os.path.join(top_dir, "")
if os.path.exists(mean_emb_path):
mean_emb = torch.load(mean_emb_path)
sim_to_mean = torch.matmul(all_id_embs, mean_emb.t())
print('sim_to_mean:', sim_to_mean)
if all_id_embs is not None:
id_embs = all_id_embs.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
# Without normalization, id_embs.norm(dim=1) is ~0.9. So normalization doesn't have much effect.
id_embs = F.normalize(id_embs, p=2, dim=-1)
# id_embs is None only if insightface_app is None, i.e., disabled by the user.
# Don't do average of all_id_embs.
id_embs = all_id_embs
return faceless_img_count, id_embs, clip_fgbg_features
# This function should be implemented in derived classes.
# We don't plan to fine-tune the ID2ImgPrompt module. So disable the gradient computation.
def map_init_id_to_img_prompt_embs(self, init_id_embs,
raise NotImplementedError
# If init_id_embs/pre_clip_features is provided, then use the provided face embeddings.
# Otherwise, if image_paths/image_objs are provided, extract face embeddings from the images.
# Otherwise, we generate random face embeddings [id_batch_size, 512].
def get_img_prompt_embs(self, init_id_embs, pre_clip_features, image_paths, image_objs,
avg_at_stage=None, # id_emb, img_prompt_emb, or None.
perturb_at_stage=None, # id_emb, img_prompt_emb, or None.
face_image_count = 0
device = self.clip_image_encoder.device
clip_neg_features = self.get_clip_neg_features(BS=id_batch_size)
if init_id_embs is None:
# Input images are not provided. Generate random face embeddings.
if image_paths is None and image_objs is None:
faceid_embeds_from_images = False
# Use random face embeddings as faceid_embeds. [BS, 512].
faceid_embeds = torch.randn(id_batch_size, 512).to(device=device, dtype=torch.float16)
# Since it's a batch of random IDs, the CLIP features are all zeros as a placeholder.
# Only ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt will use clip_fgbg_features and clip_neg_features.
# Experiments show that using random clip features yields much better images than using zeros.
clip_fgbg_features = torch.randn(id_batch_size, 514, 1280).to(device=device, dtype=torch.float16) \
if self.use_clip_embs else None
# Extract face ID embeddings and CLIP features from the images.
faceid_embeds_from_images = True
faceless_img_count, faceid_embeds, clip_fgbg_features \
= self.extract_init_id_embeds_from_images( \
image_objs, image_paths=image_paths, size=(512, 512),
calc_avg=(avg_at_stage == 'id_emb'),
if image_paths is not None:
face_image_count = len(image_paths) - faceless_img_count
face_image_count = len(image_objs) - faceless_img_count
faceid_embeds_from_images = False
# Use the provided init_id_embs as faceid_embeds.
faceid_embeds = init_id_embs
if pre_clip_features is not None:
clip_fgbg_features = pre_clip_features
clip_fgbg_features = None
if faceid_embeds.shape[0] == 1:
faceid_embeds = faceid_embeds.repeat(id_batch_size, 1)
if clip_fgbg_features is not None:
clip_fgbg_features = clip_fgbg_features.repeat(id_batch_size, 1, 1)
# If skip_non_faces, then faceid_embeds won't be None.
# Otherwise, if faceid_embeds_from_images, and no face images are detected,
# then we return Nones.
if faceid_embeds is None:
return face_image_count, None, None, None
if perturb_at_stage == 'id_emb' and perturb_std > 0:
# If id_batch_size > 1, after adding noises, the id_batch_size embeddings will be different.
faceid_embeds = perturb_tensor(faceid_embeds, perturb_std, perturb_std_is_relative=True, keep_norm=True)
if == 'consistentID' or == 'jointIDs':
clip_fgbg_features = perturb_tensor(clip_fgbg_features, perturb_std, perturb_std_is_relative=True, keep_norm=True)
faceid_embeds = F.normalize(faceid_embeds, p=2, dim=-1)
# pos_prompt_embs, neg_prompt_embs: [BS, 77, 768] or [BS, 22, 768].
with torch.no_grad():
pos_prompt_embs = \
self.map_init_id_to_img_prompt_embs(faceid_embeds, clip_fgbg_features,
if avg_at_stage == 'img_prompt_emb':
pos_prompt_embs = pos_prompt_embs.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
faceid_embeds = faceid_embeds.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
if clip_fgbg_features is not None:
clip_fgbg_features = clip_fgbg_features.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
if perturb_at_stage == 'img_prompt_emb' and perturb_std > 0:
# NOTE: for simplicity, pos_prompt_embs and pos_core_prompt_emb are perturbed independently.
# This could cause inconsistency between pos_prompt_embs and pos_core_prompt_emb.
# But in practice, unless we use both pos_prompt_embs and pos_core_prompt_emb
# this is not an issue. But we rarely use pos_prompt_embs and pos_core_prompt_emb together.
pos_prompt_embs = perturb_tensor(pos_prompt_embs, perturb_std, perturb_std_is_relative=True, keep_norm=True)
# If faceid_embeds_from_images, and the prompt embeddings are already averaged, then
# we assume all images are from the same subject, and the batch dim of faceid_embeds is 1.
# So we need to repeat faceid_embeds.
if faceid_embeds_from_images and avg_at_stage is not None:
faceid_embeds = faceid_embeds.repeat(id_batch_size, 1)
pos_prompt_embs = pos_prompt_embs.repeat(id_batch_size, 1, 1)
if clip_fgbg_features is not None:
clip_fgbg_features = clip_fgbg_features.repeat(id_batch_size, 1, 1)
if self.gen_neg_img_prompt:
# Never perturb the negative prompt embeddings.
with torch.no_grad():
neg_prompt_embs = \
return face_image_count, faceid_embeds, pos_prompt_embs, neg_prompt_embs
return face_image_count, faceid_embeds, pos_prompt_embs, None
# get_batched_img_prompt_embs() is a wrapper of get_img_prompt_embs()
# which is convenient for batched training.
# NOTE: get_batched_img_prompt_embs() should only be called during training.
# It is a wrapper of get_img_prompt_embs() which is convenient for batched training.
# If init_id_embs is None, generate random face embeddings [BS, 512].
# Returns faceid_embeds, id2img_prompt_emb.
def get_batched_img_prompt_embs(self, batch_size, init_id_embs, pre_clip_features):
# pos_prompt_embs, neg_prompt_embs are generated without gradient computation.
# So we don't need to worry that the teacher model weights are updated.
return self.get_img_prompt_embs(init_id_embs=init_id_embs,
# During training, don't skip non-face images. Instead,
# setting skip_non_faces=False will replace them by random face embeddings.
# We always assume the instances belong to different subjects.
# So never average the embeddings across instances.
# If img_prompt_embs is provided, we use it directly.
# Otherwise, if face_id_embs is provided, we use it to generate img_prompt_embs.
# Otherwise, if image_paths is provided, we extract face_id_embs from the images.
# image_paths: a list of image paths. image_folder: the parent folder name.
# avg_at_stage: 'id_emb', 'img_prompt_emb', or None.
# avg_at_stage == ada_prompt_emb usually produces the worst results.
# avg_at_stage == id_emb is slightly better than img_prompt_emb, but sometimes img_prompt_emb is better.
# p_dropout and return_zero_embs_for_dropped_encoders are only used by Joint_FaceID2AdaPrompt.
# enable_static_img_suffix_embs=None: use the default setting.
def generate_adaface_embeddings(self, image_paths, face_id_embs=None, img_prompt_embs=None,
avg_at_stage='id_emb', # id_emb, img_prompt_emb, or None.
perturb_at_stage=None, # id_emb, img_prompt_emb, or None.
perturb_std=0, enable_static_img_suffix_embs=None):
if enable_static_img_suffix_embs is None:
enable_static_img_suffix_embs = self.default_enable_static_img_suffix_embs
lens_subj_emb_segments = [ self.num_id_vecs + enable_static_img_suffix_embs \
* self.num_static_img_suffix_embs ]
if (avg_at_stage is None) or avg_at_stage.lower() == 'none':
img_prompt_avg_at_stage = None
img_prompt_avg_at_stage = avg_at_stage
if img_prompt_embs is None:
# Do averaging. So id_batch_size becomes 1 after averaging.
if img_prompt_avg_at_stage is not None:
id_batch_size = 1
if face_id_embs is not None:
id_batch_size = face_id_embs.shape[0]
elif image_paths is not None:
id_batch_size = len(image_paths)
id_batch_size = 1
# faceid_embeds: [BS, 512] is a batch of extracted face analysis embeddings. NOT used later.
# NOTE: If face_id_embs, image_paths and image_objs are all None,
# then get_img_prompt_embs() generates random faceid_embeds/img_prompt_embs,
# and each instance is different.
# Otherwise, if face_id_embs is provided, it's used.
# If not, image_paths/image_objs are used to extract face embeddings.
# img_prompt_embs is in the image prompt space.
# img_prompt_embs: [BS, 16/4, 768].
face_image_count, faceid_embeds, img_prompt_embs, neg_img_prompt_embs \
= self.get_img_prompt_embs(\
# image_folder is passed only for logging purpose.
# image_paths contains the paths of the images.
image_paths=image_paths, image_objs=None,
if face_image_count == 0:
return None, None, lens_subj_emb_segments
# No matter whether avg_at_stage is id_emb or img_prompt_emb, we average img_prompt_embs.
elif avg_at_stage is not None and avg_at_stage.lower() != 'none':
# img_prompt_embs: [BS, 16/4, 768] -> [1, 16/4, 768].
img_prompt_embs = img_prompt_embs.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
# adaface_subj_embs: [BS, 16/4, 768].
adaface_subj_embs = \
self.subj_basis_generator(img_prompt_embs, clip_features=None, raw_id_embs=None,
if self.num_id_vecs < self.num_id_vecs0:
adaface_subj_embs = adaface_subj_embs[:, :self.num_id_vecs, :]
# During training, img_prompt_avg_at_stage is None, and BS >= 1.
# During inference, img_prompt_avg_at_stage is 'id_emb' or 'img_prompt_emb', and BS == 1.
if img_prompt_avg_at_stage is not None:
# adaface_subj_embs: [1, 16, 768] -> [16, 768]
adaface_subj_embs = adaface_subj_embs.squeeze(0)
return adaface_subj_embs, img_prompt_embs, lens_subj_emb_segments
class Arc2Face_ID2AdaPrompt(FaceID2AdaPrompt):
name = 'arc2face'
num_id_vecs0 = 16
# first 4 are kept, the rest 12 are averaged to another 4.
# Then concatenated to [8, 768].
num_id_vecs = 16
default_enable_static_img_suffix_embs = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.clip_image_encoder = CLIPVisionModelWithMask.from_pretrained('openai/clip-vit-large-patch14')
self.clip_preprocessor = CLIPImageProcessor.from_pretrained('openai/clip-vit-large-patch14')
if self.dtype == torch.float16:
print(f'CLIP image encoder loaded.')
{'landmark_3d_68': <insightface.model_zoo.landmark.Landmark object at 0x7f8e3f0cc190>,
'landmark_2d_106': <insightface.model_zoo.landmark.Landmark object at 0x7f8e3f0cc2b0>,
'detection': <insightface.model_zoo.retinaface.RetinaFace object at 0x7f8e3f0cc100>,
'genderage': <insightface.model_zoo.attribute.Attribute object at 0x7f8e3f0cc1f0>,
'recognition': <insightface.model_zoo.arcface_onnx.ArcFaceONNX object at 0x7f8e3f0cc0d0>}
# Use the same model as ID2AdaPrompt does.
# FaceAnalysis will try to find the ckpt in: models/insightface/models/antelopev2.
# Note there are two "models" in the path.
self.face_app = FaceAnalysis(name='antelopev2', root='models/insightface',
self.face_app.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(512, 512))
print(f'Arc2Face Face encoder loaded on CPU.')
self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder = CLIPTextModelWrapper.from_pretrained(
'models/arc2face', subfolder="encoder",
self.tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14")
if self.out_id_embs_cfg_scale == -1:
self.out_id_embs_cfg_scale = 1
#### Arc2Face pipeline specific configs ####
self.gen_neg_img_prompt = False
# bg CLIP features are used by the bg subject basis generator.
self.use_clip_embs = True
self.do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features = True
# self.num_static_img_suffix_embs is initialized in the parent class.
self.id_img_prompt_max_length = 22
self.clip_embedding_dim = 1024
if self.adaface_ckpt_path is not None:
for param in self.clip_image_encoder.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
for param in self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
for param in self.subj_basis_generator.parameters():
param.requires_grad = self.is_training
print(f"{} ada prompt encoder initialized, "
f"ID vecs: {self.num_id_vecs0}, static suffix: {self.num_static_img_suffix_embs}.")
def _apply(self, fn):
super()._apply(fn) # Call the parent _apply to handle parameters and buffers
# A dirty hack to get the device of the model, passed from
# => parent._apply(convert) => module._apply(fn)
test_tensor = torch.zeros(1) # Create a test tensor
transformed_tensor = fn(test_tensor) # Apply `fn()` to test it
device = transformed_tensor.device # Get the device of the transformed tensor
# No need to reload face_app on the same device.
if device == self.device:
if str(device) == 'cpu':
self.face_app = FaceAnalysis(name='antelopev2', root='models/insightface',
self.face_app.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(512, 512))
device_id = device.index
self.face_app = FaceAnalysis(name='antelopev2', root='models/insightface',
provider_options=[{"device_id": device_id,
"cudnn_conv_algo_search": "HEURISTIC",
"gpu_mem_limit": 2 * 1024**3
self.face_app.prepare(ctx_id=device_id, det_size=(512, 512))
self.device = device
print(f'Arc2Face Face encoder reloaded on {device}.')
# Arc2Face_ID2AdaPrompt never uses clip_features or called_for_neg_img_prompt.
def map_init_id_to_img_prompt_embs(self, init_id_embs,
self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder: instance.
init_id_embs: (N, 512) normalized Face ID embeddings.
# arcface_token_id: 1014
arcface_token_id = self.tokenizer.encode("id", add_special_tokens=False)[0]
# This step should be quite fast, and there's no need to cache the input_ids.
input_ids = self.tokenizer(
"photo of a id person",
# In Arc2Face_ID2AdaPrompt, id_img_prompt_max_length is 22.
# Arc2Face's image prompt is meanlingless in tokens other than ID tokens.
# input_ids: [1, 22] or [3, 22] (during training).
input_ids = input_ids.repeat(len(init_id_embs), 1)
init_id_embs =
# face_embs_padded: [1, 512] -> [1, 768].
face_embs_padded = F.pad(init_id_embs, (0, self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder.config.hidden_size - init_id_embs.shape[-1]), "constant", 0)
# self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder(input_ids=input_ids, ...) is called twice. The first is only to get the token embeddings (the shallowest mapping).
# The second call does the ordinary CLIP text encoding pass.
token_embs = self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder(input_ids=input_ids, return_token_embs=True)
token_embs[input_ids==arcface_token_id] = face_embs_padded
prompt_embeds = self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder(
# Restore the original dtype of prompt_embeds: float16 -> float32.
prompt_embeds =
# token 4: 'id' in "photo of a id person".
# 4:20 are the most important 16 embeddings that contain the subject's identity.
# [N, 22, 768] -> [N, 16, 768]
return prompt_embeds[:, 4:20]
# ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt is just a wrapper of ConsistentIDPipeline, so it's not an nn.Module.
class ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt(FaceID2AdaPrompt):
name = 'consistentID'
num_id_vecs0 = 4
# No compression for ConsistentID.
num_id_vecs = 4
default_enable_static_img_suffix_embs = False
def __init__(self, pipe=None, base_model_path="models/sd15-dste8-vae.safetensors",
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if pipe is None:
# The base_model_path is kind of arbitrary, as the UNet and VAE in the model
# are not used and will be released soon.
# Only the consistentID modules and bise_net are used.
assert base_model_path is not None, "base_model_path should be provided."
# Avoid passing dtype to ConsistentIDPipeline.from_single_file(),
# because we've overloaded .to() to convert consistentID specific modules as well,
# but diffusers will call .to(dtype) in .from_single_file(),
# and at that moment, the consistentID specific modules are not loaded yet.
pipe = ConsistentIDPipeline.from_single_file(base_model_path)
# Since the passed-in pipe is None, this should be called during inference,
# when the teacher ConsistentIDPipeline is not initialized.
# Therefore, we release VAE, UNet and text_encoder to save memory.
pipe.release_components(["unet", "vae"])
# Otherwise, we share the pipeline with the teacher.
# So we don't release the components.
self.pipe = pipe
self.face_app = pipe.face_app
# ConsistentID uses 'laion/CLIP-ViT-H-14-laion2B-s32B-b79K'.
self.clip_image_encoder = patch_clip_image_encoder_with_mask(pipe.clip_encoder)
self.clip_preprocessor = pipe.clip_preprocessor
self.text_to_image_prompt_encoder = pipe.text_encoder
self.tokenizer = pipe.tokenizer
self.image_proj_model = pipe.image_proj_model
if self.dtype == torch.float16:
if self.out_id_embs_cfg_scale == -1:
self.out_id_embs_cfg_scale = 6
#### ConsistentID pipeline specific configs ####
# self.num_static_img_suffix_embs is initialized in the parent class.
self.gen_neg_img_prompt = True
self.use_clip_embs = True
self.do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features = True
self.clip_embedding_dim = 1280
self.s_scale = 1.0
self.shortcut = False
if self.adaface_ckpt_path is not None:
for param in self.clip_image_encoder.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
for param in self.image_proj_model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
for param in self.subj_basis_generator.parameters():
param.requires_grad = self.is_training
print(f"{} ada prompt encoder initialized, "
f"ID vecs: {self.num_id_vecs0}, static suffix: {self.num_static_img_suffix_embs}.")
def _apply(self, fn):
super()._apply(fn) # Call the parent _apply to handle parameters and buffers
# A dirty hack to get the device of the model, passed from
# => parent._apply(convert) => module._apply(fn)
test_tensor = torch.zeros(1) # Create a test tensor
transformed_tensor = fn(test_tensor) # Apply `fn()` to test it
device = transformed_tensor.device # Get the device of the transformed tensor
# No need to reload face_app on the same device.
if device == self.device:
if str(device) == 'cpu':
self.face_app = FaceAnalysis(name='buffalo_l', root='models/insightface',
self.face_app.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(512, 512))
device_id = device.index
self.face_app = FaceAnalysis(name='buffalo_l', root='models/insightface',
provider_options=[{"device_id": device_id,
"cudnn_conv_algo_search": "HEURISTIC",
"gpu_mem_limit": 2 * 1024**3
self.face_app.prepare(ctx_id=device_id, det_size=(512, 512))
self.device = device
self.pipe.face_app = self.face_app
print(f'ConsistentID Face encoder reloaded on {device}.')
def map_init_id_to_img_prompt_embs(self, init_id_embs,
assert init_id_embs is not None, "init_id_embs should be provided."
init_id_embs =
clip_features =
if not called_for_neg_img_prompt:
# clip_features: [BS, 514, 1280].
# clip_features is provided when the function is called within
# ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt:extract_init_id_embeds_from_images(), which is
# image_fg_features and image_bg_features concatenated at dim=1.
# Therefore, we split clip_image_double_embeds into image_fg_features and image_bg_features.
# image_bg_features is not used in ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt.
image_fg_features, image_bg_features = clip_features.chunk(2, dim=1)
# clip_image_embeds: [BS, 257, 1280].
clip_image_embeds = image_fg_features
# clip_features is the negative image features. So we don't need to split it.
clip_image_embeds = clip_features
init_id_embs = torch.zeros_like(init_id_embs)
faceid_embeds = init_id_embs
# image_proj_model maps 1280-dim OpenCLIP embeddings to 768-dim face prompt embeddings.
# clip_image_embeds are used as queries to transform faceid_embeds.
# faceid_embeds -> kv, clip_image_embeds -> q
if faceid_embeds.shape[0] != clip_image_embeds.shape[0]:
global_id_embeds = self.image_proj_model(faceid_embeds, clip_image_embeds, shortcut=self.shortcut, scale=self.s_scale)
return global_id_embeds
# A wrapper for combining multiple FaceID2AdaPrompt instances.
class Joint_FaceID2AdaPrompt(FaceID2AdaPrompt):
def __init__(self, adaface_encoder_types, adaface_ckpt_paths,
out_id_embs_cfg_scales=None, enabled_encoders=None,
*args, **kwargs): = 'jointIDs'
name2class = { 'arc2face': Arc2Face_ID2AdaPrompt, 'consistentID': ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt }
assert len(adaface_encoder_types) > 0, "adaface_encoder_types should not be empty."
adaface_encoder_types2num_id_vecs0 = { name: name2class[name].num_id_vecs0 for name in adaface_encoder_types }
adaface_encoder_types2num_id_vecs = { name: name2class[name].num_id_vecs for name in adaface_encoder_types }
# self.num_id_vecs0 is used in the parent class. So we need to initialize it here first.
self.encoders_num_id_vecs0 = [ adaface_encoder_types2num_id_vecs0[encoder_type] \
for encoder_type in adaface_encoder_types ]
self.encoders_num_id_vecs = [ adaface_encoder_types2num_id_vecs[encoder_type] \
for encoder_type in adaface_encoder_types ]
self.num_id_vecs0 = sum(self.encoders_num_id_vecs0)
self.num_id_vecs = sum(self.encoders_num_id_vecs)
# super() sets self.is_training.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.num_sub_encoders = len(adaface_encoder_types)
self.id2ada_prompt_encoders = nn.ModuleList()
self.encoders_num_static_img_suffix_embs = []
self.default_enable_static_img_suffix_embs = []
# TODO: apply adaface_encoder_cfg_scales to influence the final prompt embeddings.
# Now they are just placeholders.
if out_id_embs_cfg_scales is None:
# -1: use the default scale for the adaface encoder type.
# i.e., 6 for arc2face and 1 for consistentID.
self.out_id_embs_cfg_scales = [-1] * self.num_sub_encoders
# Do not normalize the weights, and just use them as is.
self.out_id_embs_cfg_scales = list(out_id_embs_cfg_scales)
# Note we don't pass the adaface_ckpt_paths to the base class, but instead,
# we load them once and for all in self.load_adaface_ckpt().
# NOTE: during inference, num_static_img_suffix_embs is fixed to be 4 for each encoder.
# But we can still disable static_img_suffix_embs by setting enable_static_img_suffix_embs to False.
for i, encoder_type in enumerate(adaface_encoder_types):
kwargs['out_id_embs_cfg_scale'] = self.out_id_embs_cfg_scales[i]
if encoder_type == 'arc2face':
encoder = Arc2Face_ID2AdaPrompt(*args, **kwargs)
elif encoder_type == 'consistentID':
encoder = ConsistentID_ID2AdaPrompt(*args, **kwargs)
self.num_static_img_suffix_embs = sum(self.encoders_num_static_img_suffix_embs)
# No need to set gen_neg_img_prompt, as we don't access it in this class, but rather
# in the derived classes.
# self.gen_neg_img_prompt = True
# self.use_clip_embs = True
# self.do_contrast_clip_embs_on_bg_features = True
self.face_id_dims = [encoder.face_id_dim for encoder in self.id2ada_prompt_encoders]
self.face_id_dim = sum(self.face_id_dims)
# Different adaface encoders may have different clip_embedding_dim.
# clip_embedding_dim is only used for bg subject basis generator.
# Here we use the joint clip embeddings of both OpenAI CLIP and laion CLIP.
# Therefore, the clip_embedding_dim is the sum of the clip_embedding_dims of all adaface encoders.
self.clip_embedding_dims = [encoder.clip_embedding_dim for encoder in self.id2ada_prompt_encoders]
self.clip_embedding_dim = sum(self.clip_embedding_dims)
# The ctors of the derived classes have already initialized encoder.subj_basis_generator.
# If subj_basis_generator expansion params are specified, they are equally applied to all adaface encoders.
# This self.subj_basis_generator is not meant to be called as self.subj_basis_generator(), but instead,
# it's used as a unified interface to save/load the subj_basis_generator of all adaface encoders.
self.subj_basis_generator = \
nn.ModuleList( [encoder.subj_basis_generator for encoder \
in self.id2ada_prompt_encoders] )
# load_adaface_ckpt() loads into self.subj_basis_generator. So we need to initialize self.subj_basis_generator first.
if adaface_ckpt_paths is not None:
print(f"{} ada prompt encoder initialized with {self.num_sub_encoders} sub-encoders. "
f"ID vecs: {self.num_id_vecs0}, static suffix embs: {self.num_static_img_suffix_embs}.")
if enabled_encoders is not None:
self.are_encoders_enabled = \
torch.tensor([True if encoder_type in enabled_encoders else False \
for encoder_type in adaface_encoder_types])
if not self.are_encoders_enabled.any():
print(f"All encoders are disabled, which shoudn't happen.")
if self.are_encoders_enabled.sum() < self.num_sub_encoders:
disabled_encoders = [ encoder_type for i, encoder_type in enumerate(adaface_encoder_types) \
if not self.are_encoders_enabled[i] ]
print(f"{len(disabled_encoders)} encoders are disabled: {disabled_encoders}.")
self.are_encoders_enabled = \
torch.tensor([True] * self.num_sub_encoders)
def load_adaface_ckpt(self, adaface_ckpt_paths):
if isinstance(adaface_ckpt_paths, (list, tuple, ListConfig)):
# If multiple adaface ckpt paths are provided, then we assume they are the
# ckpts of the sub-encoders.
if len(adaface_ckpt_paths) == self.num_sub_encoders:
for i, ckpt_path in enumerate(adaface_ckpt_paths):
# If only one adaface ckpt path is provided, then we assume it's the ckpt of the Joint_FaceID2AdaPrompt,
# so we dereference the list to get the actual path and load the subj_basis_generators of all adaface encoders.
elif len(adaface_ckpt_paths) == 1 and self.num_sub_encoders > 1:
adaface_ckpt_paths = adaface_ckpt_paths[0]
adaface_ckpt_path = adaface_ckpt_paths
assert isinstance(adaface_ckpt_path, str), "adaface_ckpt_path should be a string."
# This is only applicable to newest ckpts of Joint_FaceID2AdaPrompt, where
# the ckpt_subj_basis_generator is an nn.ModuleList of multiple subj_basis_generators.
# Therefore, no need to patch missing variables.
ckpt = torch.load(adaface_ckpt_paths, map_location='cpu', weights_only=False)
string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict = ckpt["string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict"]
if self.subject_string not in string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict:
print(f"Subject '{self.subject_string}' not found in the embedding manager.")
ckpt_subj_basis_generators = string_to_subj_basis_generator_dict[self.subject_string]
if len(ckpt_subj_basis_generators) != self.num_sub_encoders:
print(f"Number of subj_basis_generators in the ckpt ({len(ckpt_subj_basis_generators)}) "
f"doesn't match the number of adaface encoders ({self.num_sub_encoders}).")
for i, subj_basis_generator in enumerate(self.subj_basis_generator):
ckpt_subj_basis_generator = ckpt_subj_basis_generators[i]
# Handle differences in num_static_img_suffix_embs between the current model and the ckpt.
if subj_basis_generator.prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers \
== [1] * 12:
ckpt_subj_basis_generator.prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers, -1, -1, 1, perturb_std=0)
elif subj_basis_generator.prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers \
!= ckpt_subj_basis_generator.prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers.")
assert subj_basis_generator.prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers \
== ckpt_subj_basis_generator.prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers, \
"Inconsistent prompt2token_proj_attention_multipliers."
# extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier is an integer >= 1.
# TODO: extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier should be a list of integers.
# If extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier > 1, then after loading state_dict,
# extend subj_basis_generator again.
if self.extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier > 1:
# During this extension, the added noise does change the extra copies of attention weights, since they are not in the ckpt.
# During training, prompt2token_proj_ext_attention_perturb_ratio == 0.1.
# During inference, prompt2token_proj_ext_attention_perturb_ratio == 0.
None, -1, -1, self.extend_prompt2token_proj_attention_multiplier,
print(f"{adaface_ckpt_paths}: {len(self.subj_basis_generator)} subj_basis_generators loaded for {}.")
def set_out_id_embs_cfg_scale(self, out_id_embs_cfg_scales):
self.out_id_embs_cfg_scales = list(out_id_embs_cfg_scales)
for i, out_id_embs_cfg_scale in enumerate(out_id_embs_cfg_scales):
def extract_init_id_embeds_from_images(self, *args, **kwargs):
total_faceless_img_count = 0
all_id_embs = []
all_clip_fgbg_features = []
id_embs_shape = None
clip_fgbg_features_shape = None
# clip_image_encoder should be already put on GPU.
# So its .device is the device of its parameters.
device = self.id2ada_prompt_encoders[0].clip_image_encoder.device
for i, id2ada_prompt_encoder in enumerate(self.id2ada_prompt_encoders):
faceless_img_count, id_embs, clip_fgbg_features = \
id2ada_prompt_encoder.extract_init_id_embeds_from_images(*args, **kwargs)
total_faceless_img_count += faceless_img_count
# id_embs: [BS, 512] or [1, 512] (if calc_avg == True), or None.
# id_embs has the same shape across all id2ada_prompt_encoders.
# clip_fgbg_features: [BS, 514, 1280/1024] or [1, 514, 1280/1024] (if calc_avg == True), or None.
# clip_fgbg_features has the same shape except for the last dimension across all id2ada_prompt_encoders.
if id_embs is not None:
id_embs_shape = id_embs.shape
if clip_fgbg_features is not None:
clip_fgbg_features_shape = clip_fgbg_features.shape
num_extracted_id_embs = 0
for i in range(len(all_id_embs)):
if all_id_embs[i] is not None:
# As calc_avg is the same for all id2ada_prompt_encoders,
# each id_embs and clip_fgbg_features should have the same shape, if they are not None.
if all_id_embs[i].shape != id_embs_shape:
print("Inconsistent ID embedding shapes.")
num_extracted_id_embs += 1
all_id_embs[i] = torch.zeros(id_embs_shape, dtype=torch.float16, device=device)
clip_fgbg_features_shape2 = torch.Size(clip_fgbg_features_shape[:-1] + (self.clip_embedding_dims[i],))
if all_clip_fgbg_features[i] is not None:
if all_clip_fgbg_features[i].shape != clip_fgbg_features_shape2:
print("Inconsistent clip features shapes.")
all_clip_fgbg_features[i] = torch.zeros(clip_fgbg_features_shape2,
dtype=torch.float16, device=device)
# If at least one face encoder detects faces, then return the embeddings.
# Otherwise return None embeddings.
# It's possible that some face encoders detect faces, while others don't,
# since different face encoders use different face detection models.
if num_extracted_id_embs == 0:
return 0, None, None
all_id_embs =, dim=1)
# clip_fgbg_features: [BS, 514, 1280] or [BS, 514, 1024]. So we concatenate them along dim=2.
all_clip_fgbg_features =, dim=2)
return total_faceless_img_count, all_id_embs, all_clip_fgbg_features
# init_id_embs, clip_features are never None.
def map_init_id_to_img_prompt_embs(self, init_id_embs,
if init_id_embs is None or clip_features is None:
# each id_embs and clip_fgbg_features should have the same shape.
# If some of them were None, they have been replaced by zero embeddings.
all_init_id_embs = init_id_embs.split(self.face_id_dims, dim=1)
all_clip_features = clip_features.split(self.clip_embedding_dims, dim=2)
all_img_prompt_embs = []
for i, id2ada_prompt_encoder in enumerate(self.id2ada_prompt_encoders):
img_prompt_embs = id2ada_prompt_encoder.map_init_id_to_img_prompt_embs(
all_init_id_embs[i], clip_features=all_clip_features[i],
all_img_prompt_embs =, dim=1)
return all_img_prompt_embs
# If init_id_embs/pre_clip_features is provided, then use the provided face embeddings.
# Otherwise, if image_paths/image_objs are provided, extract face embeddings from the images.
# Otherwise, we generate random face embeddings [id_batch_size, 512].
def get_img_prompt_embs(self, init_id_embs, pre_clip_features, *args, **kwargs):
face_image_counts = []
all_faceid_embeds = []
all_pos_prompt_embs = []
all_neg_prompt_embs = []
faceid_embeds_shape = None
# clip_image_encoder should be already put on GPU.
# So its .device is the device of its parameters.
device = self.id2ada_prompt_encoders[0].clip_image_encoder.device
# init_id_embs, pre_clip_features could be None. If they are None,
# we split them into individual vectors for each id2ada_prompt_encoder.
if init_id_embs is not None:
all_init_id_embs = init_id_embs.split(self.face_id_dims, dim=1)
all_init_id_embs = [None] * self.num_sub_encoders
if pre_clip_features is not None:
all_pre_clip_features = pre_clip_features.split(self.clip_embedding_dims, dim=2)
all_pre_clip_features = [None] * self.num_sub_encoders
faceid_embeds_shape = None
for i, id2ada_prompt_encoder in enumerate(self.id2ada_prompt_encoders):
face_image_count, faceid_embeds, pos_prompt_embs, neg_prompt_embs = \
id2ada_prompt_encoder.get_img_prompt_embs(all_init_id_embs[i], all_pre_clip_features[i],
*args, **kwargs)
# all faceid_embeds have the same shape across all id2ada_prompt_encoders.
# But pos_prompt_embs and neg_prompt_embs may have different number of ID embeddings.
if faceid_embeds is not None:
faceid_embeds_shape = faceid_embeds.shape
if faceid_embeds_shape is None:
return 0, None, None, None
# We take the maximum face_image_count among all adaface encoders.
face_image_count = max(face_image_counts)
BS = faceid_embeds.shape[0]
for i in range(len(all_faceid_embeds)):
if all_faceid_embeds[i] is not None:
if all_faceid_embeds[i].shape != faceid_embeds_shape:
print("Inconsistent face embedding shapes.")
all_faceid_embeds[i] = torch.zeros(faceid_embeds_shape, dtype=torch.float16, device=device)
N_ID = self.encoders_num_id_vecs[i]
if all_pos_prompt_embs[i] is None:
# Both pos_prompt_embs and neg_prompt_embs have N_ID == num_id_vecs0 embeddings.
all_pos_prompt_embs[i] = torch.zeros((BS, N_ID, 768), dtype=torch.float16, device=device)
if all_neg_prompt_embs[i] is None:
all_neg_prompt_embs[i] = torch.zeros((BS, N_ID, 768), dtype=torch.float16, device=device)
all_faceid_embeds =, dim=1)
all_pos_prompt_embs =, dim=1)
all_neg_prompt_embs =, dim=1)
return face_image_count, all_faceid_embeds, all_pos_prompt_embs, all_neg_prompt_embs
# We don't need to implement get_batched_img_prompt_embs() since the interface
# is fully compatible with FaceID2AdaPrompt.get_batched_img_prompt_embs().
def generate_adaface_embeddings(self, image_paths, face_id_embs=None,
img_prompt_embs=None, p_dropout=0,
*args, **kwargs):
# clip_image_encoder should be already put on GPU.
# So its .device is the device of its parameters.
device = self.id2ada_prompt_encoders[0].clip_image_encoder.device
is_emb_averaged = kwargs.get('avg_at_stage', None) is not None
if kwargs.get('enable_static_img_suffix_embs', None) is None:
enable_static_img_suffix_embs = self.default_enable_static_img_suffix_embs
enable_static_img_suffix_embs = kwargs['enable_static_img_suffix_embs']
if isinstance(enable_static_img_suffix_embs, bool):
enable_static_img_suffix_embs = [enable_static_img_suffix_embs] * self.num_sub_encoders
BS = -1
if face_id_embs is not None:
BS = face_id_embs.shape[0]
all_face_id_embs = face_id_embs.split(self.face_id_dims, dim=1)
all_face_id_embs = [None] * self.num_sub_encoders
if img_prompt_embs is not None:
BS = img_prompt_embs.shape[0] if BS == -1 else BS
if img_prompt_embs.shape[1] != self.num_id_vecs0:
all_img_prompt_embs = img_prompt_embs.split(self.encoders_num_id_vecs0, dim=1)
img_prompt_embs_provided = True
all_img_prompt_embs = [None] * self.num_sub_encoders
img_prompt_embs_provided = False
if image_paths is not None:
BS = len(image_paths) if BS == -1 else BS
if BS == -1:
# During training, p_dropout is 0.1. During inference, p_dropout is 0.
# When there are two sub-encoders, the prob of one encoder being dropped is
# p_dropout * 2 - p_dropout^2 = 0.18.
if p_dropout > 0:
# self.are_encoders_enabled is a global mask.
# are_encoders_enabled is a local mask for each batch.
are_encoders_enabled = torch.rand(self.num_sub_encoders) < p_dropout
are_encoders_enabled = are_encoders_enabled & self.are_encoders_enabled
# We should at least enable one encoder.
if not are_encoders_enabled.any():
# Randomly enable an encoder with self.are_encoders_enabled[i] == True.
enabled_indices = torch.nonzero(self.are_encoders_enabled).squeeze(1)
sel_idx = torch.randint(0, len(enabled_indices), (1,)).item()
are_encoders_enabled[enabled_indices[sel_idx]] = True
are_encoders_enabled = self.are_encoders_enabled
self.curr_are_encoders_enabled = are_encoders_enabled
all_adaface_subj_embs = []
num_available_id_vecs = 0
lens_subj_emb_segments = []
for i, id2ada_prompt_encoder in enumerate(self.id2ada_prompt_encoders):
if not are_encoders_enabled[i]:
adaface_subj_embs = None
print(f"Encoder {} is disabled.")
N_ID = id2ada_prompt_encoder.num_id_vecs + enable_static_img_suffix_embs[i] \
* id2ada_prompt_encoder.num_static_img_suffix_embs
kwargs['enable_static_img_suffix_embs'] = enable_static_img_suffix_embs[i]
# ddpm.embedding_manager.train() -> id2ada_prompt_encoder.train() -> each sub-enconder's train().
# -> each sub-enconder's subj_basis_generator.train().
# Therefore grad for the following call is enabled.
adaface_subj_embs, img_prompt_embs, encoder_lens_subj_emb_segments = \
*args, **kwargs)
# adaface_subj_embs: arc2face [16, 768] or consistentID [4, 768],
# or arc2face [20, 768] or consistentID [8, 768] if enable_static_img_suffix_embs=True.
N_ID = encoder_lens_subj_emb_segments[0]
if adaface_subj_embs is None:
if not return_zero_embs_for_dropped_encoders:
subj_emb_shape = (N_ID, 768) if is_emb_averaged else (BS, N_ID, 768)
# adaface_subj_embs is zero-filled. So N_ID is not counted as available subject embeddings.
adaface_subj_embs = torch.zeros(subj_emb_shape, dtype=torch.float16, device=device)
if not img_prompt_embs_provided:
all_img_prompt_embs[i] = img_prompt_embs
num_available_id_vecs += N_ID
# No faces are found in the images, so return None embeddings.
# We don't want to return an all-zero embedding, which is useless.
if num_available_id_vecs == 0:
return None, [0]
# If id2ada_prompt_encoders are ["arc2face", "consistentID"], then
# during inference, we average across the batch dim.
# all_adaface_subj_embs[0]: [4, 768]. all_adaface_subj_embs[1]: [16, 768].
# all_adaface_subj_embs: [20, 768].
# during training, we don't average across the batch dim.
# all_adaface_subj_embs[0]: [BS, 4, 768]. all_adaface_subj_embs[1]: [BS, 16, 768].
# all_adaface_subj_embs: [BS, 20, 768].
all_adaface_subj_embs =, dim=-2)
# Check if some of the img_prompt_embs are None.
if None in all_img_prompt_embs:
all_img_prompt_embs = None
all_img_prompt_embs =, dim=-2)
return all_adaface_subj_embs, all_img_prompt_embs, lens_subj_emb_segments
# For ip-adapter distillation on objects. Strictly speaking, it's not face-to-image prompts, but
# CLIP/DINO visual features to image prompts.
class Objects_Vis2ImgPrompt(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.dino_encoder = ViTModel.from_pretrained('facebook/dino-vits16')
self.dino_preprocess = ViTFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained('facebook/dino-vits16')
print(f'DINO encoder loaded.')