from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.llms import OpenAI from load_model import call_palm from calling_apis import google_api_key, openai_api_key def workout_plan_gen(my_goals:str, fitness_level:str, days:int, hours:int, helth_cosnd:str, routine:str, language='En', model_name='Google Palm 2', creativity='Original')->str: """ Generates a Gym Workout Plan based on user's goal, fiteness_level, days and hours avaliable, his routine and health considiration. Parameters: my_goals (str): Trainee Goal from the Gym Workout. fitness_level (str): Level of the trainee Fitness. days (int): Avaliable Days. hours (int): Avaliable Hours. helth_cosnd (str): Health Considiration. routine (str): Trainee Routine. language (str): the language of the generated content (optional, default value is 'EN'). creativity (str): Optional Parameter -> Controling the randomness of the model. Default value is Original model_name (str): Optional Parameter -> select the LLM model. Default Value is Google Palm 2 Returns: workout_plan (str): Generated Workout Plan. """ temp = 0 if creativity == 'Original': temp = 0 elif creativity == 'Balanced': temp = 0.25 elif creativity == 'Creative': temp = 0.5 elif creativity == 'Spirited': temp = 0.75 elif creativity == 'Visionary': temp = 1 if model_name == 'Google Palm 2': llm = call_palm(google_api_key, temperature=temp) elif model_name == 'GPT-3.5': llm = OpenAI(model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo', openai_api_key=openai_api_key, temperature=temp) elif model_name == 'GPT-4': llm = OpenAI(model_name='gpt-4', openai_api_key=openai_api_key, temperature=temp) if language == 'En': workout_plan_prompt = f"""Generate a workout plan with diversity and creative exercises. Please note the following details: * My Goals: I'm looking to {my_goals} * Fitness Level: {fitness_level}. * Available Equipment: I have access to a gym with various equipment. * Time Commitment: I'm dedicated to working out {days} days a week, and I have {hours} hours a day I can spend during each session. * Health Considerations: I'm in the {helth_cosnd}. * Preferred Routine: I like to follow {routine} routine.\nWorkout Plan:""" workout_plan_promptTemp = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["text_input"], template="You are a Professional Fitness Trainer:\n{text_input}") elif language == 'Ar': workout_plan_prompt = f"""قم بإنشاء خطة تمارين رياضية متنوعة ومبتكرة. يرجى مراعاة التفاصيل التالية: * أهدافي: أنا أسعى لـ {my_goals}. * مستوى اللياقة: {fitness_level}. * المعدات المتاحة: لدي الوصول إلى صالة ألعاب رياضية بها معدات متنوعة. * الالتزام الزمني: أنا ملتزم بممارسة التمارين {days} أيام في الأسبوع، ولدي {hours} ساعة يوميًا يمكنني قضائها خلال كل جلسة. * اعتبارات الصحة: أنا في حالة {helth_cosnd}. * الروتين المفضل: أحب اتباع الروتين {routine}.\nخطة التمارين:""" workout_plan_promptTemp = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["text_input"], template="أنت مدرب لياقة مهني:\n{text_input}") workout_plan_extraction_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=workout_plan_promptTemp) workout_plan = return workout_plan